The Paraverse: Rotation 6.2 (31/05/21)

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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 3.3 (08/06/20)

Post by Heather »

Sam wrote::spin:
Cole loves his frogs, and I love that familiar! I also love Edward Hopper's work, but probably wouldn't have guessed you named the frog after him if you hadn't pointed it out :lol: it's a great name for the frog!

Cole impressing Felix with his gun show :lol: and Olive with her massive hat and umbrella!

The relationship culling between rotations is the worst. Luckily Cole can learn spells from books rather than the sages, but I wish there was a way round it.

Who organises a life drawing class outside in the snow :lol: Making clubs for the societies is such a good idea!

I still haven't really played with the roommate feature, so it has been really interesting seeing what yours get up to! Even if it did mean Felix went out with someone else for a little while. Felix and Cole definitely make a better couple :)
I initially debated giving him a fox as a familiar, but then I remembered the frog one existed, and I had to go for that. :lol: I used to have this great set of CC paintings for TS2 that were sim recreations of some of Hopper's paintings... I wish I could recreate those for TS4, but my posing skills are nowhere near what they used to be in 2. :lol:

I feel like it was only impressive to Felix because he has even less guns to speak of than Cole. :lol: Jeff, on the other hand... now that would be a gun show! I looove Olive's new look in this save; I was a little worried in the beginning that she looked the least like her original self in comparison to everyone else, but I now think it suits her much better.

I think you can fool around with some MCCC settings to combat it, but I haven't fully tweaked all the settings for this save yet. It is really annoying without mods, though. :/ I would turn relationship decay/culling off entirely, but then they would remember every single townie they have ever run into, and that seems equally annoying!

I would die if I attended a life drawing class held outside in the snow, but what really gets me is that poor poor model. :lol: Even in our nice indoor classrooms we had to have the heat on full blast for the models! I really like that the uni clubs give them certain tasks to do to advance their own membership status, while the club system lets you assign uniforms, greetings, etc. Together it just makes the societies/clubs feel properly fleshed out!

I think the roommates are really well done, particularly when you've just got one or two for your sims. They can be a little bit overwhelming in the dorms when you've got about 8 sims leaving various plates of food around, and hosting parties. Felix and his boyfriend were really entertaining, even if that's not quuuite what I had in mind for Felix. Their argument in the bathroom was probably the highlight of the rotation for me because it was just ridiculous. :lol:
108sims wrote:
Felix is playing hard to get. :lol:

A frog familiar fits with Cole needing more frogs.

It must be hard being a vampire and having a job that requires you to go out at the show.

I laughed at the "gun show"

I see Felix is still Felix with his unflirty trait meaning nothing.

Yay for possible Leo and Scott!

I like Felix as a ghost, but I suppose he's not as fun if he's not going to DO anything.

I love how you're using the club system with university.

How does a ghost even slip on mud?

No Felix you're supposed to flirt with Cole!

Well at least he's hopefully broken up with his rando boyfriend?
Felix always does, man!

I really need to have Cole complete the frog collection in this save, the man deserves more frogs.

Yeah, putting a vampire in the conservation careers that is almost entirely based in sunny Sulani was not one of my best ideas. :lol:

As I said to Sam, I feel like Felix is only impressed because he has absolutely no guns of his own! Jeff, though... Alec's got great tickets to that gun show.

Honestly, I think Felix wouldn't truly feel like Felix if he wasn't completely ignoring his unflirty trait!

;) ;) ;)

So I did end up moving him in this next rotation because I wanted to change houses, and now that I've played a bit with ghost Felix, I think he'll safely stay undead for the time being. I love the roommate feature, but it doesn't quuuuite work as well for ghosts.

Pairing it with university was such a lightbulb moment for me. I definitely found it useful before for getting together family/friend groups, but combined with the university clubs? Oh man.

I don't know! His legs don't even touch the ground!

While Felix finding himself a rando boyfriend wasn't quite what I had in mind, his stupid little argument with him on the toilet was definitely entertaining. :lol:
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 4.1 (26/06/20)

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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 4.1 (26/06/20)

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I'm glad your save is working! I was terrified to play my game for days after the patch and EP.

Cute apartment! That's really weird they got rid of the balconies?

Yes Andy can have a lil cute rat for a while.

