DyNasty of Darkness Challenge!! (TS2/3/4)

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DyNasty of Darkness Challenge!! (TS2/3/4)

Post by itsjulie »

.Image... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge ...Image.

Written by Livvielove and itsjulie


To celebrate Halloween, we have created a new challenge for you!!

... DyNasty of Darkness ...

A challenge that can be completed with all versions of the sims - 2, 3 and 4

and with every new challenge comes a shiny new medal, and this one is no different
You will receive this medal Image when you have successfully completed this 5 Generation challenge

The object of this challenge is build a super creepy house that will rival even the Goth Mansion with the ugliest family of monsters ever!
Achieve 5 generations of a successful monster family to show those puny mortals that you're not to be messed with!

Game Objective...
In this challenge, you are the monster. You are ghoulish and hideous... and your traits leave something to be desired, but that doesn't mean you can't want more for yourself. You've made it your life's mission to make the town rue the day it deemed you the monster. You've created a list of goals you will accomplish, including (but not limited to): attain immortality, have five generations of hideous monsters like yourself, secure safety for your family, and build a fortress that'll make the petty mortals quake in its shadows. Welcome to your Dark DyNasty.

The Founder...
- You are creating a "Monster," young adult male or female sim in CAS. No University starts for TS2, sorry! You're not in a place to scare the universities enough to let you in yet!
- The founder needs to be as ugly on the inside as they are on the outside, so should be given only bad or negative traits - there is no good in this "Monster." See Traits section below for help with traits.
  • You must select a "Family" trait for your monster family to all inherit. All members of the family on the lot should inherit this trait!
- The founder must also start out as a "Human" lifestate; they have to gain their occult status during their lifetime (if you chose to give them one).
- Founder should remain alive for the entire challenge; immortality must be achieved through any game-permitted method of your choosing.

Starting Out...
- Using their starter cash only move your "monster" onto the largest lot available, reduce funds to legacy start if applicable ($1,800).
  • See Mini-Challenges for optional challenging start.
- With what remains in their family fund build them a small home/shelter to start them off.


- No money cheats
- Mods - are not to be used to cheat or gain an unfair advantage. They are to be used only to fix glitches and bad game behaviour.
- No more than the Maximum 8 sims are allowed in the house at any time. No using mods to allow over the 8 sim limit! Pets that put you over the 8 limit by natural game allowance are fine.
- Lifetime rewards are allowed... as you've earned them!
- This challenge is 5 generations long, with your Founder being Generation 1. The challenge ends when the 5th generation heir has their Young Adult birthday.
- The founder cannot die, they must remain alive the entire challenge. Death of the founder means the challenge is over!
- Sims who move in/are born onto the lot must live and die on the lot. No moving out. (The only exception to this rule is if you are doing the Clone Army sims 3 mini challenge)
- All graves must be kept on the family lot. No moving them to the cemetery, you're creating your own so don't give someone else a chance to take credit for the deaths you cause!*
- Every sim who lives on the lot must have a portrait painting or photograph of them hung in the museum.
- At the end of the challenge the house must have a complete cemetery in the back yard.
- Each generation heir must achieve his/her LTW/Aspirations before they can pass the torch to the next generation.
- Only the ugliest child can be chosen to be the next generation heir (this can be decided by personality, appearance, or both), combo that with the "Perfect Genetics" mini-challenge and it's the ugliest child with the selected coloring traits of the founder.
- No early birthdays, aging must happen naturally. Cakes can be had after 6am of day 0 on the Sim's age bar.
- Traits should be randomly rolled, not chosen: yes this does mean some points will be decided by luck.
  • The only exception is the family trait, of which you must pick an age that the family member will receive said trait and give it consistently at that age. For example, all sims will receive Hot-Headed on their child birthday.
  • TS2 players are exempt from this rule, see Challenges for a challenge regarding this.
- The traits your sims have can earn (or cost you) points, see the chart below.
- The children born into this family DO NOT need to be taught to walk, talk, or potty trained. However, this is something to consider when planning for your family traits in TS3 and TS4.
- No boarding school - if you have them, you drag them up in the family home. No boarding school would accept monster children anyways!
- No University or traveling until you've either reached $100,000 available funds or you've maxed one of the Safety careers (see Family Goals for details). Schools must know and fear you before they'll accept a monster! Or... you'll need to have enough wealth to influence them.
- The family will not recognize any "Black Sheep" members; they will not befriend them, and they will not acknowledge them. They are dead to the family. For more on the Black Sheep members, see the Traits section.


