What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 4.9!*

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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.5*

Post by 108sims »

I was just saying I was biased about aliens because of my custom rank thing being Alien Enthusiast. I've been obsessed with aliens since I was a kid. I've had 3 alien pregnancies so far. Of course one was twins lol

The toddlers want in. They want to take over your house!

Mine have been getting the cat lover trait. It's interesting how the kids can get similar traits, like I don't know it's kind of like genetics?

Noooo! Nina can't go yet. :(

Everyone wants to be with Skye. Louis lucky!

Yay Nina is saved for a little while!

Max looks so excited :lol:

Poor Nina :no:

All the kiddos are cute though!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.5*

Post by Salem »

108sims wrote:
I was just saying I was biased about aliens because of my custom rank thing being Alien Enthusiast. I've been obsessed with aliens since I was a kid. I've had 3 alien pregnancies so far. Of course one was twins lol

The toddlers want in. They want to take over your house!

Mine have been getting the cat lover trait. It's interesting how the kids can get similar traits, like I don't know it's kind of like genetics?

Noooo! Nina can't go yet. :(

Everyone wants to be with Skye. Louis lucky!

Yay Nina is saved for a little while!

Max looks so excited :lol:

Poor Nina :no:

All the kiddos are cute though!
Oh, of course! lol I'm not really into "real life" aliens, but I love them in the sims, they just don't like me xD And of course with the twins lol
I have enough toddler with thos two of my own! xD
It was so hard to know Nina was about to go! but oh well, it's the circle of life~ xDD and I'm really happy she lived enough to see all her kids getting married and moving out.
So far this is one of my favorite generations on kids looks! Louis and Skye really make some pretty cute babies!
Thanks always for reading! I finally have a new chapter ready HERE!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.7*

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I used to collect little alien things I got out of gumball machines. I don't know what I'd do if I saw a real alien lol

Of course kissing babies is all part of being a politician!

Walking dogs takes so long! I totally don't ignore walking me sim dogs because of that.

So many seed packets! I bet that was a mess to clean up.

All the kids are so cute!

I wouldn't be too sure about that hospital if it's completely empty except for a ghost.

Yay for getting a single baby!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.7*

Post by Salem »

Maaan it's been long since I last updated! lol I hope everything is going alright around here!
108sims wrote:
I used to collect little alien things I got out of gumball machines. I don't know what I'd do if I saw a real alien lol

Of course kissing babies is all part of being a politician!

Walking dogs takes so long! I totally don't ignore walking me sim dogs because of that.

So many seed packets! I bet that was a mess to clean up.

All the kids are so cute!

I wouldn't be too sure about that hospital if it's completely empty except for a ghost.

Yay for getting a single baby!
That's awesome! I mean meeting an alien would be impressive even for me lol so I can't imagine
It totally is xD It's a shame the action isn't really diferent to the normal "cuddle", but it was still funny to discover xD
I usually stick to going for a jog lol a lot faster and it also gives fitness skill so double win!
It totally was and still is lol I really, reaaaaally need to get rid of those gnomes
they are! I'm really curious if they're gonna keep being cute once they turn into teens lol it's when things can get really wacky git genetics
That's a good point actually xD I guess Louis wasn't that paranoid after all, buth yes! I'm really surprised I haven't gotten surprise twins again so far!
And finally, we have chapter 2.8 ready to read! You can fin it HERE!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.8*

Post by 108sims »

Woo you're getting close to having all the kids for this generation! I have two out of 20 pregnancies for mine. :hissyfit:

Pay attention to the children! Just kidding lol

I love those little plush things. I think they're so cute!

Yvaine and Ludvig are really cute!

Skye is awesome. Those are just the facts.

I'm sorry Sim!You died. That has to feel a little weird.

Securing the Grim Reaper as a supporter means he can scare everyone else into supporting you. :D
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.8*

Post by Salem »

108sims wrote:
Woo you're getting close to having all the kids for this generation! I have two out of 20 pregnancies for mine. :hissyfit:

Pay attention to the children! Just kidding lol

I love those little plush things. I think they're so cute!

Yvaine and Ludvig are really cute!

Skye is awesome. Those are just the facts.

I'm sorry Sim!You died. That has to feel a little weird.

Securing the Grim Reaper as a supporter means he can scare everyone else into supporting you. :D
Well, it's definitely not the same having six pregnancies than 20 lol you're on the right track!
I try, there's just so many of them! lol but yeah. they are! I never paid much attention to them before this challenge but I love them! xD
they are! Skye and Louis really make some pretty children so far! And yeah she's awesome! I'm really happy with her as the heiress!
It's a little weird definitely lol but I guess that's just sim-life! And that's what I thought about Grim lol it's a smart move from Louis!
Update 2.0 is ready HERE!
It's a smaller/calmer one, but we have our first teen! now there's only 13 more simdays until next heir poll!!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.9*

Post by 108sims »

Such good kids, studying on their own!

I wouldn't jinx yourself with the no multiples. The games knows! lol

Woo last baby on the way.

Louis is really achieving so much. Taking care of kids, moving up on his career. Love that he's a mustache dad. :lol:

Awstin is cute!

A teen! I can't wait to see what the last baby looks like.
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.10*

Post by Salem »

108sims wrote:
Such good kids, studying on their own!

I wouldn't jinx yourself with the no multiples. The games knows! lol

Woo last baby on the way.

Louis is really achieving so much. Taking care of kids, moving up on his career. Love that he's a mustache dad. :lol:

Awstin is cute!

A teen! I can't wait to see what the last baby looks like.
I love all these kids! they're really the best! I know I shouldn't jinx it lol but honestly, I already feel doomed for more multiples, is weird enough not having them for all this generation!

Louis is the best mustache dad just like Nina was the best mischief mom! lol I really love having them as part of the family and I'm super excited for Louis to top his career!

Awstin is one of my favorite kids in looks so far! He just was this super stylish vibes lol I've played ahead until he's a kid and let me tell you: he's keeping the charm!

But wait no more, the last baby is here with this update :D

And now, chapter 2.10 is ready HERE!
Have fun reading!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.9*

Post by 108sims »

Sometimes it's interesting, and terrifying to look at sim food. I wouldn't eat green meatballs that's for sure.

That's always the downside when MCCC gets away from you. Everyone's related somehow. Hopefully the kids will find potential spouses!

Dishes belong on tables, not in the sink/dishwasher!

Ludvig wants to make a mess with his new found freedom.

Congrats on getting almost all the My Sims trophies, and it was nice to see Sim!Salem again too.

Blue haired kid should be a spouse. If one of them ends up with that kid, they have my vote!

Maybe the roof is covering it, so it doesn't have snow? :shrug:

Your save is the opposite of my save full of girls! Also, I'm super curious on how your randomizer for this.

Wow I can't believe Louis hair color didn't pass on at all!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.9*

Post by Salem »

108sims wrote:
Sometimes it's interesting, and terrifying to look at sim food. I wouldn't eat green meatballs that's for sure.

That's always the downside when MCCC gets away from you. Everyone's related somehow. Hopefully the kids will find potential spouses!

Dishes belong on tables, not in the sink/dishwasher!

Ludvig wants to make a mess with his new found freedom.

Congrats on getting almost all the My Sims trophies, and it was nice to see Sim!Salem again too.

Blue haired kid should be a spouse. If one of them ends up with that kid, they have my vote!

Maybe the roof is covering it, so it doesn't have snow? :shrug:

Your save is the opposite of my save full of girls! Also, I'm super curious on how your randomizer for this.

Wow I can't believe Louis hair color didn't pass on at all!
It really is lol I wouldn't either, but we know toddlers eat anything for some reason lol
Yeah, I know! but I still love MCCC so I can't really complain xD I finally found some good spouse candidates so that also helps!
That's exactly what my sims think lol and yeah with Ludvig, but I don't aprove mess-making lol the hous eis already a mess without Ludving helping!
I totally want blue-haired kid in the family! as an spoiler for a future chapter, he's indeed a spouse candidate for one of the kids! But you'll know who later!
We should change lucks with that! I really would love some more girls in my saves lol most of them are giving me boys for some reason! Also, it's not a lot honestly xD I just roll a 1d10, if it hits 10, then that kid is Gender non-conforming, and then I roll another 1d10, where 1-5 is Transgender, 6-8 is Non binary, and 9-10 is Genderfluid! then I change their appearence according to what they get!
But yeah, I know! I'm a little dissapointed because Louis hair is so pretty! but I guess Skye's genetics are a lot stronger lol It's a good thing I wasn't playing a perfect genetics challenge!
Thanks for reading, I just uploaded chapter 2.11 HERE! there's just one more before the second heir poll!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.11*

Post by 108sims »

I might have to give your randomizng style a try. For me I just pick at random.

