BNTM Season 12 - Round 3: RESULTS

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BNTM Season 12 - Round 3: RESULTS

Post by Thaitanic »

Hey all, sorry it's so late. It's been really busy for me lately!!! But worry not, the results are here now :D

Top 3
Heather & jcampbell
DSLady & dbars

Everyone's in the top 3 today!! How about that :D
Solid entry - good work. Love the feeling of the head shot and the freestyle is fab.
Good choices in movies, some of my favourites made it onto that list. Perfect choice for Leia and Marion.
I like the creativity here
I LOVE the movie theme we've got going on here! She makes an excellent Leia, Marion, and Sabrina. Your freestyle shot is GORGEOUS! The only criticism I have is the full body feels like it's missing something. Great job!

Outfits are fantastic, adore the headshot.
Never watched Monster High but it sounds interesting. Love Batman and the DC universe, and of course Harley will do anything for a joke right? I do agree about the last shot needing to be more centered, almost looks like the piano was meant to be the main focus of the shot.
Love what you did with her hair/outfits!
Ember is STUNNING! Holy mouth-drop, Batman! I think I'm in love! I just wish the full body shot were a little more centered, yet I kind of like how daring you were going off-center for it and letting the piano take precidence. Fantastic job!

First and second shots are great, I'm a big Posey fan :)
Nice choice of literary genres. I could probably say I've read at least two of those three. Last one makes a better movie, at least I think so anyway. Looking forward to seeing what she comes up with next.
Loved this, especially the freestyle shot!
Posey is fabulous! I love the different literary genres you covered! I especially love the full body shot, she feels like a real action/dystopian heroine!

Yeah, I like them. Lovely captions & your story is strong as ever.
Great choices of music, each of them has their own charms. Music should be about free expression and finding ways to make it your own.
I could tell that was Lindsey Stirling before I even read the caption! Nice job
I love the music genres you took in! The picture of her as a DJ is gorgeous! I love the details! I would've loved to be a little closer on that final shot, but it's still a gorgeous set overall! Great job!

Adooooore it. You chose a great genre, because it's so visual your shots really are complimented by it.
Nostalgia for Sims 2 is real. Slap dancing on a log would be a new twist on the old classic, nice to see Lottie going for the chance. And the music notes on the boombox almost look like part of the wall graffiti too.
Great work - esp love the last shot
Lottie always catches me by surprise in a good way! I love the fire that frames her headshot, I just wish I could've seen a little better for her full body shot! I love how she smiles for the camera though, such a photogenic face!
call me Thai!
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Re: BNTM Season 12 - Round 3: RESULTS

Post by jcampbell »

:bounce: I'm sooo excited!! Thank you and thank you for the feedback.

:drinks: Great job everyone!
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