The House Goals... To be completed with the Family Goals!
Your monsters need a place to live - and what more? They need to make their mark on the neighbors and the town itself! In order for the town to know and fear your family, your home should:
- Have a fully-functional dungeon
  • which must contain at least 2 holding cells for hostages!
  • Optional: Cells can be outfitted with mementos or pictures of your founder - so those dirty hostages never forget who bested them!
- Have a museum in your house with all of your monster family's accomplishments
  • Portraits of every family member (with exceptions of the black sheep - the ones who have too many "good" traits - as they taint the family)
  • A shrine for each heir to show a bit of their skills/accomplishments - they are the heads of the family for a reason!
  • Display any collections completed by your family.
- Have an Attic on the top floor of your house.
  • This is not only a place to dump your old junk, but it is also a place to hide anything to do with "black sheep".
  • This will be the home to your "Black Sheep" where they live out the rest of their days. After all, you don't want the world to see any family member that taints your ghastly reputation with their goodness!
- Have a graveyard where you keep all your dead relatives and any extra's you might acquire!
  • Must have at least 10 tombstones.
  • Must have at least 6 unique death causes.
  • Deaths must be earned not stolen, you cannot take credit for deaths you didn't have a hand in! That's bad monster-etiquette!
  • Note: Some computers can't handle a lot of graves on one lot for the Sims 3, so if that is the case, feel free to purchase another lot to start using as a graveyard; however, you must have at least SOME graves on your lot, as the point of the challenge is have the graves (and thus, the ghosts) on your lot.
- Have the highest quality:
  • Stove, Fridge, Toilets, Beds, TV, Entertainment System (Video Game Console/Foosball/whatever is most expensive in each game).
- House should be worth at least $750,000 by the time the 5th generation reaches YA.


Family Goals... To be completed with House Goals!
Each monster family that works together towards goals, stays together. Accomplish the following by the time your 5th generation
- Your family must have a 'family trait. A trait that shapes your family, which every member of the family must have.
  • We recommend picking only the baddest or neutral trait here... family traits are not exempt from the point gain/loss!
  • If any members of the family reach the age of young adult and they do not have the family trait, they can no longer be a functioning member of the family and you have to dispose of them. You have three options for disposal... the dungeon, the attic or the family cemetery. Your choice!
- Have 25 total enemies (through the duration, not all at once)
- Have maxed the Criminal Career:
  • The Sims 2 must max the Paranormal Career as well as the Criminal Career.
  • The Sims 3 and 4 must max both branches of the Criminal Career.
- Have maxed all of the influence careers* to keep your family safe:
  • Journalism, Law Enforcement (TS4: Secret Agent), Politics and Military (TS4: Astronaut)
- Have achieved every life state available to your game choice by any family member. Does not need to be kept, just has to be achieved at least once.

*TS3/TS4 - This does not mean both branches.


Universal Mini Challenges: Select AT LEAST One:

