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BNTM Season 10 - FINALE

Posted: October 1st, 2015, 9:30 pm
by Rosanna
BNTM Season 10 – FINALE

Welcome to the finale of Season 10 - Let's Go Big!

Finale Details
Requirements & information: Show your model celebrating a big life event! Ex: Wedding, graduation, etc. We want to see creativity!! Think outside the box and think of a really creative event! Or if you pick a more common big life event, make it really unique and show parts of the event that we wouldn't expect

1 head shot of your model
1 full body shot of your model
1 freestyle photo

Photo editing is allowed
Be creative with our broad themes. Surprise us!

Judging will be based on

Your concept (be creative)
The scene and background
Your model position & expression
Photography (technical details)
Following the round rules

Deadline: October 18

Re: BNTM Season 10 - FINALE

Posted: October 3rd, 2015, 9:55 pm
by ZaleISBI
Fiona Alvarado

Life Event
The day I found out my husband and I were to have a child was one of the most elating and terrifying moments I'd ever experienced.
Head Shot

As a model, it was very difficult to watch the body I worked so hard for, morph into the form and shape required to bring a new life into this world.
Full Body

But when I held my new daughter in my arms - I realized that nothing mattered. Not my fear, not my figure - I was home.

Re: BNTM Season 10 - FINALE

Posted: October 4th, 2015, 7:50 am
by SammySama7
Nadia Anaya
Big Life Event

Nadia decided that she'd celebrate her wedding with a bachelorette party. She didn't have many friends, but the random sims in the nightclub didn't mind helping her celebrate.

Nadia and her fiance decided to get married at home, so she had to get ready in the bathroom. Her plain surroundings only made her feel more beautiful as a bride.

(Full Body)
It didn't matter that there wasn't anyone there. All Nadia needed was him. She couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.

Re: BNTM Season 10 - FINALE

Posted: October 12th, 2015, 4:04 pm
by Rad
Rita Knight - Life event

[spoiler]Happy Non-iversary!


This time two years ago, I should have been married, but then my fiance left me before we made it up the aisle. Sometimes I imagine that day, how I would have looked... but I don't wallow for too long. Instead, I put my party face on.


Every year, I throw a non-iversary party instead, to remind myself how much happier I am not to have that ring on my finger.


So here's to all the single ladies out there![/spoiler]

Re: BNTM Season 10 - FINALE

Posted: October 13th, 2015, 10:09 pm
by modelmgt
Elena Abbiati

Big Firsts & Big Changes

It's no surprise that Elena Abbiati found the love of her life several rounds ago. . .

Now it's time to plan for a wedding and get married!
#1: Elena has opted to put her own touches on the wedding(and save money) by creating her own flower bouquets for the first time.
As she tries various mixes of colorful blooms, she can't help but daydream about the big day. (Head-shot) vv

#2: Another very important detail of a wedding is choosing her wedding dress for the first(and only)time.
Is the bride going to Frown at this Gown? :wink: (Freestyle) vv
^"Oh gosh! I don't know! I like it but what do you think, mom and dad?!"

#3: Lastly, what would be a wedding without the romance of the ceremony itself? (Full Body) vv

Re: BNTM Season 10 - FINALE

Posted: October 14th, 2015, 10:01 pm
by Gryffindork
Charlie Blake
FINALE - Life Event

[spoiler]Charlie will never forget the first time she saved someone's life. A man was drowning in the ocean.

She dragged him to shore and did exactly as she'd been trained.
(Full Body)

Only to find out he'd faked the whole thing.

No, Charlie will never forget the day she met her future boyfriend.[/spoiler]

Re: BNTM Season 10 - FINALE

Posted: October 18th, 2015, 8:14 am
by Gem
Lady Pandora Irvington

My First...

[spoiler]My First Proposal


His father, Viscount Fellowes don't you know, had chosen the restaurant. He'd ordered the lobster. I don't even like shellfish.


My First Wedding Announcement


My mother chose my hair and make-up. She told the papers how happy 'I' was.


Pandora Smith

My First Marriage


My husband asked me if I wanted spag bol or chilli for tea. He's just told me it's ready.


Re: BNTM Season 10 - FINALE

Posted: October 18th, 2015, 2:53 pm
by Abby
Camilla Strauss


Camilla had been waiting for this day for an awfully long time.... Camilla had always wanted to have a family but never found the perfect guy to settle down with. Thats when she realised adoption was perfect for her. She wanted nothing more than to give a baby a home.


Camilla welcomed baby girl Tessa Strauss into her family. The instant bond and love she had for this little girl was phenomenal. Her daughter.


Yes, with the end of BNTM comes a very happily ever after for Camilla... and for baby Tessa.