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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.3: Happy - August 30th]

Post by Heather »

Chapter 1.3 is out!
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.3: Happy - August 30th]

Post by Ani-Mei »

So Comet speaking again was short lived, didn't see that coming. 0_0 Always with the cliff hangers, you should write for TV they like to film in Toronto after all. ;) Anyway, green twins are green and one is blond; my favourite combo. School starting again next week huh? Fun, I'm going to Fan Expo next weekend which is going to awesome. Also it's cooler so I can write again and play on my computers and not melt. Nice chappie as always. :hug:
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.3: Happy - August 30th]

Post by cowplant »

I squeed, I laughed, I cringed and I beat the hell out of my desk (and my forehead) when Miss Plantsim got rid of Comet's magic.
I mean, what did he think would happen? He got his voice through a ritual, so it's magic! Gnaaah!!
Oh well. Guess he'll have to decide now: Live with magic and all that supernatural stuff or be bland and mute.

The weddings were super beautiful.
And for some reason, I don't believe that Jimmy's parents are not in some sort of witness program. Didn't his bio say something of an explosive secret?
Great job and beautiful staging, as always :)
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.3: Happy - August 30th]

Post by Chase »

I have to go do something; otherwise I'd write a much longer comment, but I'll just say this:
I just got through the first three chapters and I am loving it so so so so so so much! The pictures are so thoughtful and gorgeous, and Comet is just the best! I'm super excited to read today's chapter and see where it goes after that :D

edit: Alright, I read 1.3:
I was so worried about Tosha ruining the wedding, but thank goodness that didn't happen because the wedding was so beautiful!!
Upon seeing the last slide, I let out a quiet "nooooo" that woke up my cat. She then hit me on the face. ;_; COMET NOOOOO

General note: I really, really love the relationships you build between Sims!! They're so realistic and fascinating, really just fantastic :D
Again, I'm really loving this! :starry:
hello! :heartbeat:
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.3: Happy - August 30th]

Post by Heather »

Sorry for the late reply to comments! I kinda forget I still had to post these...

Yes, I was hoping that was going to catch people off-guard, and I'm glad it worked! My actual ambition is to write/illustrate children's books or graphic novels, haha. I'm taking a creative writing course for fiction at the moment, so we'll see how it goes.

Halley may or may not be my favourite already... :shifty:

Hope you had fun at Fan Expo, and glad you enjoyed the chapter!
It's great seeing that people are having so many reactions to my writing! And yep, Comet really should have seen that coming. I mean, waving a magic wand
and getting rid of all your problems sounds great, but there's always consequences. Consequences that could be avoided, maybe, if one was a better listener.

Thank you! They were fun to stage, even though my laptop hated running a lot with so many sims on it.

Oh man, Jimmy's bio is totally suspicious and really secretive. I don't believe for a second that his parents aren't in some sort of protection program. He's definitely lying to throw his friends off. His bio is also part of why I chose him to be Comet's roommate, actually. Jimmy having next to no information gave me a lot of freedom when it came to creating his character.

Thanks for reading! :whome:
Thank you! I'm always worried about slideshare ruining the quality of my pictures, but I'm glad they look okay! I have a lot of fun staging this, and it's nice seeing that people enjoy the effort I put into all of the pictures (as well as the main character).

I couldn't have Comet leave AV without once last(?) appearance from Tosha. An epic showdown at the wedding between Tosha and the Hollinter family probably would have been cool, but my laptop probably would have blown up from the strain. So, Comet got a pretty, peaceful wedding instead.

