Culpepper Pals (Winter 4 Part 7! Updated 20th March '24)

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Re: Culpepper Pals (Spring 2, Bell, 18th Dec '19)

Post by Heather »

Brows: The Arts Quarter is a nice spot for an aspiring artist! It's also one of my least played neighbourhoods in the city - I tend to favour the Spice Market & Uptown. Having a change of view every few households is always nice during a rotation. :)

Oh man, I'd almost forgotten about the prop box completely! It was nice being able to give our sims purses and bouquets, although I guess now we can already have them sims hold things like coffee cups and umbrellas without it...

I love Dusty's wedding suit! It would be amazing to have slow dancing back, weddings just feel a little incomplete without it.

:lol: Looks like someone got kicked out for not following the restaurant's dress code!

The lifeguard career seems very fitting for Summer. :) Plus, she can make sure all their guests practice good pool safety back at the penthouse, if they ever hold a pool party.

Bell: I feel like Candy and Akira hanging out together is just asking for trouble to happen... :lol:

I had no idea that sims could give time outs! Clearly I need to parent my sim kids better. I love her friendship with David, even if he's a bit of a bad influence on her. He has very... interesting taste in community lots.

Akira definitely seems like he's going through some things. Lots of attention from the ladies, working and sleeping all day/night... :hmm: Does he have the non-committal trait, by any chance? I feel like at least one of the San Myshuno premades probably has it.

So many new discoveries this rotation!
Eagerly awaiting to see what happens with the Vatores, and your new gals!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Spring 2, Vatore, 8th Jan '20)

Post by Sam »

I just survived another Christmas working in retail, I really hope Adora has a nicer time with her job! :lol:

I don't think he & Adora have ever really wanted the same things out of life, unfortunately. That's a pretty good idea, just to see how things go. I think the kids make it more complicated this time round! Thanks for your input :D

I love Cookie <3
It's so good to give her a garden again!!

I just looked at my notes, he does have the Romantic trait. It just seems like nothing is enough for Akira at the moment!

Good question :lol:

It's a tricky decision to make, especially with the kids involved! I really dragged my feet getting to them in the summer rotation because I wasn't sure what to do :lol:

I love Taeko!

Cookie is probably my favourite cat, rabid or not :lol:

She is really good with both of them! :) She's a pretty great parent.
It just doesn't seem right no matter what the couple do, which is a real shame. I really feel for Adora <3
I love Taeko :D And Cookie is probably one of my favourite cats of all time!
I've never had anyone live there, so this was quite exciting for me! :D I haven't had anyone live Uptown, or in the Fashion District yet :hmm: Maybe someday! I love changing the view up every few households.

Every now and then I just really miss the old TS2 boxes :lol: you're right about the coffee cups & umbrellas though, so maybe the prop box wouldn't be as useful now as it was back then!

It really suits her! I think it's a vampire one? I really hope they give us slow dancing again someday.


She's pretty athletic so it seemed like a good fit, with a pool at home to practise in too :D

It definitely feels that way!

It's the first (and so far only) time I've seen the Time Out option, I hope to use it again in the future! David's a wild one, you never know where he'll take you :lol:

There's a lot to unpack there, with Akira. I don't think he has the life he imagined for himself! He doesn't, he's Jealous, Romantic & Self-Assured. The jealousy thing surprises me, he's having those options pop up for Candy, but then is worried about Adora! Double standards much? :lol:

I feel like I learn a lot more about the game playing rotationally :D

Thanks for all your comments guys! :heart:
Time for the first update of 2020 - and we're visiting the Vatores!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Spring 2, Vatore, 8th Jan '20)

Post by 108sims »

I'm so happy that Kirby gets to go out in the sun! :)

Caleb is such a goofy sim. Every variation of him I see, I love him.

Maxwell is a talented little guy there multitasking like that. :lol:

It is always hard having immortal sims, but it's also hard when they pass too.

When I had my sims kiss in the rain, they went inside, and then held their hands out and looked around like they were looking for the actual rain. Seems like it's a glitchy interaction!

I don't think Dusty would like having an immortal Candy around to pester her forever.

Dolly is adorable!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Spring 2, Double Update! 8th Jan '20)

Post by Sam »

It's so nice to see her out and about!

Same! He's so likeable!

That's one way of putting it :lol:

I know I don't want a large number of immortals, but you're right, it's going to be hard saying goodbye when the time comes.

