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BNTM Season 12 - Round 2: RESULTS

Posted: February 27th, 2018, 2:23 pm
by Thaitanic
Top three:
jcampbell & Jesslb429 (tied)
The story was great, but I wish there was better lighting in the shots. The freestyle is beautiful, but the headshot really lets the set down! I love the colour of the gown you chose with that setting though, it's fab :)
Interesting about the milestones being watched by the "voices" and the "ghosts" I wonder if that means literally...other than that, nicely framed shots, different clothing and positions. Well done.
I really like the second shot, but would've just liked to see a bit more going on in the third one
I love the color in the full-body shot! I must say I wish her face shot were less obstructed, but I know how Sim-babes can be! Great work!

The lighting is gorgeous, and you captured the brief really well. This is super nitpicky, but in the funeral shot I wish there was a vertical prop on the left of the shot to compliment the strong verticals of the middle (Ember) and the right (the tall flowers). I still gave you a 9/10 though :)
Beautifully framed, I could see everything that was going on as if I'd lived them myself. Well done!
Loved it!
I found myself quite 'wow-ed' by your pictures! Ember is gorgeous and she knows it! Awesome job!

I loved it a lot :) The milestones were very very milestoney haha and the story made me laugh and smile and be sad all in one :)
Worthy milestones indeed! Moving away only to "die" one week after is wow. I know it's not forever but still one would remember something like that for sure.
Very creative - great job!
I LOVE how creative you got with this! It was daring and I really like daring! Keep up that great work!

Wow, a really good entry! I loved the colours and the lighting you used. The last shot isn't as powerful as the first two, but it totally worked for the story.
Very colourful, and interesting poses. Going solo from your controlling label is a real moment in time. Nicely done.
Wow really love the first shot, great job here
The pictures were so colorful! I loved the freestyle! My only point of note is that the first pose sort of resembled the third pose in both placement and style. Keep up the fabulous work!

It didn't fully fit the brief of high fashion, but the outfits are great and your settings are very suitable! A well rounded and solid entry. :)
Very nice head shots, it's well lined up and positioned perfectly. I can imagine how it was for her during those events in life. Having gone through two of them myself.
Think I would've liked to see a bit more going on in the first shot, but great job on the second and third
I'm loving the face shots! So gorgeous and especially so elegant on her wedding day! I also must say I chuckled at the heartbreak - that picture really does nail it quite on the head!

This totally captures the 'high fashion' brief, the use of petals artistically to represent blood is so well done and I adored the pond shots. Fantastic :)
Those are some memorable milestones. Nice poses and expressions, makes me wonder where the child went in between the pregnancy and the grey hairs.
Great job
I'm loving how glamorous this feels! Your sim always shocks me with how gorgeous she is. Your shots were artistic and memorable! Well done!
Get ready for Round 3! Here:

Re: BNTM Season 12 - Round 2: RESULTS

Posted: February 27th, 2018, 7:29 pm
by jcampbell
Great job everyone! :drinks: