King of Fools

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Re: King of Fools (ISBI)

Post by MeadowThayerr »

Yay, another chapter!
Absolutely LOVE their new house!

Just a heads up, one of your barstools is backwards ;)

The house is stunning though, I adore it. I definitely will need to find it on the gallery.

Yay for using a spare from an ISBI, I feel like those make genetics much cooler! :)

I'm excited to see the kids!

Great chapter!
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Re: King of Fools (ISBI)

Post by 108sims »

I absolutely love the new house!

Sims do love those gaming mats. :lol:

Maybe Archer's computer is better?

Gotta get the popcorn ready for the future kids!

Nobody's doing what you want them to do.

Caden is cute!

Maybe he secretly knows what her aspiration is.

Your #romanceisdeadbyfreezing reminded me of when I had a sim die of freezing during his wedding.

Even controllable sims suck at actually participating in weddings. Do they want to sit down and watch? Of course not!

I can't wait to see the possible new baby! Congrats on not losing any points this chapter.
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Re: King of Fools (ISBI)

Post by Salem »

Hi there! It's so good to have all of you reading!
MeadowThayerr wrote:Yay, another chapter!
Absolutely LOVE their new house!

Just a heads up, one of your barstools is backwards ;)

The house is stunning though, I adore it. I definitely will need to find it on the gallery.

Yay for using a spare from an ISBI, I feel like those make genetics much cooler! :)

I'm excited to see the kids!

Great chapter!
Thanks! Big lot houses are always a challenge for me, but I really like how it came out too! And didn't noticed about the barstool lol! I'll remember to fix it once I go back to the savefile!
All my builds go up under the name Ginnynena! I hope you can find it and enjoy it :D
They really do! I always have the problem with randomly generated townies that they have pretty similar genetics lol so I prefer to spice things up here and there!
I'm really excited for the kids too! having babies is probably my favorite part of every generation lol
thanks! I hope you keep enjoying the family!
108sims wrote:
I absolutely love the new house!

Sims do love those gaming mats. :lol:

Maybe Archer's computer is better?

Gotta get the popcorn ready for the future kids!

Nobody's doing what you want them to do.

Caden is cute!

Maybe he secretly knows what her aspiration is.

Your #romanceisdeadbyfreezing reminded me of when I had a sim die of freezing during his wedding.

Even controllable sims suck at actually participating in weddings. Do they want to sit down and watch? Of course not!

I can't wait to see the possible new baby! Congrats on not losing any points this chapter.
Thanks :D I'm still not very confident on my building skills, but I feel like I'm getting better thanks to lots of practice lately lol
yup, and honestly I don't even blame themm, I would LOVE to have one of those gaming maths lol!
Maybe lol it's green, and green is my favorite color, so that may make it better xD
Opopcorn is the lifesaver of sims 4 challenges! I can't build without including a popcorn machine lol
Nobody ever does what I want to, but I mean, that's basically the spirit of this challenge lol
He is! He's a troublemaker though, so we'll see how he behaves with the family! Also, it makes a lot of sence that he knows what her aspiration is lol Arryn is probably not the best sim to get married to
OMG that really happened to you? lol! That's awful! But he, nobody can't say that the wedding wasn't memorable lol
And yeah, I've tried weddings a lot on past saves and sims just don't like paying attention to them lol it's one of the reason why I tend to just elope inmediatly after they get engaged.
It's a huge acomplishment not losing any points! And I'm excited about babies too, I love when my sims have babies!
Got time to make another update, so come and read it HERE! :D
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Re: King of Fools (ISBI)

Post by 108sims »

Poor Kelly. Either you or her kids interrupt her baths!

Yay for the first B baby on the way.

Oh uncontrollable sims.

I've never seen bills that much. :O

Sims just like to go the most inconvenient way possible.

I agree Thad deserves to rest.

Using a club is a good idea to at least try and get them to do what you want them to do.

Who wouldn't want to pee outside in a blizzard instead of warm inside on a toilet?


Caden is definitely living up to the name of the challenge.

Boo Archer for causing so much trouble with his cake!

