March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Sept. 4th

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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 19th

Post by Ani-Mei »

We do have until the end of September, I can't read properly :fisty: I had to check again myself after it came up on Discord. The house is too full to get another unicorn so there's no room for the three pets required first for one. Owl did eat the Mermadic Kelp so she is one now, you can see the pink scales on her legs during the slide with her skilling next to Owen. I haven't sent her to the beach yet though so you'll really see it there. I am not sure how to package Sims 3 lots for download, there is no Exchange for it anymore and I can't remember my password and name on there anyway for it. They needed a park, it was a small 30x30 lot that I changed into a small park in Edit Town. Oriole looked cute in that Showtime hat and I can find her easier when she's in one of the colourful rooms. Parker and Penelope are in the next chapter along with Nathan, all three are witches so they'll get a story for their wand picks too and I do miss having pets around the house, it was always good for my witches when they had cats. It helped the spell casting a lot and now I have six witches in the house with no cats to help them. :( Shadow and Orlando will be the two that last the longest in the family, Orlando won't age unless I cake him up and Shadow didn't get another dose of Pet Elixer so he'll be going eventually too. Maybe if the house empties out a bit I can have pets again, not sure what will happen with my fourth and final heir yet, if I'll just be ending it or if I'll transition this into another challenge with the fourth heir. Thanks for coming in!
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 23rd

Post by 108sims »

I love how colorful you've made everything!

I might be wrong, but I feel like Orlando's mellowed out a bit in his old age. Maybe it has to do with all the loss he's suffered.

I love how Parker grew up! He's definitely rocking that look.

I love that you have so many witches now, that they can all hang out in the secret room.

I wonder who the power of three is referring to?

Great cliffhanger. I can't wait to see what the next detour holds.
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 23rd

Post by Ani-Mei »

I think I finally figured it out, the plot for the boys and why Rika keeps being drawn to them. I just have to work it in, or at least Prologue it before I finish this OWBC. Colourful rooms and objects are one thing I love about Sims 3, it makes Rainbowcys worth doing when you can colour code everything. Orlando has begun to realize he should remember the dead but not to forget the ones still alive too. He never really acted Evil, it was sort of a passing trait in his personality, occasionally appearing but never dominating. Parker definitely rocks the Emo Artist, it's his new look and I was surprised at how good he turned out. I have my own coven of witches now, I have five of them in the house and still no cat to help them. But...that may change after the heir poll and I find out who's a spare and who will stay.

The Power of Three, you'll have to wait and see, so stick with me. :lol:
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 25th

Post by Calamity Jade »

Honestly, the kids and the house have enough color variety to rival a rainbowcy!

I think you expressed Orlando's grief well in his journal entry. I agree with you, it's very hard to watch sims whom you've known their whole lives pass away, but it's even sadder when their immortal family members have to keep watching them go through it. I guess it's just as Grimmy told him, that it "gets easier" as time goes on.

The explanation of the Power of Three dynamic is interesting. I haven't read Quest of Peace but this makes me want to read it, I like when simmers have their characters cross over into other stories. :slaphappy:
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 25th

Post by Ani-Mei »

Thank you, sometimes I surprise myself with what comes out when I write. I like Orlando a lot, one of the few Sims 3 sims I get attached to but my true love is my Sims 2 sims. I started writing in 2007 with Sims 2 and over the years I found out it was really easy to write for them. I like the visual picture book with novel-esque tones you can get from it, I learned most of that from being here on Boolprop for the last 13 years. My boys, Reias, Solan, Dalen, and Diamos are parts of my own psyche coming out and sometimes I get bogged down with real life things and their voices get drowned out for a bit, but eventually they come in loud and clear again, this is one of those times of clarity. They never leave me even now, and they help me along with writing for them. The trick is to make sure that when I do write new things for them, it's not just rehashing old plot lines again and again, but giving it a new way to go while still remembering where they came from. Something Hollywood could learn a lot from TBH. :lol: Now, my new task is figuring out how to use the Sims 3 SP loss of control system to still tell the story I want to, without it going off the rails. In Sims 2, the other families don't move on unless you go in and move them yourself, I have to adapt to the loss of that in Sims 3. It has so many new things I can use for it, pose boxes as well (once I figure out where they went in the game). And I'm glad The Power of Three has interested you into going to look at it in its entirety, it's on here in the Completed Sims 2 section and I've fixed all the main chapters after the Photobucket failure, only have a few left for Solan's bachelor challenge to do...eventually. Then to see if any of my other stories need a PowerPoint overhaul too.
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 26th

Post by 108sims »

After just reading the summary, I really need to go and read your trilogy. It sound right up my alley.

Ooo so the kids that got together last chapter are the possible new three? If I were them I'd be totally scared, but as a reader I'm excited to see what they're up against.

I guess it's not just the three, the four witches. Any of them could be a candidate.