I'm really glad the ending is getting the reaction I wanted from people. Sorry about your cat, though. I've been smacked by cats before; definitely not fun. :lol:

And thanks! I'm pretty awful at most kinds of relationships in real life, so it's nice knowing that the ones I write are fairly successful.
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.3: Happy - August 30th]

Post by Little White Comet »

Sorry for the late commenting Heather! Haven't really been around the sims community recently.
Jeez poor Comet! I guess that means his voice is actually connected to his magic? Can't wait to see where this goes. There's also the fact that his kids have probably inherited magic from him as well.
Can't wait for the next one!
Happy simming.
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.3: Happy - August 30th]

Post by Heather »

Little White Comet: No worries, it takes me a while to get around to replying, anyways.
Comet's plot line about his voice isn't going to take much longer to resolve/end, because I feel like it would get tiring if he was constantly losing/gaining it, but the result will lead in to other character's plot lines. Whether or not his kids have inherited the abilities is definitely going to be explored in the future. :)

Thanks for commenting!
As for an update on 1.4, the chapter is in progress, and while I would like to try and release it before the end of this month, it should definitely be out by November.
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.3: Happy - August 30th]

Post by Shaz-a-Fraz »

I just powered through your chapters all at once! Love the storytelling, the characters, your staging and your picture taking!
Hasn't Comet learned not to mess with magic anymore yet? :lol: Oh man, I can't wait to see how this turns out for him. Also, all the kids are so cute, and I love seeing the couples get together for their adult and toddler playdates.
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.3: Happy - August 30th]

Post by MichelleCYoung »

I just read 1.3. Where is the facepalm smiley? Where? :duh: Found it.
Beautiful wedding, beautiful building, make-overs, decorating, and posing. Your pictures are fantastic.

And I'm loving that Comet and Jimmy are neighbors. Wooot!

The twins are adorable, as is their neighbor/bestie.

But Comet! Haven't you learned by now to RESEARCH magic, before you just jump into a spell? Especially from someone who is LOW in the magic order. Meaning - inexperienced. Meaning - much more likely to screw up.

Oh, brother. How long did he research before casting the spell to GET his voice? And he just jumped into "I can wipe away all traces of magic." Pfffft. Anyway, from my experience of Sims witches, that spell doesn't stop them from being witches and warlocks. It just removes the effects of spells cast on them, like Compello Acceptus, and the like. He's likely still as much of a warlock as ever. Except now he's mute again, because he was under a long-term spell that took him all semester to put together and cast.

:duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh:
And yeah, great chapter!
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.3: Happy - August 30th]

Post by Heather »

Sorry for another late reply to comments!

Shaz-a-Fraz: Thank you! It's really nice knowing that people enjoy the chapters as much as I enjoy making them!
None of the Hollinters will ever learn not to mess with magic; they are forever doomed to repeat that mistake. :lol: I am pretty excited by the chain of events his mistake is going to lead to, I just hope everyone else will enjoy it as much.

Getting the two families together for playdates is equally fun. It's entertaining seeing who interacts with who.

Thanks for giving my story a try! :whome:
Thank you! The wedding was very fun to shoot, although my laptop did not take to having that many sims on a lot very kindly.

They are extremely cute, and I definitely have a favourite already. That being said, I love all their kids' looks equally.

Comet didn't screw up the first time he dabbled in magic, so he clearly did not learn his lesson as a result. He also didn't learn anything about how magical abilities are passed down through generations, because he has clearly did not consider the fact that getting rid of his powers wouldn't mean anything if his kids have inherited them. :shhh:

Thanks for reading!
And another update on 1.4: it's almost finished! And by almost finished, I mean at the time I'm writing this, I have about 5 slides that I need to work on still. Definitely expect an update by the end of the upcoming week.
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.4: Growing - November 28th]

Post by Heather »

Chapter 1.4 has been posted!
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.4: Growing - November 28th]

Post by Chase »

Loved it!
And I especially love any time Aralia opens her mouth :lol:
Oh boy. The grandparents, the magic at the end... I can't wait for more Hollinters :bounce:
hello! :heartbeat:
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.4: Growing - November 28th]

Post by Sam »

I really enjoyed the plantsim storyline! And the girls, with their magic - I am very intrigued by what it means for them and their futures.