Welcome Bronte! At least there was only one baby.
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Re: King of Fools (ISBI)

Post by ciyrose »

Of course I got behind again. :D

The house is AMAZING. I laughed at your comment about seeing the bathroom. It's so funny that in basically every version of Sims, the bathroom is THE room. lol #simlogic. :D The pool looks really cool, I like the star shape. LOL they are already starting on the, I'll make food and then just leave it here, I see. :D Yes, I do NOT understand the shovel snow action. It serves no purpose I can figure out. YAY for Caden!! He is cute, and I almost picked him as a choice for Halix! The Wildes have some good genes. :D He was a disaster, but I think Harley might have been worse. lol.....we'll see how he does. LOL....Caden really does grimace through almost all of that outing. lol Oh my gosh, watching the movie together was too funny. I don't get why they stand in front of each other like that either, especially when there are chairs and other seats right there. Congrats on such a successful chapter!
YAY for Baby B being on the way! :) And the poor choices between bath and toilet continue, and in a big house it's even worse! Sheesh Arryan, give your dad a break! He's done enough! ;) LOL...I had to laugh at the fact everyone uses the bush instead of the toilets. That's another #simslogic for you. Who would want to use a bush if they didn't have to? AWWWW...puppy!!!! Ducky :hug: :thup: He's SO CUTE! The "juicy gossip" always got me to. SHARE??!!! Sadly, I never know what they say. Pregnancy is not something Arryn does well apparently. Poor girl. Some sims seem to do fine, others, not so much. I have discovered that if we go at certain times of the day we just go straight back. It's like if they don't have someone there to check them in during regular hours. Great job maintaining points. The start of a gen are always the hardest I think.
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Re: King of Fools (ISBI)

Post by Salem »

It's been a while since I got an update for this story, but I'm back now!
108sims wrote:
Poor Kelly. Either you or her kids interrupt her baths!

Yay for the first B baby on the way.

Oh uncontrollable sims.

I've never seen bills that much. :O

Sims just like to go the most inconvenient way possible.

I agree Thad deserves to rest.

Using a club is a good idea to at least try and get them to do what you want them to do.

Who wouldn't want to pee outside in a blizzard instead of warm inside on a toilet?


Caden is definitely living up to the name of the challenge.

Boo Archer for causing so much trouble with his cake!

Welcome Bronte! At least there was only one baby.
Lmao, I didn't remember how her kids were always interrupting her lol poor woman can't have a minute of peace.
uncontrollable sims, a joy to see, but a pain to play lol
same honestly! I've had around 10k in another save, but wow, I'm still scared of those bills lol we may have to move to a smaller house later down the line
They really do lol sims logic in its best moment
Thad was a great family leader, so yeah, he's now free to do as he pleases all day long!
The club is a really good feature for this challenge! I feel it's a little cheaty though lol so that's why I only use it sometimes
Caden is proving to me that he was the right choice as spouse! Ooor he's proving to me that he was the wrong choice lol not sure so far
I'm still a little angry at archer for the cake lol it literally costed us 10 points! But yeah, after last generation starting with twins, I was super relieved to see there was only one baby this time!
and now for Cyrose~
ciyrose wrote:Of course I got behind again. :D