1. Monster Dynasty... in addition to the founder being immortal, have every generation heir become immortal and reach the end of the challenge along with the founder. (+25 points)
2. Anti-Wishacy... for one generation you do the opposite of your sims wishes/whims. In TS2 you can aim for their fears. (+25 points)
3. Perfect Genetics... two or three genetics of the founders must be carried through the generations to the end (eye, hair, or skin colour or maybe one of their hideous facial features). (+25 points)
4. Monstrous Children... all children should aim to get the lowest grades in school possible, if they both to attend it, while not being taken by social services. (+25 points)
5. Scaredy Cats... your family must have at least one pet cat in the house all through the challenge, preferably black. The cats graves must be added to the family cemetery. (+25 points)
6. The Beloved Family Pet... There must be a cow plant in the family's garden throughout the whole of the challenge. This is the family pet and must be cared for and cherished. If it dies it must be replaced immediately, but don't let it die due to neglect, because that will lose you points! (+25 points)
7. Gnome Invasion... By the end of the challenge have at least 20 magic/enchanted gnomes on your home lot, repeats allowed. (+25 points)
8. Left With Nothing... start the challenge by placing sim onto the largest lot and reducing funds to $0 rather than $1,800. Cannot sell Camera, University Goodies or ITF portal for TS3 players. Cannot sell the Humble Gift for TS2. (+25 points)
9. "Best" Houseguest... your founder must accept every party/outing invite they receive. They must be on their absolute worst behavior the entire duration. If doing the Monster Apocalypse, you can either treat these outings as exceptions or you can wait until you've unlocked the safety nets to start this challenge. (+25 points)
10. Special Spouse... all of the spouses' traits coming into the household can now be counted for points as per the trait rule! This is how they were when they came in, not anything you've changed them to! (+25 points, + or - whatever points you get from each spouse's traits)

Universal Super Challenges: Select AT LEAST One:

1. Beware of the Family!!... Any visitors to your home don't have to beware of the dog, but the family. If they dare to visit, it is not likely they will ever leave. Boost up your grave collection, by disposing of all your visitors or locking them in your dungeon until they're old enough to be disposed of. Just don't touch the paper kid... you need to be reading just how ghastly your family is in the newspaper every day! (+75 points)
2. Dark Dungeon Genetics... Have a monster heir keep a sim locked up in a cage or rooms down in the dungeon. The captive sim will live comfortably, but locked up for the rest of their lives. They must never leave their confined area and must die from old age in the dungeon. During their captive lifetime they will produce all of the monster heir's children. Once the children are born they will be taken into the house and raised only by the monster heir. The captive sim can help financially contribute to the household by painting/writing etc - they don't have to completely die of boredom!! (+75 points)
  • If any of the captive sim die any other death other than old age (-10 points)
3. Dark Days... Set seasons to only the dark and cold seasons - Autumn and Winter. There is no Spring or Summer in the world they live in!!! Your family has to survive living ONLY in the cold, for the length of the challenge. (+50 points)
4. Supernatural Dynasty ... (for sims 3) By the end of the challenge, have had at least one UNIQUE member of the family be one of the following 10 occult life states (Ghost - Vampire - Werewolf - Alien - Fairy - Mermaid - Genie - Witch - Mummy - Plantsim); (for Sims 2 & 4) By the end of the challenge, have had at least one member of the family be one of every life state available in your game. One lifestate per family member count, and it must be held for a significant portion of their lifespan! (+25 points per lifestate)
5. Family of Thieves ... Make Kleptomaniac your family trait, and encourage your children to steal the family fortune! Each heir must have stolen at least $10,000 worth of items during their lifetime. (+50 points, +5 points for every $5k over the $10,000)
6. Ghost Hunter ... Have at least 10 different ghost types, haunting you at night from the family cemetery. They don't all have to be out at the same time, as long as their graves are there, that counts. (+100 points, +10 points for each additional ghost)
7. Monster Apocalypse... your monster family cannot leave their lot/house (unless for work or school) until 2 of the 4 Safety Careers (under Family Goals) have been maxed - until you've got people to defend your family you shouldn't risk it! This means you cannot use rabbit-holes, or make use of any services. Who would deliver to a monster, after all? (+75 points)
8. Monster Idiots... You feel like you are the only sane one in the house, everyone else are idiots. Just like with an ISBI challenge, you can only control the heir in each generation. However with this challenge, the founder can be controlled throughout the whole of the challenge along with the generation heirs. So for Gen 1 - you only control one sim (the founder). For Generations 2,3,4 & 5 you control two sims (the founder and the generation heir) after they've become a teen. (+100 points)
9. Immortal Companion... create a pet with your founder (can stack with other pet related challenges) that you keep alive throughout the duration of the challenge along with your founder. Pet cannot die ever to receive points for this one (+50 points for each immortal companion).
10. Pet Cemetery... have collected at least 5 different pet graves for your cemetery, all pets that have stayed in your household for at least a week. Different deaths need not apply here. (+50 points, +15 extra points for each additional pet grave).

