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Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 8th, 2016, 11:33 pm
by RavenAngel888

Not sure whether this would be a game or what, but, my idea is that you post something about your country that is either truth or myth and the next poster has to guess which it is. That way we all learn a bit more about the World and our little pieces of them?

South Africa: there are monkeys in the gardens, even in the suburbs of the major cities/metros...

(Now the next poster will say Truth or Myth and then give their own)

Anyone interested?

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Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 9th, 2016, 1:27 am
by Ani-Mei

Canada is the largest land area in the world.

Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 9th, 2016, 3:44 am
by RavenAngel888
Yay! Someone knows we do have monkeys :hug:

Um, that's true and false. True if you take totally land area but false if you're talking about contiguous land area. It's all those bloody little island thingies y'all have lol but for sake of ease I'll say: true lol and hope what I said above is actually true and I'm remembering National Geographic correctly lol

South Africa: the Great White is the most dangerous shark in our waters.

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Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 9th, 2016, 6:22 am
by Gryffindork
^ ^ Ani-Mei can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Canada is the 2nd largest and Russia is first? :P

Hmm, I'm super tempted to Google this (and probably will as soon as I finish this post)... I know South Africa has its fair share of sharks, but I think I read somewhere that Great Whites aren't actually the most deadly sharks in the world, so... false?

Canada: we buy our milk in bags instead of cartons/jugs/bottles.

Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 9th, 2016, 3:42 pm
by RavenAngel888
Yup, our most dangerous shark is actually the Zambezi or Tiger shark, it's smaller but will attack with zero provocation. A GW tends to only attack if provoked or if you look like food...

Well, we buy our milk in bags here (and bottles and cartons etc as well) so I'm going to go with truth.

Like I said, if you're talking about contiguous area then it's not Canada lol but total area I think you guys have the top post. *going off to google now too*

South Africa: we can choose "paper or plastic" when shopping for all items at a supermarket.

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Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 9th, 2016, 9:09 pm
by Ani-Mei

And Canada comes in second for total land mass, Russia is first. All those little islands are not ours, some are Arctic islands that belong to no country. Baffin Island is ours though, that's the largest one.

Canada has considered privatizing our health care like the United States so you will no longer get it free from the government.

Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 10th, 2016, 1:42 pm
by Pony
Truth, but I hope it doesn't happen.

I thought the zambezi shark was a bull shark instead of a tiger. Because the bull sharks can swim up rivers. But i learned most of my shark knowledge watching documentaries.

The jackalope is one of Texas native mammals.

Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 10th, 2016, 1:58 pm
by cowplant
Myth, even though I wish it was so.
But I do believe that the jackalope myth originated there, but don't quote me on that.

Germany is the country that has contributed/invented the most types of bread worldwide.

Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 10th, 2016, 3:12 pm
by Radiochocolate
I'm going to say truth, though my mind is wandering to Austria.

Sweden's current royal family is actually of French descent.

Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 17th, 2016, 2:23 pm
by Ani-Mei

I don't know but that's what I'm going with so I don't go Google cheat it.

Ontario Canada has over 1000 lakes.

Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 18th, 2016, 12:24 am
by RavenAngel888

Oh and it's false that SA can choose paper or plastic :sad: we only have the option of plastic or "whatever bag you brought from home so that you don't ruin the planet by using more plastic"

SA: we have to pay for our shopping bags (the plastic ones) to try convince people to recycle old ones

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Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 18th, 2016, 12:57 am
by Radiochocolate
Sounds plausible, so I'll go with truth.

And yes, the first king of the Bernadotte line was from France. Some political character, IIRC.

Sweden: As of January this year, all under 18 get prescription medicines for free.

Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 18th, 2016, 1:02 am
by RavenAngel888
Um, truth? Or at least it's something I'd like to believe is true?

Yup, here in SA they started charging 50c or so for a plastic bag. Most people just pay it and couldn't be bothered, but those of us that care, generally purchase canvass or material shopping bags which we take with to the store

SA: when our workers strike/protest, they dance

Edit: #EggOnMyFace #MyBad ok, so the Zambezi shark IS a Bull shark lol but, in my defense the Tiger shark is also pretty badass in our waters lol thanks for pointing out my error :hug:

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Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 18th, 2016, 2:01 am
by Ani-Mei

British Columbia is sometimes called Hollywood North.

Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 19th, 2016, 3:34 pm
by modelmgt
I'm guessing true? I know nothing about British Columbia but it's plausible.
@cowplant: Most of the Jackalope stuff I've seen is in New Mexico, but I'm not sure on the origin of the myth. I shall have to Google this. Who knew? :bullwhip:

In Texas there is no snow.

Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 19th, 2016, 9:20 pm
by Ani-Mei

The capitol of the Yukon is Yellowknife and the capitol of the Northwest Territories is Whitehorse.

@Ravenangel Ontario does indeed have over 1000 lakes in it.

Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 20th, 2016, 5:55 pm
by RavenAngel888
I'm going to go with false?

Seriously?!? 1000+ lakes? How big are they on average •nevermind gonna google when I'm more awake, 2am here•

When our workers strike they do "dance", its called toi-toi (pronounced toy-toy) and its like a kind of "war" dance thing...

SA: my city, Durban, is having the wettest Winter ever, and yet, we're still in a drought.

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Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 20th, 2016, 8:19 pm
by Ani-Mei

Yep, it's false, it's the opposite. But most people just go with truth because the city names start with the same letters as the territories.

Canada has five time zones.

Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 20th, 2016, 9:07 pm
by Mauricette

Alaska used to have three time zones.

Re: Country Myth/Truth

Posted: August 20th, 2016, 9:32 pm
by RavenAngel888
Hmm I'm gonna go with false. Two I might have gone with truth, but I'm not sure Alaska is large enough to span across 3 10 degree lines of longitude :confused: or is it? I was wrong about Canada twice now when it came to geography type questions... Ag, let's stick to my original guess :lol: :spin:

Yup, it is actually pouring down right now (since about 5pm last night (its 5:30am now) and yet, it never seems to rain by the blasted dams and rivers! I mean, honestly, does the sea really need MORE water in it (oh yeah, I'm in a coastal city :grin: the beaches stretch for miles, although we use kilometers here)

Johannesburg's other name is Egoli, which means "City of Gold" after all the gold mines that surround it

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