Beautifully staged, as always <3
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.4: Growing - November 28th]

Post by Heather »

Chase: Thank you!
I'm having fun writing Aralia, and I'm glad people are enjoying her!

I just hope my laptop can handle all that magic and grandparents I have in store. :lol:
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm still working out if I want it to come back for future plots, or if I'm finished with it. There's definitely more in store for the girls, though, and I'm looking forward to covering it.

Thanks Sam! :whome:
In addition to comment replies, I've posted a new drabble on my journal; it can be read here. :)
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.4: Growing - November 28th]

Post by MichelleCYoung »

I just got caught up. Sorry it's so late.
WOW! This is a great chapter!

1 - Yaaay, I'm glad they were able to fix his voice so easily. I'm a bit confused, though. Is he a warlock, now, or not?

2 - Plantsims are AWESOME! Seriously, with the sun-lamps, they can go 24/7. She could do all her freelance stuff at night, while everyone's asleep, and still be good for a full-time job, and have time for the family, and probably another hobby, too.

3 - I love the twins! And with their secret, it's just so exciting! I also love how they decide to be triplets with their best friend. So sweet! Now, are they going to be able to share that magic with her? Perhaps if they actually go to the trouble of researching it, when they're teens, they actually could, and that would be doubly-awesome.

4 - If one of the twins is the heir, then Comet's son and Jimmy's daughter could, indeed, be married. Jimmy's not doing a legacy, so why not let his heiress marry his best-friend's son, and they could continue the next generation, living next door. Hey! Just for fun, Piper could move in with her "triplet sisters" after college, and be auntie to the heiress's kids. Especially if she and the other twin turn out to be bi- or lesbian. What can I say? I just love all these kids and want them to stick around close for another generation.

5 - I know they don't want a fourth, but what would happen if Marielle got a cold, or something, and sneezed and wound up shaking pollen off. Surprise plant-baby! It would be fascinating for Comet, and only three or four days of toddler-hood, then the kid grows into an adult and moves out into the big wide world (and maybe marries Arial... What's-her-name with the plant shop. I'm sorry, I'm feeling a bit fuzzy on names right now. Anyway, more possibilities for marrying in all the cool people in town.

6 - Please tell me that someone in this family will realize that if you have magic power, it's a good idea to ACTUALLY STUDY IT. The high-level witches don't make these kinds of mistakes, because they know what they're doing in the first place, they know what questions to ask and get their answers before they cast the spells. They know what will and will not interfere with a spell, and specifically what results to expect. It blows my mind that these people have all this power, and yet, they blame the power for all the things that go wrong, instead of their own lack of knowledge. I don't want to call it stupidity, nor laziness, to forego studying it. But, something. I mean, come ON, people! You wouldn't expect to just say, "I'm gonna be a botanist!" and jump right into a level 8 job, because you felt like it. But for magic, they think it's different? And this after Comet spent a whole semester studying and preparing for a single spell.

7 - And Tosha's an evil witch, yes, but you know, other than look evil and show an interest, she's never ACTUALLY threatened Comet in any way that I could see. Maybe she really does just want another powerful warlock for the order. Heck, maybe she wants to mate with him, to produce an extra-powerful next generation for the order, but that's hardly a threat, unless she means to force him. Seducing him is something else, entirely. And clearly, there is real power in his bloodline, if his children are showing magical abilities as CHILDREN. Yeah, I can totally see her pulling something like that with him, and not meaning to actually harm him, in any way. At worst, she'd harm his marriage. But I can't really blame his parents for being paranoid, what with their own alien relatives wanting to kill them. Children/grandchildren of abuse tend to have issues like that, and with good reason. After all, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean someone really is NOT out to get you. It just means that it's harder to convince other people you're really in dance, if they just think it's all in your head.

