Culpepper Pals (Winter 4 Part 7! Updated 20th March '24)

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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 5! 7th Sept '22)

Post by Sam »

U P D A T E :rotfl:
We're about halfway through the winter rotation now!
And given that I've nearly finished playing winter, I'd say that's not too bad!

Let's see what Tori Holiday gets up to this season!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 5! 7th Sept '22)

Post by Heather »

I actually read through the rest of the summer/fall 3 after I finished with spring, because I was so curious to see where you were currently, haha. So jumping in to comment on winter so far, with a couple comments sprinkled in from summer/fall!
Q: Yes! New household to play with werewolves! I fully support having each occult represented with a starting sim. ;) Also what do you mean eating an entire plate of grilled cheese sandwiches doesn't immediately solve all your problems?? Love that he unintentionally unlocked the cheese aspiration in the process of becoming a wolf, haha. Also love his character of being a hipster werewolf!

Villareal: Luna Villareal is one of my fave townies to marry in, so it's cute seeing her end up with Marnie! :) (And I just wanted to add that shot of Luna with the wine glass in her wedding dress was so pretty!) I feel like no matter what my couples always end up becoming parents, so I can't blame you for adding Joslyn to the family. She's such a cutie, too! And oh my god, Marnie cycling down Komorebi is really something. The big family Winterfest was so cute! Genuinely thought Norah was dying in that one picture of her on her back in the snow, oh my god. Rory and Jenna need to READ THE ROOM, geez! Who do they think they are, celebrating New Years while poor Norah passes on? Norah really went out with a bang, though, didn't she? :lol:

Titan-Ojo: So cute watching David become a dad, and living a nice chill beach life with his family. :) I love that they secretly got engaged behind your back, haha. Oh, that beach wedding looks gorgeous! Riley and Samantha were so cute as the ring bearer and flower pal. Kinda relieved to see that David's one whim didn't amount to much drama!

Goth: Poor Oli with his unexpected alien baby! :lol: And I'm glad you saved Marnie! She definitely did not deserve to go that early! Funny that whiz kid is your least favourite, I actually find it's the easiest one for me to get mine to finish, haha. And I thought perhaps you were foreshadowing a future grilled cheese aspiration with Ella. ;) The picture of her with the sparkler and the chalk design in the background is so pretty. :) That picture of Haley opening a gift with glowing red eyes startled me a little, not gonna lie! I'm really looking forward to getting into the high school pack with a rotational gang of kids, so I'll be keeping an eye on how you do yours!

Holiday: Gotta admit, I absolutely despise Thorne Bailey, but it's fun seeing what he gets up to in your game with Tori. "Thorne rolled his eyes, 'I wish people would stop defacing it. I worked hard for that.' I deface his star every time I go to Del Sol Valley and I feel no guilt, Thorne! He does look good on the red carpet with Tori though, I have to say! Lol at Orange surrounded by all the mood cocktails. Also I love every shot of that pool with that view!! I don't like Get Famous that much as a pack if I'm being honest, but watching you play these two in particular makes me want to give it another chance!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 6! 1st Nov '22)

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I've just started playing Spring 4, but still have half of Winter 3 left to post :lol: as per usual
Q: I couldn't resist, even with the population being totally out of hand :lol: Very surprising that the grilled cheese sandwiches didn't help at all! I love playing Jared, he's instantly become one of my favourites!

Villareal: I've never really played the Villareals, although I think a spare from my old legacy back in the day married Max? Maybe? I'm loving Luna so far <3 I really hadn't intended on them having kids, but I don't regret it - I adore Joslyn! I love the massive family gatherings, it is one of the best parts of having such a big family! Marnie really is an adrenaline junkie :lol: You're right, Norah really did pick her moment :lol:

Titan-Ojo: They're such a chill family to play, it's nice. This is not the last time someone in the rotation gets up to something behind my back :shifty: I love rolling with what the game throws, though! It was such a pretty wedding to play, and went mostly smoothly! David's one whim gave me so much anxiety, but it was interesting to see that it didn't really go anywhere

Goth: Oli getting alien pregnant was totally unplanned :lol: and I had to step in with Marnie, I really wasn't ready to let her go. I think my least favourite changes from time to time, but I find the artistic prodigy one the easiest - but it seems like I give it to a lot of the kids so I'm a little bored of it! I've been planning to make Ella a cheese sim since she was born :lol: Haley is an interesting little lady, that's for sure :lol: As for high school, there's about to be a bunch more teens in the save so hopefully I'll work out how I want to play it.

