Default pictures: questions

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Olive Specter
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Default pictures: questions

Post by Olive Specter »

I started playing TS2 again some months ago, after getting the Ultimate Collection. The problem is that I forgot to adjust the options, so the first pictures I took of my sims were very low quality. I only noticed this after I'd played a bit and wanted to post here about my progress. I'm wondering if this is a problem for readers? It's probably the first generation (and the youth of their kids) of one or two of my families, and I'm playing with several families and trying to make them live through several generations, so the future ones would be better quality. Maybe if I just recap what happened instead of going through every event in their lives?

My other question is related to this. The situation above made me quit playing those families for a while but I'd like to play with them again. I've read that screenshot software is the best option but I don't play TS2 very often, and I don't want to install random software that I'd only use for one game that I don't even play every single day. If I set the camera options to maximum, will it be good enough?

Thanks to anyone who reads this and replies.
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Re: Default pictures: questions

Post by Ani-Mei »

If you're not going to use screen capping for anything other than one game, then just go with the maximum quality settings in the game. It makes things more enjoyable when you can actually see what's going on rather than having to squint or just stop all together because you can't see anything.
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Re: Default pictures: questions

Post by WistfulRose »

I'm sure you can still use the pictures you've already taken. Just explain why they aren't the best and that they'll be better in the future. I don't think anyone will mind.
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