March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Sept. 4th

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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC July 22nd

Post by Ani-Mei »

It's still forming so the plot isn't secured yet and I don't know what I really want to do with it yet but that's how my on the fly writing works. As far as I know, Orlando only wanted to steal candy from his first born, I never saw the want come up again for Prentice or Rika, guess he really didn't like Lucian or something :shrug: I'm glad Rika got to be a witch, she had a 50/50 shot of it and I'd already gotten two vampire babies with her brothers. I knew Chance was going to go, I saw it, but it just came so fast then Mochi SAVES him and I lose all control of Chance when he comes back. I don't know if that was intentional when a dog pleads for its master to not die, that you lose control over the one they saved, but I had to get him back.

As for the secret, I won't say here I'll get around to writing it when in a few days to see how it's going to go. Also Chapter 10 will probably be about 60 slides, my longest so far for this. There's a lot to cover in it before the next heir poll.
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC July 22nd

Post by ciyrose »

Time for another reading spree. :D
Oh dear, glitching is never a good sign! Although it's more common in TS3, but still. The motorcycle is too funny.

The clubhouse looks really nice and like there is lots of fun stuff to do! I had no idea gnomes had lifespans in TS3. There's so much I don't know about that version of this game. I should get back to it someday.

Wow, you go Mochi, even if it was short-lived. :) I had no idea pets could do that. Interesting! Rika is a cutie, and it will be interesting to see how this generation ends!
All caught up again, a fun time. :)
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC July 22nd

Post by Ani-Mei »

I still have to do some playing but I have a big chunk of chapter to put out first. And of course, plot bunnies...can never escape them, they hold me hostage. Only the ordinary gnomes have life spans, the special ones are immortal. And I keep getting a third horse gnome that I delete, I don't need fifty of them. The only two I keep are the named ones. I like the clubhouse, if I move I have to take it with me and I know I will have to move...even though I have one generation left before this is finished. Anyway, Mochi saved Chance but also glitched him in the process so I won't let them do that anymore. Since Faith is the only one who will die now since she's only mortal. Anyway, thanks for reading. ^^
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC July 29th

Post by 108sims »

It's always sad when pets get old. Losing them is probably my least favorite part of the game. :( It's nice to know that unicorns are basically immortal as I've never had one before.

RIP Lilah. Poor Mochi didn't get a chance to plead. I hope Death is nice to Mochi, if he ever dies. Death is spiteful leaving trash for them to cleanup.

I love the ghost gnome!

I'm interested to see what your other sims are up to in this story.

So Rika's able to sense that Solan is special, very interesting.

I love that one of Orlando's kids got the good trait.

That basement has a special pull for witches it seems.

Ooo I'm intrigued by the mystery. I hope Rika's able to figure it out.

Another ghost gnome! Interesting that the non witches don't know about the secret room.

Diamos just can't keep quiet. :lol:

Poor Lucian, he really does seem one that could be easily taken advantage of because of his traits.

Woo for ghost spouses! I think I know who I'll vote for, but we'll see. :)
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC July 29th

Post by Ani-Mei »

I knew it was coming my pets are old now. :( I never expected them to last the full four generations though, unicorns however, yeah they will last more than four generations. At least five or six...if I transition this into another legacy. :shrug: Mochi tried to plead for Lilah but he was too late getting there, little doggo doesn't run very fast when he's too busy drinking out of Shadow's water jump obstacle. All the pets do that and if I need to find them, that's where they are. I wanted to get a ghost gnome for a while now and Prentice delivered, he fished out Phantasmagoria for me. Then he created Casper so now I have two ghost gnomes. Solan is special, Rika only thinks it's because he's a witch but that's not the case...:shhh: I love Solan so much, I could not do another OWBC without my boys from Sims 2. My first OWBC is in the Completed Sims 2 or the Completed Boolprop Challenges forum, can't remember which. It's called A Godly OWBC. That was followed up with my legacy, The Quest for Peace, which ended with my Where Angels Fear to Tread apocalypse. That is the original trilogy if you want to find out who my boys are and why I love them so much. I never really knew what I would use the Secret Room for when I made it as part of the mini challenges, that like everything I write came up on the fly. So only witches will be able to find that Secret Room, and the cats of course. I don't know if Mochi has ever found it. It will be where the Mummy Sarcophagus will go when I send Orlando back to finish his World Adventures challenges. One more visa level for France then he has to raid Egypt for the mummy and the sarcophagus pieces. I usually get them a lot from artifact recoveries and stuff. I have to play today to get those pictures ready for the heir poll and to start getting them together for the next set of five chapters. Which is good, I can see finishing this before mid-August for the Summer Challenge deadline of September. Thanks for stopping in!
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC July 29th

