The Paraverse - Rotation 17.5 [July 24/24]

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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 6.2 & 6.3 [09/02/23]

Post by Heather »

Perfection runs are so fun! I've been tempted to start a new one again myself.

Poor Wolfgang Munch did not know what he was signing up for with that delivery! It was my first run on the haunted house ride, and I did not know it could end like that, lol. Alec picked a very good week to finally obtain that spell, if only it had worked the first time! ;) The spooky day costumes were too fun to pick out. I genuinely wasn't sure if Alec was going to accept the diplomacy offer! I've heard it fails often. Now that he has the ally ability though, so nice to force the whole gang be cool with werewolves. :lol: I'm not sure if it is morally correct to turn half your team into werewolves for an advantage in soccer, but luckily it's the sims! I'm also not sure it actually gave them an advantage, but I don't remember losing any games the rest of the terms, so...

Carlotta is always a nice switch-up from the generally wholesome gameplay! I have a feeling Lilith was mostly at the club to scope out that night's dinner... it was some luck that she ended up coming back for Carlotta later. :lol: I can't take credit for that particular makeover, I actually found it on the gallery! I've never actually had a sim lose after being nominated either, so like Carlotta I was pretty shook. I just assumed she was going to win, and I was like wow, can't believe she's already going to win an award after one gig... clearly not! Honestly, I think her losing was for the best. ;)
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 6.4 [18/02/23]

Post by Heather »

Rotation 6.4 (Talbot) has been posted, and can be read in full here. :)
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 6.4 [18/02/23]

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Scott and Leo :heart: their little romance! I really enjoyed watching it unfold over the course of the season. I wonder what Scott did to upset the Moonwood Collective??
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 6.5 [26/02/23]

Post by Heather »

These two always seem to fall in love so quickly! I actually have no idea, I think it was either the lack of pack donations, or maybe they were upset that he was marking his territory all over Granite Falls? :lol:
Rotation 6 has wrapped up, and 6.5 (Galloway) can be read in full here! Don't think I'll make it through all of rotation 7 before the pack release, but I am aiming to get out as much as possible!

New expansion gameplay will begin in rotation 9. ;)
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 6.5 [26/02/23]

Post by Sam »

Of course Scott is just digging through the trash when Leo finds him :lol: Leo and Scott actually picnic-ing on the ground? Perfection. Such a cute proposal! The screenshot of Leo cuddling the llama at the fair was adorable :heart: their little wedding day was very sweet!
I'm looking forward to seeing what the new season brings your little gang! And what rotation 9 brings for them too, obviously ;)
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 6.5 [26/02/23]

Post by Heather »

I had a good laugh when Leo rode back home and Scott was already there, elbows deep in the trash! It took a little bit of micro-managing on my end to get them to sit on the blanket.ground instead of the tables, but I've had success replicating it with other sims! I may have to give them a proper wedding in the future to renew their vows, but that money offer was too good to pass up on!
Rotation 8 is a particularly big rotation for everyone! Rotation 9 will be fun, too. ;)
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 7.2 [March 15/23]

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Rotation 7.1 (Collins) has been posted, and can be read in full here. :)
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 7.2 [March 15/23]

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Rotation 7.2 (Winchester) has been posted, and can be read in full here. :)
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 7.2 [March 15/23]

Post by ciyrose »

I am very far behind again. HEHE, I've been playing so much I haven't done much reading. So here we go:
6.2: I love the raw steaks, and yum for apple jelly. Poor delivery drivers! lol HA, I love the idea that the two who live in the haunted house went on the spooky ride. You would certainly think it couldn't possibly be worse than what they live in. BAWH, maybe I was wrong. Poor Jeff. Aww, Alec to the rescue. That look from Jeff really just says it all huh? Oh man, Jeff is NOT having a good season! lol I LOVE all the costumes you gave everyone. It really looks like a fun party. Oh boy, Alec's brother was there? We know what that means...hopefully Jeff will be ok. Whew, it's all going all right. What a fun update.

