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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by ciyrose »

Oh man. I guess we'll see what happens now that all will be wiped out.
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Dark Days, Chapter 1

Post by Strawberry »

This chapter isn't presented in first person dialogue. Because sometimes you just need a break from first person and just be a narrator :awesome:
And so the Apocalypse has taken it's toll. Neso is stranded in Strangetown, the zombies loom at her
doorstep waiting to welcome her into their cold dead hands. No contact with the outside world keeps
her alive. The constant worry that her people will find out what she's done keeps her paranoid.

Her house is a modified Witch Hut. A one room loft with the mere skeleton of what is to be built over
the next few months. 7x7 on the first floor loft, 8x7 on the second. And she is very unhappy.

Oh, by the way, if you've been wondering about her personality, she started out Popularity, switched
to Knowledge for the last half of her collegiate career and just after she graduated was made into a
Family sim, she's a Scorpio, 8-3-8-3-3, Science-oriented (Especially pleased with that), drawn to
people with good jobs and creativity, with a strong aversion to zombies.

And you must be thinking that her personality was done for a reason. That neatness can't have been
on accident, surely Strawberry knew what she was doing. And you would be sorely mistaken!

I made her the epitome of an alien. A little obsessive compulsive, no sense of humor, no sense of
kindness, no desire to go out and seek companionship. And the athletic part, well. Aliens are stronger
than humans... Is my only reason there.

And you may be thinking to yourself, oh, you were just staying true to your idea of what an alien is.
And you'd be wrong again! Neso, formally Queen of Neptune, was supposed to be my founder for my
Queen Bee Challenge that I haven't started yet! I diverged her to Strangetown for the sake of the
Apocalypse Challenge.

And you might be thinking, oh, that isn't so bad, you were in a rush! SimNano was just around the
corner and you needed a sim to get started so you could stay in the game! Well, wrong again.

Before Neso I had created not only a founder, but a whole neighborhood, and sub-neighborhoods!
I played THAT founder up until her first child. Now you might come to the conclusion that I failed
that Apocalypse challenge. It is a hard challenge, after all. But again, you'd be wrong.

Everything was going swimmingly. She had her man, she had her first kid, she had topped...
Adventure, I think? But I deleted it. The whole neighborhood. Why would I do that to myself?

And honestly... I can't remember. It was over a month ago. I can't even remember her name.
Anyway! These were pictures of Neso's first week. She picked up a bunch of jobs to pay the bills
while we waited ages for Culinary to pop up.

I know this chapter was different than the first season. No dialogue, but I clearly needed to get
some things off my chest. I think it made for a funny chapter. :haha:

Thanks again to everyone for taking a peak at my story, for commenting, for all the sweetness
and enthusiasm. This whole experience has been so enjoyable. You're all so welcoming and I'm
really happy to be a part of the community. :heart:
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by ciyrose »

It may not have been how everything was planned, but it has been fun all the same. :) I like the house built over the car. It's an interesting way to handle it. So, just curious, did you have her move to a 'Strangetown" map with everything just removed?
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by 108sims »

I love the behind the scenes insight! The “new” Neal has been enjoyable! I’m glad to have you as part of the community :)
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Dark Days, Chapter 2

Post by Strawberry »

It had been a week since the disaster struck the region. All was quiet. The communication severance
device I built must have completed it's code. My people knew that the Machine had done it's job. The
area would start to regenerate. If things went according to plan they would assume I was destroyed
when the cataclysm swept over the land. I was free.

I would help rebuild Strangetown. I would be a part of this community. I would belong here. I would
share my life with someone. There were small jobs I'd do at first, anything I could do to help out.

But after a week or so it became apparent that making sure the survivors had enough uncontaminated
food was perhaps the most important task. I would lend my talents in the field, ensuring everyone
had enough to eat.

Seeing how the survivors coped with losing everything they had made me appreciate them even more.
How they could be so attached to little mementos, how death and disaster rocked them to the core.
They were all so visceral.

And while I worked to save them I kept my out for a compatible partner. Now that I was free from
headquarters I could pursue that avenue unhindered. And I pursued it... perhaps a little too

The women on this planet were exceptional. Each one had a whole new personality to explore and
sometimes, often times, it didn't work out. But the journey was always enjoyable.

And joy was a scarce commodity after the world ended. It was around this time that I learned that it
was more traditional for a male and female to couple. While it was true that I COULD receive genetic
data from males there were very few of them, if any, that interested me. Besides it was just as easy
to receive data from females or for them to receive mine.

