Bella Noir (Finished)

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Re: Bella Noir

Post by peachy123uk »

That's okay. The story is going great :)




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Re: Bella Noir

Post by graymondaysleep »

I mean, what can I say about this? This is absolutely phenomenal. I love it when simmers create atmospheric stories like this but set in like the 50's and 60's and stuff. I just love the feel and the aesthetic of it all. LA NOIRE is one of my favourite video games and this really just hits the spot between that game and the Sims. Just a perfect blend.

I cannot WAIT to read more and I am patiently and eagerly waiting to see what the next installment will bring!
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by Strawberry »

Bella Noir
Season 1, Episode 9 The Downstairs Neighbors
After dinner at the Goths I didn't hear from Cassandra for a few days, but by this time my curiosity
was getting the better of me. Perhaps I should have ended everything there. Learned to live
peaceably, as everyone else here had. Ask no questions. But I just couldn't. Two possible murder
victims, one missing woman, and the culprit or culprits facing no consequences whatsoever. I couldn't
stomach it. And as it happened the family of Skip Broke lived right below us. I couldn't let that little
gem go unobserved.

Brandi was an exceptional beauty and I'd often catch myself watching her fuss over her eldest as he
went off to school or play with her youngest in the yard. It was a guilty pleasure having a reason to
engage with her. I introduced myself as her upstairs neighbor and apologized for not calling sooner.

She was remarkably congenial for a grieving widow and we found ourselves chatting in the staircase
hall. True to name, the family was quite badly off and the poor child had to pick up a job as a waitress
to earn enough to feed her boys. I asked what kind of work her husband used to do and she confessed
he usually just lazed about the house. Surely money came from somewhere, but as to where, Brandi
didn't know.

"Perhaps the Goths?" I suggested and Brandi burst out laughing.
"Us and them? You're joking right? They are hardly the type to mix with my late husband. She and her
brother made sure to stay away from Skip. We're not exactly on the same rung of the ladder,” she
"Bella Goth has a brother?" My curiosity, which by this time was growing into a bee hive of distraction
focused acutely on this fact.
"Had," Brandi corrected me, "He's dead now... about the same time Bella split..." Brandi trailed off
considering this, it seemed, for the first time.

"So, they had no connection? Bella and Skip?" I asked again, "Did Skip and her brother get along?"
Brandi gave me a tired look, "We're poor. They had no reason to even notice us."
"Did Skip have arguments with anyone else in town?" I was in full blown cop mode again. Brandi put
her chin in her hand, "He would get irritated around that Don Lothario man," she said slowly, "I
thought that was because he's an incorrigible- ah, flirt." Brandi blushed.

Another death... Another RECENT death at that. Did Bella Goth kill her brother? Why? And then why
leave town? It was clear the family was well connected, they could have made it easy on her if she
did. Did Skip actually have anything to do with it? Did Darleen Dreamer? I needed to clear my head.

Jennifer and I played one of our favorite games that afternoon. Pretending to be strangers and
stealing away for a discreet rendezvous in a park or somewhere. Yes, I know, we're disgusting. One
must get their kicks somehow. And ours was pretty harmless as far as vices go. Afterward we cuddled
and I brought her up to date on matters. She said she'd forgotten about Bella's brother, Michael, but
I saw a strange twinkle in her eye as she recalled his memory.

I'm not a jealous type. After all, I stole more than a few glances at Brandi and Jennifer was sure to
have noticed, but I was curious about him and asked what that look was. She gave a guilty smile,
"He was just, sort of, exciting. He was smart and charming and had a great body. And it could be scary
being with him sometimes."
"Oh? A bad boy, was he?" I teased her.
"Oh, no, nothing like that. He was just... intense." I could feel a slight shiver from her, "I'm surprised
he stayed in town. He could have done anything with his life. Especially with those good looks of his."
Not to be outdone by a dead guy, I took Jennifer in my arms and we finished our afternoon together.
Another new installment of Bella Noir. Thank you so much everyone for your messages of encouragement. I'm so happy you're enjoying it. They might come a bit slower these days, though, I'm still sort of brainstorming the episodes.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by peachy123uk »

very clever writing, I am so intrigued.




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Re: Bella Noir

Post by LuckyDuck »

Bella always gave a sort of 40s-50s noir vibe, so this is a brilliant idea. I've only read S1E1 so far.
Really love the monochrome screenshots and the outfit choices to help create that dark vintage noirish feel as well. I like the idea that although he's not in the force anymore, Cassandra goes to him because he's not biased like some of the others seem to be about the whole situation. I think your writing style and voice for this are perfect, the whole thing reads almost like you're watching a movie...I can almost hear the sultry piano music in the background! I love that you're calling them Seasons and Episodes to fit the movie/story theme as well.
Excellent job so far, when I get time I'd love to read more.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by Strawberry »

Bella Noir
Season 1, Episode 10 The Attributes of my Beloved Wife
Jennifer is an amazing woman, though at times I'll admit all her favorable qualities seem to be
physical, but make no mistake. She's has a sharp mind. She's sensible, frugal and pragmatic, and
especially adept about deconstructing idle gossip. In that uncanny way that most women possess, she
can tell when a girl is in a family way or if her gentleman friend isn't up to snuff. Women seem more
attuned to scandal that way.

I'm sorry to say that my being open with her on this case had shattered her image of her home town.
In the course of a week she'd found out that three people she'd grown up with, had been friends with,
had perished, quite mysteriously at that. I can't imagine what effect that has on anyone. I saw plenty
of grief in the city, but in this case... everything... everyONE was connected.

She took it upon herself to greet Mr. Darren Dreamer, though she didn't know him before she left and
made her condolences. Jennifer has a gentle way about her, a kindness. A quality which draws me to
her because I simply don't possess it. A capacity for empathy.

She and Mr Dreamer shared their memories of Darleen and made a special connection, those kind of
connections people make when they both lose someone meaningful to them. They would be
affectionate friends from there on out because of this bond, and look upon each other with special
care. While I never understood this bond I'd been jealous of it in the past, and it was no different
now that I was an adult.

She also introduced herself to Nina Caliente, the woman I only knew as a witness to Bella Goth's last
hours in Pleasantview. But of course, my dear wife saw past that. To her Nina was carefree and
passionate, in that way that most women wish they could be and qualities they also sought in men.

Nina LIVED. And she refused to apologize for the way God made her. In my previous meeting with her
that's not at all what I appreciated about her. She conveyed to Jennifer that being a twin, however
physically pleasing you might be, there's always that presence of competition. Nina was good at some
things, and her sister Dina was good at others.

One of the goal posts Dina beat Nina to was getting married, however brief that marriage was. I
pressed Jennifer on the identity of the groom but my dear Jennifer made me wait for it. Very like her.
She's really into delayed gratification like that.

Of course it was Michael, Bella's brother, the legend himself. I wasn't surprised. This meant Michael
had left Pleasantview, after all. And he had returned with a beautiful bride. It was at this point that I
realized how stupid I'd been. I'd been focusing on the personal connections of these suspiciously
un-investigated deaths. I SHOULD have been asking asking how these three people died.
Last edited by Strawberry on January 13th, 2020, 3:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by peachy123uk »

I can't wait for more. Enjoying this so much.




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Re: Bella Noir

Post by Strawberry »

Bella Noir
Season 1, Episode 11 Doctor and Nurse
Some sleepy suburb Pleasantview turned out to be. Don Lothario, who it turns out was a literal Fly
Boy, was the cause of tension for Skip before his passing. Young Alexander Goth knew something
about his mother's disappearance that his father didn't want him spreading around. I didn't see how
Darren Dreamer was involved, but his wife's recent death was also suspicious. And now Michael and
the Caliente sisters were added to the roster.

I invited Coral out for coffee. Her husband, Herb, was the towns only medical doctor and she, his
nurse. We sat and shot the breeze for a moment, which she found to be tedious. Coral was all
business and I suddenly realized where her daughter, Mary-Sue got it from. So I got down to it and
asked her about the causes of deaths regarding Bella's brother, Mr Broke and Mrs. Dreamer.

"I'm surprised you hadn't heard about it yet," she said tiredly.
"Only that they died," I went on. She gave a sigh and recounted the tale. "Skip's body was discovered
in the pool at the Plaza on Main Street early one morning. With no evidence of foul play, it was ruled

"Darleen Dreamer, the poor girl, was trapped in her husbands small painting studio when it caught
"Did the police not suspect her husband?" I interrupted.
"Oh, naturally," Coral answered, "But there was no arrest. No one thought he actually did it. Darren
was devoted to his wife. After what happened, he never picked up a paintbrush again. He makes his
living playing piano at the lounge for those Caliente girls now."

"And Michael?" I pressed last. Coral gave a disinterested shrug, "Natural causes I think."
I frowned. The fire could have been a woman. Accidental drowning? Unlikely. Natural causes? Making
someone's death look natural was easy enough for an educated well-to-do woman. There was an old
unsolved case that kept coming up in my memory that I couldn't explain. It bore no resemblance to
this case. There were no deaths, as I recall, but I couldn't quite put my finger on the details.

