What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

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What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Teresa »

If you would like to share what is happening in your challenge, this is the place to do it.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Jendra »

My build a city.

Three more girls ( a single and a pair of twins). It's not that I mind girls, even if they are *way* outnumbering my boys right now (17 to 7). It's that this particular family has a naming scheme of Scientists. Do you know how hard it is to find girls names? Or names that can be used for girls if you squint? I have Tesla, Galilei, Alva, Joule and Volta (I do have a Marie, but she (and Edwin) is one of his few human kids and lives with her mother). I also have Kepler as my one alien boy. I was *trying* to get one from every alien I have, but Galilei, Kepler, Joule and Volta all have the same pollination tech, while Tesla and Alva have different ones, but I still don't have anyone with that cool dark blue w/ neon blue lines skin. Yes he's pregnant again, but it's the pollination tech that gave him Alva and it's probably his last. He's gone through an entire bottle of elixir so far.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Pony »

In Arbor Watch:

Trying to get the Smithe's fall rotation done so I can move on to my next neighborhood in rotation. I'm so far behind in writing it's silly. I'm still writing the Goodie's summer rotation. I'm hoping to catch up soon though. I'm writing a little faster than I'm playing.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Heather »

I just started on OWBC in hopes of getting that lovely flamingo medal.

My founder currently has 2 kids and no money, thanks to her wife moving in with a grand total of 1 dollar. It's actually really annoying, since I was hoping to use the family to test out the new content, and they're too broke to do or buy most things. :mutter:
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Miffers »


I haven't started it yet, but when I finish up with my TS3 legacies I plan on starting a RKC. It's a fairly long way away, but I'm already getting really pumped about starting it. I've got a plot and everything in mind.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Jendra »

Eagle Valley BaCC

So far this rotation (three houses so far) I've had two mental breakdowns. Now Tesla's I was almost expecting. No college isn't always a big deal to a fortune sim, but luckily for me she had the fear. No, the annoying one was Michelle. I go into her lot and she's completely in the red. She was *not* in the red when I left, nobody died, nobody had broken up, I had no idea what was going on. I looked in her memories, nothing in red. I look at her want panel. She's got a fear of Dr. Carl being abducted. Dr. Carl was abducted three times this season alone! I didn't even know they were friends! And there was no time for her to have a date before she went into work, so she didn't get a promotion that day and at the end of the season she's one promotion away from topping Business. Annoying!

And it looks like the larger lot hack I had only lets you have one pregnancy after you reach 8 people? Even though you're supposed to be able to have 12 in the household? I kept trying with nine in the family for Rose to get pregnant again, and it never happened, but once Daisy moved Matt in (which she could do with no problem) and then they got married and moved out, with eight people left, Rose could finally get pregnant again. Here's hoping for the triplets she needs for her ten kids want. I might up the probability just to make sure I get it, because she's not going to be able to get pregnant again.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Chase »

So I started back up my BaRKC and.... WOW. I fucked it up really badly, really quickly. In the first family I was playing (a lesbian couple), I accidentally got both girls pregnant. Both had triplets. I lost one of the babies in a large cc item that hid him, and they all got taken by the social worker.

......I'm thinking maybe I'll go back to this challenge another time.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Sam »

Does anyone know if Servos need flamingos on the lawn in the OWBC? I've put some down, but I couldn't remember.