Holiday: I've definitely warmed to him since Tori decided to get to know him :lol: But when I'm not controlling him, he is his usual self! I'm really enjoying playing the two of them together. Orange is a sweetie <3 I think Get Famous is fine in small doses, and I really enjoy playing the Holidays, I don't think I want another famous family for a while after Tori & Thorne. I'm not quite sure what I'll do with Orange as he grows, but I don't think he'll be doing the fame thing.

Update Time!
Let's visit Travis Bell and his daughter, Brianna :)
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 7! 2nd Nov '22)

Post by Sam »

Updated again!
Time for a very small post on Shari Kibo's winter
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 7! 2nd Nov '22)

Post by klmnz »

Oh my god! Murphy bed why!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 7! 2nd Nov '22)

Post by IotaTav »

I was figuring that was the reason for the short post, but it still caught me off guard!

Sucks that you saved afterwards. Shari Kibo, you will be missed. :cryingeyes:
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 7! 2nd Nov '22)

Post by sueplayssims »

Oh my goodness. A couple of really eventful updates!
Briana looks like she’s had a great season, lots of drama there most definitely so I think the change in aspiration was very fitting. I found it hilarious how Travis being bitten by the vampire was still less dramatic and therefore less of a focus in the update!!

Stunned at Shari. I really want to get tiny living but have heard that accidents with the Murphy beds are really common. I think I would have saved too as that’s how the game panned out and I like to not plan my story lines so much, I would have just seen it as one of those things that was meant to be. Her roommate’s reaction made me laugh aloud though! The little photo montage at the end including the toddler photo got my right in the feels. Gah.
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 7! 2nd Nov '22)

Post by Sam »

I know I've been a bit radio silent on here lately but I have a good reason, I promise!
I work in a supermarket and I basically live there at the moment because of Christmas :lol: I should have a bit more freetime in January, and be back to updating with a bit more frequency!

Hope you're all well :heart:
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 8! 4th Feb '23)

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Right?! It wasn't even a cheap murphy bed!!
I didn't anticipate it happening at all, it was a real shock!

First accidental death of the save. Definitely will miss Shari :heart:
Been a very busy season for the Culpepper Pals so far!
I love playing Brianna, she's so much fun. I love that she rolled non-committal too, it's going to be really interesting playing her as an adult! Poor Travis got hardly any focus at all :lol:

I've used murphy beds in the game for a while, but this is the first time I've lost a sim to one! And so quickly as well, literally the first or second time she'd unfolded the bed. I do tend to roll with the punches when it comes to my sims. I loved her roommate, it feels like he had quite the personality that we never got to explore :lol: oh it was so sad compiling those pictures, honestly!! :heart:
Hello again! :wave:
New year, new updates, amirite?

I've changed the way I do updates at the moment - it's a lot quicker and easier for me to load the whole thing into a tumblr queue, rather than write & format blog posts at the moment. Plus I had the whole Zest update ready to go and dreamwidth ate it, which was kinda disheartening. So I made a brand new tumblr just for posting Culpepper updates :)

The new update is here! We're catching up with Tania and Johnny Zest :)

Oh! Also! Thank you for nominating Culpepper Pals in the Golden Plumbbobs! :heart:
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 9! 10th Feb '23)

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It was my birthday yesterday, so as a treat have an update! :party:
We're spending winter with the Vatores!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 9! 10th Feb '23)

Post by Heather »

Happy belated birthday, Sam! :party:

Bell: Fun seeing what Brianna got up to with the new pack before her birthday! I've disabled the pop-ups in my game because the BFF one happens too frequently, imo. I was gonna say Cathy looks like a cutie, but boy that did not last very long. :lol: Could have been better-timed indeed! Travis sitting out with Adora's grave is so bittersweet. <3 Bri's new look is very cute (and that new trait certainly is fitting)! Her little turquoise kitchen is so cute, too.

