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Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 1st, 2020, 3:52 pm
by Audrey
Loving it!
Ella is SO cute, and I think it's so cute how she already has suitors.
Aww acne is the worst. I'm right there with you when it comes to adult's painful and awful and I feel you.
I love how adorable the founding couple is with each other. Old people in love is so sweet! :heart:
I'm sorry you lost your pictures! That's happened to me before and it SUCKS! I'm glad you have enough to get through some more updates though!

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 1st, 2020, 7:09 pm
by Calamity Jade
Love the new house!

Wait, Ella has six points yet she goes around giving out noogies? Definitely haven't seen that before.

That guy's name is really Hunter Bear? :sly: Maxis is too funny sometimes.

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 3rd, 2020, 5:23 pm
by B. Scirocco
Good to see that Ella's all grown up now, though I'm sorry she had a rough transition. Although I had to laugh at Mar's shameless crushing on the guests. :wink:
I didn't notice the color scheme until you mentioned it, d'oh! Although Ella's adult dress is really pretty.
Yay, Ella met a nice guy on her first grown-up date! I hope it all works out for the two of them.
On a side note, I checked out the houses you built. Jeez, I'm astonished. You've obviously got a lot more patience than I do at building.

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 3rd, 2020, 9:03 pm
by Audrey
Aww Ella’s all grown up and may have found her Prince! So sweet.
Ella is super pretty. I bet she’ll be a great mom too!
How creepy all the heart farting for teens going on! I’ve never had that happen before. Super freaky.
I’ve definitely found as long as you have a stereo and someone actually ages up/gets married, parties usually end up being pretty good, fairly easily.
Awesome update! Can’t wait for the next one!

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 4th, 2020, 1:39 pm
by peachy123uk
Mars and Clarence being rude to their son-in-law that's just not right. Hope they find a lovely home together to make lots of babies

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 4th, 2020, 7:59 pm
by 108sims
Mar you're married, and they're teens! Stop!

It sounds like El's going to have lots of options. I just hope she'll be able to choose.

Of course Gilbert showed up.

It is pretty creepy all your adults are checking out teens.

It seems like Juan's the one!

Yeah, I definitely wouldn't take my parents on a date. :lol:

El is looking gorgeous.

Awe I'm happy El and Juan are engaged. He seems like an awesome spouse already.

Poor Juan, he didn't do anything wrong. It's probably for the best he and El got their own place.

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 5th, 2020, 9:02 pm
by 108sims
I hope you feel better soon!

I love their new house. :)

Betrayed indeed since Ella so badly wanted to marry someone with brown hair. :lol:

I think a chair for a puppy is a fair trade.

You were right about the multiples! At least she's done with kids now.

The triplets are super cute!

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 6th, 2020, 1:15 am
by peachy123uk
hope you feel better soon, some townies sims are not what their seem (Rose Dai is another one). I love the house. Well done Juan for topping business before you get to open the business.

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 6th, 2020, 9:39 am
by B. Scirocco
Oh no, I hope you get better soon.
Juan's makeover suits him well, even if Ella's not thrilled about it. :wink:
Ella's workspace is impressive; I love the use of mirrors although it really needs bolts of fabric all over to look realistic :P.
I've never adopted a pet before, so that's the first time I've ever seen a cop repossess something; good thing she didn't take the fountain!
Oh dear, it just came to me--Leroy's name should have been Aang. And come to think of it, it makes sense for Ella to be a dog person: After Lucifer, I don't think Cinderella would be too thrilled about getting a pet cat.
Oh wow, triplets! And welcome, Aurora!
Aww, Juan's a good husband, helping Ella fund her business and taking care of the kids.
I'm curious to find out how Ella's clothing store looks.

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 7th, 2020, 9:36 am
by Calamity Jade
Juan is actually kinda handsome with his new hair style, reminds me of Goopy(and yes I think Goopy can be good looking).

Wait, you have to PAY to adopt pets??? That's news to me.

Hope you feel better!

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 16th, 2020, 9:34 am
by peachy123uk
sorry your workload is going to be a lot. I am sure once it calms down you will be back as soon as you can. And has you have already played you might as well gives us this generation too lol

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 18th, 2020, 6:20 pm
by B. Scirocco
Nice to see Ella's store at last; she looks like she's gotten the hang of running it pretty quickly.
Wow, you got a top review right away! I'm impressed; I usually end up disappointing the critic. Also, I have never seen an NPC wearing a veil, LOL.
Aww, Luna grew up to be quite beautiful; I think she's supposed to be a greyhound? I'll miss her and Leroy. (BTW, I mistakenly thought Leroy had a blue stripe on his head like in Avatar: The Last Airbender; I didn't realize it was black.)
And Juan continues to be Prince Charming. He'll make a fine Hero!
Aurora's diva persona made me grin, although I do hope she matures a bit.

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 19th, 2020, 1:45 pm
by peachy123uk
Onto generation three already, only seems like yesterday that you started might give this go.

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 20th, 2020, 7:24 pm
by B. Scirocco
All right, comments on both chapters:
Well, Ella had a good run with Bare Fantasies, even if she didn't quite reach the goal. It definitely gets tougher after those first few ranks, admittedly.
Haha, it's a good thing Ella nipped Hunter's flirting in the bud there.
Juan and Ella are such a cute couple, and Juan looks sharp in his uniform.
It's nice that Mar and Clarence got to see their grandkids grow up. :hug:
Oh, d'oh, I was wondering how you were supposed to adjust Aurora's personality to fit the rules; I forgot you could do that with cheats enabled.
I understand you'll be on hiatus, but I do look forward to seeing how the third generation turns out!

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 28th, 2020, 2:04 pm
by peachy123uk
i have started the challenge and Snow is expecting her second baby. I will probably blog it January. Love seeing the spares too. :)

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: September 30th, 2020, 8:30 am
by Vooogerbits
I've just read through your chapters so far and I'm loving it :) Your reaction gifs are on point haha, and I totally agree that that Mulan song is a bop! Really looking forward to more updates :)

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: October 1st, 2020, 2:21 pm
by Vooogerbits
nooboostar wrote:@peachy123uk Thank you, I'm happy you like the interludes. Also, congratulations on starting the challenge! I look forward to reading all about it. :D

@Vooogerbits Thanks a lot, I'm glad you enjoyed reading about the Didneys and their shenanigans. Honestly, I think the Mulan soundtrack has to be my favorite from all the Disney princess movies (along with Princess and the Frog, and Aladdin). Unfortunately I'm on a small hiatus right now but I'll definitely come back soon with the next generation, because as crazy as this family drives me I really like playing with them. :tongue:
I really did :) Ooh Aladdin is super too (don't know Princess and the Frog as well). I'll look forward to the updates (enjoy/take care of yourself in your hiatus!) :)

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: October 3rd, 2020, 3:11 pm
by Vooogerbits
nooboostar wrote:Thank you so much! Oh, and definitely check out the soundtrack when you get the chance. The Princess and the Frog has some pretty catchy songs. ^^
:D I will do :)

Re: Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: October 4th, 2020, 12:25 pm
by 108sims
Woo I got caught up with this generation. A fun read as always, and I can't wait to see what you do next!

Re: [ON HIATUS] Issa Jus Wan Go 2 Didney Worl

Posted: October 13th, 2020, 9:21 pm
by Pony
I'm finally all caught up. Mar is hilarious and Ella is awesome. It's going to be hard to wait to see what Aurora gets up to. But school is very important. I love the houses and will be downloading them on my next CC spree.