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Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: June 6th, 2015, 4:32 pm
by Scribal_Goddess
They don't have to fold laundry. :)

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: June 6th, 2015, 4:46 pm
by Radiochocolate
They don't have to do laundry :P

Also, no such thing as insomnia.

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: September 21st, 2015, 10:43 pm
by Keika
I'm jealous of my sims because they are permanently set in a golden age of cheap prices, great technology, and a zero crime rate, no matter how many generations pass.

I'm not jealous of my sims because they're stuck with TS3... forever.

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: September 21st, 2015, 11:19 pm
by Radiochocolate
I'm jealous of my sims because they don't discriminate between people for anything else besides potential mates, and even then it's more about details than someone's face. They don't get into fights over differences in music taste, since they can listen to anything without cringing.

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: September 22nd, 2015, 6:31 am
by Keika
I'm jealous of my sims because for the most part, elders still look fabulous and healthy.

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: September 25th, 2015, 7:30 am
by cowplant
I'm jealous of my sims because having a pet there is really easy. Ok, you have to remember to feed them, but sickness? Nu-Uh. Training actually works, Pets can easily contribute to your household funds AND they don't run off for some reason you don't know about. They don't chew cables, leave pesky stains, are dangerous for pregnant women etc etc etc...

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: September 30th, 2015, 6:48 pm
by Scribal_Goddess
... when it gets dark and crummy out, they can just change the season back to summer!

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: October 7th, 2015, 6:31 am
by Chickie
I'm jealous of my sims because you can get your dream job easily when you come out of college and/or max all of your skills. It's also relatively easy to run a successful business.

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: October 7th, 2015, 9:54 am
by Shaz-a-Fraz
I'm jealous of my sims because when their social or aspirational needs drop too low, someone just drops out of the sky to pick them back up again!

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: October 7th, 2015, 11:25 am
by MichelleCYoung
I'm jealous of my sims because even in a challenge where they have to pay taxes, the taxes are a straight up percentage or basic formula, and not some ridiculously complex thing that requires a professional, because for some reason, the tax office thinks you made triple your actual income last year and now, in order to avoid paying a huge tax bill, you have to pay a (slightly less) huge accountant bill, instead.

I'm jealous of my sims because they only have about five different diseases they can possibly get (unless you have some serious mods), and are easy to diagnose and cure.

I'm jealous of my sims because real estate is so darned cheap.

I'm jealous of my sims because the college pays students, instead of the other way around.

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: October 7th, 2015, 12:34 pm
by Shaz-a-Fraz
I'm jealous of my sims because even the most complicated meals they can make take seconds to produce! Also, after a certain skill level, it is nearly impossible for them to mess up making these meals.

On a similar note, I'm also jealous of my sims because if they start a fire or have a burglar--and remember to install alarms--it only takes the firefighters and police officers seconds to arrive! Regardless of what neighborhood you're in.

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: October 9th, 2015, 2:10 am
by Radiochocolate
I'm jealous of my sims because

- they don't have allergies or hay fever
- they don't have to worry about their planet heating up and other environmental concerns
- they can be best friends with several people without even meeting them for several weeks, and even have a heated argument without losing too many points
- their lives are basically based upon a formula, both socially and physically. No need to figure out what other people think of them...

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: October 9th, 2015, 10:40 am
by Chickie
I'm jealous of my sims because too much "juice" doesn't make them an alcoholic (I'm talking to YOU Connor Weir!) or erode their liver or make them puke.

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: October 18th, 2015, 8:47 am
by Scribal_Goddess
I'm jealous of my sims because...

- They can "walk" or drive anywhere and it only takes them about 15 minutes.
- Running errands (going to community lots) doesn't actually take them any time.
- They automatically clean things and yet never run low on cleaning supplies! Or toothbrushes. :cheeky:

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: November 12th, 2015, 2:42 pm
by Jacob
I'm jealous of my sims because
-They get a free computer from a stranger whenever they move into a new house
-They don't have to plan anything (they can throw a wedding party the day after they're engaged!)
-They can switch careers whenever they feel like it
-They can master a skill just by practicing for a couple days

Then again, their lifespans are pretty short and many get deleted/forgotten without their lives ever being completed so it's not all perfect for them.

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: November 13th, 2015, 12:51 pm
by WistfulRose
I'm jealous of my sims because they actually live in a world where everyone is treated equally.

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: November 13th, 2015, 6:30 pm
by cowplant
I'm jealous of my sims because they can build a rocket in their backyard and travel to space! And not just a pretend-rocket made out of moving boxes!

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: November 14th, 2015, 5:22 am
by Radiochocolate
I'm jealous of my sims because they don't have to do laundry, and having multiple best friends isn't hard to maintain if you've got a phone at hand.

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: November 14th, 2015, 7:35 pm
by WistfulRose
I'm jealous of my sims because the bus picks them up from their house!

Re: #I'm jealous of my sims because...

Posted: November 22nd, 2015, 12:19 am
by Jacob
I'm jealous of my sims because when someone does something horrible to them, they just have to wait a couple days to stop being furious at them and then they feel perfectly fine again.