Sims 2 Only - Mini Challenges: Optional

1. Zombie Maker... resurect 6 sims during the length of the challenge. (+30 points)
2. Ghost Hunter... collect 6 different coloured ghosts on your family lot during the length of the challenge. (+30 points, +5 points for each additional ghost color collected).
3. Evil Coven... create a family of witches and warlocks, who study only evil magic. Every member of the family has to be a witch eventually. (+30 points)
4. Trials of Love... only ever find your love connection through the matchmaker. (+30 points)
5. My Beloved Trait... pick a trait you wish to see most in the monster's children and only pick the heir that closely favors that trait (or mimics it exactly, for an extra challenge). For example: have the founder have a sloppy personality, and the only children viable for heir are those with the most Sloppy personality points.(+30 points)
6. Platinum Profiteer... have every monster heir's spouse achieve platinum aspiration status during their lifetime. (+75, +10 for any spares that achieve it)

Sims 3 Only - Mini Challenges: Optional

1. Loving the Reaper... having a baby or babies with the Grim Reaper (+30 points; one time)
2. Supernatural Wishes... during the 5 generations at least 6 of the following 11 Life Time Wishes have to be achieved by a member of your family ... (+75 points, +10 each after 6)
--------> - Alchemy Artisan - Celebrity Psychic- Emperor of Evil - Greener Gardens - Leader of the Pack - Magic Makeover - Master of Mysticism - Mystic Healer - Paranormal Profiteer - Turn the Town - Zombie Maker
3. Skull Collector... make and display at least 10 different gem stone skulls in the house (+50 points, +5 for every different gem skull after 10)
4. Clone Army!... When you look in the mirror you see perfection. You know you are perfect, and you want the world to see it. The Founder, through science, must clone him/herself at least 10 times by the end of the challenge. While they all share the same face, No two clones can share the same set of traits. The world can't see your perfection if you keep it hidden away at home. So when each clone becomes a young adult, kick them out of the family home and unleash them on the town! (+75 points + 10 each after 10)
5. Jelly Bean Hell... A Jelly Bean Bush must be added to the lot, every time someone is born or moves into the property. At the end of the challenge you should have a Jelly Bean bush for everyone who has ever lived there! (+30 points)
6. Human Extinction ... Your family has to actively do it's utmost to rid the world of those pesky humans!! Turn any human that you come across in town none human. Whether you bite them, cast a spell on them, curse them or throw a supernatural elixir at them. Your world will be a better place, without those humans, even if it is only full of toads!! By the end of the challenge your family must have turned at least 100 humans (+ 100 points, +10 each after 100)

Sims 4 Only - Mini Challenges: Optional

1. Vampiric Nightmare... have a vampire who drinks from others against their will as their only means of sustenance; must be around for at least 2 generations to count. (+30 points for 2 generations, +10 for every subsequent generation reaching YA that this state is maintained, maxing at +60 total)
2. Monster Holiday... create a themed Holiday for your monster family that is celebrated religiously every year! Must earn gold for all family members on the day! (+25 points)
3. Garden of Perfection... people may not get you, but plants do! Grow one of every type of plant and max the quality of each. (+25 points)
4. Aspiration Aficionado... complete at least 15 unique aspirations with your monster family, not including children's aspirations. (+75 points, +10 for every completed aspiration over 15)
5. For the Love of Frogs... collect every frog available in game mainly through breeding, every monster needs a hobby! (+25 points)
6. Raised the Best Monster... have every heir collect each of the negative variants of the Parenthood Character Values: Bad Manners, Irresponsible, Argumentative, Insensitive, Uncontrolled Emotions. All heirs must have earned EVERY trait for this to count. (+50 points)

Regarding Traits...
Every family is made up of different traits, even monster families! Your future monster children's personalities will be random, and who doesn't love an element of surprise? Here are the list of acceptable and unacceptable traits your members will be counted for, so keep track of what traits each family member has! Every trait counts in the end, even your black sheep! These traits are counted the moment your sim acquires them (TS3/TS4) or is born (TS2). Changed/Influenced traits do not count.

The Black Sheep... is a child that is born and raised with mostly "Gross, Good" traits:
  • TS2 - any child with 3/5 personality points favoring "Gross, Good"
  • TS3 - any child with 3/5 "Gross, Good" traits
  • TS4 - any child with 2/3 "Gross, Good" traits
Any Black Sheep family members should be handled accordingly to the whims of your monster founder, and should not be listed as part of the family in the museums nor portraits.

Best, Baddest Traits
+5 Point Each
1-3 points leaning in:

Can't Stand Art
Commitment Issues
Couch Potato
Dislikes Children
Hates the Outdoors
Mean Spirited
No Sense of Humor
Socially Awkward
Supernatural Fan

Hates Children
Neutral Traits
No Point Value.
Any points in:
4-6 points leaning in:

Absent Minded
Avant Garde
Bot Fan
Computer Whiz
Easily Impressed
Family Oriented
Green Thumb
Heavy Sleeper
Light Sleeper
Loves the Cold
Loves the Heat
Loves to Swim
Natural Born Performer
Natural Cook
Never Nude
Night Owl
Over-Emotional (this one is fun when it gets paired with Hot-Headed)
Photographer's Eye
Savvy Sculptor
Vehical Enthusiast

Art Lover
Dance Machine
Family Oriented
Music Lover
Gross, Good Traits
-5 Point Each
7 or more points leaning towards:

Animal Lover
Born Salesman
Cat Person
Dog Person
Good Sense of Humor
Great Kisser
Hopeless Romantic
Loves the Outdoors
Social Butterfly
Star Quality
Supernatural Skeptic

Loves Cats
Loves Dogs
Loves Outdoors
Squeamish (nauseated by creepy-crawlies, vomiting, violence, and death - oh and anything dirty, this sounds like the OPPOSITE of our monsters)


- If a child gets onto the honour roll at school (-20 points)
- If the social workers turn up to remove children or pets from the family home (-50 points)
- If your Cowplant dies because because of neglect (-25 points)
- Each time your sim rolls a "Gross, Good" trait (-5 per trait)
- UNINTENTIONAL fires on the home lot, clearly you didn't have enough protection from the angry mob trying to burn down your house (-50 for each fire)
- Alien abduction - you don't want rival monsters trying to study and clone you! (-10 points)
- Alien baby from abduction, how dare they try to use your genetics! (-25 points)
- A sim peeing themselves while off the home lot, thus showing weakness to outsiders (-20 points)
- A sim fainting from exhaustion while off the home lot, allowing mortals to see their weakness (-20 points)
- For every spare that dies of old age (-20 points)
- By the end of the challenge: museum requirements not met (-20 points)
- By the end of the challenge: dungeon requirements not met (-20 points)
- By the end of the challenge: attic not built (-20 points)
- By the end of the challenge: graveyard incomplete (-20 points)
- By the end of the challenge: each highest quality item missing: Stove, Fridge, Toilet, Beds, TV, Entertainment System (-20 points each)
- Every demotion or firing at a job (-25 points)
- By the end of the challenge: 25 enemy goal NOT met (-5 points for each enemy short)
- By the end of challenge: family trait NOT upheld by all members (-20 points)
- Every Positive Character Value gained (TS4) (-5 points)
+ For every time your founder thwarts death by nearly dying and being prevented at the last second (via pleading or death flower, or what have you) (+30 points)
+ Every week that you have a prisoner in your dungeon - does not stack per prisoner (+5 points per week)
+ Each time your sim rolls a "Best Baddest" trait (+5 points)
+ Each portrait of a family member in the museum - minus the Black Sheep family members (+10 points)
+ By the end of the challenge: have a functional dungeon according to rule requirements (+20 points)
+ By the end of the challenge: have a functional museum according to rule requirements (+20 points)
+ By the end of the challenge: have a dedicated attic according to the rule requirements (+20 points)
+ By the end of the challenge: have a functional house according to rule requirements (+20 points)
+ By the end of the challenge: have a graveyard with at least 10 tombstones (+50 points, +5 for each additional grave)
+ By the end of the challenge: have 6 unique deaths in the graveyard (+100 points, +20 for each additional unique death)
+ By the end of the challenge: each highest quality item gained: Stove, Fridge, Toilet, Beds, TV, Entertainment System (+20 points each)
+ Each top of career reached (+25 points)
+ 25 enemy goal met (+125 points)
+ By the end of challenge: family trait upheld by all members cumulatively (+20 points)
+ Every Negative Character Value gained (TS4) (+5 points)


