What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 4.9!*

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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.2!*

Post by Salem »

108sims wrote:
The room is blue to match Javon's blue hair!

The Tech Guru is a pretty fun carrier. I may have played a bit too much of it since I like to give my sims the computer whiz aspiration.

Sweetest mean sim? I love it! :lol:

Louis's brain is melting due to the pregnancy.

Eh the bubbles won't harm the baby. :shrug:

Welcome Ophelia!

Of course Loki was one of Louis kids. Who would disagree with that?

Yay for the possibility of more alien babies!

Awstin's clothes do give off that vibe.

Wow you actually got 'Kiss in Rain' to work for you. When I sent two sims to do that, they walked inside lol

No need to tune down the gay, I agree with you! :hearts:

Well maybe Knox gave the Bluebell to Javon because it matched his hair!

Ophelia is a cutie, and I'm glad Louis finally passed on his hair color to one of his kids.

So much love in the air!

Also I love all the doggies.
I hadn't thought that about the room, but it makes sence :haha:
I think the aspirations I play the most are the creativity ones, and the food ones, I definitely haven't played enough with Computer whiz and it's a lot of fun!
He really was the sweetest mean sim lol he and Yvaine argued maybe once or twice, I think he has a soft spot for her!
It sure was lol but it was funny at least. I'm still really happy about Ophelia! I love her way too much and even more because she's a redhead lol and I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that about Loki it's just his place!
Oliana is just hot lol too hot!
Everything is blue for Javon :lol: we¿re having a blue generation for him
Doggies make the world better, even the sim world!
My internet finally worked with me enough to bring another chapter! Chapter 3.2 is ready to be read HERE!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.2!*

Post by 108sims »

I'm glad you got everything cleared up, so you could play again!

Ophelia continues to remain adorable and precious.

It is always a little sad when all the kids from the previous generation grow up.

Your sims just can't wait to get inside. They want to flirt with their partners now!

Maybe you should take vacations more often, since the kids seem to do more. :lol:

I hate that you can't get married on vacation. I've always wanted my sims to do that.

Yay for a wedding at home though!

It'll be interesting to see how a good sim handles the mischief aspiration.

I can't believe Louis is an elder already!

I really love Leai's look, and Ophelia is still adorable.
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.2!*

Post by ciyrose »

And of course I fell behind again. lol Ok, time to catch back up. At least I enjoy binging stories sometimes, feel like I connect with them more. :D

Marisol and Sinbad are ADORABLE together!!!

So I saw you figured it out, but the collections thing seems to occur when you move a sim, I think it's into the household. So I noticed when I moved out my YA one time to upload her to the gallery, and then merged her back into the family, that's when they lost all collections. Not sure if you did that, but I've noticed that is when it seems to happen for me. It's annoying, but at least you can fix it (when it gets really bad is when you lose like the fish...because there are SO MANY OF THEM.) Also, if I remember correctly, they get marked when the "main" or base game items are found. So like fossils are marked as completed even if you haven't gotten the two jungle fossils. I think those are the +# that are listed. So like there are 33 fish or whatever, but then you've also gotten +24 others or whatnot. I THINK.

I feel like I should buy my families one of the jungle gyms. I never do, they just have monkey bars, or maybe a swing....no no just monkey bars. :shrug:

Gotta love outdoors sims with gardening. They get so happy. :)

Oh my gosh, so much happening. Doggie dies, alien baby makes it's presence know, birthdays.....so much.

I love that the aliens came again. Also LOL at the 'he's not going to get any more pregnant" line. That was great.

So learned this form Teresa....picutres (taking them of and taking them together with) boost up relationships SUPER fast!

Good thing Javon visited so you could flag him until Knox grows up!!!

Awww, get another dog!!! You probably already did. :D Also, you are reminding me, I should find places for Jill's stuff in the new house.

Great job so far, and I'm sure you figured out the baby. I would say no name points, but probaly points for the others, but I don't know. I would be excited about an alien baby too!
I really like Knox, he's very handsome!

So Nixon is an Alan basically. lol. I love when they have mean/evil traits, but are not that way at all.

Your sims sure seem to eat the spoiled food in their inventory a lot. Mine usually clean it out.....maybe they are closet neat sims, or squeamish sims.....OMG, I just realized that might have been why my EPIC girl was also so miserable. I bet she had spoiled food in her inventory.....ok, well that was a random rant for you....back to your sims now. :D

I love Skye's reaction to her husband being in labor. lol.....so true!