That's not good! I guess it's just a broken interaction. Maybe they'll repair that at some point! I hope.

Gosh that'd be awful :lol:

I love little Dolly!

I didn't think I'd get this done today, but I surprised myself!
The Spangler update is now live!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Spring 2, Double Update! 8th Jan '20)

Post by 108sims »

Venus and Elsie have such cool designs!

The Magic Realm and Glimmerbrook are both so pretty. This pack is also so fun, it's hard not to take a bunch of pictures. :)

Imagine the other sims' surprise. Magic and random fires!

Yeah, I wish we could choose what spells they were using in the duels. I have seen a little more actions in duels where the spellcasters have a higher rank.

If Akira's yelling at Adora randomly, I say it's time for them to call it quits.

I didn't know mermaids could clear the sky!

Dusty needs to get a restraining order.

Elsie and Morgyn are cute together! It's totally a normal spellcaster couple thing, at least with mine :lol:
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, McMullen, 15th Jan '20)

Post by Sam »

Thanks! I noticed afterwards they look super similar face-wise? Purely coincidental!

They're such nice neighbourhoods! I took so many screenshots, I really didn't want to bombard you all with the pretty 'hood but I couldn't help it :lol:

It is a little unexpected!

Well, that's something to look out for when Elsie gets to a higher level at least. I still love duelling, even if it isn't all that interactive.

It's a real shame, but I feel summer is going to have to bring some changes for them.

I noticed the option this rotation and just had to see what it does! It's pretty neat!

Pretty much :lol:

That's just how spellcasters show affection I guess :lol:

I have the first update of Summer 2 up now! :)
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, McMullen, 15th Jan '20)

Post by 108sims »

Snickers is feeling well because her owner is happy now! :)

I agree with Kirby. I'd rather spend time with a cat than a busy flea market any day!

Jo does not like what she sees. :lol:

I always wonder if vampire sims still don't show up when the sun is out, even if they're immune.

It's nice to see all the Culpepper Pals hanging out.

I also love that Father Winter seems to always join them.
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, Titan, 24th Jan '20)

Post by Sam »

Quite possible! :D

Yeah, I'm with you on that!


She showed up to some other day time events in the summer, so I have no idea. Maybe she just didn't feel like it that day? :D

I really like seeing them all together!!

It cracks me up seeing him at events :D He's pretty good friends with some of them now!
The next update of Summer is up now: the Titan family !
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, Titan, 24th Jan '20)

Post by Heather »

I am woefully behind on commenting, very sorry about that! :lol:
Vatore: Max is definitely Caleb's kid, with all that violin playing in front of the toilet, and with a snorkelling mask on. :lol:

I think the fact that the fireworks went off after they finished woohooing is absolutely hilarious, and now I'm gonna need to send one of my sim couples to the park to see if the same thing happens.

I know Kirby was wearing the sunglasses as part of her swimwear, but I really like the idea of putting a pair of sunglasses on just to take a pregnancy test. "Alright, let's do this." :lol:

Yay, happy to see Lilith join her brother! She and Caleb are by far some of my favourite premades. :) Also, I love that we both ended up giving her that hair, I think it suits her so much!

Of c o u r s e Caleb would be crying over movies in the hospital waiting room, I am 0% surprised. :P Kirby's reaction to her new baby is so sweet, though. <3

To answer your last question: I would eat Caleb's food - not because I think it would be particularly amazing - but because I know if I were to turn it down, he would make the saddest puppy dog face, and I just can't allow that to happen. :lol:

Spangler: I like the unofficial rule of having your sims start out in the Culpepper apartment/spice district! It's a good way to stick to your Culpepper theme, while leaving room for sims to move out and explore other worlds later. :)

I kinda wish we were able to play with the sages without them losing them as a sage. I love Morgyn, but I don't really want to lose them as a sage in any of my saves, so I'll probably never actually marry/move them into a family.

Setting the coffee cups on fire is such a good idea. :lol: Sure, it might freak a few sims out, but it takes care of the littering problem!

I like that sims can duel now, because we didn't have anything like that in TS2, but I agree that I kind of expected it to be slightly more involved? Like we'd be able to choose what spells they use, or something! I do like that you can choose a reward to duel for, at least.

I love Morgyn's aversion to beaches. :lol: Maybe it's all the sand? I imagine it would be very difficult to clean sand out of heavy robes and boots. (Although I guess the scuberoo spell would take care of that...)

Morgyn and Elsie are going to be the fanciest spellcaster couple!

McMullen: I loooove that opening shot of Jo taking a dive. <3

Okay, I have also caught my sim vets showering in the rain before, I honestly think it might be a glitch of some sort. :lol: I love that Jo looks like she's protectively cradling Snickers as she walks past.

Windenburg honestly seems like such a weird world to host outdoor dance parties? Like you've mentioned in the Titans' chapter, it seems like a very overcast/rainy world. I'm sure it was fine pre-seasons, but I don't think they quite thought things through enough once they added rain to the mix. I have not had a DJ actually show up to the bluffs party since visiting it in the rain, it's nice to know that sims can still group dance without the DJ, though!

Titan: I just talked about the weather in my last comment, but while Windenburg is very big and beautiful, but I prefer to stick my sims in worlds that are a little sunnier.

I always make my siblings share a cake, because if I don't, someone always eats the first one before the second one's even finished! Also, love that David's blowing out his candles in sunglasses and a little shark tooth necklace. :lol: I don't know what's up with the lanky body types after aging kids up - the men in this game always seem to have weirdly narrow shoulders? I generally do a little shaping in CAS to even out the shoulders/hips.

Oli looks like a cute lil nerd, and I love that David kept his mohawk!

I did not notice the toucan until you pointed it out. :lol: Also, David taking a selfie right after smooching a second girl this rotation seems like such a David thing to do.

The tail thing is actually by design! Your sim needs to discover that mermaids exist before you can see their tails. ;) On that note, I'm not entirely sure that David will be able to get a suntan? I don't think Ariel or Luna have been able to in my game, and they'd be half-aliens like Oli & David.

My favourite part of the fire freak out is Frankie, who looks like he's trying to figure out how to catch his own tail. :lol:
Looking forward to reading more, as always! :)
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, Titan, 24th Jan '20)

Post by 108sims »

I feel like Windenburg and Brindleton Bay are always super gloomy. I thought it was getting close to evening at one on of my sim's houses, and it was barely even noon!

Yay another baby!

I can't believe that David and Oli are already teens! Sounds like a bunch of fun with their new aspirations.

One alcohol made me laugh. :lol: Even funnier is that he actually go the drink!

I love the festival lot!

Marnie is cute. :)

Should David really be bragging about the other girl he kissed in front of Cassandra?

Usually yes, and knowing aliens makes it more likely too, so Miko is kind of doomed there.
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, Brows, 28th Jan '20)

Post by Sam »

Vatore: If there was any doubt before, it's obvious now :lol:

It took me by surprise! I knew the park was full of fireworks, I just assumed they were for the wedding arch! Definitely test it :D

Is there any other way to take a pregnancy test? :lol:

It's been really nice having her around, I'm so glad I added her to the family! Also, I hadn't realised we'd given her the same hair! It definitely suits her!

It's the most Caleb thing to do :D Last time he was there, for Max's birth, he was playing sims! I couldn't leave out Kirby's face, it was so sweet

That's very true, I'd probably do the same thing. I wouldn't be able to cope with the sad puppy dog eyes either :lol:

Spangler: I do like unofficial rules :lol: It also slows down population growth a little bit - can't add new sims if Culpepper House is already full!

Same, they look like some really interesting sims! The sage the game generated to replace Morgyn is just not as cool.

I actually experimented with that for the littering problem, but instead there's now small piles of ash everywhere :lol:

I wish we'd had duels in TS2, that would have been so cool! I thought we'd get to choose spells or something, it's a shame we don't. But you're right, choosing the outcome is pretty neat, and that's something at least.

It has to be the sand :lol: those boots are definitely not beach attire.

I love them together!

I couldn't not include it, I love it :D

Just a thing sim vets do then :lol: Jo is judging the vet so hard!

It's such a shame, because I'd rather throw these dance parties outside rather than in any of the venues! Windenburg is rainy and gloomy so often it's hard to have outdoor events there. If all else fails, there's always the group dance :D

Titan: They're the only family living there, and I reckon I'm going to keep it that way!

It's just easier, isn't it? I kind of miss twins blowing the candles out at the same time but it's just too much hassle :lol: Definitely a good look for your birthday! They just seemed super skinny and tall all of a sudden! You're right, I should probably look into tweaking the shoulders if they're still all skinny when they're adults.