How to make a Gem Stone Skull in Sims 3:
- First you will need to collect up a large quantity of gem rocks
You can pick gem rocks up from around town, buy them from the consignment/elixir stores, or get them from breaking the space rock on the martial arts board breaker.
- When you have the rocks, you need to get them cut.
This can be done by putting them in the mail. They will return cut the follow day in your mail box. This method of cutting can work out very expensive, especially for making skulls.
The cheapest way is to buy the gem cutter and cut them for free at home. Or you can use the gem cutter at the elixir store, for free, if there is one.
- Purchase the Carters Display Case XL Edition for $1250 from buy mode.

- To make the skulls.
-Eight cut gems need to be placed on the display case.
-click "Activate for Irreversible Transfiguration".
The gems will disappear, the display case will shake a bit then the skull will appear.

Note - you can not put ANY cut gems on the display case and expect to get a skull.
You have to use the specific gems and cut combination below:

To make a random gem skull
place 8 different gem types in 8 different cuts onto the display case.

To make a specific gem skull
for example - you want to make a Diamond skull.
Place 8 Diamond gems in 8 different cuts onto the display case.

Tip from a lesson learned!! - If using the gem cutter, initially you only have one cut available to you. New cuts will become available with the more gems you cut. - so, it will take time and a lot of gem cutting to open up 8 cuts and before you can make your first skull!! It is better NOT to cut them in bulk, but to cut them one at a time, so that you step up with each new cut that becomes available to you. Don't mass cut for example 10 emerald rocks into 10 heart cuts because that is a waste, which will have you needing to collect more emerald rocks. You will need 8 different cuts of gems if you are trying to make an emerald skull!!!!

Thank you Ani-Mei for your input and coming up with a name for this challenge!! :hug:

Simnights and Somebodysangel have come up with excel sheets for the Sims 2 and the Sims 3 versions of this challenge that are free to use here:
The Sims 2 by Simnights | The Sims 3 by Somebodysangel | The Sims 4 by Teresa


This challenge is still a work in progress ....
so if you have any comments, suggestions, or problems
please let us know!!
Change Log Found Here!

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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by Ani-Mei »

I have the lot and the hood all set up for this, I was just waiting for the official release of the challenge. This is my founder:

Trust me, this is about as close as you want to get to my founder: Heinous Monstrosity
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by itsjulie »

:applause: cant wait to see how everyone's challenges go :thup:
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by Heather »

Super excited for this! I just got into playing 4, and the supernaturals are my fave so far.
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by Rawla »

Sneer Growl was placed on the 64x64 lot in Windenburg. Where the "Uppity Snots live." So says Sneer. He is evil, Mean and Hates Children. And he likes dressing up like Darth Vader. Also a word of advice, DO NOT tease him about his bunny slippers.
Edit to add: He is Human, with CC skin tone.
Thanks for making this fun challenge.
Last edited by Rawla on October 15th, 2018, 8:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by Mojo »

Oooooooo!!! I cant wait to try it! ...after I do all the other challenges on my list lol :rotfl:

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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by nicholaplaysthesims »

*adds to my ever-growing to-do list* :rofl:
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by simnights »

I may have started one of these and even posted a post...