I do like the look of little alien babies. So much fun! Knox is going to be a good father.

Awstin is a handsome teen. I like him too. :D

Everyone on their dates was so cute. I need to get more restaurants in my towns!

Oh man, it would be so sad if you accidentally sent her back to the homeworld. That's just even heartbreaking to me, although like you, I get why it's there.

It seems they never like bluebells to me either. I just always get a sim flirty so they can give a rose. They don't need one in their inventory to do that, so it's how I get around the flower thing. :)

I love gardening!!! Yay for rare seeds. I need to finish getting some for my EPIC family.

Oh my goodness, that little girl is ADORABLE!! I love her disguise form too, so cute!

I really like all your couples. I really should spend more time letting mine meet people. lol What another fun update!!!
Ok, last one, 3.2
Oh man!!! I'm sorry you had so many problems but very happy that you were able to get it working for now. :( What a bummer! Also, I'm glad you save your portraits as well, but geez it feels like this whole thing was so much work!!! You are making me remember to go double-check my backups are still running!

At least cooking in this house isn't as scary for a sim to do as in an ISBI. I mean it could still go bad, but no point loss. :D

Your garden is getting bigger for sure! Looks great! I am a sucker for a garden, even if I occasionally forget to harvest it with the Latte's.

I like Yvaine's new look! I ALMOST used that hair on sim last play session but ended up with something else, but I really do like it.

Awww, sad about the frogs. :( I had a weird thing where a few random things have disappeared from sims inventories, but I'm not sure why or when. It sucks when it happens. I really need to get better at putting things places.

I love the skeleton blessing! Also, if you complete the temple you can go back and get a new temple usually, so you can get more than one per trip, just takes a few trips into the jungle.

I hate that you can't get married on vacation. It's dumb! If they are both there, why can't they elope or get married???

I love the jungle! It's a ton of fun to me, and you can get some really good stuff! I still have to go back a couple more times for my EPIC....need like 3 more temple treasures!

You know, in reading your description of Javon's make-over, I never thought about giving my sims facial hair in TS4. I'm not sure why, but I was just realizing, none of my played sims have it. I should remedy that next time. lol

Rupert looks very handsome! Ah....so that is who Nixon is. He's cute, I'm excited to see his kids if you decide to show them. :D I should use hats more. That floppy summer hat is super cute on the girls I've seen with it in your game. I can be bad at make-overs.

That is the one bad thing about the money-making trash. It's so hard to get the Good Deeds badge. I have had to find multiple other ways to try and get it, and toddlers is the best way for sure!

So this is a super weird thing to notice, but in the picture of Knox playing the video game before Ophelia's birthday, you seem to have a floating vase on the shelf. lol

Oh my gosh Seth is adorable as well.....ok, ALL of these kids have been pretty cute, but I love the green eyes! Another great update, and I'm all caught up again. :D Hope you don't mind the BOOK of comments I have now written up. lol

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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.2!*

Post by Salem »

I finally focused enough to write a new update lol!
108sims wrote:
I'm glad you got everything cleared up, so you could play again!

Ophelia continues to remain adorable and precious.

It is always a little sad when all the kids from the previous generation grow up.

Your sims just can't wait to get inside. They want to flirt with their partners now!

Maybe you should take vacations more often, since the kids seem to do more. :lol:

I hate that you can't get married on vacation. I've always wanted my sims to do that.

Yay for a wedding at home though!

It'll be interesting to see how a good sim handles the mischief aspiration.

I can't believe Louis is an elder already!

I really love Leai's look, and Ophelia is still adorable.
It was a lot of work but it really made it better to come back!
Ophelia is honestly one of my favorite sims ever lol I'm definitely gonna save her to my library once she grows up!
that's a good point lol sometimes sims do better when you're not watching them. And yeah, it's really dumb that you can't get married while on vacation! it would be so easy!
so far Javon is doing ok I think lol we'll see how it goes a little later
I'm sooo no ready for Louis to go! I've been playing with the idea of giving him a life potion, mostly because I need him around a little longer for his aspiration xD
ciyrose wrote:And of course I fell behind again. lol Ok, time to catch back up. At least I enjoy binging stories sometimes, feel like I connect with them more. :D

Marisol and Sinbad are ADORABLE together!!!