Oli is the cutest lil nerd :heart: and I couldn't get rid of his mohawk, it's part of him now!

Once you notice it, it's all you can see in that screenshot :lol: Yup, totally agree. He's a lot of fun to play :D

I didn't know that! Thanks for the heads up! :) I did wonder, it's a shame if it's not possible because it means I'll have to change David's aspiration to something else.

:lol: he's too preoccupied to worry about fire
I haven't played Brindleton Bay all that much, but Windenburg is definitely gloomy! Gosh, that's like winter weather :lol:

I couldn't resist!

It feels like they were only just born! But it's also super fun having teens again, I must admit.

He's so impressed with himself, getting served on his first day as a teen :lol:

From the gallery! I really must write down who makes these things :lol: it's more of a pretty lot than a playable lot, but it'll do for the summer.

She is :heart:

Probably not, but then again, it is David. :lol:

I guess it's just one of those things they'll have to get used to :D

Thanks guys :hug:
The next part of Summer 2 is now up!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, Brows, 28th Jan '20)

Post by 108sims »

Candy really can't take a hint can she? :lol:

That's how keys work in the sims apparently!

I think Dusty and Summer's kid has the potential to look really cool.

At least Summer and Dusty didn't get a sunburn!

Candy just won't quit! I had that happen in my OWBC. I didn't even give the sim a key to the house, but my founder's ex keeps showing up.

Tori is cute. :)

I love how they all just rode their bikes inside the apartment.
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, Bell, 31st Jan '20)

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Not at all :lol:

It's an interesting system!

I really hope Tori is a good mix of their genes :D

That's true! I haven't had that happen yet, actually.

I have no idea why she's so persistent! Maybe I need to do something with her so she has something else going on in her life?

I love Tori :heart:

:lol: totally normal!
Thanks! :hug:
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, Bell, 31st Jan '20)

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I was wondering how you'd handle Adora and Akira's relationship. It's probably best for all involved that it's over, and Adora keeps the kids. Who knows if Akira will ever find something to make him happy. Maybe he's gong through a midlife crisis. :shrug:

I'm glad the Culpepper Pals are all there for Adora. :)

Poor Shari. She probably is worried about Adora leaving too.

Blended families do make things more interesting. It's sweet to see them all together.

I think having all the kids in a club is a good idea.

What is with everyone's exes stalking them!

I always get nervous with those mood swings.

Awww Tania is adorable. I always have a soft spot for aliens.

Akira clearly isn't interested in his kids.

I hope things work out with Travis and Adora!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, Vatore, 25th May '20)

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I couldn't leave it any longer, but I was indecisive about it for so long! I always did want Adora to keep the kids, even though Shari's not technically hers. Who knows what's up with Akira!

It's so nice seeing them all together, especially after what Adora's going through.

Quite possibly!

I'm really excited to play a blended family, actually. I don't remember the last time I did.

I also have one for the teens!

Apparently no one is allowed to move on in this game :lol:

Me too!

I love Tania, I'm glad she's joining the group. I think her mother was an alien.

No, so things are probably better off this way.

I really like them together!

It's been a little while, but there's an update! :spin:
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, Vatore, 25th May '20)

Post by 108sims »

I always love seeing what weird outfits the game puts vampires in. :lol:

Dolly and Max are precious.

It's so cute seeing all the little ones play together.

Of course Caleb would start a fire. You can't have a good get together without something going wrong.

I can't believe all the kids are growing up so fast!

It's nice that Max got cured.

Oh Kirby never change!

I'm happy that Lilith found love. Maybe Candy will give up on stalking Dusty now!

I love how scandalized that customer looks at Candy and Lilith woohooing. He's like really? :nono:

It's always funny to me what the game considers a masterpiece.

Yeah Max is probably just embarrassed his mom crashed the party.

Maybe vampires can secretly walk on water? I've had one of mine do that, and you have too, so maybe it's a secret power?
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, Spangler, 26th May '20)

Post by Sam »

I wonder why it does it? :lol:

I love them!

It's so nice being able to get them all together!

Can't have a good get together without a fire, it seems :lol: second time it's happened this season!

Time seems to be flying by!

I don't want to have too many immortal sims :)

I love Kirby :heart:

Hopefully Lilith is all Candy needs now!

