Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated June 12, 2018

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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Upadated October 5, 2015

Post by Ani-Mei »

The downside of the Trips and Quads hack, eleven at once? You really are trying to go insane aren't you? At least the restrictions will be easier to lift...right? Anywho, nice chappie.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Upadated October 5, 2015

Post by MichelleCYoung »

So, it seemed like a good idea, at the time. As I recall, I was on my pain pills, it was a the middle of the night, and I thought how cool it would be to have enough kids to finish all the remaining restrictions in a single generation. This was after having the quads in my Parker Trailer Park Challenge, and downloading the bigger household mods. It just seemed like such a GOOD idea, at the time. Then I realized, I'd have to actually PLAY all those kids. YIKES!

As for trying to go insane, my sister says I'm already there. She's not joking, either.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Upadated October 5, 2015

Post by mysterymusic7 »

That's how you feel isn't it? 11 kids at once. Oh dear.
Course I honestly can't stop laughing..... :angel:
Well uh, good luck with all this?
And in future perhaps it would be best NOT to play while you are on pain killers.
Then again....*giggles* This is epic fun to watch...*eats popcorn*
I believe in you. :haha:
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Upadated October 5, 2015

Post by Candi0207 »

I did a Sims2 Apocalypse once and I am still recovering! They are not for the weak! Love your founder, I never would have made it with a vampire. That's asking for punishment, lol.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Upadated October 5, 2015

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, mysterymusic and Candi!

This next chapter is taking forever, because I have to keep pausing to relieve the stress. I do have something of a strategy, but goodness, there was a reason I didn't put in that bigger households mod years ago. And when I'm done with this and the Parker Trailer Park Challenge, I'll probably take that mod right back out!
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 7, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Bump! Chapter 6 is up, at last!
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 7, 2016

Post by Rflong7 »

Hi :mrgreen:

Yay- I'm all caught up.
Lol! Triplet revenge O.o
Yay for staying on course even if you oopsied. We all mess up at least once. :D

Woot- The lifts are just going strong.

Wonderful- lifted Slacker! Yay for the ignore option. XD

Oopsie! trying to cook lobster and making Posiden mad.

Lol~ Twikkii Island, Twikkii Island! He made it. =D

What a Fabulous use of the Vacation time! I'm so impressed.

Hurray! Energizers. XD

Aw- all those toddlers are cute. But... 11 children?! *faints*
I understand the breaks.

Wonderful Challenge. You'll be done in no time. :#1:
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 7, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, Rflong7!
Yeah, it was driving me mad. And Thank GOD for the Slacker lift, because they ALL got chance cards at school. ZOMG, I am never doing that again. I had quads in my Parker TPC, but this was intentional, because I was hopped up on pain meds, and it seemed a good idea at the time. I actually counted out how many lifts I had left, and thought, "I can do it in one generation! Yeah!" UGH.

However, I'm going to be staggering it a bit at college, because I can, and also because my larger households mod doesn't actually allow you to merge in more than 8. You have to move them in, from inside the house, and that's just a pain, so I'll be splitting it up a bit.

Yes, the vacations are amazing! You know, if they leave their vacation all greened up, they get home all greened up, and I was seriously considering just shuffling back and forth, in order to keep up everyone's moods. But when I figured out the bed placement, I just let them do their own thing. They can do all the hard work on vacation, where the rules just don't apply.

I DID have to stop myself from using the bone phone at the vacation house to bring back Angie. I actually had the phone in Ragnar's hand, but I thought better of it, and clicked Cancel. Not yet. Not yet. I can't deal with one more sim in that house yet.

The weird thing is, I'm already excited about the next iteration of this challenge. I have to plow through and start it up!
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 7, 2016

Post by Rflong7 »

You can actually move them in with the Userstartup.cheat

and add these:
uintProp maxTotalSims 50
uintProp maxTotalHumans 35
uintProp maxTotalPets 15
boolprop ControlPets on
boolprop PetActionCancel true

Only if you want... the headache. :donut: :dizzy:
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 7, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, Rflong7!

Actually, I have tried three times to do a user startup, for that very purpose, but for some reason, no matter what I do, it just WILL NOT take. So, I've given up on that.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 7, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

OK, someone told me the links were broken, and it turns out my webpage is completely down, so I had to go back and change ALL the links. I'll do my other stories tomorrow. But for now, this one is fixed.