8 - I have a lot of respect for the higher-level witches and warlocks, because they put in the time and effort to study magic, and I'd be much more likely to trust them than the low-level ones. But that's just me.
Also, I liked your drabble. Sounds like what some of my dorm-mates used to do, with their "anatomy study sessions." Uh huh.
I also liked that while he was showing her the death flower plant, it was too young for her to recognize it later, in that garden, and so she was surprised by the flowers, even if she HAD been paying proper attention.
This is a really good story!
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.4: Growing - November 28th]

Post by Heather »

Michelle: No worries! I'm almost always a bit late with comment replies. :lol:

Warning: potential spoilers. I try to avoid giving away storylines, but it can be hard to properly address questions without hinting about future events.
1. Comet is no longer a warlock, and that won't be change in any future chapters. And I know you didn't ask, but I'll clarify in case of any confusion: the twins are witches, and that's not going to change, either. Whether or not Leo inherited the family powers will be determined later. :wink:

2. Plantsims are super awesome, which is exactly why gave Marielle that small plotline. I originally considered turning Comet into one, but I think he's too afraid of other supernatural lifeforms to ever consider becoming another himself. Marielle seemed like the most reasonable option, being a) married to a guy that like plants, and b) a knowledge sim.

3. I love the twins, too. I won't say what they'll get up to with Piper, but... there are three of them, and three alignments... it would be nice to have a full set of witches this generation. :sly:

4. This might be a bit of a spoiler, but I fully intended to get one of Comet's kids together with one of Jimmy's, before either of them even had a spouse. I can't resist. Which kids will get together will be a surprise (maybe, I feel like it's going to be kind of obvious). Comet and Jimmy are ~bros 4 lyfe~ and I simply can't pass up an opportunity to make them in-laws.

5. Lol, speaking of accidental babies one of the couples totally got pregnant again when I was messing around with the newer version of ACR. I considered keeping the baby for added story drama, but I really don't need any more characters at the moment; for both story, and game reasons.

I do really want a plantbaby, though, so I might... borrow your idea in the future. Maybe not for Marielle, though. :hmm:

6. Comet was more confident in Aralia's magical abilities/knowledge than his own, Aralia, however, really doesn't have an excuse for not studying up on the spells/plants/potions she intended to use. Let's hope the twins are more cautious than either of them when it comes to studying magic. ;)

7. You're right about Tosha never explicitly showing that she has intent to hurt Comet, however, back in the alphabetacy version of the story, she has both expressed and acted on desires to hurt the Hollinter family. That's definitely on me, though, so I will attempt to further clarify/express her motives in future chapters! Maybe I'll give her and the other forgotten villains another interlude at some point. I really need to wrap up all the loose ends leftover from the earlier story.
Drabble Stuff:
That, and the fact that I don't have to pay rent, is why I'm glad I commute to school. :lol:

I wrote the drabble before the chapter was completely finished, and I used the deathflower for both because really, it's the only canon flower I know from the sims game, that has some unique properties. Also, because there was no way Marielle was actually paying any attention to what Comet was saying.
Thank you! :)
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.4: Growing - November 28th]

Post by Palmer »

This has been stickied for winning a Golden Plumbob award! In four weeks it'll become a regular topic once more. Image
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.4: Growing - November 28th]

Post by Candi0207 »

Just read your prologue and first chapter.
I really liked it, it has an orignal beginning. Daddy's space base is too cool, lol.
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.4: Growing - November 28th]

Post by Heather »

Candi: Thanks for the comment! Not sure if you started with the original story, or the prologue reboot, but I'm glad you enjoyed it either way. :)
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Re: The Hollinter Legacy [1.4: Growing - November 28th]

Post by cholliebear »

I forgot to even comment on this when I started reading it, but I was mostly out of action for this whole month. But came back to see 1.4 out and I was super excited to read it.
When I saw Comet lose his voice again, I felt so bad for him. :( But he got his voice back and I did squeal a little when he did.
The twins are adorable and I think it's so cute that they think of Jimmy's little girl as their sister as well.
And the fact they seem to know magic now, ooooh the plot is getting so excited.
Can't wait to see more. <3
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