My work was going well, too. A few of us in the field received news that a heavy cache of emergency
reserves was uncovered on the Grunt property. Apparently the family was heavy into the survivalist
lifestyle. Strangely, however, the family itself wasn't on their property. Nor were their bodies.

There were many mysteries to be explored in Strangetown. Which was probably why it was called
Strangetown in the first place. I even believe that that's not even it's original. But I hadn't met
anyone that was around long enough to remember what it was called before Number Nine's ship
had landed. Perhaps, when the area was cleansed, they could revert back to it's former name.

It wasn't all good news during these dark days. One of the Curious brothers had been carrying alien
spawn. Perhaps a last dalliance from Number Nine. But after the black out the maternity wing at the
medical center was put out of operation. Pascal lost his baby. It was rumored that he'd gone into a
deep depression about the affair.

The medical center itself was struggling, as well. Afflictions that could be easily remedied before
were going untreated. Which meant unnecessary deaths. And then there were the zombies. Circe
Beaker's husband had been claimed by them and rose again as an undead. There was still much work
to do.

On a lighter note, the cache of food was secured from the Grunt property and moved to a zombie
safe community withdrawal center. Rations became a lot less limited, and I could finally start on a
family of my very own.
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by ciyrose »

Whew, things are rough in Strangetown right now. What will they do about the zombies I much work to do. :)
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by 108sims »

So much is happening! I can't wait to see what Neso gets up to next.
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Re: Dark Days, Chapter 3

Post by Strawberry »

Nuclear winter was in full swing. No electricity. Hardly any daylight. Zombie mobs would appear and
disappear erratically. My gray shelter stood alone in the cold, well camouflaged. My car painted silver
to keep from attracting any attention from looters. People desperate to escape. Find a land
untarnished by the fallout.

Even though a food reserve had been found and would last us many years the land was still dead and
unable to birth new life. And if the cold didn't subside it would never get a chance to. The only thing
the people that did stay could expect to do was survive.

Try to care for those who couldn't care for themselves. I needed to make a plan. A list of priorities
for the community to work toward. Locate science facilities to come up with solutions to regenerate
the landscape. Clear the skies.

I tried to reach out to other species. Canines seemed a favorite of humans, perhaps they could be of
assistance. But I had no way of communication. I must have been lacking in some human aspect that
allowed them to bond so closely to these creatures.

While I was attempting to make that bond I was visited by another of Number Nine's spawn, Johnny.
He wasn't fully mature, but after the cataclysm he wanted to be useful anyway he could. He brought
news. A flood of survivors from La Fiesta Tech were arriving that evening. The family knew I
graduated from there and thought I'd like to know. A very kind gesture.

That night I was visited again. Kendra had survived. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and relief. I'd
spent many nights wondering what happened to her. If she was okay, if she hated me for leaving her.
But she was alive. And she actually risked her life to come and see me.

With such a surge of people coming into the community she needed a place to stay. I gladly offered
my home. I offered her everything. I knew it would take time before she forgave me for breaking up
with her. Things would be difficult, but I was just so happy she was alive.

I had no doubts she'd come around. I was positive we'd be together forever. Now that I knew she was
alive and now that my mission was over I could explain everything. We could share our lives together.
We would be in love and happy and we'd save the world.

I knew what she'd just been through would be difficult to process. I would be there for her. If she
needed space I'd give her space. I let her take a few days to recuperate from her journey. I would
work distributing food goods to the community during the day and tend to her during the night.

And one night we were finally able to sit down and open up. I told her that my people foresaw the
doom wrought upon the region and devised a way to stop the spread of pestilence, however, the
solution was just as painful, like cauterizing a wound, but that after the initial devastation ran it's
course the spread of contamination was impossible. I did leave out the part where it was Number
Nine that started the whole disaster in the first place, though.

Unfortunately, though, because I had this mission my people were angry that I'd fallen in love with
her and punished me. They didn't want me distracted while I was trying to save the world. Then I
told her how I hid away on Earth to stay and help her people rebuild their society.

After I blurted out everything she laid back astounded. She didn't say anything for a long time. In
fact, after I explained myself she didn't say anything to me for a few days. She picked up a couple
jobs to pull her weight, she said. Much like I did when I first arrived. And I was left to contemplate
what she could be thinking. To wonder if it was wrong of me to disclose that information. If
explaining things only made ti all worse.