I look forward to seeing who blue haired kid might end up with.

I'm definitely excited for an heir poll. :D

Even as a baby Rupert wants to endorse his dad's campaign.

That is a long leash! I guess I would be okay with walking a dog too if I just got to stand inside while the dog ran around on a never ending leash.

All of your mixologists are good looking. You're lucky! Mine are usually old.

Yeah the freelance gigs are super annoying. I had Fidele from my Name Game in one of those careers, and I haven't had her take a job in a while.

Do ghosts need baths?

I love Knox's new look!

Yeah that's the unfortunate thing of playing larger households. I've made that mistake a couple times. I always try and save before makeovers in case I forget and make the mistake again.
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.12*

Post by Salem »

108sims wrote:
I might have to give your randomizng style a try. For me I just pick at random.

I look forward to seeing who blue haired kid might end up with.

I'm definitely excited for an heir poll. :D

Even as a baby Rupert wants to endorse his dad's campaign.

That is a long leash! I guess I would be okay with walking a dog too if I just got to stand inside while the dog ran around on a never ending leash.

All of your mixologists are good looking. You're lucky! Mine are usually old.

Yeah the freelance gigs are super annoying. I had Fidele from my Name Game in one of those careers, and I haven't had her take a job in a while.

Do ghosts need baths?

I love Knox's new look!

Yeah that's the unfortunate thing of playing larger households. I've made that mistake a couple times. I always try and save before makeovers in case I forget and make the mistake again.
You can try it and see if it fits your style! nothing is lost I think :D and you don't have to wait anymore! Bllue haired kid makes another appearance this chapter!
I guess I can't complain about that from Rupert lol I'm always pro-suporting the family (?
I really am! at this in this save xD they usually are old in some of my other saves too!
it's for the best! I'm just insisting because I want the rewards for topping that career lol I think it comes with a laptop? ...Also is just the artist one that is bugged I think! I remember I had another sim who went into the writer one and he didn't have any problems completing the tasks :shrug:
well, at least this ghost does lol!
I love him too! He may be my favorite teen so far xD
And yeah, i usually save right before too! but it was late, so I wasn't paying as much attention because I had to go to sleep lol at least I could get Lia back after all! I was super scared at first when I entered and saw she wasn't there xD

And the next chapter was finished in record time because I'm impatient!! You can read it HERE!
BE aware is a pretty long chapter thoough, I played more than a week straight this time lol

And once you're finished you can go to both the Wordpress Poll and the Boolprop Poll to chose your favorite :D
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.11*

Post by 108sims »

At least Knox took Loki on a proper jog this time. :lol:

I don't know how you survive without a made. Your sim kiddos are much better behaved than mine.

Jungle Adventure is so fun. It's nice that everyone else gets to have a little vacation while Skye works on her aspiration.

Yvaine is pretty! I love the look she grew up with though lol!

Nooo I don't want Loki to be old.

I still like Javon even if he is a Malcolm clone. Malcolm didn't have awesome blue hair.

Don't mess with Evil sims! Been there done that.

Awe Sinbad and Mirasol are cute together.

You've gotten so many points!

I've cast my vote. :)
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.11*

Post by Salem »

108sims wrote:
At least Knox took Loki on a proper jog this time. :lol:

I don't know how you survive without a made. Your sim kiddos are much better behaved than mine.

Jungle Adventure is so fun. It's nice that everyone else gets to have a little vacation while Skye works on her aspiration.

Yvaine is pretty! I love the look she grew up with though lol!

Nooo I don't want Loki to be old.

I still like Javon even if he is a Malcolm clone. Malcolm didn't have awesome blue hair.

Don't mess with Evil sims! Been there done that.

Awe Sinbad and Mirasol are cute together.

You've gotten so many points!