So I saw you figured it out, but the collections thing seems to occur when you move a sim, I think it's into the household. So I noticed when I moved out my YA one time to upload her to the gallery, and then merged her back into the family, that's when they lost all collections. Not sure if you did that, but I've noticed that is when it seems to happen for me. It's annoying, but at least you can fix it (when it gets really bad is when you lose like the fish...because there are SO MANY OF THEM.) Also, if I remember correctly, they get marked when the "main" or base game items are found. So like fossils are marked as completed even if you haven't gotten the two jungle fossils. I think those are the +# that are listed. So like there are 33 fish or whatever, but then you've also gotten +24 others or whatnot. I THINK.

I feel like I should buy my families one of the jungle gyms. I never do, they just have monkey bars, or maybe a swing....no no just monkey bars. :shrug:

Gotta love outdoors sims with gardening. They get so happy. :)

Oh my gosh, so much happening. Doggie dies, alien baby makes it's presence know, birthdays.....so much.

I love that the aliens came again. Also LOL at the 'he's not going to get any more pregnant" line. That was great.

So learned this form Teresa....picutres (taking them of and taking them together with) boost up relationships SUPER fast!

Good thing Javon visited so you could flag him until Knox grows up!!!

Awww, get another dog!!! You probably already did. :D Also, you are reminding me, I should find places for Jill's stuff in the new house.

Great job so far, and I'm sure you figured out the baby. I would say no name points, but probaly points for the others, but I don't know. I would be excited about an alien baby too!
I really like Knox, he's very handsome!

So Nixon is an Alan basically. lol. I love when they have mean/evil traits, but are not that way at all.

Your sims sure seem to eat the spoiled food in their inventory a lot. Mine usually clean it out.....maybe they are closet neat sims, or squeamish sims.....OMG, I just realized that might have been why my EPIC girl was also so miserable. I bet she had spoiled food in her inventory.....ok, well that was a random rant for you....back to your sims now. :D

I love Skye's reaction to her husband being in labor. lol.....so true!

I do like the look of little alien babies. So much fun! Knox is going to be a good father.

Awstin is a handsome teen. I like him too. :D

Everyone on their dates was so cute. I need to get more restaurants in my towns!

Oh man, it would be so sad if you accidentally sent her back to the homeworld. That's just even heartbreaking to me, although like you, I get why it's there.

It seems they never like bluebells to me either. I just always get a sim flirty so they can give a rose. They don't need one in their inventory to do that, so it's how I get around the flower thing. :)

I love gardening!!! Yay for rare seeds. I need to finish getting some for my EPIC family.

Oh my goodness, that little girl is ADORABLE!! I love her disguise form too, so cute!

I really like all your couples. I really should spend more time letting mine meet people. lol What another fun update!!!
Ok, last one, 3.2
Oh man!!! I'm sorry you had so many problems but very happy that you were able to get it working for now. :( What a bummer! Also, I'm glad you save your portraits as well, but geez it feels like this whole thing was so much work!!! You are making me remember to go double-check my backups are still running!

At least cooking in this house isn't as scary for a sim to do as in an ISBI. I mean it could still go bad, but no point loss. :D

Your garden is getting bigger for sure! Looks great! I am a sucker for a garden, even if I occasionally forget to harvest it with the Latte's.

I like Yvaine's new look! I ALMOST used that hair on sim last play session but ended up with something else, but I really do like it.

Awww, sad about the frogs. :( I had a weird thing where a few random things have disappeared from sims inventories, but I'm not sure why or when. It sucks when it happens. I really need to get better at putting things places.

I love the skeleton blessing! Also, if you complete the temple you can go back and get a new temple usually, so you can get more than one per trip, just takes a few trips into the jungle.

I hate that you can't get married on vacation. It's dumb! If they are both there, why can't they elope or get married???

I love the jungle! It's a ton of fun to me, and you can get some really good stuff! I still have to go back a couple more times for my EPIC....need like 3 more temple treasures!

You know, in reading your description of Javon's make-over, I never thought about giving my sims facial hair in TS4. I'm not sure why, but I was just realizing, none of my played sims have it. I should remedy that next time. lol

Rupert looks very handsome! Ah....so that is who Nixon is. He's cute, I'm excited to see his kids if you decide to show them. :D I should use hats more. That floppy summer hat is super cute on the girls I've seen with it in your game. I can be bad at make-overs.

That is the one bad thing about the money-making trash. It's so hard to get the Good Deeds badge. I have had to find multiple other ways to try and get it, and toddlers is the best way for sure!

So this is a super weird thing to notice, but in the picture of Knox playing the video game before Ophelia's birthday, you seem to have a floating vase on the shelf. lol

Oh my gosh Seth is adorable as well.....ok, ALL of these kids have been pretty cute, but I love the green eyes! Another great update, and I'm all caught up again. :D Hope you don't mind the BOOK of comments I have now written up. lol
lmao don't worry about the lenghtly coments! they are really fun to read! thanks for taking the time to write them!