The house is AMAZING. I laughed at your comment about seeing the bathroom. It's so funny that in basically every version of Sims, the bathroom is THE room. lol #simlogic. :D The pool looks really cool, I like the star shape. LOL they are already starting on the, I'll make food and then just leave it here, I see. :D Yes, I do NOT understand the shovel snow action. It serves no purpose I can figure out. YAY for Caden!! He is cute, and I almost picked him as a choice for Halix! The Wildes have some good genes. :D He was a disaster, but I think Harley might have been worse. lol.....we'll see how he does. LOL....Caden really does grimace through almost all of that outing. lol Oh my gosh, watching the movie together was too funny. I don't get why they stand in front of each other like that either, especially when there are chairs and other seats right there. Congrats on such a successful chapter!
Thanks! I really like the house, it's big, but it turned out really pretty! Also yeah, the bathroom is just their favorite place lol
I wish they would at least eat it lol that way I wouldn't feel like they do it just to try my patience!
Caden is really cute! And I remember he never had kids in the Wilde's world, so I wanted to see his genetics at play! And yeah, all of that family is full of good genes!
lol! Harley was just another level, serously! I'm hoping Caden is nothing like her!
Caden's expressions still make me laugh everytime I go back to that chapter lol they were just epic, but oh well, he's part of the family now, he's not going anywhere!
Thanks, it was a really good start for the generation! I'm hoping for more chapters like that!
YAY for Baby B being on the way! :) And the poor choices between bath and toilet continue, and in a big house it's even worse! Sheesh Arryan, give your dad a break! He's done enough! ;) LOL...I had to laugh at the fact everyone uses the bush instead of the toilets. That's another #simslogic for you. Who would want to use a bush if they didn't have to? AWWWW...puppy!!!! Ducky :hug: :thup: He's SO CUTE! The "juicy gossip" always got me to. SHARE??!!! Sadly, I never know what they say. Pregnancy is not something Arryn does well apparently. Poor girl. Some sims seem to do fine, others, not so much. I have discovered that if we go at certain times of the day we just go straight back. It's like if they don't have someone there to check them in during regular hours. Great job maintaining points. The start of a gen are always the hardest I think.
Babies are still my favorite part of any legacy~
Oh yeah, it's so frustrating when you see a sim go take a bath instead of using the toilet :banghead: but I mean, Idiots is part of the name of the challenge lol
Really lol I would kinda get it from a sim who loves the outdoors, but all the sims? why?! lol!
I'm addiected to sims pets! they're just too adorable!
Oh yeah, I also have those sims who do great with pregnancy, but Arryn is just not one of those lol I'm definitely not having more than 4 kids with her lol it's a shame because I really think she's super pretty
Oh, that makes sence, it was really late at night/early in the morning when she went into labour!
And thanks! yeah, the start is usually the hardest, but I partly blame the toddlers and pregnancies, so I think we're still not out of the water here lol we'll see
Thanks always for reading, and for taking the time to coment!

After what seems like ages, you can enjoy a new update from the Kings Over here~!
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Re: King of Fools

Post by Salem »

Got another chapter up and ready! Chapter 2.4
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Re: King of Fools (ISBI)

Post by Salem »

Chapter 2.5 is ready over here! :D
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Re: King of Fools

Post by Salem »

Another update for the Kings is completed! Chapter 2.6
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Re: King of Fools

Post by Salem »

Come to get your newest Kings update over here!
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Re: King of Fools

Post by Salem »

the King's were nominated for best ISBI!! Thanks for thinking about us! :bounce:

As a celebratory gift, have a celebrtory update! Chapter 2.8
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Re: King of Fools

Post by Salem »

I just finished posting Chapter 2.9! have fun with it!
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Re: King of Fools

Post by Salem »

An update at last!! Come read Chapter 2.10!

And also once you're done with it. we're in heirpoll territory!
Boolprop Poll and Wordpress Poll in case you wanna give your favorite a little extra love! :tongue:
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Re: King of Fools

Post by Boo »

Yay for another ISBI! I just started reading this but skipped ahead a little to vote in the heir poll. I'm hoping to have one of my own soon. :)
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Re: King of Fools

Post by Salem »

Boo wrote: June 20th, 2022, 12:37 pm Yay for another ISBI! I just started reading this but skipped ahead a little to vote in the heir poll. I'm hoping to have one of my own soon. :)
Sorry about taking so long to respond, but so glad to have you reading Boo! ISBIs are so much fun! definitely one of my favorite challenges I've tried!

I'm back from my little hiatus to bring another update from the Kings! Come and read Chapter 2.11 :celebration:
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Re: King of Fools

Post by Salem »

Keeping up with the updates, I got the first chapter of geneation B ready! Chapter 3.1
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Re: King of Fools

Post by Salem »

I took a little too long to come back with the next update (nobody's surprised lol) but here, Chapter 3.2 is ready!
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Re: King of Fools

Post by ciyrose »

OH geez, I forgot how far behind I was here!
2.3: HAHA I love the pose of Caden and Father Winter. That is just too much fun! HAHA, oh Thad. lol Poor Brontë. Oh my, look at Ducky, so sweet! Oh man, the point loss begins! YAY for a new baby! Woo, go Caden with baby caring! Oh my Brontë is ADORABLE! Oh dear, the family is falling apart, and you are right Arryn does SO BAD with pregnancy. Yes, hail the popcorn machine! I'm pretty sure Disco Nap is better than a standard nap. Oh man, you calls the twins before, oh boy. Aww Bennett and Baxter, cute names. Just keep breathing, you are going to be fine.