So I went to the library and browsed the old SimCity newspapers. I don't even know what I was
looking for. How long it had been. At some point after searching for anything that caught my
attention I gave a hopeless shrug and gave up the search. Whatever it was I was trying to remember
wouldn't be found in some old records at the Pleasantview Library.

However I did run into the doc there, so the trip wasn't for nothing. Herb was a pleasant man, no
pun intended. And unlike his rather lethargic wife, very kind-hearted. So much so, in fact, that it
felt rather inappropriate that I should bring up the circumstances of the three deaths in his town.
But being a doctor, Herb was no fool and not faint of heart. Rumors of my investigations had
reached him and he'd been expecting me.

Medically speaking, the deaths had no connections. All three victims died different ways. Darleen's
death was the first, taking place about a year and a half ago. Darren kept paint thinner in his shed,
quite the combustible component and her body reflected that kind of damage. Skip's was to follow
a year later. Six months ago. Water in the lungs. The doc gave a short, unsure pause, then
continued on. Michael suffered heart failure a few weeks after that. Granted, that was unusual.
Michael was fit and health conscious and not quite old enough that a heart attack was expected, but
attacks like these weren't uncommon. I thanked him for taking the time to speak with me and for a
moment, that was that.

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Re: Bella Noir

Post by peachy123uk »

or is it




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Re: Bella Noir

Post by 108sims »

I just started reading this, and I absolutely love it. I can't wait for more!
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by Strawberry »

Bella Noir
Season 1, Episode 12 Detective Tactic Number Five: Eavesdropping
As I was about to leave the library, trouble was just walking in, Pleasantview's other widow, Dina
Caliente. I must confess, she and her sister seemed out-of-place here. Surely, they'd be happier in a
more urban setting. Which begged the question. What was keeping them here?

She breezed right past me as I was thinking to myself that a hot cup of coffee would really hit the
spot about now, and greeted old Dr. Herb. A moment ago I thought I was the notorious detective, here
to shake things up here in sleepy Pleasantview, which wasn't really at all very sleepy. (Or Pleasant, for
that matter.) But she didn't even recognize me.

Ho ho. What's this? A secret affair? Or perhaps the girl was just that flirtatious. Either way, she
certainly had a type, didn't she? Distinguished, and rather otherwise attached. And old Herb was as
pleasant with her as he was with everyone else. I couldn't bring myself to think he'd run around
behind Coral's back, but of course, that would be par for the course.

And while they went about whatever business they had I sneaked around to the back and listened in.
"Dear child, please don't worry," came old Herb's gruff but gentle voice, "I didn't tell him anything
about it. You and your sister are perfectly safe. Perfectly safe. I took care of you."
Well, I'll be damned. The old man was holding out on me! But what? What was he hiding?

"Oh darling, I don't know what I'd do without you," Dina said then, "I couldn't deal with all of this
alone. Nina's sweet and all, but she can be so short-sighted and foolish sometimes. The whole thing's
just so awful." Old Herb nodded sadly and the two said their goodbyes and left separately.

Curiouser and curiouser. -I took care of you- What did THAT mean? And now that I think about it, what
was that look he gave about Skip in the swimming pool? Why that sly old fox. I mistook him for some
tender country bumpkin. I thought I was so savvy. Too savvy to have the wool pulled over my eyes by
some small town doctor. Boy, he had me completely fooled.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by peachy123uk »

herb a sly old man never




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Re: Bella Noir

Post by ciyrose »

Whoo, I'm all caught up again. Didn't realize I had missed so many updates!
Love all the intrigue. I'm curious where all of this is going, and minus Skip's being a little weird, the deaths don't seem TOO crazy. Just the fact they are all so close together in such a small town. Excited to see where you take this. You are doing a great job!
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by 108sims »

I wonder if Herb is connected to all the death's, or maybe he just helped Dina cover up Michael's? Can't wait for more!
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by Strawberry »

Bella Noir
Season 1, Episode 13 All Things Domestic
After the week I'd had it was going to feel good returning home and spending time with my wife and
daughter. As luck would have it, I arrived just in time for dinner, and for a change of pace and to
change the subject, I asked them about their day.

My young intrepid Lucy eagerly announced that she'd introduced herself to the boy she'd defended
earlier that week and invited him over to play since he didn't seem to have many friends at school.
Of course we knew by then that he was Alexander.

She knew Alexander probably wouldn't be very interested in her doll house so the two of them stayed
outside all afternoon running, talking and jumping in the leaves our landlord had just raked up.

Still in cop mode, I asked her what they talked about. This and that, she said. Some school stuff. And
that Alexander didn't really like having his older sister as their new teacher. Mrs Dreamer used to be
their teacher before the accident, and Alexander wished Lucy could have met her.