It's pretty great :lol: he won't tolerate that sort of thing, obviously! :D

I swear, it makes no sense.

Probably a little bit :D

I'm glad it's not just mine then :lol:
I know I only updated yesterday, but I nearly had this one ready last night so I finished it off this morning.
It's the last update of the summer! And I've somehow caught up to where I am in game, which has never happened before! :lol:
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, Spangler, 26th May '20)

Post by 108sims »

I love Morgyn giving Elsie a look too, like "You had to ask about the Santa hat didn't you?" :lol:

Good thing the mac and cheese doesn't seem to spoil!

Maybe Candy is going to be your sim who tries to make it into every update.

The low-poly seagulls are so funny to me for some reason. They look super out of place.

I'm glad Venus has found someone too.

Other sims just love to creep on sims during romantic moments.

They're advertising a sale on potion ingredients?

Well with Venus being a mermaid, maybe she doesn't think spellcasters are too weird. :D

Both couples are super cute.

Congrats to Elsie and Morgyn!

That's one thing about a sim wedding no matter which version. No one will ever sit down for weddings!

I love that all of your sims keep cycling inside.

I guess that's what happens when you tan in your bathing suit!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, Spangler, 26th May '20)

Post by Heather »

So nice to see the Culpepper Pals again! Here's another catch-up comment for all the updates I've missed. :lol:
Brows: I half-expected Candy to pop in just as Summer was giving birth. :lol: Little Tori is so cute, it'll be interesting to see which features she inherits from each of her moms later! Summer's frilly tan lines peaking out of the lifeguard suit are hilarious, and the lifeguard career just seems so fitting for someone named Summer! Dusty definitely deserves to have her own star on the Del Sol walk of fame.

Bell: Akira and Adora splitting up definitely seems like it's for the best. I love that she's smiling in the background while he's scowling in the front. Cookie napping with the snowglobes, and chasing her tail is so, so cute. <3 It's interesting seeing Shari run into her bio mom! She looks like she takes after her quite a bit. I have no idea why sims pick retail locations for dates sometimes?? They truly are the worst. Looks like Travis and Adora had a super cute date either way, though. :) I love the little blended family they ended up with! Cookie's face while eyeing all that stinky food is possible my favourite picture this update. :lol: The big housewarming at the end looked fun!

Vatore:It's just not a Vatore update if it doesn't start off with some vampire ~lewks~. I am 0% surprised that Caleb started a dryer fire - during a toddler play date, naturally! At least the tots were okay. :lol: I fully believe that he has spread his Caleb curse to Kirby and Lilith, and that's how they ended up stuck behind the furniture. Man, Candy really wants to be a Culpepper pal, huh? :lol: Maybe now that she's with Lilith, she'll give Dusty and Summer a bit more space. ;) I love the shot of Max flexing on top of the jumping rock, and also Oli being his usual shy self. Also, Dolly is a cutie. Of course Caleb found a way to stand on water. Of course. It'll be interesting to see who the kids end up dating this generation, and what they'll be studying if they go off to university!

Spangler:Mac and Cheese party! Candy showing up in an update is really just to be expected at this point. The weather siren call is a true lifesaver when it comes to having a sunny day out; kinda makes me wish spellcasters also had a spell for clearing up the weather. That shot of Elsie looking at the moon in the magic realm is so pretty. <3 And she and Morgyn look very elegant on their wedding day! Though all their wedding guests watching them through the windows is a little unsettling. :lol: It kind makes it look like some sort of wedding tradition/ritual! The accidentally-matched pj shorts are so cute! Kaylie's tanlines might be dodgy, but I think Summer takes the cake this round with her frilly ones. ;)

Looking forward to seeing what everyone gets up to next rotation!
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Re: Culpepper Pals (Summer 2, Spangler, 26th May '20)

Post by xiapxls »

I've been binge reading this for the last couple days, and I must say I love it! Rotational gameplays like this are so fun!
Elsie and Morgyn are such a cute couple! Such a nice proposal and wedding! Now if only the guests knew how too behave...

The mac and cheese party cracked me up. So much mac and cheese :lol:

I'll need to remember that call clear skies ability. I always tend to forget about the mermaid abilities, but that one definitely seems useful! ^^

I'm glad Venus found herself a sweetheart, too, so she doesn't have to be the third wheel anymore! Kaylie is such a cutie!

Looking forward to their separate adventures next round!
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