Kibo: Oh my god, Shari's update was brutal! Poor thing. Glad the animals were able to be rehomed! And props to you for rolling with it, because any unauthorized deaths in my save are an instant exit without saving, haha.

Zest: Spatula is off to a strong start I see! :lol: Love the curveballs your game always seems to give you! Spatula peeping over Tania'a lap when she tells Johnny is just too cute. Sorry to say, but Johnny leaving for a quick walk with spatula and then Tania immediately wetting herself and going into labour cracked me up. Lemon Zest would have been an amazing name, but I can see why you went with something else, haha. Her little rainbow outfit! I have never used that top or that skirt but now I want to! That season may have been a struggle for you, but it was a very entertaining one to read. ;)

Vatore: I very much enjoy the new posting format, but I may be a tiny bit biased, haha. Either way, love seeing the Culpeppers pop up on my dash throughout the day! (Almost as much as I love when cowboy Caleb makes an appearance ;)) I also adore Vlad the plasma-loving bunny, and how his little sweater kinda matches Caleb's. <3 Their winterfest was so cute, especially with the new picnic tradition! I'm now very intrigued about what is going on in Dolly's household. I've had the fair glitch out and not give me any awards before, so I don't think it was related to the holiday falling on it.
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 10! 20th Feb '23)

Post by Sam »

Thank you Heather! :heart:
Bell: I'm definitely going to have to disable it, it's just too much!! Cathy was adorable, for all six minutes she was in Brianna's life :lol: It was so much fun seeing how that season played out for Bri!! Travis sitting by Adora's grave kind of broke my heart a little, I have to say. I can't wait to see what Brianna gets up to next!

Kibo: It was so unexpected! I'm glad all of her pets stayed in the family, that's something. I definitely did consider exiting without saving! I had the game paused while I tried to decide what to do! Definitely not an easy decision to make.

Zest: I love Spatula even is she is a pain :lol: I weirdly enjoy having to work around the curveballs the game comes up with, so at least there's that. The timing of Johnny's walk and Tania's labour was hilarious to play through. I was sooo tempted by Lemon Zest :lol: kind of wish I had now! It's such a cute little outfit! It was difficult to play, but it was fun at the same time? :lol: they're definitely not having anymore kids though

Vatore: It's so much easier, I'm so glad I switched. I'm glad the posts turning up on your dash makes you smile - how can anyone not smile at cowboy Caleb :lol: The bunny loving plasma was just too perfect! It's so difficult to do Winterfest when you have vampires that don't eat? So I was looking for something a bit different for them all to do. Dolly's household did not go the way I thought it would :lol: That's a shame about the fair, I don't seem to have much luck with them. I'd love for Caleb to have something other than a participation rosette!
The Lobo update is now live!
Time to see what winter has in store for Dolly & Diego :heart:
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 11! 27th Feb '23)

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Time for the last household of the season, the Embers! I'm so excited to be done with winter (finally!)
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 11! 27th Feb '23)

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Lobo: Loved how Dolly's storyline this season! Nice to see her open up to Caleb, and him accepting their differences, he really is such a good dad. <3 Poor Diego having to adjust to the new house in Forgotten Hollow though, I particularly enjoyed the shot of him staring at the spider web. :lol: Zelda is such a perfect name for the little one! It'll be interesting to see what happens with Dolly and her new vampire friend...

Embers: Ella and Tarin make a cute pair! Like the Vatores starting their own Winterfest tradition, love the Embers having a traditional vacation! That particular cabin really is great for a winter holiday, isn't it? All the kiddos hanging out together on the monkey bars is so cute. The return of Cathy! Good for her for winning a crown along with Ella. Ella matching Tarin is also very cute.

