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Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: June 17th, 2019, 9:16 am
by CeresIn
Story Name: Russell Random Legacy
Boolprop Link: Russell Random Legacy
Personal Goal: 3000 words and 75 screenshots.
Why: My updates are usually close to 1000 words and 25 screenshots and lately they aren’t even once a month, so for July I decided to take advantage of this challenge and the fact that is a fairly quiet month for me to triple the bet.

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: June 22nd, 2019, 3:06 pm
by Chels
I would like to sign up with my legacy that I'm doing to honor my mother Another Legacy: For Momma and me! My goal is to get 1000 words in each post and to have 3 updates. Right now I I'm sitting at 800 words. The reason I choose this goal is because I really need to back into it, and try to make some progress!! (do I need to have check marks? I'm a rebel)

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: June 26th, 2019, 2:06 pm
by katrisims
Alright, here goes nothing...

:check: Lakewood: Just a BaCC
:check: Lakewood Boolprop thread
:check: 1 update / 3000 words / 100 pictures
:check: It's been a while since I've done a Lakewood update, so I want to get back into that. One update is quite a lot for me in a month, seeing that I last updated in February. It seems that lately my updates have been ranging from 2000 to 5000 words, so I picked somewhere in the middle for the word goal. 100 pictures should be pretty easily doable for one update, I think I should rather set an upper limit for pictures (and actually, words doubly so) rather than a lower limit!

Bonus goal (if I'm feeling productive):

:check: The Bookacy family Alphabet Adventures
:check: Bookacy Boolprop thread
:check: 1 update / (4000 words) / 30 pictures
:check: I was going to make this my main goal, but then I realized that the picture count may be as low as 30, and while the word count is kind of big, ahem, well, I already have those 4000 words, so it doesn't really count... So it's the staging and picture taking that's left.

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: June 27th, 2019, 11:53 am
by somebodysangel
Story Name: Nikki's Queen Bee Challenge (title may change)
Link to the story's Boolprop link: Coming soon!
Your Personal Goal: 30,000 words and 1,500 pictures
Why: This is a new challenge, and I have already played a bunch, need to get cracking on writing up the chapters. With other challenges I have averaged around 1000-1500 words and 70-80 pics per update; would like to get around 20 updates posted in July - stretch target.

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: June 29th, 2019, 5:22 am
by Jesslb429
:check: Story Name:The Smart Name Game Challenge
:check: Link: Challenge page Boolprop Page
:check: Personal Goal for SimNaNo: 5500 words, 500 images (Roughly two very large updates, but the word count could change. This is all speculative at the moment)
:check: Why: I love doing challenges. I love wacky rules. But I tend to get behind on updating. With my computer being fussy, I wanted to continue challenge playing while I can’t work on my already in progress ones. And my goal is set in such a way because I’m still very timid about any writing I do. I’m hoping that posting by the generation will help some but setting the goal of two will not put as much pressure while still being a bit of a challenge with my current real life schedule.

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: June 29th, 2019, 6:22 pm
by simnights
Editing my goals a bit before we get into the swing of it. Doing two stories at once is just too much pressure for me right now!

:check: Story: The Peters Legacy - Out of Time
:check: Link: Boolprop Thread :)
:check: Goal: I would like to post 2 updates this month, already written and coming in at a total of 8,900 words. I would ideally like a minimum of 40 pictures total, about 20 per chapter.
:check: Why: I am moving to NYC in September and I am very, very behind on taking pictures and posting chapters. I posted chapter 3 about a month ago now and I have up to chapter 9 fully written already! I want to get caught up a little bit more before the move because I don't know if I'll have much time to be in-game working on Out of Time after that!

Also, my name is Lauren, for the count! :D

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: June 30th, 2019, 10:48 am
by Livvielove
Alright, time for me to officially buckle down here! I have all of July off and I've taken May and June as my months of relaxation.

Primary goal:
:check: This is Real
:check: Boop
:check: 10,000 words and 300 pictures
:check: Honestly I've been on a break from writing for a bit to recuperate after a really hard semester and some big changes in my life. I want to dip my toes back into my world, but I'm not quite ready to pick up one of my main 4. So I decided that Lively's story would be a great place to start and ease my way back in.

Secondary goal:
:check: Rousseau Enfant Étonnant
:check: Beep
:check: 3 posts
:check: I have all of the pictures, I just need to write the last 3 chapters and complete this. So it's my secondary goal. I want to knock this challenge out of the way!

Tertiary goal:
:check: The Ghibli Legacy
:check: Bop
:check: 2 posts
:check: I haven't had much time to dig into this file at all in ages and I would like to at least go back in to enjoy some Ghibli love. This goal is more here to motivate me to open up my game and take some pictures, rather than to actually achieve much more.

These are just my GENERAL goals for the month, if I achieve even one of them I'll be happy! ^^ :D

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: July 3rd, 2019, 6:10 am
by simfulicious
I know it's a little late, but I would like to sign up. My husband will be away for work for half of July, so my time will be my own.

:check: Name: The Markham Master Challenge
:check: Link: The Markham Master Challenge
:check: Goal: I haven't even played sims consistently at all this year, let alone write. I would like to achieve 5 updates with at least 20 photos each. I don't want to do a word count, as my updates tend to be commentary, and not story driven.
:check: Why: I kinda gave my why in the goals area. I haven't played sims in awhile, and I miss them. I wanted to challenge myself to get back into the swing of things.

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: July 3rd, 2019, 4:22 pm
by wyldhawke
:check: Story Name: Tails of Sulani - A Mermaid Legacy
:check: Link to the story's Boolprop link: Tails of Sulani
:check: Your Personal Goal for SimNaNo: More than 1000 words per post, posting once a day, so more than 30,000 words.
:check: A little bit about why you picked the goal you did: I usually play in a round-robin fashion, one save per day, then post, but I'm terrible at taking short breaks and ending up with two week long streaks with a day or two in between. With the theme of SimNaNo, I want to concentrate on doing one story for the month. I will be playing the others, too, but for the purposes of the event, I'll just enter this story. My posts are usually longer than 1000 words, but for this story, that's about where they've been averaging, so I'll stick with that. 30,000 sounds like a lot, but I think I can do it!

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: July 5th, 2019, 9:26 am
by simsterlyrock
I'd like to lower my goals a bit since I'm realizing that I really don't take as many pictures or write as much as I originally thought, and my goals are WAY too high. I'll just be stressing over it all month. So, I'd like to lower my word goal to 4,500 and my picture goal to 500 instead. Hopefully that'll be a bit easier for me to achieve without having to post an update every day.

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: July 5th, 2019, 9:21 pm
by Teresa
I am going to add a third story to the mix and will post several updates this month. I am not sure the split between stories that I listed in my sign-up post will hold, but the total words will remain - updating my signup information below.

:check: Story Name: Odyssey EPIC
:check: Link to the story's Boolprop link: Odyssey EPIC

:check: Story Name: Masterful Sims
:check: Link to the story's Boolprop link: Masterful Sims

:check: Story Name: Oakes Perfect Legacy
:check: Link to the story's Boolprop link: Oakes Perfect Legacy

:check: Your Personal Goal for SimNaNo: 50,000 words and 2,250 pictures
:check: A little bit about why you picked the goal you did: Together for the three stories, my goal is to have 50,000 words and 2,250 pictures posted in July.

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: July 6th, 2019, 10:04 am
by FluffyMao
I'd like to change my goal for SimNano 2019. I'll still be using Miki Rains, but I've already reached my word goal. It wasn't particularly hard, so I want to stretch myself.

:check: Story Name: Miki Rains, Runaway Teen
:check: Link to the story's Boolprop: Miki Rains, Runaway Teen
:check: Your Personal Goal for SimNaNo: AT LEAST 1 chapter per day; 1,500 images and 15,000 words total
:check: A little bit about why you picked the goal you did: My goal is to get out a chapter every day in July until the story is complete. Each chapter will be 1 in-game day, so they'll be relatively short, maybe a dozen images each. My main goal is to actually finish a challenge story for once. ^_^

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: July 6th, 2019, 10:30 am
by Livvielove
I've updated everyone's goals on my sheet to here! :thup: :bounce: I believe in you!

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: July 6th, 2019, 4:43 pm
by Seera
Changing my goals as I've decided to add another story to my goals. Overall goal does not change however.

:check: Story Name: Wildwood Heights BACC (Technically Tortall Alphabet Legacy, too, but not going to double dip)
:check: Link to the story's Boolprop link Wildwood Heights BACC

:check: Story Name: 100+ Idol Debuts
:check: Link to the story's Boolprop link 100+ Idol Debuts

:check: Your Personal Goal for SimNaNo: Picture goal: 300; Word goal: 12,000
:check: A little bit about why you picked the goal you did: First round of play generated 100 pictures and about 4000 words. This means I should be able to do 3 weeks and be fine. So 1 week per round with an extra week as a buffer in case life happens. I want to try to get into a habit of updating stuff regularly and I figure best to start with something that's got no plot and would be quicker to do updates for than my Sims 3 stories.

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: July 6th, 2019, 4:51 pm
by Livvielove
Got your goals all changed up, Seera!

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: July 8th, 2019, 7:31 pm
by ciyrose
Ok, I'm making some updates to my goals here:

:check: Breeze Point
:check: Boolprop Thread
:check: 360 photos/16,000 words
:check: Discovered I've been writing more than I initially anticipated that I would be, and I was going to reach my count faster than I expected. I am currently averaging about 45 pictures and 2,000 words a post, so I'm going to update my numbers to these two counts and see if I can push myself a little more. :)

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: July 12th, 2019, 8:13 am
by Mychuno
:check: Story Name: The Jennings
:check: Link to story's Boolprop link: The Jennings - TS4 Disney Princess Legacy
:check: Your Personal Goal for SimNaNo: 2000 words, 100 photos
:check: A little about why you picked the goal you did: I took a couple months away from the Sims and just returning now with a new story. So I'm just starting to get back into the swing of writing and posting updates, so I thought setting a this goal will push me to write more and take photos. I originally set out 1000 wirds but realized that it was easily obtainable and raised it.

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: July 13th, 2019, 4:48 am
by peachy123uk
I would like to update my goals please

Story Name Challenge Island (prosperity style with challenges attached to each house)
Link to the story's Boolprop link (if one is available)
Your Personal Goal for SimNaNo (this is required for official sign ups!)
Hi I have which averages about 9000 words and 30 - 50 pictures per update. I feel I can easily do 12 updates in a month, so let me challenge myself and say 12 updates, which would total 8000 words and 500 pictures.

so word count is 9000
and picture count is 600
and 12 updates

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: July 13th, 2019, 5:55 pm
by Jesslb429
Updated/Revised Goals!

:check: Story Name:The Smart Name Game Challenge
:check: Link: Challenge page Boolprop Page
:check: Personal Goal for SimNaNo: 3500 words, 200 images, 1 Update (Oh please just let me get the one out!)
:check: Why I'm Revising: Despite the fact that this month has been a pretty good month for my IRL goals, a lot of other things are going on. Namely, my silly brain isn't as gung ho as my spirit, apparently. So, I'm just trying to get one generation(post) up before the month ends.

Also, I know this sounds petty and really, really stupid but I was told it never hurts to ask, but when my new goals are posted is it possible to have my username capitalized on the update page like I usually have it? Like I said it's really stupid, but it kinda kicked into a weird anxiety part of my brain.

Re: SimNaNo 2019: Sign-Ups [Now Open]

Posted: July 14th, 2019, 7:18 pm
by Livvielove
I'm doing banner updates tonight and tomorrow so banners should reflect changes! Including Simsterly's fix as I forgot to adjust it there :doh: Thanks for bearing with me! I FINALLY got a decent system, it only took me half the month! :roll: :lol: