Here are the ones I am planning on trying. Each challenge will have it's own page but I wanted one place to list them all. I would love feedback, advice, and suggestions from those that have tried this before. How do you handle pregnancies? Do you make sure to time them so the baby is born before the week ends? Do you use something like MCCC to pause the pregnancy until you get back to that family? Any advice for doing University?
- My Simself Name Game Legacy - Summer Part 1 and 2 posted on 6/4
- Live for Something Legacy - Fall Part 1 and 2 posted 6/10 and 6/14
- Get Collecting Challenge- Fall Part 1 and 2 posted on 6/18
- Lepacy Challenge - Winter Part 1 and 2 posted on 6/21
- The Baker's Joy - A Joy of Life Legacy - Winter Part 1 and 2 posted on 6/28
- Career Legacy/Master Simmer Combo Challenge - Spring Part 1 & 2 posted on 6/29
- Difference in the Family Tree - Spring Part 1 posted on 8/13 and Part 2 posted on 8/20
- Whimsy Expanded - Summer Part 1 posted on 8/29 and Part 2 posted on 9/2.
- Glorious Garden Legacy - this is going to be my 100 generation legacy. - Part 1 posted on 9/2.
- The Postcard Legacy- Part 1 and part 2 posted on 4/16/24