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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by ciyrose »

Oh man, hopefully, things will work out ok. Loving this story still, its such an interesting way to talk about this!!!
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by 108sims »

Hopefully Neso and Kendra will be able to make things work out.
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Dark Days, Chapter 4

Post by Strawberry »

After one particularly defeating day Kendra was dismissed from her work as refuse scouter. Her new
lifestyle was really weighing on her and because she had decided to stop talking to me she had been
keeping everything bottled up. Well, she could take no more.

She HATED this. She hated everything. The world wasn't supposed to end. Her life was just beginning!
She was going to do so much with her life. True, she didn't have everything planned out like Tori did,
but that didn't matter. She had graduated. Her life was supposed to be better.

And as for me!? How deluded was I that I was the only one to be able to save their world? As if
humans were children that needed babying and protecting? As if they couldn't take care of themselves?
How were they supposed to learn anything if I was swooping in to rescue them?

How were they supposed to grow if I and my people refused to let go of our savior complex and our
illusion of control and superiority and let them solve problems for themselves? She said Earthlings
were more resilient than we thought.

I was just so happy she was talking to me again I hardly heard anything she said. She said she wasn't
so proud as to not accept my assistance, but she wanted humans to save the world themselves.
Especially since they were the ones to cause this devastation. I agreed with everything she said.

My fiery, spirited beloved. I fell in love with her all over again. She wasn't wrong about us. We
certainly did have a superiority complex and I couldn't say I wasn't thrilled to become the savior of a
whole world. But more than one person restoring the area was a lot more logically sound.

There was a dense stone of pure white, refined and chiseled so that it sparkled like a star. It was
attached to a yellow metal band and when I had learned that this was a decorative manifestation of
the promise two people make together I was determined to make that promise to someone on Earth.

Never would there be a more appropriate Earthling than Kendra. And I told her so as I presented the
band. She was confused. In her mind we had just finished a fight. Her world was ashambles. This was
hardly a romantic setting.

But I explained that despite our fight there was no one I'd rather fight with. She was my reason for
staying on Earth and I was happy and eager to swear my allegiance to her. She would become my
queen. And I lived to serve her.

Kendra laughed. That wasn't what the ring meant exactly, she said, but my devotion to her
brightened her spirits. The idea was that we were promised to each other. We promised to spend
our lives together forever.

I couldn't be happier to make that pledge. I could have again what headquarters took away from
me. I would be happy with Kendra, I didn't doubt that in my mind for a moment. So she accepted.
She said we were now fiancés.

And so we were officially affianced. Whatever troubles lie ahead of us we would overcome
Thanks for reading you guys! :bounce: :heart:
108sims and ciyrose: I know! I was not expecting this level of intricacy and drama. I honestly wanted to make it a comedy. :awesome:
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by peachy123uk »

Sometimes the sims will take you on a completely different path. Loving the different way Neso has of explaining things.




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Re: Saving Strangetown

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Kendra and Neso definitely have a complicated and interesting relationship! I'm glad they're engaged, though.
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by ciyrose »

Awww, what a great update. There is so much drama, but some comedy too, and this is turning into a sweet story. I love it!!
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Dark Days, Chapter 5

Post by Strawberry »

And so our new life together began. I wasn't as worried as I should have been. I had the woman I
loved in my life and that was enough. Kendra informed me that the next step was the ceremony.
However, as there was no societal construct of any kind in the land our ceremony was left up to our
own interpretation.

Kendra wasn't happy at all that our union wasn't official. She had been dreaming about her wedding
day since she was a child and this wasn't anything like she had planned. Of course, I was ecstatic. I
didn't care that it was imperfect. She was perfect. That made up for everything.

One night while I was working a strange creature wandered up to Kendra. It wasn't canine, which I
kept insisting to her it must have been, but it was a cat. This sinister hell spawn attracted my wife's
attention. He must have been a stray, she said. And as I have never heard the word before she
explained that the creature was homeless.

I couldn't see her fascination with the beast and hardly cared that it was homeless. Plenty of animals
are homeless and they survive just fine. This one certainly had or it wouldn't have been prancing
around all alive, would it?

This didn't stop her from forming one of those human-animal bonds that I find so impossibly elusive,
and she opened our house to him! Moonshine his name was, because that's when he strikes! When
the moon shined. I knew the little devil was trouble.