Miko and Andy are super cute, and Miko looks adorable in that new sweater.

Of course Alec forgot Andy was an alien. It's traditon.

That's what friends do! They lie to help you out with stupid work assignments. :D

I've never sign the fire ball!

Alec's embarrassed he'll look bad in front of his bro.

Alec is hilariously dramatic.

It's fun to see your Eco Living gameplay since I haven't played too much with the new options too much.
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 4.1 (26/06/20)

Post by Heather »

108sims wrote:
I'm glad your save is working! I was terrified to play my game for days after the patch and EP.

Cute apartment! That's really weird they got rid of the balconies?

Yes Andy can have a lil cute rat for a while.

Miko and Andy are super cute, and Miko looks adorable in that new sweater.

Of course Alec forgot Andy was an alien. It's traditon.

That's what friends do! They lie to help you out with stupid work assignments. :D

I've never sign the fire ball!

Alec's embarrassed he'll look bad in front of his bro.

Alec is hilariously dramatic.

It's fun to see your Eco Living gameplay since I haven't played too much with the new options too much.
Everything loaded just fine dandy when I first installed the patch/pack, so I thought I was safe, and then I got a few days into playing Jeff and Alec and suddenly it was crashing no matter what I tried! So glad they were able to patch that up! Honestly, it's the first time a patch has ever broken my save, so normally I don't worry too much.

Yeah, I wish they'd maybe turned it onto a room so that we'd still get the extra space with that apartment? It's something to do with the fact that the apartment exterior changes, but tbh I'd rather have the balcony over the updated apartment exterior. :lol:

For as long as I remember to have them feed it! ;)

Alec just isn't Alec unless he forgets Andy is an alien multiple on multiple occasions!

I hope Alec's fictional property that he lied about has a giant hot tub, so he and Jeff can sit five feet apart in it. Because they're not gay practicing responsible social distancing in these trying times.

Honestly I've owned the bowling pack for as long as I've had city living, and I'm still figuring out how bowling works, haha. Apparently you can also unlock special balls for your sims to use? But I can't figure out how to make them use them!

Extra embarrassing when you lose to an alien in front of your bro.

I was like "lol okay alec" watching him line up that shot.

Glad you're enjoying it! The last few rotations should have even more of the new gameplay in them, except for Jeff and Alec, because let's face it those boys are not environmentally conscious.
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 4.2 (02/07/20)

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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 4.2 (02/07/20)

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Jeff takes his injury as a badge of honor!

I feel like Jeff's kind of a lovable walking disaster. Just breaks everything, trips over things.

Jeff and Alec are just comedy gold honestly with the faces they pull.

What kind of people live in their dorm, and where were they to cook when I went to college?

That note is great :lol:

That's nice Miko stopped by. She probably likes Alec and Jeff BECAUSE she doesn't live with Alec and Jeff.

I haven't experienced the secret society, so seeing them is great. I love their costumes!

Alec's checking Jeff out there before they go swimming.

Love that the waitress just isn't even bothered by the sprites. I mean maybe she can't see them, but it's funnier just imagining all the sims in the game just brushing off all the weird stuff they see.

Alec is a bit jealous I see. Nothing to be jealous about Alec, you will always be Jeff's bro for life.
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 4.2 (02/07/20)

Post by Sam »

I haven't bought Eco Lifestyle yet, so I'm super excited to see what you get up to with it. I didn't even know there were new apartments! Shame about the balcony, but the apartment itself is absolutely gorgeous! I swear the murphy bed malfunctioned all the time last time I used it, definitely a good idea having Andy upgrade it.

Miko and Andy are so cute together :heart: I loved the double date too, that venue is pretty great!

Jeff looks so proud of his injuries!! And Alec's face over the broken laptop :lol: The food stealing and shower woohoo cracked me up too, no wonder their dorm mates are leaving notes.

I don't know anything about the secret society, and haven't had a sim join it yet, so it was neat seeing what Alec got up to with them. As always, I loved seeing Jeff and his soccer buddies! I love that Alec tagged along with them to the gym.

All the date locations they went to were super pretty - love that brunch spot! :)
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 4.2 (02/07/20)

Post by Heather »

108sims wrote:
Jeff takes his injury as a badge of honor!

I feel like Jeff's kind of a lovable walking disaster. Just breaks everything, trips over things.