I don't blame the kids for being kind of skeptical. Rika's know them for years (although she didn't know they were Gods until now), but they're just now hearing about them.

Interesting that Diamos was the "bad" twin once upon a time.

Wonder if we'll meet the mysterious Batalia.

I liked the bit of catching up with the family and the family gossip. I'm glad Orlando is so protective of his family.

I can see how reading auras can lead to some awkward situations. :lol:

The triad is really cool to learn about.

That's a big promise. Let's hope Diamos is able to keep it.
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I don't blame Rika. I wouldn't want to go in there either.

So mummies don't do much? They're another part of TS3 I haven't explored much. They just seem kind of creepy.

I hate how the worlds in TS3 get so glitchy if you stay too long. It's a shame really.

Poor Nathan not wanting to be a witch, but at least he realized it does come with some benefits. :lol:

Good luck with Uni! Sending all six at once would get it out of the way...
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 26th

Post by Ani-Mei »

I worked really hard on that Quest for Peace and I am so glad it's still loved 10 years later. The kids are skeptical, Parker doesn't really want to do it, Oriole is on the fence, so is Penelope, and Nathan just wants to follow his older siblings like all younger ones do. I know where it would be so it will not be moving the whole family, just the kids...because for the characters I need to control, I can't have all nine of them AND the characters in one house without issues. Dee and Dalen have a long, long history together they were my first characters that I ever made and Dee was the bad twin, Dalen was the timid things change. :lol: Batalia will be joining them for sure, once I figure out how to make her in Sims 3 so she looks like her Sims 2 self though. She's fun, I like her. She's not one of my characters though, she belongs to Jade, a user on here who doesn't come on anymore that was also part of the Hidden City RP on Boolprop 1.0., Batalia is her baby but she said I can use her. Orlando is my bridge and my foundation that connects all four generations together. He's become that way as I continued on with the OWBC because as I've said, I don't plan out my stories, they are all done on the fly. Solan's power has gotten him into trouble before, all in my Sims 2 trilogy stories. He handles it very well because Reias is such a good father to him. Without Reias, Solan would be far worse off with a power like that. Dee will do everything he can to keep his oath to Rika, he's a very reliable and trustworthy guy. That's why I love him so much. <3

Mummies probably have something that they do, otherwise why would they be the occult you get with World Adventures? All of them do something unique, I just don't have enough experience with them to figure out WHAT they do. One day maybe. Sims 3's SP creates new character files for every Townie that breeds and that does bog down things if they go rampant like that. That's why it's always lagging or gets to the point where you have to purge the files by moving to a new save file. Also the open world thing too, lots of polygons moving all the time, all over the place, it's why it eats so much RAM and demands so much from your graphics card. Sims 4 went back to the loading screens of Sims 2 so I guess that was because of the demands Sims 3 had? I don't know, I'm not EA. Nathan learned to like his magic, even if he gets nefarious ideas about what to do with it...he's the baby of the family so I guess he wants to make an impact. I'll probably send all six of them to Uni at once, it's easier that way I can build them an amazing house with the 3.2 million the family has, six bedrooms, four baths, every bedroom has a double bed for that college sampler they will no doubt want to get...hehe. Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote in the heir poll!
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 26th

Post by Calamity Jade »

That look Rika gave to the sarcophagus was almost priceless. :slaphappy:

I've actually started reading Quest of Peace, so I'm not totally lost whenever Solan or Power of Three is mentioned.

Hopefully, you won't have to move the family again before the challenge ends, but that might be putting a LOT of faith in the game.
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 26th

Post by Ani-Mei »

Oh cool, so all the PowerPoints work then? I was wondering if they would get weirdly shrunk on the LJ post like I've seen happen to a few of them. I haven't finished redoing all the Bachelor Challenge days for Solan yet so that still has to be done. I'm just fixing up my OWBC chapters right now, got two left. Yeah Rika really didn't like that sarcophagus, it was a good expression from her. :lol: I don't want to move...but I may have to. :sigh: It happens, the fourth gen heir probably won't be breeding unless lightning strikes me and I get an idea for them. Who knows? Have fun with The Quest for Peace, there's a LOT of chapters in that.
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 26th

Post by Ani-Mei »

Well, I had to move them...I nearly lost my "current" heiress to the freeze bug after they came back from their first two terms of college (thankfully I cheat with making the Motives Static otherwise. *tugs collar* that would have been bad, so in this case it was a good move). They all want degrees so I'll have to send them back again for one last term. I moved them and it would not let me buy a blank lot so I had to get one with an existing house on it and tear that down. At least it was a 60x60 lot... I've finished building the house, I just have to furnish it, set the Story Progression in the new town to OFF so I won't have to go on a killing spree when SP puts my boys with Townie scum I DON'T WANT them to be with (yes had to do that in Sunset Valley :shhh: ) And then the new heir will be revealed, if you've been to the poll you probably already know who it is, I'm happy about it, I just have NO idea what I was going to do with her. Detour 3 will be the set up for the next story/challenge so watch for that as well as Chapter 15, the last of Rika's chapters and finishing up the OWBC before the next part begins. The heir poll closes tonight after midnight, specifically 4:51 am since I am a Night Owl vampire and don't sleep till dawn breaks most of the time *hiss* So get those votes in if you haven't already!
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Sept. 1st