Looking forward to seeing what spring brings!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 11! 27th Feb '23)

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The Embers are a really cute household <3
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Winter 3 Part 11! 27th Feb '23)

Post by Anne »

I've been catching up on everything I missed and I just wanted to say that I adore the Culpepper Pals! Your gameplay always inspires me to slow down a little and focus on the beautiful moments in the game (love your scenery shots!) and to put effort into all of the family and friendly relationships. It's such a joy to see all of your families branch out!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Spring 4 Part 1! 3rd March '23)

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I've got a cold, so I'll come back to reply to these comments later on :heart:
Just wanted to mention that Spring 4 with Jared Q is up now! :)
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Spring 4 Part 2! 6th April '23)

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Lobo: It was so much fun to play this new angle! I'd always kind of intended for Dolly to be a "real" vampire, I guess I'd just lost sight of that along the way? Caleb loves his family so much :heart: I really did put Diego through it when I moved him to Forgotten Hollow :lol: I couldn't not use the name Zelda, it's too perfect! I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens next to the family.

Ember: I really like Ella & Tarin together :heart: I love having little traditions for the families! It's such a good cabin, I can't believe I've never had anyone rent it before?! All the kids hanging out together reminds me of just how many there are now :lol: I really like Cathy, I hope someone else romances her down the line!
They really are! I love playing them :heart:

:wave: thank you so much! I really enjoying playing this save, and I'm glad it shows :heart: it's honestly my favourite way to play the game now. I'm loving having extended families and such now, even if I'm a little apprehensive about the population boom! :lol:

I'm back with an update - time for spring with the Villareals!
And can you believe Culpepper Pals turned FOUR recently?! I can't quite believe I've been playing them this long!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Spring 4 Part 2! 6th April '23)

Post by Heather »

Holy shit Sam, I can't believe it's been 4 years! Congrats!
Q: I know it was a different-universe-Jared, but I just wanted to say I also enjoyed seeing what you got up to with him for the new pack! I think I commented this when you were posting, but I love that dress you put on her! Jared working on the romantic painting after his rampage. :( Love him being a little hipster about moving out though, hehe. Shame that house isn't super great for playing in. Diego sitting on the floor in the middle of the aisle kills me. The shots of Jared and Alice under the tree though? STUNNING. <3 I always love when the wolves running on all fours coincides with something funny, like the trolley.

Villareal: Dang, Marnie has a lot of lifestyles to keep up with! Love Luna angry-stomping up to the trails after their rough morning. :lol: Ooh, science baby time! Marnie laughing over making Hannah cry shouldn't be as funny as it is to me. Also had a good chuckle when the full Villareal clan rocked up to their new house. Not Hugo being far too comfortable playing video games in a towel! Gotta be honest that sounds like every family trip I've done, where by the end of the stay I'm miserable for one reason or another. They really nailed the accuracy. ;) Aww, the poor kids all staring at the jungle gym in the rain!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Spring 4 Part 3! 13th April '23)

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I know, as if it has been 4 years?!

Q: I had so much fun playing Jared in a new save :lol: he's married with another baby on the way in that AU. You did mention it, I couldn't not put her in the dress, it's too perfect! That full moon rampage really got me, he was so much worse than usual! I'm going to have to find a new house for them eventually I think, as much as I love how striking it is. That wedding was such a mess :lol: I'm glad I was able to get at least one decent shot! I'm loving having a werewolf in the gang!

Villareal: It's insane how many she's managed to collect? Most sims in my save have like one or two, tops! I was so excited to try out the science baby feature with these two :heart: Marnie is Mean, but it's so funny. I couldn't believe it when all of the Villareals came, I honestly just thought it would be Jacques :lol: I don't think I'd want to spend that much time with my extended family tbh, as much as I love them :lol: it really wasn't good weather for them!
Update time! Spring with the Titan-Ojos :)
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