This is my founder, Ikkolas MonSTAR :rotfl: This challenge is a lot of fun!
[align=center]My name is Lauren, I play TS2 & TS3
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DyNasty of Darkness: Change Log

Post by Livvielove »

Updates/Change Log/Clarifications Update 10/15/18
As this challenge is new please let us know if you have any questions or need clarification. So far I've clarified:
  • Family "Safety" Careers are now more specific for TS4: "Journalism, Law Enforcement (TS4: Secret Agent), Politics and Military (TS4: Astronaut)"
  • I fixed an issue where the Vegetarian trait was written twice for TS4 Simmers: it's Neutral and worth 0 points!
  • For the Monster Apocalypse Super Challenge, SCHOOL counts as a workplace if you so choose to, but school can also be viewed on the other end of the spectrum if you so choose it to. Clarified that to add school in as an option of "allowed to leave the lot for," however if you want to play hardcore you can say school only once a week (or whatever keeps the kids from being taken, obviously), or you can choose to have them be homeschooled if you have a mod for that.
  • Additionally, I fixed some spelling.
  • Fixed that there were no points assigned to Family of Thieves. Now worth: (+50 points, +5 points for every $5k over the $10,000)
  • Clarification on Traits: These traits are counted the moment your sim acquires them (TS3/TS4) or is born (TS2). Changed/Influenced traits do not count.
  • Fixed a missing point value for Human Extinctionto be: (+ 100 points, +10 each after 100)

  • Forgot "Loves Cats" "Loves Dogs" "Loves Outdoors," and "Slob" for TS4 traits; they're on the list now as "Gross Good" for the first 3 and "Best Baddest" for the last.
  • Currently looking into a graveyard solution for lag... more on that later.
  • Also looking into points for TS4 Parenthood influenced traits (like insensitive, etc).
  • Finally looking into spouse points counting

Challenge Updates/Clarifications/Tweaks - 10/17/18
  • Added a new Mini-Challenge for ALL games: Special Spouse... all of the spouses' traits coming into the household can now be counted for points as per the trait rule! This is how they were when they came in, not anything you've changed them to! (+25 points, + or - whatever points you get from each spouse's traits)
  • Added another Mini-Challenge for the Sims 4 specifically: Raised the Best Monster... have every heir collect each of the negative variants of the Parenthood Character Values: Bad Manners, Irresponsible, Argumentative, Insensitive, Uncontrolled Emotions. All heirs must have earned EVERY trait for this to count. (+50 points)
  • Added another point deduction for the Sims 4: Every Positive Character Value gained (TS4) (-5 points)
  • Made a note regarding graveyards for TS3 players: "Some computers can't handle a lot of graves on one lot for the Sims 3, so if that is the case, feel free to purchase another lot to start using as a graveyard; however, you must have at least SOME graves on your lot, as the point of the challenge is have the graves (and thus, the ghosts) on your lot."

Challenge Updates/Clarifications/Tweaks - 10/17/18
  • TWEAKED the Mini-Challenge for the Sims 2: Platinum Profiteer... have every monster heir's spouse achieve platinum aspiration status during their lifetime. (+75, +10 for any spares that achieve it)
  • Moved Family Oriented from Best, Baddest for TS4 into Neutral where it was meant to be.
  • Will be examining Family of Thieves as a TS3/4 only challenge.

Challenge Updates/Changelog/Rule Tweaks - 10/21/18
  • Added TWO new SUPER CHALLENGES! Anyone who has already started prior to this point can pick up the first one even if you've already started!
    ---->Immortal Companion... create a pet with your founder (can stack with other pet related challenges) that you keep alive throughout the duration of the challenge along with your founder. Pet cannot die ever to receive points for this one (+50 points for each immortal companion).
    ---->Pet Cemetery... have collected at least 5 different pet graves for your cemetery, all pets that have stayed in your household for at least a week. Different deaths need not apply here. (+50 points, +15 extra points for each additional pet grave).
  • Tweaked the rules between the stated rules and the Supernatural Dynasty challenge to state that the extra challenge comes from both maintaining the lifestate beyond just having it and only having one lifestate per PERSON in the household count. So if your founder is a vampire and then they become a fairy, they can only count ONE of those lifestates for the Supernatural Dynasty challenge, while the rules would accept both fairy and vampire as having been completed and marked off.
  • Tweaked the FAMILY OF THIEVES challenge to specify that only every HEIR needs to steal at least 10k per generation - NOT every family member (though you could, you just might run out of stuff to steal...), also this challenge unfortunately only qualifies for TS3 and TS4. If anyone can think of a challenge to help balance the amount of challenges again for TS2 that'd be super awesome!