Ooooh that makes so much sence! because I think it happened again once I moved Javon in. Maytbe it happened because of Loki or while I was trying to get some of the kids moving together with their spouses
yeah, ISBIs really make everything a lot more dangerous lol part of the fun!
it really is a good personality combo! Knox is having a lot of fun!
Yeah, it was a really eventful couple of minutes! I still miss Loki, but the baby made it a little better!
I was chanelling my inside Yzma lol I love that "he ain't gonna get any more dead!" in the movie also not sure if that's how the line goes in english lol in spanish she says it quite different
Oh, that's good toknow! I really don't use photos so much because I feel the skill is a little tiring lol
No doggie so far but I'm definitely getting another sometime soon! I love giving dogs to my dog lovers!
He is! He really got the best parts of both of his paents!
lmao yeah, that's a good description lol! I love it too, it's really funny!
yeah, not sure what got into them with spoiled food lol and the really clean it? I think I've never seen mine cleaning it from their inventories on their own! But yeah, that sounds about right for your squeamish sim lol! at least for what I know about them, I think I haven't played with a squeamish sim so far!
I loved it too lol I mean, I'm a big lover of the "men are babies" mentality from Anastasia so..yeah xD
He's one of my favorites from the generation! I feel he just has so much personality!
I always make sure to have at least two restaurants in my saves if I can, I looove taking my sims out to dinner form time to time
I was terrified of sending her back all the time lol! another reason while I was extremely happy when she grew up! I love her, really, she's one of the cutest toddlers and prettiest sims I've had lately!
I have this huuuge weakness for childhood friends falling in love, so I usually try to get my sims future SOs when they're little, I think it really helps you fall in love with their dinamics!
My PC is really trying to cause trouble lately xD but we're still going as strong as we can! and checking the backups is deffinitely always a priority lol! so it's a good thing that I reminded you to do it!
I really didn't used to do a lot of gardening before this challenges, but it's a lot of fun! I'm really falling in love with it!
I'm glad that you liked Yvaine's new look! that hair is amazing, I'm kinda of a sucker for undercuts lol
yeah, actually I noticed there are a couple pieces missing from some of our already completted collections lol but oh well, not much to do I think.
I believe you get a new temple around every 3 days, so you can get more than one for vacation, but you need to go on longer vacations lol I usually only book two days because I have stuff to do back at home xD
I'm still a little salty I couldn't get them married lol but the rest of the trip was fun as always, Jungle adventure really is one of my favorite packs in this game, the temples are always a lot of fun! I hpe you get the treasures soon! it's a hard collection because most of the time you only get one for each trip
I really like giving my sims facial hair for some reason lol I feel like it helps to give some sims more personality
Rupert is another favorite for sure, he has this baby brother aura I love lol but yeah, I think Yvaine and Nixon are gonna make some really pretty babies! you're not bad at make overs! I really don't consider me so good at them lol my fashion sence is pretty much non-existent
yeah, I remember I tried with the "help with homewrok" option too in another playsession, but for some reason Rupert couldn't help Ophelia with hers so toddlers are my best bet right now lol
lmao yeah, there where a couple floating anqiques in that room honestly lol! I was still learning about clutter cheats at the time so they always looked a little weird lol!
Seth got a really pretty eye colour! I'm really curious to see how he's gonna look as a teen/YA! I'm gonna keep trying to keep in touch with the extended family!

thanks as always for reading!
I have a new update ready HERE!
I'm not totally sure when I'm gonna bring another update because honestly, I'm in one of those "I wanna play!" moments lol but I'll try no to leave for too long! :tongue:
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.3!*

Post by 108sims »

I am definitely ready for babies, and I hope they have the blue hair!

I love it when MCCC gets things moving quickly. Looks like Lia isn't wasting anytime!

It would be awesome if Ophelia's eyes randomly glowed in the dark.

Music mixing is fun!

I never get tired of Sulani either. I always have to stop myself from taking a million scenery shots. :lol:

I accidentally read that as woohoo doll, and I was like what??? :eek:

I've had that issue too. I've had my sims gain relationship from doing the mischievous interactions.

Creepy old lady watching them woohoo! :nono:

Poor Skye. I do love her makeover.

Woo baby!

Maybe she was a previous wild jungle toddler that grew up. I wonder if they have a whole society of jungle kids out there.