Chapter 7 will come soon. I've almost finished writing it.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 7, 2016

Post by mysterymusic7 »

All those kids. :swoon:
Loved the little interruptions throughout. I guess we'll be being very careful not to do such cra cra things in the future right? LOL
Oh so now the court is planning to punish you eh? That should be interesting.
But good for you sicking the cats on the statues.
Just think soon you'll only need to do this 24 more times. :rotfl:
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 7, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, mysterymusic7!
Yes. I may do other silly things, but not THAT silly thing again. Nope. Not gonna happen. Not on purpose. If trips or quads come up randomly, I'll take them, as that was the whole purpose of putting them into the game - for the Trailer Park Challenge. But never again on purpose!

Yeah, the punishment is already in the works. I must say, while I enjoy doing the whole omnipotent queen/goddess thing, I am not averse to torturing my own simself. It's fun! I must be a masochist. Also, I did consider that her stocking the fridges with fresh food was kind of cheaty. Although, I didn't see anything in the rules against setting up a safe house, designed specifically for your needs. But, I can assure you, if it is cheaty, there will be a steep price paid for it. That makes me feel better.

Yeah, I had fun watching those critters. I think I'll go back to the lot, replace the statues, and let them have some fun again. Just because.

It's a really good thing I love apocalypse challenges, huh? I don't know why. They're hard and can be quite frustrating, but golly, it feels so good to accomplish the stuff, and yeah, I really do like them. Plus, I'm just really, Really curious about which first lift is the best. There's so much debate. I'm pretty sure Law Enforcement will be a pretty useless first lift, but then again, with Ragnar being a vampire, if he decides to keep going to work, he could keep that suppressed for a long time. We'll see what happens, when he gets there. He may just deem it as lifting Hopelessness, alone, and figure, "whatever." I have played an apocalypse where the founder just gave up, and started having babies, so there was no founder's lift, at all. Criminal first lift is also sort of scary, unless he gets a VERY FAST Business or Athletic, or possibly Natural Science spousal lift, to make sure the fridge can be re-stocked or replaced.

Although he's already a vampire in the base-save, he still has a day or two left before he's forced to leave, so I expect I'll do some more playing each time, to do some special preparations for that specific lift. Downtown and vacations, and such, to stretch the time. He may, in fact, have to break up with his fiancee, and get engaged to someone else with a better job, to complement his lift.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 16, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Bump! Updated! Chapter 7 is up. Next one is the last chapter, folks! Well, for the Adventure iteration, at least.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 16, 2016

Post by mysterymusic7 »

Uh oh.I guess you are really in for it now with the Court. Breaking another restriction? Tsk Tsk.
By the part of the whole chapter?
The pool photo.
Seriously still laughing. :rotfl:
Good job Double Twins on all the lifts.
Now onto to those last few lifts.
And then a court appearance of course. Can't forget that. That should be loads of fun.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 16, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, mysterymusic7!
I had gotten really stoked about that pool. I was excited, and ready to put it in and watch them swim around on their free will, and planned out a lovely layout and all. And then, I re-read the rules. :duh:

Now, I DID make them pay a price, so I'm not in trouble about the Natural Science thing. It's the rest of my unethical behavior that is on trial.

Also, you'll note that Youngdale does have occults, but does NOT have an Occult Court, that can, in any way, stand up to me. I reign supreme in Youngdale. I make my own rules. In Eschaton, I'm one among several powerful people, and have to follow the rules that Pinstar and others set up before me.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 16, 2016

Post by Rflong7 »

Hi :mrgreen:

Oh, wow- You're almost done with this one. :awesome:
*Did I see you had placed the plant soil on the foundation with moveobjects?
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 16, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Yep, Rflong7! I'm almost done. I currently have 4 lifts to go, in my game.
Nope. No building cheat. I just deleted the floor tiles inside the hollowed-out foundation, and placed the planting soil. All perfectly normal. You can have indoor ponds that way, as well. I put in a garden lamp, to make an indoor garden. No bugs, but we do still get weeds, which makes no sense to me.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 16, 2016

Post by Rflong7 »

AWesome! You know how to plan it. :#1:
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 19, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Chapter 8 of Adventure is up, and the Adventure iteration of this apocalypse is now complete!
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