Other than that, my founder and his wife now have 4 kids and the house is coming along nicely.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Ani-Mei »

I started a new challenge, not the one I had hoped to start posting but it works. Though I won't tell you what it is...
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Ddeathflower »

In my newly created DITFT my founder got married~ :D It's so much easier than in TS3, it's usually well into the YA lifebar that my founder finds his/her match.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Pony »

Played Herbal Medicine last night

Finally picked another baby daddy last night. She had three to choose from. I was hoping that the legacy sims I had added would show up. They've been to everyone else's house. But no dice. So baby I is on it's way. Now just gotta find a name.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Keika »

So I've been playing my legacy silently for the last few weeks, and now I can finally post a couple chapters. :celebration: I'm not going to spoil anything that's happened between my heiress going to college and now, but I DID just install Ultimate, and now I have all this beautiful new stuff pack content!!! :bounce: Which will probably be implemented mostly in my next challenge, because my legacy is practically finished already. And I haven't made changes to the house in generations. Maybe it's time. Okay, I'm rambling. :splat:
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Rosanna »

My WYDC just welcomed the 6th baby. Only 20 more to go...
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Pony »

Played the oldest four of the Herbal Medicine kids throughough their first couple semesters of college. Three of them have spouses already picked out. Flora keeps making surprise visits to the dorm and the greeek house. She's a bit of a helicopter parent.
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Simsimity »

In my unpublished genetacy, teen Bianca got abducted by aliens and had twins, Celeste and Castor, girl and boy respectively. So the Gen 3/C kiddos are starting to come a little bit early due to no alien sexism and Inteen! Teen Britney died when the train set caught her on fire...seriously, it only had a small spot of fire on it, but tons on her. The firefighter didn't get there in time, but fortunately we still had a genie wish left, so rezzed her. Funny how all the drama happens when I don't take pictures!

Gen 2/B kiddos are starting to head off to college this rotation, which is nice - even though I still have 4 gen 1/A's to graduate still. Adam and Eve are still kicking around, though I THINK they'll be going next rotation - maybe. Keeping track of all these sims is getting a little insane....Gen 2/B is sitting close to, or over, 30 kids - the 20 grandkid want was fulfilled a long time ago lol. Most households have between 4 and 6 kiddos, thanks to the prevalence of multiples in my game.

The published challenges haven't been started yet - my internet has been down a lot, so been kind of hesitant to start something I may not be able to update - plus I'm still testing and fixing things on this laptop. I'll probably start them soon, just for a change of pace though!
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Iya »

in the previous forum, I've started a BACC, a OWBC, and another challenge. Problem, I cannot seem to finish them. :banghead: Although I know that I'm continuing my BACC (very gradually, thought :oops: ), I think I'm just gonna try a very basic version of a legacy challenge. I've never completed one so this forum migration is giving me an excuse to start fresh. :goodvibes:

How long does it usually takes everyone here to finish a regular legacy? I feel like I have to play them forever. lol
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by nicholaplaysthesims »

My WYDC - she's only got one child. There are no men in the apartment block and she can't leave her daughter. She's had two days off work so no pay, they have no cash left now and the rent is due soon. Something tells me I'm not doing very well, I'm only one child in!
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by Keika »

I just posted the first chapter of my new WYDC. I'm actually two chapters ahead of what I've published, but I'm going to try and stay ahead of the curve this time, so there's less pressure to get new chapters out when they're due.

I have such a lineup of men to use for fathers at this point, it's getting tough to choose between them! I've got kind of the opposite problem of Nichola! :P (at least, as she stated more than a month ago ^^;)
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Re: What's Happening in Your TS2 Challenge? Chat

Post by mysterymusic7 »

So I saw someone posted something about a WYD challenge for pets. I was bored last night so I decided hey yeah let's have 26 pets all named after Beanie babies. :hmm:

Problem is it's like flippin impossible to do. :banghead:

I can't get any of the strays to come back to house more than once. Problem number two they never interact with my female dog. I adopted one male dog and she and Moody did have the A puppies. They turned out cute, but yeah we're at a standstill cause I can't get mamma dog preggers again. Looks like the only way I'll be able to do anything else is if I actually Adopt every father dog. *sigh*

Maybe I'll just shoot for 1 father be an actual stray.....

But here have a picture of the two a puppies Ally and Anchor:

Wait that's just Anchor...but his sister Ally looks just like him. The dog behind the bearded Anchor is his mamma Beanie.
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