No I usually only get one or two different prints. It's so annoying!

Go Gunther for ending up with Nalani.

A mystery baby.

I like that Skye and Louis went out visiting their grandkids.

I love the doctor's mustache lol!

Yay for baby K. :D

Maybe Mirasol wanted to wait for someone to watch her have the babies.
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.3!*

Post by ciyrose »

YAY a new update!!!
I love being able to keep ghosts around and that they can interact. It makes it feel a little less sad when they go. I haven't ever tried the music mixing, so I'll be interested to see how it goes for you. I agree that Sulani is just beautiful. I love playing my Latte's since they live there and the pictures of them out in the water, or on the decks are just beautiful. Javon is just trying to find balance in his life. A little mischief, a little good deeds. :D Yeah, I feel like the Hijinks festival makes everyone pretty good-natured. My "mean/evil" EPIC sim uses her mischief and her "mean" spells on the fish poachers, or litterbugs around Sulani. They don't like to come onto my island as much now. :D Whoops about not unflagging Javon....at least you finally figured it out. I like Skye's look as an elder too. Hey, it might be unexpected if you have been trying for a baby and not getting a baby for so long. ;) I hate that bug, I've had it before too. I hope that and just standing around for forever outside can get fixed someday. My EPIC was getting the same microscope prints over and over again. It took FOREVER to get the last of them, and mine weren't the "common" ones either. I feel like my sims often can't find the common ones. lol Awstin with Art Lover just makes so much sense to me. I love it! Khaliq is a good name for a name game! I like it. Yaritza is adorable! I love seeing cousins from families like this. A great update and doing good so far!

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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.3!*

Post by Salem »

108sims wrote:
I am definitely ready for babies, and I hope they have the blue hair!

I love it when MCCC gets things moving quickly. Looks like Lia isn't wasting anytime!

It would be awesome if Ophelia's eyes randomly glowed in the dark.

Music mixing is fun!

I never get tired of Sulani either. I always have to stop myself from taking a million scenery shots. :lol:

I accidentally read that as woohoo doll, and I was like what??? :eek:

I've had that issue too. I've had my sims gain relationship from doing the mischievous interactions.

Creepy old lady watching them woohoo! :nono:

Poor Skye. I do love her makeover.

Woo baby!

Maybe she was a previous wild jungle toddler that grew up. I wonder if they have a whole society of jungle kids out there.

No I usually only get one or two different prints. It's so annoying!

Go Gunther for ending up with Nalani.

A mystery baby.

I like that Skye and Louis went out visiting their grandkids.

I love the doctor's mustache lol!

Yay for baby K. :D

Maybe Mirasol wanted to wait for someone to watch her have the babies.
The blue hair is the most wanted trait this generation! specially after Louis's red one not passing lol
It's a lot ore fun when things move quickly! I can't wait to see Lia and Holly's kids!
I really would! I kinda would like to have aliens re-vamped to give them some more fun traits like vampires and spellcasters :hmm:
I hadn't tried it before but it's really fun!
same lol I was seriously considering moving this or my ISBI families to Sulani, but I already had plans for a Sulani family so I had to stop myself!
lol! that would be a totally unexpected feature for the game :rofl: I don't know it we're ready for that
It's pretty cool when you don't want to ruin your relationships, but really bad when you're on the first stage of a mischief aspiration :haha:
it was so werid and random lol and yeah, I feel a little bad for Skye, even if she always has so many happy moodlets that the sadness never showed up lol
I do believe in a jungle kids society now lol there's just so many of them!
Glad to know it's not just me! we're finally making some more progress with that, but it's so frustrating getting the same one over and over! even if they are really pretty ones!
Gunther is lucky lol i would totally want to end up with Nalani!
It was a great moment, I think I need to have them visit their kids more often! it's just that there's always so much to do in the house lol
that makes sence lol well, she got her wish!
ciyrose wrote:YAY a new update!!!
I love being able to keep ghosts around and that they can interact. It makes it feel a little less sad when they go. I haven't ever tried the music mixing, so I'll be interested to see how it goes for you. I agree that Sulani is just beautiful. I love playing my Latte's since they live there and the pictures of them out in the water, or on the decks are just beautiful. Javon is just trying to find balance in his life. A little mischief, a little good deeds. :D Yeah, I feel like the Hijinks festival makes everyone pretty good-natured. My "mean/evil" EPIC sim uses her mischief and her "mean" spells on the fish poachers, or litterbugs around Sulani. They don't like to come onto my island as much now. :D Whoops about not unflagging Javon....at least you finally figured it out. I like Skye's look as an elder too. Hey, it might be unexpected if you have been trying for a baby and not getting a baby for so long. ;) I hate that bug, I've had it before too. I hope that and just standing around for forever outside can get fixed someday. My EPIC was getting the same microscope prints over and over again. It took FOREVER to get the last of them, and mine weren't the "common" ones either. I feel like my sims often can't find the common ones. lol Awstin with Art Lover just makes so much sense to me. I love it! Khaliq is a good name for a name game! I like it. Yaritza is adorable! I love seeing cousins from families like this. A great update and doing good so far!
yup, ghost definitely make easier to let your sims go! you always know that they'll be back lol!
It's a pretty fun skill, but I believe it's currently glitched or not working properly, I haven't got to complete any tracks to licensce so far!
that makes sence lol I hope he can keep finding that balance as we keep working on his aspiration
The festival is the best place to get up the mischief skill, but not so much for making people angry at you :haha: I do love that about Miranda! she's like an antihero or something :celebration:
Yup, it took me some time but we figured it out before things got a little too frustrating lol and that's a good point, maybe I shouldn't have mocked him about it :lol:
Those two bugs are the worse, really, I would've thought the standing outside forever would've been fixed ages ago *sighs*
I haven't even tried with the microscope prints, I better get prepared for that! lol!
If Awstin was elected heir I had already decided to get him into the Art Critic career :lol: it just made so much sence with being a Snobby art lover
It was a nice finding for sure! also i feel like it has a pretty nice ring to it, and I like to shorten it to Khal :)
Thanks! I'm so glad you're enjoying it so far!
Thanks always for reding! A new update has been posted HERE! :D
Have fun~!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.4!*