Jennifer suddenly interrupted dinner, asking Lucy to please start her home work and pulled me into
our bedroom.
"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?!" she made an attempt to whisper but her voice came
across more like raspy anger, "I don't want our child involved in this, John! And how dare you pump
her for information as if she's a witness!?"

Damn, that's exactly what I was doing, wasn't it? I told her I was sorry, I didn't mean to. I must have
still been in the zone. And If I wanted to learn what it was that Alexander knew about his mother I'd
have to be the one to ask him, not Lucy. I'd have to do it the hard way. Through Cassandra.

Jennifer whole-heartily agreed and said the best way to speak to Cassandra would be to pick Lucy up
from school tomorrow. While I was touching base with my client, Jennifer thought it was time that
she contributed to this whole situation as well.

She couldn't sit idly by, playing the good housewife, while her hometown was suffering from some
mysterious horror. She decided the best place to start was the Caliente's. She'd already met Nina
and she was amiable enough. Before I knew what exactly had been decided I was being thrown onto
our bed. And I was soon not in the state of mind to argue with her.
Thank you again, everyone, for your constant kindness and interest in Bella Noir! And of course I'd get very motivated after saying the chapters might slow down a bit. I do have the next four planned as well, which is probably the most I've planned for anything. ^ ^;
Thanks again for reading!
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Re: Bella Noir

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It will be interesting to see if Jennifer can find out any information. I'm not sure if Cassandra will be open with John.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by peachy123uk »

you have such a creative mind and patience too. Do you just play and see what pictures you have taken or try to influence them or take them somewhere specifically to get your story line.




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Re: Bella Noir

Post by Strawberry »

peachy123uk wrote:
you have such a creative mind and patience too. Do you just play and see what pictures you have taken or try to influence them or take them somewhere specifically to get your story line.
It's a little of both. Alexander really did come home with Lucy once and the meeting of Dina and old doc Herb really happened, but I didn't plan on it. In fact I wasn't even banking on John talking to Herb at all, he just showed up at the book store. I guess what I have is a good idea of how the story should go and if something prime presents itself I take advantage of it. Call me opportunistic. XD
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by Strawberry »

Bella Noir
Season 1, Episode 14 Cassandra Goths Dirty Little Secret
I followed Jennifer's orders to pick up Lucy from school the following day, surprised to see first hand
how far the cops would go to avoid Ms Goth. It was shameful how normalized she had become being
treated like that. I wanted to pull the officer aside and give him a tap right across the jaw.

Lucy wasn't surprised to see me, likely because she (and the whole apartment building) overheard
the arrangements her mother and I had made. I asked Lucy to play with Alexander for a few minutes
while I talked to her teacher. She and the boy were becoming quite close. It worried me a little.
Here's hoping the case didn't go sour and our family's would remain on good terms.

At the moment Cassandra was having serious doubts. I explained that the boy might know something
about his mother's disappearance and he should be questioned. She was as protective towards Alexander
as Jennifer was of Lucy and did not want to go against her father. I was confused. Had the police not
questioned him when Bella went missing? Cassandra vehemently shook her head. Her father wouldn't
hear of it.

Ridiculous. Do none of the cops in this town know how to do their jobs? I was growing aggravated at
Ms Goth as well. Didn't she want her mother found? Wasn't she looking for answers? Isn't that what I
was being paid for? And something else was bothering me. What had happened years before that
people still remembered about her? Cassandra was shocked.
"Oh, of course you wouldn't know..." she said breathlessly.

"Well, it's obvious in our age difference that I was an only child for a long time," she gave a nod toward
Alexander, "Mom was very loving. But Father wanted a son. He didn't much care for me. I... I think he
was jealous that Mom and I were so close sometimes. It's not a nice feeling, knowing your father doesn't
care for you."

"When Mom had Alexander he lavished him with the affection and love that he never gave me. I was
young back then. I should have hated him, but I couldn't. So that hate shifted to Alexander. I was so
angry and hurt and crazy and I... I tried to drown him and tell everyone it was an accident. But
Father caught me. I was so ashamed of what I tried to do." A blanket of guilt descended on Ms. Goth
as she glanced at her younger brother.

I understood why she was so protective. Alexander would always be a reminder of the evil she must
keep at bay. But I told her that our job as adults is not to keep children innocent. It's to prepare them
for the life ahead of them. I believed he had something to say about Bella. I believed he wanted to
say it. And I implored Cassandra to allow him to.
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Re: Bella Noir

Post by 108sims »

Oh wow, I was not expecting that at all! I can understand Cassandra being a little resentful, but she took things a little too far. I'm glad she's protective of Alexander now. (Unless she's done something else to him and doesn't want him to tell)
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