6.3: Carlotta is a lot of fun already. I'm pretty sure I would NOT want to run into Carlotta with her spells. lol Oh boy, a vampire (which I figured) who also visited. It's been quite a night for Carlotta. She is getting quite the attention already. Love all her various outfits. I mean, come on Carlotta, it was a commercial. :D Fun round.

6.4: Awww, what a cute way for Leo and Scott to properly get to know each other. Haha, you have no idea Scott, that wolf is VERY competitive. :) Oh, so you decided to have him go Moonwood, this will be fun to follow. I love Scott's little vacation. Uhho, trouble with the collective already....aww, but what a sweet date! Cute update! I love Scott.

6.5: Leo's schedule sounds so relaxing. It's like how my Disney Princess house started out, because all the kids came. lol Such a sweet farm and I love the chickens just being around Scott! OMG, this picnic is too cute. I am loving these two so much. What a beautiful and sweet wedding day for the two.
I'll be back to check out season 7 later. Tons of fun Heather!

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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 7.2 [March 15/23]

Post by Heather »

They certainly did have a wild time this rotation! I thought it was so cute that they gained a sentiment about being closer after all of it though. The ghosts like to try and scare anyone who stops by the house, but it's extra funny when they do it to the service npcs. And I really thought Jeff would be able to handle the haunted house ride after living in a real haunted house, but nope! Probably should have picked the other option. :lol: I had a lot of fun picking out the costumes for the party! I was genuinely worried Alec wouldn't agree to be an ally, but thankfully he did. <3

It's fun to have one household that's a little more chaotic! Most of the vampire visits I think were from my broken mod situation, but she really is a magnet for running into them outside of home, too! I loved watching her lose the accolade for her dumb little commercial, lol. Actually thought she might win because I had never had a sim lose before, so I was glad she didn't!

Overall, the down to earth nature seemed more like Scott than the Wildfangs, even though they clearly did not appreciate his wild antics in Granite Falls, lol. I actually forgot to put him back in the pack after I moved saves, so I should remember to stick him back when I get around to playing...

I love the cozy vibes of the farm life! Can definitely see how it would be less relaxing with a bunch of kids, haha. A little worried about their farm when they start having a family! I miss the chickens hanging around, they don't do it when the house is on a foundation, which sadly their new one is/will be. Picnic proposal was a bit of a last minute plan when I got the marriage pop-up, but it turned out to be one of my favourite proposals I've done so far! Also really enjoyed playing their low-key wedding celebrations, it was nice and relaxing for me, but sweet for them!
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 7.3 [March 28/23]

Post by Heather »

Rotation 7.3 (DiCarlo) has been posted in full, and can be read here. :)
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 7.3 [March 28/23]

Post by Sam »

:wave: catching up on rotation 7!
Collins: I can't believe it's graduation time already? I know they've been at uni so long and yet :lol: their vacation was so cute and heartwarming! I love these two together. And of course it ended in a proposal :heart: their lazy Sunday! I did get a laugh out of Miko protesting in a blizzard!

Winchester: Casper is the cutest lil guy :heart: and him keeping Jeff company when he's in wolf form was too much! So cute! "Alec is willing to step up and help a bro out" :lol: the two of them decorating the winterfest tree absolutely melted my heart. I loved the market, too! I loved that the gang went out to dinner to celebrate their graduations (and engagement!)

DiCarlo: I absolutely adore your makeovers in the Realm of Magic, the lot is so much prettier. Love that Carlotta got over her rejection by fighting teenagers :lol: I love her ghost cat familiar! Love that shirt you gave Caleb for the Shimuzu date! Carlotta dumping schoolwork to go for a manicure was amazing :lol: The bar on new year's eve looks so good. Carlotta looks like so much fun to play honestly
Loved seeing what your sims are up to - I always find your gameplay so inspiring!
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 7.4 [April 08/23]

Post by Heather »

I know! I played six whole terms and somehow it still felt too soon when they all graduated! I have to admit I did steal their engagement from the second iteration, it just never made it into the updates, and I figured it was too cute to pass up another chance to do it! I love when the game throws me something like a cold that gives me an idea for doing a little lazy movie day or such. It was pretty amusing watching her slooowly make her to the middle of the district, only for every single townie to ignore her. Poor Miko. :lol:

I realized after creating Casper that I have never actually played a puppy in 4 before? Kittens yes, but puppies were a first - and they're so cute I don't know how I haven't done it more! Casper following Jeff around was all on his own, I'm not even sure it was because Jeff was a werewolf. He's just a loyal good boy from the start! I've been using the community space lot type to make seasonal lots, so the pumpkin patch and the market are just different variants of that. I think it works pretty well! Of course they gotta have a fancy dinner with all they had to celebrate - sooo much goes down between 7 and 8.

Thank you! I have the final version up on my tumblr now actually, slightly different from the one I've been showing off here, but I'm super proud of it. (Lags my laptop so much though whenever I enter/exit build mode. :lol:) I kinda forgot the pet cemetery was a thing until I was brainstorming stuff for her to do this rotation, and I was like oh shit a ghost cat would make a great familiar though. Also an excellent way for me to bring a ghost into the mix without another failed attempt at playing a ghost sim. ;) I think that shirt suits him so much! She's definitely a fun one to play because she does pretty much the opposite of all my other families in terms of relationships and school.

Thank you! <3
Rotation 7.4 (Galloway) has now been posted in full here, and Rotation 8.1 (Collins) is currently posting! I'm also running a just-for-fun poll about everyone's favourite paraneighbour here, if anyone wants to weigh in. :)
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 7.4 [April 08/23]

Post by ciyrose »

Time to get caught up on season 7.
7.1: I love Turtle playing with yarn. Too cute that Miko decided to take up knitting. What a sweet trip for the girls. I love Turtle sleeping by the heater. YAY, perfect time and place for an engagement! Awww, too bad for the sickness. Woo, way to go Andy. Perfect grades the whole way through, she's a trooper. What a fun update!

7.2: Awww, Casper. How adorable! Gotta love having a spellcaster around to repair things! Oooh, what does Jeff want to do instead I wonder? Good for him turning that offer down though to pursue what he really wants. Wow poor Alec, I haven't ever had that message before! Aww, I love the apartment all decorated for Winterfest! I do love those markets you made. Super cute! Awww, too bad for Alec, but still good job all the way around for grades! I love these guys!

7.3: HAHA, Carlotta not a fan of an ex moving on huh? That's too funny. Oooh, a ghost cat companion. Never thought to do that before, makes a lot of sense! Well of course she is going to go get a manicure instead of studying. :) She is having a lot of fun, and hey, the grades could have been worse.

7.4: Already love the new house. Yay for a cow! Oooo, new sims to get to know? Fun! I love these guys and th fact they have a new couple to hang out with! Aww, poor Olive. I get why Scott isn't happy with vampires but seems harsh. Way to go Scott! Ooh, a new baby? Looking forward to next season!
What a fun set of updates, as usual!

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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 7.4 [April 08/23]

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I love their new home! It's perfect for the pair of them :heart: super excited to see Cole, Felix & Olive again! Even if Scott and Olive don't quite see eye to eye :lol: Scott's insecurities, bless him! His fight with Vlad was so dramatic! Can't wait to see them grow their family in the spring!
I did already see a few posts of the Collins family on tumblr, so excited for the babies to begin :lol: :heart:
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 7.4 [April 08/23]

Post by Heather »

I love that the cats can get the yarn out of the bag themselves, it's so cute! And it seemed like a good fit for her, with being able to donate the extra knits to charity and all. It's a shame the cold brought their trip to a bit of an early end, but I was pretty satisfied with everything they did manage to do! Especially timing that engagement on the bridge with the festival! She really was a superstar when it came to getting those straight As!

So handy to insta-repair everything without having to pay for replacements! It was a little tempting to accept the offer for the signing bonus, but he was so close to finishing his degree! Decided to let him actually earn it in this save. He had a rough go with that grumpy client and his grades slipping a little juuust before his graduation, poor guy.