Post by Ani-Mei »

I DID IT!! I'm all finished with the OWBC, I have one more Detour to do where Penelope will finish her novel and then it's off to the next adventure for the Buckner witch siblings. This will be in Completed Boolprop Challenges section so look for it there, or follow my siggy link to it.
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Sept. 1st

Post by peachy123uk »

Well done, congrats on finishing.




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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Sept. 1st

Post by Calamity Jade »

'Grats on finishing! I very much enjoyed reading what the Buckners got up to.
But unfortunate that it ended on the sad note of Shadow passing. Though I'm looking forward to see what's in store for the kids as well as whatever's going on with the gods(still getting through Quest of Peace, I'm at the Days of Night arc, but I'm not sure in which order I'm supposed to read all the interludes.
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Sept. 1st

Post by 108sims »

Congratulations! I can't wait to see what they get up to next. :)
It's funny seeing the ghosts skate.

So only the witches can hear you?

I think not telling them until after college will kind of put a damper on the college experience. I wouldn't want that hanging over my head. I agree with them for wanting to know now.

Penelope's right, though. The drinks would just go right through her. :lol:

It would be easier if ghosts could teleport or something.

I love seeing all the kids in class together, and then the professor turning into a werewolf there at the end.

Ooo interesting about Parker seeing dragons.

Why would you even tip someone spray painting?

So annoying that the Paparazzi followed them to college.

Go Oriole for making her move!

RIP Shadow. :(

I loved the ending!
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Sept. 1st

Post by Ani-Mei »

The Interludes are interconnected with the main chapters, some of the later ones are in with the Dark Moon books. I'd have to read through it myself again to pinpoint when they were all supposed to be read. Because even I've forgotten. :dunce: Shadow was there from beginning to end, Chance found him in like Chapter 2 or 3 and it seems fitting that Shadow's last chapter is also the last chapter of the challenge. I don't even know how many days he lived because he was glitched for a while and had several Animal Expert boosts from the family that allowed him and the other pets to last longer. The end of the life bar said 56 days when I looked but I know that's not the real amount of days. And no rush to get through The Quest for Peace, I won't be ready for the next story until after Detour 3 that I still have to play some more for. I still have to find out how to do some things before then, Sims 3 is complicated for multiple houses. :cover: Thanks for riding it out with me! :hugs:
Ghosts actually skate with ghostly skates whereas fairies just fly around the rinks, I think genies do too. I figured it was a nice addition that only the witches can hear me, Orlando, Jimmy, Owen and Owl can't because of it. Also my witches are the most deeply involved with my boys, they are also one of my favourite mortal occults, mermaids being the second one. Dalen's son doesn't know who he really is or who his mother really is so that also tracks with it. Reias wanted the kids to enjoy their college so he never told them anything until after they were finished, he's a good guy like that. Detour 3 will be the one where he tells them what the next step is and when I start the continuing story after that, he will tell them everything. It gives them time to get ready and to finish up any last lingering things they have to do, like Penelope and her last novel. I don't know exactly how MUCH he'll tell them, I don't want a wall of text in the slides because space is limited and there's SO much to go over. I'll have to condense it a lot. :headache: Penelope knows it will go right through her, yet she still needs to eat and take care of her needs, must be that witch half of her. :D Yeah ghosts being able to teleport would be good, but can't do that without the Teleportation Pad object in the LTH catalogue or cheating. :sarcastic: Parker seeing dragons is a foreshadow to where they are going next, I like the world and the objects it has. Apparently tagging buildings is a legal opportunity in the UL coding? I don't know some street artists do really great work and are commissioned by the city AND paid for it. Toronto has a lot of wall murals around done by street artists. Oriole and Solan have mad compatibility, several of the same traits, complementary signs and they were following each other everywhere so it was inevitable. Parker and Penelope never found anyone in college, Owl had Nikolas, Owen and Nathan got a few presents and party invites from taken college townies so that was a no. I even made over one of them that was stalking Nathan but he never got with her. I will miss Shadow but it was his time to go, I never kept a unicorn from adopting until death before because they lived so long. Shadow even got a cool looking tombstone with a pair of horses rearing up towards an image of a unicorn horn in the middle, I'll take a picture of it when I go back in to finish up Penelope's stuff (and the snow melts I got 20 days of Winter from the college moves). Thanks for sticking around to the end! :hugs:
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