Challenge Updates/Changelog/Rule Tweaks - 4/5/2019
  • Added trait updates for TS4: Paranoid and Snob to Best, Baddest Traits!

I'll keep this post around to add in more updates to if needed.
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by jcampbell »

I made a sim to start this challenge because it sounds really fun ... I don't need to start something else right now as I'm juggling a lot but :shrug:
Looking at other's founders though ... I'm thinking that I didn't make him ugly enough :haha:

I forgot what I named him :duh: and didn't write it down yet, lol
His name is Atticus Bowels
Last edited by jcampbell on October 16th, 2018, 6:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by Jenn »

As a clarification, if you do the Monster Apocalypse, you can't do the "Best" Houseguest, correct?
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by Livvielove »

Jenn there's 3 ways you can go about it:
9. "Best" Houseguest... your founder must accept every party/outing invite they receive. They must be on their absolute worst behavior the entire duration. If doing the Monster Apocalypse, you can either treat these outings as exceptions or you can wait until you've unlocked the safety nets to start this challenge. (+25 points)

You can either:
1) Treat the outings as exceptions/requirements for the apocalypse (like you HAVE to start making a mark on the town to be allowed to let your family loose).
2) Hold off UNTIL the safety nets have been achieved and THEN start this challenge
3) Not do the Best Houseguest

That's entirely up to you, but they do not conflict if you don't want them to!

  • Forgot "Loves Cats" "Loves Dogs" "Loves Outdoors," and "Slob" for TS4 traits; they're on the list now as "Gross Good" for the first 3 and "Best Baddest" for the last.
  • Currently looking into a graveyard solution for lag... more on that later.
  • Also looking into points for TS4 Parenthood influenced traits (like insensitive, etc).
  • Finally looking into spouse points counting
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by simnights »

Hey everyone, I made a points Excel sheet for sims 2.

It's probably wrong and the formulas might be cumbersome, but I figured it'd help someone. It only includes the optional challenges I've chosen to play, and the running total doesn't include points added at the end of the challenge!

The coolest part is that it'll calculate the trait score based on every sim's personality points. I'm stoked that I figured out how to do that (thanks, google! :thup: )
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by somebodysangel »

Way to remind me, simnights. I have made an Excel score sheet for TS3!

It includes all the Mini Challenges; you can score or not score them depending on which ones you choose to do. Also has trait scoring, and separate scores for the 'end of challenge' stuff and 'ongoing' stuff. This is what I've been doing instead of actual work for the past two days, lol.
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ABCs of Genetics ~ Minos Apocalypse ~ Young BISBI
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by Livvielove »

Would you guys be ok with me taking these links and putting them up on the main post? :bounce:
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by somebodysangel »

Go ahead!
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COMPLETED: Maloney WYDC, Nav-igating the Hive, Winchester Baby Boom, Nikki Immortal Teen, Last Man Standing, Rourke EPIC, Jasper Sweet Lips[/color]
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by simnights »

Of course, Liv! I'll probably update it as I use and tweak it.
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by itsjulie »

that is awesome angel :bounce:
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by Rawla »

Awesome! Well done guys and thank you. :highfive:
Now if only there was one for TS4. :smiley:
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Re: HALLOWEEN 2018 ... DyNasty of Darkness ... New Challenge

Post by MichelleCYoung »

OMG! This looks amazing!!! I want to try this, for sure!

My PC is broken, so I am reduced to new stuff on my MAC, and I HOPE I can make this work. I'm thinking Sims 3 for this, actually, although I love how you made it work for all three options.

Look out for the worst pregnancies possible. :diablo:

Edited: Shoot. Ummm, anyone know how to get Oracle on a Mac? I clean forgot.
Badass Alphabetocalypse (Complete!)
All of my other projects should be moved to the graveyard. But I have a new computer, at last! WOOOOT!
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