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The only thing I know about the glowfruit is it can turn your sim into a temporary plantsim. No idea why it glows. :shrug:

If Ophelia would've been an option for heir I would have voted for her, but I just really love aliens.

Dirk is creeping on your family. :lol:

I wonder why the portraits are glitching?

I love the rainbow mailbox!

I laughed when I saw that little toddler in the corner of the picture. :haha:

I didn't know teens could get abducted!

Awe Khaliq is cute even without the blue hair. Here's hoping the next baby has it!

Sulani is just so beautiful.

Woo for more cousins!

I love that your simself is still out playing video games.

The aliens must really like Awstin.

They really love Awstin since he's married to one now. :D

I'm sorry you're still having so much trouble with this save.

You always build and decorate such nice houses!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.4!*

Post by ciyrose »

Yay, another update.
Love that you are deciding aliens are outside lovers. She is so cute. Dirk was too funny, standing around posing before cleaning a single plate. lol Oh man! Your poor save and poor portraits. Thank goodness they fixed themselves with just a reload. That's good. I love how you always get kids in the jungle or near the temple. Just too funny. Oh boy, a fun fussy toddler. :) He is adorable though! It's so funny when I see families who use the grilll all the time. The Latte's like theis plenty for sure, but the Otts rarely to never use theirs. I love some of the differences. YAY for Rupert getting through the badges. Awww, I like that you gave Rupert an alien girl. Makes sense why he was taken so often. :D The new house looks great, but sorry you had to go and build it. It stinks when you have glitches that force you to move. Great job as always!

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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.4!*

Post by Salem »

Ok sooo my laptop is saddly out of comission right now and until at least this thursday, so I'm gonna ask a little patience to reply to the coments :begging:

But since I'm in great mood today and I've had this completed for a while now... New update from the Svartulv's can be found HERE!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.4!*

Post by ciyrose »

Yay for an update! Glad you are having a good day, it's always nice to have those! :)
I totally get your first little bit. I am the same. I might leave for a while, but my love of this game always brings me back around eventually. :)

Awww, bye Louis...OR NOT! YAY, it worked and Louis is with us for a bit longer. I do wish there was a way to add partial days instead of ALL of the days in that life stage back.

Oh yeah, grandparents are the best. I miss them when they are gone.

I do love the relic that gives you the skeleton helper. It's so useful, and when I'm in the jungle the one that turns me into a skeleton is super useful.

Ugh the setting dishes down is like a pandemic I swear. I usually have to direct 3 or 4 times, sometimes 5 or 6 before they will actually carry them over to the sink, and half the time they walk half-way across the house to a differnt sink, but then come wash their hands in the one they just walked by. It's so annoying.

Nitza! That's such a great name, I love it!!!! Welcome Nitza.