I've cast my vote. :)

Responding while we wait for the heir poll to be completed 8-)
Yeah, I think Louis is the only one who uses that "special" leash :lol:
I guess I got used to playing without maid from the 100 babies challenge xD since the kids clean the house for the badges, I usually don't need one!
Jungle adventure is awesome! I remember it was one of the only packs my sister got the moment it came out and once I tried it I didn't want to stop xD it's so much fun and so pretty!
I love Yvaine! And really I love how much she looks like her dad! But yeah lol random sim style is not best style!
I'm gonna miss Loki a lot once he passes :cry: but the good thing is no more messing with the household size so... :roll:
Honestly I like Javon too lol I think My favorite potential spouse right now is Nixon those blue eyes! but Javon is probably second! He has been fun everytime he comes home.
Yeah, learnt that very quickly with that girl lol so I'm extra happy about finding Marisol! Sinbad deserves a cool, no evil wife!
It was a great generation for points! And thanks for voting :D <3 I'm super excited to know next heir!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.11*

Post by ciyrose »

Yay, I finally got all caught up and have voted for my pick for heir. It was a bit of a tough choice, but I decided. I do like all the kids. They are super cute and have done so well!

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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.11*

Post by Salem »

Yaaay I'm happy to hear that :D Welcome to the game! And yeah, it's always hard to chose a favorite, thanks for voting :D! I'm already wanting yo go into next generation!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.13*

Post by Salem »

The heir polls are finished and the votes we're counted, so now...

Chapter 2.13, and last of the generation, is ready to be read HERE!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 2.13*

Post by 108sims »

Yay I'm glad Knox won! He was my favorite. :D

Aw Marisol and Sinbad are cute.

When my collections have acted up like that, I've put the collectibles in a sims' inventory and pulled them back out again, and it seems to count. Hopefully that works for you.

I love Knox and Javon already. Probably because of Javon's blue hair, but still.

I hope you get an alien baby!

Lia's really pretty. Good luck with that vegetarian trait though. :lol:

I'm sad about Loki passing. He was a good pup. :(

Yay for an alien baby though!

I say yes to another dog.

Also I'm always super impatient and grow up the kids as soon as I get the popup.
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *3.1!*

Post by Salem »

108sims wrote:
Yay I'm glad Knox won! He was my favorite. :D

Aw Marisol and Sinbad are cute.

When my collections have acted up like that, I've put the collectibles in a sims' inventory and pulled them back out again, and it seems to count. Hopefully that works for you.

I love Knox and Javon already. Probably because of Javon's blue hair, but still.

I hope you get an alien baby!

Lia's really pretty. Good luck with that vegetarian trait though. :lol:

I'm sad about Loki passing. He was a good pup. :(

Yay for an alien baby though!

I say yes to another dog.

Also I'm always super impatient and grow up the kids as soon as I get the popup.
I'm glad he won too :D he's gonna be fun to play with!
they really are, I'm happy for them! They just make such a cute couple!
I tried that my last time played and it worked out! thanks for the tip! Since I almost never try to collect things I wasn't sure what to do lol!
Let's just hope that Javon gives us some nice blue haired kids! not like Louis lol!
I'm sad about Loki but so happy about the baby, I guess it's nice to have something to bounce back after losing our doggy! I'm probably gonna get Knox a dog too, but it will have to wait lol I really don't want to go back to more than 8 sims if I can help it!
And I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that lol! my only exception is when I have them working on skills or aspirations lol

Thanks for being with us for the lenght of this challenge so far! We're now starting generation 3 and I'm really happy to bring the first chapter! You can find it HERE!
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Re: What's my name? A name game challenge *Chapter 3.1!*

Post by 108sims »

The room is blue to match Javon's blue hair!

The Tech Guru is a pretty fun carrier. I may have played a bit too much of it since I like to give my sims the computer whiz aspiration.

Sweetest mean sim? I love it! :lol:

Louis's brain is melting due to the pregnancy.

Eh the bubbles won't harm the baby. :shrug:

Welcome Ophelia!

Of course Loki was one of Louis kids. Who would disagree with that?

Yay for the possibility of more alien babies!

Awstin's clothes do give off that vibe.

Wow you actually got 'Kiss in Rain' to work for you. When I sent two sims to do that, they walked inside lol

No need to tune down the gay, I agree with you! :hearts:

Well maybe Knox gave the Bluebell to Javon because it matched his hair!

Ophelia is a cutie, and I'm glad Louis finally passed on his hair color to one of his kids.

So much love in the air!

Also I love all the doggies.
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