Jeff and Alec are just comedy gold honestly with the faces they pull.

What kind of people live in their dorm, and where were they to cook when I went to college?

That note is great :lol:

That's nice Miko stopped by. She probably likes Alec and Jeff BECAUSE she doesn't live with Alec and Jeff.

I haven't experienced the secret society, so seeing them is great. I love their costumes!

Alec's checking Jeff out there before they go swimming.

Love that the waitress just isn't even bothered by the sprites. I mean maybe she can't see them, but it's funnier just imagining all the sims in the game just brushing off all the weird stuff they see.

Alec is a bit jealous I see. Nothing to be jealous about Alec, you will always be Jeff's bro for life.
I love the idea of a jock who is really good at sports but a complete klutz off the soccer field.

Jeff and Alec truly make the most mundane gameplay hilarious.

I really want to know how those dormies are cooking all that delicious food without a stove!

Oh, for sure. I do not think Miko would last very long if she actually had to live with the two of them.

I love the new robes and masks for the secret society! Good for making other secret clubs/societies/cults...

Haha, I didn't even catch that. Of course he would.

I think they're only visible to secret society members, because Jeff wasn't able to see them, but with so many spellcasters, vampires, aliens, and mermaids waltzing around in my saves, I do like to think all the townies just ignoring the weird stuff, too.

Totally, there will never be a universe where he's not Jeff's bro4lyfe.
Sam wrote:
I haven't bought Eco Lifestyle yet, so I'm super excited to see what you get up to with it. I didn't even know there were new apartments! Shame about the balcony, but the apartment itself is absolutely gorgeous! I swear the murphy bed malfunctioned all the time last time I used it, definitely a good idea having Andy upgrade it.

Miko and Andy are so cute together :heart: I loved the double date too, that venue is pretty great!

Jeff looks so proud of his injuries!! And Alec's face over the broken laptop :lol: The food stealing and shower woohoo cracked me up too, no wonder their dorm mates are leaving notes.

I don't know anything about the secret society, and haven't had a sim join it yet, so it was neat seeing what Alec got up to with them. As always, I loved seeing Jeff and his soccer buddies! I love that Alec tagged along with them to the gym.

All the date locations they went to were super pretty - love that brunch spot! :)
I'd heard we might be getting new some apartments in an early leak, but I didn't actually think we were going to get some new ones until they showed them off! I love apartment lots, so aside from the balcony weirdness, I'm pretty stoked. I think they might have actually nerfed how often the beds break, because I noticed that Andy's half-upgraded bed broke down much less than Persephone's fully upgraded bed did back in my OG save.

I just can't imagine Andy with anyone else at this point! (I can't exactly say the same for Miko, though, since I'm also used to seeing her with your Norah. :lol:) I'm super proud of the bowling venue, and I wish I could share it, but I'd feel bad since I used someone else's exterior as a shell for the lot.

I just love how these two make otherwise uninteresting gameplay really entertaining to watch. I've never laughed at a laptop breaking before until now. :lol:

The meetings aren't the most interesting, but the robes and masks are really cool. Jeff's soccer squad made for one of my favourite moments in the next rotation, so I'm really excited to share that soon!

The brunch spot is listed as SolCaf on the gallery, if you're looking to use it in your own game!
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 4.3 (11/07/20)

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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 4.3 (11/07/20)

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I just love the picture of the sim Felix possessed for some reason. He's not really a ghost I'd want to be possessed by either. That is kinda cool that he doesn't need to keep his energy up. Probably doesn't want to risk dying again (even if it isn't possible) in another bed.

I love Olive's makeover, and her picture with her bee babies.

I see Felix is still Felix and just as "unflirty" as ever. :lol: Maybe he just doesn't like the process of building up a relationship. He wants to make out and bang now!

Felix wants to know his future in this version of reality. I love the idea of hacker!Felix.

It's fun to see the candle making hobby. The little candles just look so cute!

Don't listen to the cube Felix!

Wow is Felix actually being a bit unflirty?

Good to see he's back to normal. Olive is probably just so over them.

You're like me and have certain clothes you just give everyone. I always try hard for variety, but there are just some favorites I have.

Maybe it's the fact that Hopper's tongue is sticking out, so it makes him look kind of dopey, but I feel like he either has no idea what's going on, or he just zoned out while Cole was dumpster diving.