Ohhhh man, Carlotta really is not! I thought it would also be a nice way to tie in a ghost occult, since I dislike actually playing with ghost sims, haha. Grades are temporary, but looking good in pictures is forever! Not like she even needs a degree when she's already breaking out into the acting business anyways (it's mostly to help her develop skills for gigs). ;)

These two really needed someone to befriend, since they don't quite fit in with the uni gang! And a nice excuse for me to bring back some more of the original save sims. I love their farmhouse, but it was slightly harder to furnish than everything else because I feel like I haven't really nailed a style for these two yet! And that was way harsh, Scott. :lol:
A fun fact, I actually built it for Cole/Felix and Olive in the second iteration of the save, and then got the perfect chance to use it in this save instead... of course, with some redecorating done to better suit Scott and Leo! Still a work in progress, but it is slowing coming along! They were fun to bring back; I don't think they'll make it into the full rotation, but I am playing them alongside the others for my own enjoyment so there's always a chance. :) The supernatural smackdowns really are dramatic! No idea what Vlad was thinking, trying to attack on a full moon? Come on, bro.
Unbelievably excited to get to sharing the first generation of kids! Super proud of myself for making it farther in this save than the last attempt. :lol:
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 8.1 [April 19/23]

Post by Heather »

Rotation 8.1 (Collins) has now been posted in full, and can be read here. :)
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 8.1 [April 19/23]

Post by ciyrose »

Woo, all right, let's check out the start of round 8!
8.1: It's crazy to believe Andy is graduated now. I LOVE Miko's look, she's so cute. YAY for a new baby on the way!!! Awww, the makeover was super cute! I'm so glad they liked it. I still love Turtle. HA! I loved seeing Miko getting a makeover for Carlotta! Awww, I love painting a mural in a babies room now. It's become one of my favorite things. YAY for science babies! Aww, the new room also looks great! Welcome to the world Isla! Love that Andy meets up with the other bros to throw a bachelor party. Awww, what an awesome idea to give the lotto winnings to the friends!

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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 8.1 [April 19/23]

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Love that you gave Miko a look for her interior design job, that may have inspired me to give Brianna one :shifty: :lol: The baby news is so exciting! That first interior design job was such a transformation! I love the makeovers you gave the Fyre family, (& Darling Walsh) too. I love Andy passing her pregnancy with manicures and cupcakes :lol: Miko painting the mural :heart: it's so pretty! The bedroom makeover :hearts: their apartment is gorgeous. Isla! :heart: Can't wait to see more of her as she grows. The bachelor party!!! Bless Andy for sharing her winnings with them!
I think I spent most of this update looking like the :hearts: emoji !!
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Re: The Paraverse - Rotation 8.2 [April 29/23]

Post by Heather »

I know! I love that jumpsuit, it's just so fun. I may have had a hand in making sure all the premades liked the styles I thought suited them best, but I was still a little nervous that perhaps they wouldn't like it anyways. :lol: Of course I had to accept that job for Carlotta as soon as I saw the listing! I throw a mural in my nurseries pretty much any time I have a large enough space for one, it's just a nice detail to make it feel like they painted it up themselves. :) When she won the lottery I already reduced it down to a more reasonable 50k to move her into a nicer apartment, but they're easily the wealthiest of all the households, so there still ended up being plenty to give away to Jeff at the bachelor party!
I love customizing the career looks! Andy has a custom one for her job as well. :) (And I think Bri's pink one suits her nicely!) Thank you! I went around and gave all the premades preferences, so I did nudge them into liking styles I thought suited them. ;) I really spoiled her this time around! With Miko taking on two active days it was nice to just have Andy relax on the days I spent with her. I've been decorating their next apartment for them, but I love their current one so much I've ended up keeping a lot of the same furniture and colours. I just wish the one they have now had room for one more bedroom! I decided Andy was going to share some of her lotto winnings pretty much the second she won, so the bachelor party was the perfect excuse.
Rotation 8.2 (Winchester) has now been posted in full, and can be read here. :) Jeff and Alec finally make it down the aisle this time!
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