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Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Jul. 20th

Posted: July 20th, 2021, 9:39 pm
by Ani-Mei
New chapter!

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Jul. 20th

Posted: July 21st, 2021, 7:30 am
by ciyrose
Well I got super behind, so let's see if I can get a little caught up before work. :D
The kids for Snow White are all very cute. I wonder what happens with Cinderella.

The kids as teens are all very cute! The new house looks nice, and I'll have to see how they do later. :)
So still super far behind, but I'll get there. :) It's a fun challenge.

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Jul. 20th

Posted: July 21st, 2021, 10:18 am
by Ani-Mei
That's the beauty of the internet, it doesn't go anywhere.:lol: Yeah, I have saved all of Snow's kids in CAS so I can go back later and give them their own spare stories. I probably will, not sure when but I have a feeling it will come to me later. Once SimNo is over and I get bored or inspired one day to write up the Spare Stories since I'll have a lot of them. I want to finish Tiana's chapters before the end of the month which means I have some more playing to do. Thanks for stopping in!

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Jul. 23rd

Posted: July 22nd, 2021, 10:30 pm
by Ani-Mei
Well wouldn't you know it? The size tags are working again, I figured out it was because the pictures were too big so I resized them to fit the avatar image sizes on here and it worked! Also new chapter!

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Jul. 24th

Posted: July 24th, 2021, 5:04 pm
by Ani-Mei
New chapter! Finally get to see generation four!

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Jul. 26th

Posted: July 26th, 2021, 5:45 pm
by Ani-Mei
FIVE DAYS LEFT AND I'M DONE! Well not done-done, just done with my update goals for SimNo. At least now I can begin generation four!

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Jul. 26th

Posted: July 26th, 2021, 6:38 pm
by KatLovesPotatoes
This was so interesting to read! I’m excited for Gen. 4!
Lol to the aliens continuously abducting the sims. :haha:

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Jul. 26th

Posted: July 26th, 2021, 6:48 pm
by Ani-Mei
I half expect one of them to end up with an alien baby before the challenge is over, most likely Cori or someone. They love to come for my White family, I figured it has to do with all the space rocks Cori was finding. Like that somehow triggers them to come, don't know though I haven't seen them in a while. I am going to go in and play tonight, I have generation four's plot arc to begin. Thanks for stopping in! :hug:

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Aug. 4th

Posted: August 4th, 2021, 9:16 pm
by Ani-Mei
After a 10 day brain break, I am back with Aurora's first chapter!

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Aug. 4th

Posted: August 11th, 2021, 3:32 pm
by Ani-Mei
I've started generation four so Tiana will still be around but it's no longer her show, it's Aurora's turn. It's just waiting for her to grow up now so I can begin the next part of her story. Next generation is going to be fun though. Thanks for stopping in! :hug:

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Aug. 4th

Posted: August 11th, 2021, 7:11 pm
by Ani-Mei
Hehe, no worries. I am probably on the fence about generation 5, it's supposed to be Elsa/Anna and getting twin girls is preferable, but the watermelons trick to influence that doesn't work in my game so knowing my luck, I'll get twin boys. I might go the adoption route even though that would break the blood line.

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Aug. 4th

Posted: August 16th, 2021, 6:16 pm
by ciyrose
I am very glad the internet means I can still catch up on the stories. :) Going to at least try and finish up Snow White's portion of the story. :)
What fun that you got to see Will-o-wisps for the first time! Hehe, I like Ella's look, and you are right it does kind of give her a 'maid' vibe. Hmmm...Teal huh?

I'll see what Ella's story brings since her first chapter is before the last one of Snow's. :) Oh, the color Teal. The fact he's staying makes me nervous for him...and the fact he's liking Ella. We will see what happens. :)

OMG, the burglar was too funny. Beat up by a teen witch and the fairy cop, that was just too much. Great writing.
Well I am at least into Cinderella's story now. :) That was a lot of fun, be back to read more later.

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Aug. 4th

Posted: August 16th, 2021, 6:22 pm
by Ani-Mei
Lots to go still, I will probably be writing another chapter tonight once I finish this video on YT. Ella having the Can Apprehend Burglar hidden trait was interesting, most of them had Pyromaniac as their hidden traits so they'd spontaneously combust for no reason. I check them now so I know who's got what, makes things interesting. Thanks for stopping in! :hug:

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Aug. 16th

Posted: August 16th, 2021, 9:42 pm
by Ani-Mei
Twelve days later, we have a new chapter!

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Oct. 8th

Posted: October 7th, 2021, 10:46 pm
by Ani-Mei
Nearly two months later, and after fixing a Pathing Route Hell nightmare of a lot, I have saved my princesses! Now, let's get on with the show!

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Oct. 8th

Posted: October 11th, 2021, 11:12 pm
by Ani-Mei
Yep, Aurora and Atreyu have a nice little college adventure. I took a few pictures and set up some stuff for Elsa's generation. Can't believe I'm already halfway done too in three months. Thanks for stopping in!

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Oct. 13th

Posted: October 13th, 2021, 7:58 pm
by Ani-Mei
Kind of sleepy since I woke up too early today so I might get one more chapter put out before I need a :sleepy:

EDIT: Last chapter for Aurora is up, now brain is really tired and body is complaining too. :sigh:

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Oct. 14th

Posted: October 14th, 2021, 3:38 pm
by Ani-Mei
Kind of having an idea for why Fricorith is losing his mind but may have to rework it so it doesn't seem like I'm recycling my Sims 2 stuff over and over again. But Cori is very important to me and I like using him a lot, he's been through a lot. I have to stop playing so I can catch up to my writing as much as I don't want to stop at this point in the challenge but it's soo tempting to carry on, get Elsa's generation going and finding her True Love for the next generation. Her story is going to be interesting for that, I just have to figure out WHY it will be interesting. Anyway, thanks for stopping in! :hug:

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Oct. 18th

Posted: October 18th, 2021, 1:13 am
by Ani-Mei
Elsa's first chapter is up!

*EDIT: Elsa's second chapter is up, and now that it's 6 am Ani-Mei needs to sleep. :sleepy:

Re: Fairytale Finders: A Disney Princess Challenge Oct. 18th

Posted: October 28th, 2021, 9:12 pm
by Calamity Jade
Finally, I'm all caught up.
It's been good seeing Cori again, I remember him fondly from a Quest for Peace. That alternate vision he saw of himself reminds me of a vampire. Maybe...

And I don't know what's up with these aliens and their fascination with the princesses. :pan:

Anyway, I can't wait to see who Elsa's true love is going to be.