Detestable menace started destroying the furniture as soon as Kendra was out of sight! I tried to tell
her, but she refused to believe he could be so devious. See, he only misbehaved when she wasn't
around. Well, I was having none of this.

I found a job for Moonshine. Get him out of the house entertaining the elderly and small children.
Any hour that beast spent out of my house was a blessed one. I could spend time alone with my
beloved. And no I wasn't jealous! Just because I couldn't form a bond with animals like she could.

And trust me, I tried. He would just stare at me like I wasn't a threat, arrogant creature. He only had
eyes for my Kendra. Their bond was strong. One thing that I did appreciate about Moonshine was that
he could use the toilet.

However, if he didn't stop his destructive behavior our bed was going to end up as saw dust. I was
reaching my wits end! How could anyone look upon these beasts fondly?!

But Kendra swooped in to soothe my concerns. She loved Moonshine, but she loved me, too. I was the
one she married. The cat wasn't a threat. Humans were able to love more than one being at a time.
And she hoped that I would learn to do the same. She wanted our household to be peaceful. Because
it was time for her to look for another job.

This news made me a little sad, but we both agreed to save the world together and she felt that she
needed to pull her weight. If the cat had a job Kendra had no excuses. Since she wasn't suited to
being a refuse scout and collector she thought she'd find something a little closer to her expertise.

She did graduate from college, after all, so her education had to be useful somehow. And now that
she knew she had my support and a fluffy little someone to keep her entertained she was a bit more
optimistic returning to the work force.
And thanks to you guys for your support! It really means so much! :heart:
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by 108sims »

I loved the chapter, it was too funny! Moonshine is now my favorite.
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by peachy123uk »

Funny I just read an article about the same thing but with a dog instead. She loved the dog more than supposedly her husband but she can love both. :)




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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by ciyrose »

Oh my goodness, love it. Moonshine is a welcome addition in my book, even if he is hell spawn. :P :)
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Dark Days, Chapter 6

Post by Strawberry »

Kendra's plans to rejoin the workforce were put on hold once she discovered that she was carrying our
first clutch-er spawn? The news of this imminent event was unexpected as our initial plan was for me
to carry our children while she focused on her career.

(I deleted the easel after I remembered that they weren't allowed.)

Speaking of careers it was time to pay our dues to the Strangetown Syndicate, a criminal organization
that seized up most, if that all, power in the region after things went to hell. I might have escaped
the notice of my people but I my success didn't escape the notice of the mob.

(I know giving gifts is technically against the rules, but I never remember to delete everything and
rebuy it all at the end of the week. I just won't add this townie to the family... Or if I do I'll pass the
contents of her inventory off to another townie.)

I forked over $54k to Ms. Dai, a member of the syndicate. Nearly the whole of my life savings. And
with my wife expecting, we would soon rely heavily on the pennies Moonshine would bring in
entertaining the elderly.

As Kendra was nearing her spawn purging due date she grew frustrated that she wasn't helping the
household. I was happy to continue working in the food industry and provide for her but she was
unwilling to allow herself to take advantage of that.

So she began training Moonshine. Little things at first, a fancy prance, a sweet meow. An interesting
one in which he would illicit concern over his well-being long enough to get the crowd worried, but
rise again like a zombie just in time for them be relieved.

Seeing them at work brought pangs of jealousy, but I knew it was good for them both. Kendra had
something to occupy her time and the beast was becoming disciplined.

Little cuss never let an opportunity pass where he wouldn't throw it in my face that he was
untouchable. I suppose the cur did have his place in our family.

Then one day Kendra went into labor with our first brood. In my kitchen no less. The experience was
excruciating for her. And excruciating to watch!

But I found myself a jumble of joyous anticipation. Would our genetic amalgam take on her features
or mine? Would it have my love of science and order or take on Kendra's chaotically wonderful traits?
These matters were never so interesting to my people. It was always so matter of fact, but here? Oh,
the possibilities were endless!

Then suddenly, in a confusion of sparkles and twirl, he had arrived. Our son... My son. Three long
trimesters for this one glorious moment. This one glorious being. My sweet Kendra had produced a
beautiful, strong, healthy child.

And as she laid him in my arms I understood what she meant by loving more than one being at a time.
I was so proud of her. And I was so happy to meet him. And all I could think about was making him an
army of brothers and sisters to play with. W named him Thelnixoe.
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Re: Saving Strangetown

Post by peachy123uk »

wow what a name for their child, had to be really out there name. You have such a way with words. It is a really interesting read




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