Congrats on finishing Skye's aspiration!

Happy Birthday Ophelia, she is really pretty. Excited to see your make-over for her. OMG, Nitza is SO CUTE!!! I love the blue hair, she's adorable!

The twins are super cute too, all the kids in this family are! :)
Another great and fun update!

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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.4!*

Post by 108sims »

For me getting 50 hours on the computer over my entire life wouldn't be very hard. :lol:

I'm glad Knox was able to bring Louis back!

It really is easier to take care of babies with grandparents in the house. The baby boom is super hard since you have to have so many kids!

I love the skeleton helper. I kind of wish you could have one around permanently.

If one of the things that happened near the end of my life was getting abducted by aliens, I wouldn't complain, though I do love aliens.

Welcome Nitza! I'm rooting for blue hair as well.

Oh so the skeletons are permanent, kind of. Good to know!

Gah too bad you won't have an alien baby this generation.

Sklar was awesome. I'm going to miss her. :(

Yay for blue hair!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.5!*

Post by Salem »

laptop back, so I'm taking a moment to answer coments :D

Chapter 3.4:
108sims wrote:
The only thing I know about the glowfruit is it can turn your sim into a temporary plantsim. No idea why it glows. :shrug:

If Ophelia would've been an option for heir I would have voted for her, but I just really love aliens.

Dirk is creeping on your family. :lol:

I wonder why the portraits are glitching?

I love the rainbow mailbox!

I laughed when I saw that little toddler in the corner of the picture. :haha:

I didn't know teens could get abducted!

Awe Khaliq is cute even without the blue hair. Here's hoping the next baby has it!

Sulani is just so beautiful.

Woo for more cousins!

I love that your simself is still out playing video games.

The aliens must really like Awstin.

They really love Awstin since he's married to one now. :D

I'm sorry you're still having so much trouble with this save.

You always build and decorate such nice houses!
oh, I didn't knew that was the plantsim fruit! that's good to know!
I would have been totally on board with Ophelia as heiress lol but oh well, the game loves to troll like that!
Dirk was so funny this update lol at least he cleaned before leaving the house
Same! funnily enough, this isn't the only save where it's happening, I also saw it happen once in my Random legacy one!
Salem sim is really me lol I loved that too! also loved that Rupert was so loved by aliens lol but I really wish it would've been Knox!
At least the family makes up for all the trouble the game causes, so that makes it better :haha:
Thanks! I think I'm getting better at building lately, I guess its true that practice makes perfect! I'm actually really proud of this house!
ciyrose wrote:Yay, another update.
Love that you are deciding aliens are outside lovers. She is so cute. Dirk was too funny, standing around posing before cleaning a single plate. lol Oh man! Your poor save and poor portraits. Thank goodness they fixed themselves with just a reload. That's good. I love how you always get kids in the jungle or near the temple. Just too funny. Oh boy, a fun fussy toddler. :) He is adorable though! It's so funny when I see families who use the grilll all the time. The Latte's like theis plenty for sure, but the Otts rarely to never use theirs. I love some of the differences. YAY for Rupert getting through the badges. Awww, I like that you gave Rupert an alien girl. Makes sense why he was taken so often. :D The new house looks great, but sorry you had to go and build it. It stinks when you have glitches that force you to move. Great job as always!
If it's not aliens, then it may be an Ophelia thing, I just feel it suits her :)
Dirk was definitely one of my favorite parts of the update lol it was so unexpected and random
Yup, I don't even blink anymore when I see the portraits acting weird again lol I think it's just their thing now )?
the jungle kids society its one of the biggest mysteries of my game lol I love them too
Khaliq is way too cute! at least I know how to handle fussy toddlers: just have them be the ones asking for stuff, that way they get happy moodlets instead of angry ones lol!
Rupert and Traci are an unexpectedly cute couple! I didn't even played with them, but I just love them!
My game just wanted me to practice building a little extra lol this is why my Baby Boom still has no official house lol! but thanks, i'm glad you like the house! I really like it too!

Chapter 3.5:

ciyrose wrote:Yay for an update! Glad you are having a good day, it's always nice to have those! :)
I totally get your first little bit. I am the same. I might leave for a while, but my love of this game always brings me back around eventually. :)

Awww, bye Louis...OR NOT! YAY, it worked and Louis is with us for a bit longer. I do wish there was a way to add partial days instead of ALL of the days in that life stage back.

Oh yeah, grandparents are the best. I miss them when they are gone.

I do love the relic that gives you the skeleton helper. It's so useful, and when I'm in the jungle the one that turns me into a skeleton is super useful.