Post by Ani-Mei »

I don't know if this will change anything but I managed to salvage Alexa and Anabelle for my boys, I saved them to CAS before they glitched out on me and added them as a new household to the Buckner house. It worked so now the boys have their spouses ready and already married. I wasn't taking a chance on losing them again.
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC July 29th

Post by ciyrose »

All right, I voted in the poll and now I should probably read about how we GOT to the poll. :)
Spoiler: "strangers" and Rika would be totally drawn to them. lol

I'm curious what Rika finds out. She's a hoot so far!

Poor Rika, her brothers just don't understand witchy things.

Oh boy, more mystery. Looking forward to seeing what happens.
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC July 29th

Post by Ani-Mei »

I still have to play a bit more to keep them from aging up too much before I get Rika's time started, since it looks like she's winning the poll so far. I have a lot of pictures already to go, I just haven't written anything yet. I'm waiting on the heir poll. Yeah Rika's brothers don't get her witchy things. And I like a mystery too, I just need to figure out how to write it. 0_0 Anyway, I'm probably going to play tonight so let's see what happens. ^^
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 6th

Post by 108sims »

I never thought of Orlando as the sentimental type before, but I guess he has matured.

I love that Faith threatened to turn him in to a toad to stop the candy stealing.

It's so sad to see all the pets go one by one. :(

Of course Orlando wouldn't be Orlando if he didn't do something evil, drinking from the locals on vacation.

It's bittersweet, him wanting to start another garden to honor his mom.

I honestly feel really bad for Orlando. That's the horrible part of being immortal, seeing all the ones you love die.

At least Orlando got to spend some time with Ophelia before she passed. It's still sad.

I suppose it does get easier with time, but right now, he's getting hit with all these deaths at once.

I feel you on that. It's so hard to watch sims that are special to you pass. I also have multiple saves with my favorites. In my one universe I kind of instituted a no death rule because I was geting too sad seeing the previous generations go.
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 6th

Post by Ani-Mei »

Sometimes it surprises even me, I never know what's going to happen until I sit down and write it. Orlando was rarely showing his Evil trait, aside from the occasional Fiendishly Delighted moodlet that appeared sometimes, but he never really did anything evil evil per se. Hehe, yeah Faith was great keeping him in line. Just wish I could have stayed in Moonlight Falls where all her family was. I didn't port them all over to Sunset Valley with them. But the glitches drive you out eventually, a Sims 3 player is used to that. I hated watching the pets go and more so that no one was there for Mochi. Shadow is now like 12 days from elder hood, those 40 days disappear fast. I saw Layla (the one he bit in Egypt) appear as a tourist in Sunset Valley, guess she had to come see her sire. :lol: I was waiting for summer to start a garden, it still goes dormant in the spring which kind of annoys me. And I lost all my uncommon seeds in the move because I forgot to empty the treasure chests. :( The only ones left were the special seeds. Lilah found all those before we left Moonlight Falls, but it was fall and planting again would have been useless. Orlando is still the bridge for the family, he remembers the founders and knows his grandkids, the fourth generation so he connects them all. Ophelia being left "frail and alone" freaked me out, that was the near death notice I got for her. I tried to move her and her puppy into the main house but it's already full with the fourth gen kids, the Overstuffed House mod does work since there's nine of them in that house and one pet still, but it won't let me add anymore. Also Orlando has met one of Rika's "new friends" and he doesn't know it yet (the only time Grim speaks). :shhh:

Anyway, I will probably have more Detours in the next generation's chapters I have so many pictures that they simply won't fit in the five chapters per heir limit I have in this unless I make them all 60-80 slides each. The fourth gen kids haven't even grown up yet and I'm nearly at 300 pictures already. Thanks for stopping in!
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 6th

Post by ciyrose »

Awww, what a bittersweet detour chapter. It's so sad to watch everyone go like that and so fast too. I get it. These pixel people can really tug on you and connect with you. It's always amazing too me how connected I can get and how hard it is to lose them when they go. I didn't outright cry reading your update, but I did feel for Orlando, and you, going through so much so fast. It was a nice way to "udpate" so much of what is happening that isn't tied directly to Rika and I'm interested to see how it all goes from here.
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 6th

Post by Ani-Mei »

I had so many pictures of that and no idea how they would work in Rika's chapters, so they got their own instead. Orlando also had to finish up his World Adventures requirements too so he had to go to Egypt. Yeah, now I don't want to do the same for Orchid but her time is coming too...don't know when but probably soon. I just hope I don't miss it when it comes up. There will be more Detours probably, I still have to work out the plot for Rika and the Boys too. I'm feeling creative so maybe I'll do that this weekend. I don't want to retcon everything from my Sims 2 trilogy for them, although for new readers I might have to do a bit of that. I'll see what happens when I load the game up on the weekend. Thanks for reading!
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 15th

Post by 108sims »

Wow that birthday party almost ended in disaster. I'm glad everyone made it out alive.

Vampires take to the meaning of a feat party a little differently than human sims I see.

So many new gnomes! I don't pay much attention to them, so it's neat to see all the different types.

The Golden Trio kiddos look fun to play.

I love how colorful they are! :D

I can't believe Shadow's so old too.

I vote yes on making Owl an occult only because I love occult sims.

Congrats on getting your hybrid sim with Penelope!

I can't wait to get to know all the kids better.
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 15th

Post by Ani-Mei »

It's always possible with Sims 3 birthday cakes for them to spontaneously combust, like they put alcohol in the icing or something, that's why I rarely use them. Orlando redefined the meaning of Feast Party for sure. :lol: Sims 3 has a lot of new gnomes, including World Adventures specific ones that I haven't got yet either. They also have seasonal ones, spring has the Easter bunny gnome, summer, the surfer dude, fall, Cackling Nackerbelle (witch gnome) and winter has the yeti gnome. I think the vampire one came with Late Night since that's when vampires were first introduced, they were made better and less glitchy by Supernatural. Which is also where the ghost gnomes come from. Ah yes, the Golden much fun, triple trouble. They still have to make three best friends, top their teen jobs, earn $3000 in scholarships, max three skills, and I have to send them to Uni for the scholarships. :sigh: Shadow is still going to live long as an elder unicorn, they have a long lifespan for a pet and they have white needs bars which is kind of cool too. Owl will probably eat the kelp as a child, I like mermaids. ^^ And my hybrid Penelope, she's going to be fun too. I don't play many hybrids, since they're so rare to get in Sims 3. My rarest hybrid was an alien/mermaid I got in my Monster Mash challenge, a Mermalien. I have a lot more to play and still more pics to write up before I even do that. Thanks for stopping in!
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Re: March of the Flamingoes: A Sims 3 OWBC Aug. 19th

Post by 108sims »

I thought we had until the end of September? Either way I know I'm not going to finish mine on time. Good luck with yours!

Aw too bad there won't be another unicorn.

It's weird to say Owl's my favorite already, but I really like her and her combination of traits (and possibly becoming a mermaid).

I love the park. It's so pretty!

Even though I still like Owl, I love Oriole's makeover.

I adore how you write the witches finding their special wands.

And Oriole found another unicorn! I like that she's connected to them in a way.

I love how much Shadow loves the family. It must be hard for both her and Orlando to see all the family members slowly pass away.
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