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Retail Sims is shutting down!

Posted: July 28th, 2020, 9:54 pm
by MichelleCYoung
I just today discovered Retail Sims, and then saw on the home page that it is shutting down. I have NO idea how to archive web pages, but if anyone knows how to get this on the Wayback Machine, or whatever is necessary, please do so, before the domain name is sold off, and all those great downloads are lost!

For my own sanity during a very trying time, I have been mostly avoiding the internet, and almost completely avoiding any sort of actual human interaction on the internet, which is why you haven't seen me online. However, I have been exploring Sims downloads and creating new stories on my computer, which I hope to post someday. While searching for medical supply stuff for a story that may or may not happen, I discovered, and was absolutely BLOW AWAY! So much stuff!

Since I have no idea how to archive internet stuff, I am quickly downloading everything I can to my own computer, in a separate file (to be added to my game only as needed, to avoid explosion), and I have no idea how to upload it elsewhere, or even if I have the right. But I thought I should at least alert other simmers, so that they know, and hopefully, one of the tech-savvy people here can do something about it, for the good of the community, at large.

I miss you all, and hope to be able to deal with online stuff again soon. I'm working on Phaenoh's version of the apocalypse, because it looks so neat, so OF COURSE, I set up FIVE DIFFERENT VERSIONS, at the same time, because did I mention craziness? It seemed like a good idea at the time. I promise, even if I'm not active in the community, when (not if!) I finish a Phaenoh's apocalypse, I will post it here, for your reading pleasure, and just to let you know I am still alive. And I'm sure I'll be decorating with new and amazing stuff from Seriously, have y'all SEEN this site?

Please save it. Please.