Ugh the setting dishes down is like a pandemic I swear. I usually have to direct 3 or 4 times, sometimes 5 or 6 before they will actually carry them over to the sink, and half the time they walk half-way across the house to a differnt sink, but then come wash their hands in the one they just walked by. It's so annoying.

Nitza! That's such a great name, I love it!!!! Welcome Nitza.

Congrats on finishing Skye's aspiration!

Happy Birthday Ophelia, she is really pretty. Excited to see your make-over for her. OMG, Nitza is SO CUTE!!! I love the blue hair, she's adorable!

The twins are super cute too, all the kids in this family are! :)
Another great and fun update!
Thanks! It's really great to have just a good day sometimes ^^ I hope you're having a great day too!
Yeah, there's just something special about the sims, sooner or later the pull is there again :haha: I remember spending days just feeling like I needed to play it again before I finally gave in lol
Louis being back was such a lucky shot! my pleading to Grim rarely works, but I guess he really likes the Svartulv spouses lol I remember he also gave Nina some extra time once! Also same with the life elixirs! I really liked how in sims 2 they only got like 3 days when they take it, made it a lot easier to keep track of time!
they definitely are! and it's so cute to see them interact with their grandkids!
I love when my sim gets turned into a skelleton lol I wish it happened more often really
and no joke with the settling dishes down! I was playing this family the other day, and at one point I decided to follow Louis while he was collecting the dishes, and I had to tell him to do it at least five times! it was so annoying lol but at least he finally did them in the end.
thanks! I really love the name, and also love her so much! not just because of her blue hair :haha:
We almost didn't make it with Skye's aspiration! But it feels so great to have it completed! Took a little longer that I had thought :haha:
Ophelia is just stunning! I'm so happy that we have her now :bounce:
Yeah, Sinbad and Marisol make some beautiful kids! I've already met Seth as a teen and let me tell you: he's a handsome boy!
108sims wrote:
For me getting 50 hours on the computer over my entire life wouldn't be very hard. :lol:

I'm glad Knox was able to bring Louis back!

It really is easier to take care of babies with grandparents in the house. The baby boom is super hard since you have to have so many kids!

I love the skeleton helper. I kind of wish you could have one around permanently.

If one of the things that happened near the end of my life was getting abducted by aliens, I wouldn't complain, though I do love aliens.

Welcome Nitza! I'm rooting for blue hair as well.

Oh so the skeletons are permanent, kind of. Good to know!

Gah too bad you won't have an alien baby this generation.

Sklar was awesome. I'm going to miss her. :(

Yay for blue hair!
honestly I think I got 50+ hours of computer time just in the first week of quarentine :rotfl: Sadly sims have a lot busier lives than I do lol
Honestly so glad that Knox was able to plead for Louis' life, I really want him to complete his aspiration before it's his time! Also yes with the grandparents thing! The good thing about the baby boom it's that down the line you have teenagers to help with the kids :haha: not the same, but it's a great help
same! time to miss Bonehilda from the previous games lol she was awesome
Skye should learn from you lol aliens are not bad! specially sims aliens!
I'm reallly happy to have Nitza and for her having blue hair :celebration: it's a big win, specially after having so much trouble with Louis passing his haircolor lol
We still have two babies to go this generation, so I'm still rooting for alien babies! It's just that the aliens are so dumb :banghead:
I'm gonna miss her too :( the good thing its that we're probably gonna see her around again as a ghost :D

Thanks for reading! no update today as I'm still procastinating on writting it :haha: but I wanted to answer the coments!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.6!*

Post by Salem »

Could it be... a new update from the Svartulvs? :popeye:

yes, yes it is! I'm sorry for leaving for so long, but please enjoy our newest adventure RIGHT HERE! :D
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.7!*

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Another update from the Svartulvs is ready!
Chapter 3.7!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.8!*

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Chapter 3.8 is ready to be read HERE!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.9!*

Post by Salem »

I felt like updating again today, so come read Chapter 3.9 HERE!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.10!*

Post by Salem »

Got another update up and running! Chapter 3.10 is ready OVER HERE!
With this, just one more chapter before the next heir poll! I can't wait!!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.11!*

Post by Salem »

The next chapter is finally up! Come and have fun with the Svartulvs HERE!

Also, don't forget to vote in our newest heir polls! Wordpress and Boolprop!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.12!*

Post by Salem »

The heirpoll is done, so it's time for a new update! Chapter 3.12 is ready!
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