Even if it was a bug, it's kind of hilarious seeing all those future cubes all over the house like that. :rotfl:
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 4.3 (11/07/20)

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The new house is absolutely gorgeous! :hearts: The whole family is cute, too :heart:

I didn't know that about Murphy Bed ghosts! That's really cool! I really should play with ghosts, I've never explored them very much.

The firefighters do use extinguishers! I had a Christmas Winterfest tree go up in flames when I played yesterday, it took two of them to put it out! I didn't realise there were sprinklers, so that's good to know! :)

Olive's dive at the pool was very impressive :lol: their garden looks so good! I love that inflatable, too. Love that Cole and Felix just decided to drink until they were buzzed enough for romance :lol: They're very cute together

The plasma juice thing is pretty neat!!

At least being Cole's familiar doesn't get boring, what with his romancing and dumpster diving. Also, I couldn't believe it was the Bjergsens in the dumpster :lol: I also thought they were boring until now!

Felix and his future cube problem - I'm having the same issue with David and lumps of clay!! He had 11 when I booted his lot up today (I bought the new pack yesterday) He also keeps breaking out and playing a violin & a guitar, even though he doesn't own either of those items? I don't think David was ever marked as an NPC, but I hadn't actually opened his lot in a while. I hope EA sorts it out soon, but until then I'm using a mod :roll:
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 4.4 (15/10/20)

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Image Finally back with the last update for rotation 4!
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 4.4 (15/10/20)

Post by Heather »

108sims wrote:
I just love the picture of the sim Felix possessed for some reason. He's not really a ghost I'd want to be possessed by either. That is kinda cool that he doesn't need to keep his energy up. Probably doesn't want to risk dying again (even if it isn't possible) in another bed.

I love Olive's makeover, and her picture with her bee babies.

I see Felix is still Felix and just as "unflirty" as ever. :lol: Maybe he just doesn't like the process of building up a relationship. He wants to make out and bang now!

Felix wants to know his future in this version of reality. I love the idea of hacker!Felix.

It's fun to see the candle making hobby. The little candles just look so cute!

Don't listen to the cube Felix!

Wow is Felix actually being a bit unflirty?

Good to see he's back to normal. Olive is probably just so over them.

You're like me and have certain clothes you just give everyone. I always try hard for variety, but there are just some favorites I have.

Maybe it's the fact that Hopper's tongue is sticking out, so it makes him look kind of dopey, but I feel like he either has no idea what's going on, or he just zoned out while Cole was dumpster diving.

Even if it was a bug, it's kind of hilarious seeing all those future cubes all over the house like that. :rotfl:
The possession animation is really cool looking! Would be nice if al ghosts were able to do it, rather than just the murphy bed ghosts. Imagine if they fulfilled different needs, too - like ghosts who died of starvation would fill their hunger bars, ghosts who died of drowning could use it fulfill hygiene, etc...

I just love that new hair so much, the only problem is now I have to keep myself from slapping it on almost every female sim I have...

What's even better is that you can set the burn level for them, so you can have ~artfully~ melted candles to use as decoration. Perfect for witchy sims, I think!

Hacker!Felix just feels right, with the future cube obsession and all that. :lol: As annoying as the constant future cube generation is, I ddefinitely got a chuckle out of seeing how many of them I could place on that living room table... Olive is definitely 200% over them, but I don't have any plans to split the siblings up in this save, so it lookslike she's going to be stuck with them for the forseeable future. ;)

The dopey tongue is my favourite feature of Hopper. <3 Reminds me of when my cats stick their tongues out and forget to put them back in their mouths. :lol:
Sam wrote::)
The new house is absolutely gorgeous! :hearts: The whole family is cute, too :heart:

I didn't know that about Murphy Bed ghosts! That's really cool! I really should play with ghosts, I've never explored them very much.

The firefighters do use extinguishers! I had a Christmas Winterfest tree go up in flames when I played yesterday, it took two of them to put it out! I didn't realise there were sprinklers, so that's good to know! :)

Olive's dive at the pool was very impressive :lol: their garden looks so good! I love that inflatable, too. Love that Cole and Felix just decided to drink until they were buzzed enough for romance :lol: They're very cute together

The plasma juice thing is pretty neat!!