2.4: I'm sure you can handle the kids, I'm excited to meet them! Awwww, bye bye Thad!! I'm guessing you have it so it's only "related to playable" or whatever the MCCC setting is and that happened to be a lot to. It's almost like MCCC doesn't see them as related. Now I just set it to where I name ALL the babies, which can get annoying, but at least I name the ones I want. Awww, he boys are adorable! LOL.... you have done great with the kids! I would have been mad at Caden with the cake too.
All right I have to end for tonight, but I'll keep working on it. :)
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Re: King of Fools

Post by ciyrose »

All right, time to get a little more caught up on gen 2!
2.5: I think Caden was missing work to show you he wasn't napping. lol Wow, good job Caden on not losing points AND getting a toddler to sleep!! Wow Caden has been like MVP so far, even if he isn't earning ACTUAL points. I'm impressed you kept laundry in an ISBI as long as you did!! You are still in pretty high positive points, so I really don't feel like you are in THAT bad a shape after twins. :)

2.6: You know, you make a good point, why are the mixologists always so cute in this game? Well hello to Beau, they are adorable! Awww, bye bye Kelly, you were great! All right, only one baby!! Welcome Brighton!

2.7: That is quite the painting, I haven't seen that is kind of weird. I really wish they would put back Summer Sim Sessions as a thing that was recurring. Even if it only popped up in the summer season, it was a lot of fun. Oooh, good tip on the love letters!
Well that is where I'm ending for the day, but fun updates!
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Re: King of Fools

Post by ciyrose »

Ok, I'm not feeling well, work is slow, so to keep myself going I am back to read some more.
2.8: I am already scared for you with this chapter. Oh no, poor Caden. lol The sims really do seem to have a 'preferred' bathroom. Poor Ducky. I pretty much take them out regardless of the weather at this point. Oh nice that Ducky wasn't gone long! Awww, Brontë looks lovely after the makeover! YAY for points from the toddler!! Your poor points, but I still am jealous of your triple digits in gen 2. I think I managed to drop to single digits in mine. lol

2.9: Woo, way to go Beau with the A!! Doing good! Awww, but if you had let Caden like handiness he would have gotten better and no likely had issues when he does randomly fix things. lol Oh well, I do get it. Wow, that looks more like a poster than a painting, it's great! WOOO, way to go with completing Arryn's aspiration! You remembered to give yourself the points for the 1 milestone right? Awww, bye Ducky! I have never played that career so interesting. Welcome to Monkey! I get it!

Woah, wow, a whoops baby? I apparently didn't catch that! Ooh, I see, chapter 10 TECHNICALLY came first. Well on to find out how we got an ooops baby (of course I know HOW, but you know.)

2.10: YAY for a new laptop and no lag!!! I love that "mess" clutter, it really feels like a real life room. lol Hah, yeah, it's weird to me the 'trends' affect the kids too. Kynzie (NG founder) had that happen too. Awww, poor elderly person having to watch Brontë destroy their stereo, even if the intention was to help. Great job on the restaurant. Building can be so hard. Wow, so that's how it went down. lol Arryn looks SO HAPPY! lol I'm so sorry.

2.11: YAY for Beau!!! I would have also loved Brontë, but Beau is going to be great I think. Oooh, I think Lou is a great choice! Wow Caden is making up for SOME of that point loss! It's nice to have a sim that rocks basically any hair. Most of the time I struggle to find a hair that is good for a sim. What a good brother Brighton is! Just a thought about the 4 generations, is it possible you loaded into a spare family who had a spouse that was 4 generations old? I have no idea if that is a thing or not, but just a thought. Everytime I've heard of it being broken it's that it doesn't count the generations at all, so having it be more would be a new one for me. I'm pretty sure it is broken but honestly I don't care if I get the notification or TECHNICALLY unlock it, it's more about doing it for me. lol (JOOOOIIINN UUUUUSSS :applause: :awesome: :D :wink: :yes: ) Awww, Brody is adorable! There are so many pet things that I wish RL was like the sims. Oh geez, I didn't even think about the idea of a destructive werewolf. Have fun!
All right, all caught up to the current gen at least. I'll have to come finish catching up with how Beau's heir time starts soon!
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