Hello and welcome to my I’m Surrounded By Idiots, or ISBI for short, challenge legacy! If you’re not familiar with this challenge, I encourage you to check out the rules here. Essentially, you can only control one sim per generation. Normal ISBI’s are 10 generations, but I’ve decided to make it harder for myself and also do it as an Alphabetcy! If your not familiar with that challenge, that’s basically where you have 26 generations where each generation is named with one letter of the the alphabet (i.e. Generation A: April, Adam, Aaron or Generation H: Helen, Harry, Hailey). So for me that’s 26 generations with only one controllable sim in each generation! I might lose my sanity!! So hope aboard the Insane Train and let’s get this show on the road!
Founding Generation Chapters:
Chapter 10.1 - The Wildes Are Now Eco Friendly!
*New*Chapter 10.2 - A How-To Guide on Annoying Mojo*New*