At least being Cole's familiar doesn't get boring, what with his romancing and dumpster diving. Also, I couldn't believe it was the Bjergsens in the dumpster :lol: I also thought they were boring until now!

Felix and his future cube problem - I'm having the same issue with David and lumps of clay!! He had 11 when I booted his lot up today (I bought the new pack yesterday) He also keeps breaking out and playing a violin & a guitar, even though he doesn't own either of those items? I don't think David was ever marked as an NPC, but I hadn't actually opened his lot in a while. I hope EA sorts it out soon, but until then I'm using a mod :roll:
I think they're probably the most interesting of the ghosts; I know they all seem to have their own little quirks, but the new ability to possess sims makes playing them feel a little more worthwhile. Like I said in my reply above, I'd love to see other types of ghosts have a similar needs-based possession system.

Oh, good to know that! I tend to forget to add fire alarms most of the time, so I have yet to see the firefighters actually put out a fire. :lol:

I can't decide which pool floatie is my favourite - the rainbow whale, or the pizza slice! I'm still playing around with the juice maker, but I think different ypes of juices can put sims in different moods? The ones the were drinking made them ~inspired~ so not the best for romancing (though it did the trick in the end), but it'll be interesting to see if there's one that'll put them in a ~flirty~ mood (or a dazed mood would also be fun!)

Very true! And as funny as it is to see sims like the Bjergsens go dumpster diving, I wish the game was maybe a liiiiittle more selective about who's willing to do it. I noticed the Landgraabs are quite fond of dumpster diving in my game... Would be nice if it was trait-basd, maybe, so that onyl sloppy/freegan npcs do it autonomously.

The NAP bug is really the only thing that's kept me from fully enjoying the eco expansion. The mod seems to have kept my other sims from becoming obsessed with things, but poor Felix still generates a dozen cubes a day. Not sure if the latest patch has sorted him out yet, but I'll have to see...
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 4.4 (15/10/20)

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Yes Scott is back!

I'm glad to see Mars hasn't changed at all. :lol:

Yeah I always worry about that when I've had to rebuild saves. It's always nice when your sims have the same personality.

Scott rummaging through trashcans for food seems like a very Scott thing to do.

Maybe Leo just somehow knows what Scott's like. :shrug:

I can sleep through a lot, but I don't think I could sleep through a volcanic erruption.

Some sims are just meant to be together. :heart:
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 4.4 (15/10/20)

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Hi! :wave:
That's quite the introduction from Mars :lol: It's nice to see both Scott and Mars again, and it's great that they haven't changed one bit :D I've not played with the "volcanic activity" lot trait, so it'll be neat to see how that impacts Scott's life.

That's a good point about welcome wagons, maybe that is how they work?? Because not all of my households get them, either. I'll have to keep an eye out next time I move my sims around. It's good to see Leo, anyway. :heart: The fact he seems totally used to Scott and Mars already is pretty great :D Soul mates, maybe?? :lol:

Gosh, where Scott lives is so picturesque :hearts: I'm loving seeing his off the grid lifestyle so far!
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 5.1 (21/10/20)

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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 5.1 (21/10/20)

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108sims wrote:
Yes Scott is back!

I'm glad to see Mars hasn't changed at all. :lol:

Yeah I always worry about that when I've had to rebuild saves. It's always nice when your sims have the same personality.

Scott rummaging through trashcans for food seems like a very Scott thing to do.

Maybe Leo just somehow knows what Scott's like. :shrug:

I can sleep through a lot, but I don't think I could sleep through a volcanic erruption.

Some sims are just meant to be together. :heart:
He was just too much of a good boy to leave him behind in the old save! And I'm so glad that he's still himself, even though he's a new copy with some new traits. :)

I instantly knew I had to play the new pack with him, because diving in dumpsters and rummaging through trash cans is exactly what he would do. He was the perfect candidate for the new freegan trait.

I have to agree, I feel like Leo just understands Scott as a person sim. It helps that Scott is s a very nice and polite boi, maybe just a lil stinky at times, that's all.

I once slept through a car being driven through my next door neighbour's living room window... you think that would be loud enough to wake one up, but as it turns out that's not always the case!
Sam wrote:Hi! :wave:
That's quite the introduction from Mars :lol: It's nice to see both Scott and Mars again, and it's great that they haven't changed one bit :D I've not played with the "volcanic activity" lot trait, so it'll be neat to see how that impacts Scott's life.

That's a good point about welcome wagons, maybe that is how they work?? Because not all of my households get them, either. I'll have to keep an eye out next time I move my sims around. It's good to see Leo, anyway. :heart: The fact he seems totally used to Scott and Mars already is pretty great :D Soul mates, maybe?? :lol:

Gosh, where Scott lives is so picturesque :hearts: I'm loving seeing his off the grid lifestyle so far!
Hello again! :wave:

Not the introduction I would have liked, but definitely the introduction I should have expected from him. :lol: I'm very happy to be playing them again; of all the sims that didn't make the cut from the first save, I've missed them the most. Plus, I think it'll be nice to have an off the grid household in the rotation again, to keep the gameplay between different families feeling fresh!

I'm convinced it has to be, because thinking back on it, all of the sims who didn't get a welcome wagon were sims who didn't have any neighbours at the time. Andy got everyone in her apartment, I know Cole and Olive got the roomies household to visit, and Jeff and Alec got none, because their building was empty aside from the two of them...

I am definitely convinced he and Scott are soul mates at this point. :heartbeat: They've just gotten along so effortlessly in both saves, especially when you compare him to ex-boyfriend Eugene...

Sulani is just so gorgeous. I don't know if you've heard the news about the upcoming pack, but I am very excited to see it in game, and potentially live in it! Because I'm sure it will be just as gorgeous. :hearts:
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 5.1 (21/10/20)

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Seeing an alien abduction as the header picture for the chapter means we're off to a great start. :lol: I love aliens so much, and aliens always seem to love your sims.

Star Wars pack was kind of fun, but it's like Strangerville to me. More story based, and not something you'd play through endlessly. I'm super excited for the new EP though!

Andy telling her parents that's not the way to meet her girlfriend. :lol:

It's interesting to see the NAPs in effect in Evergreen Harbor since I still have yet to play there.

New!Whiskers knows what happened to Old!Whiskers, so he doesn't trust either of them.

It wouldn't surprise me if the new career was bugged. Just look how proud of herself Miko is showing off that blueprint, though.

A sort of reunion party! I would've loved to see what chaos Scott and Felix would've caused.

Alec isn't the jock in the relationship. He doesn't need to know how to play sports. :D

Felix just has a different definition of fun.
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 5.1 (21/10/20)

Post by Heather »

108sims wrote:
Seeing an alien abduction as the header picture for the chapter means we're off to a great start. :lol: I love aliens so much, and aliens always seem to love your sims.

Star Wars pack was kind of fun, but it's like Strangerville to me. More story based, and not something you'd play through endlessly. I'm super excited for the new EP though!

Andy telling her parents that's not the way to meet her girlfriend. :lol:

It's interesting to see the NAPs in effect in Evergreen Harbor since I still have yet to play there.

New!Whiskers knows what happened to Old!Whiskers, so he doesn't trust either of them.

It wouldn't surprise me if the new career was bugged. Just look how proud of herself Miko is showing off that blueprint, though.

A sort of reunion party! I would've loved to see what chaos Scott and Felix would've caused.

Alec isn't the jock in the relationship. He doesn't need to know how to play sports. :D

Felix just has a different definition of fun.
I hope they will love Jeff as much as they love Andy and Miko, because I'm gonna need another order of alien babies for this save...

I have 0 understanding of Star Wars, so the main deterrent for me is that I don't think I would enjoy the story elements of it, haha. From the reviews I've seen, it looks pretty confusing if you're going in blind. Strangerville is probably my least liked of the GPs (really only keep it installed for the CAS and BB assets), so sounds like I'm better off sticking to my decision of not buying it. :)

The Evergreen Harbour ones are neat, definitely more interesting than the rest of the regular world ones.

New!Whiskers is wise to realize his time will also be limited...

Considering how buggy the NAPs were, I wouldn't be surprised either. Felix finally seems to be fixed, though! So perhaps there is hope for Miko and her career.

My best guess is Scott would have wandered off to play in some trash, and Felix would go sit in a corner and be moody. :lol:

He's going to need to learn some winter sports very soon, though. ;)
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Re: The Paraverse: Rotation 5.2 (26/10/20)

Post by Heather »

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