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Re: Pokalypton: File 23. Births and Birthdays / 11-28-14

Post by Chase »

Can't stop updating this! :shifty: 23
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Re: Pokalypton: File 24. The Meeting / 11-29-14

Post by Chase »

Moooreee... 24

Spoiler, maybe, but just so you know: I've now finished playing this challenge! That's right, it's complete! I just have 4 more chapters to write and then I'll be finished documenting it as well!
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Re: Pokalypton: File 24. The Meeting / 11-29-14

Post by Keika »

FOUR new chapters!? :bounce: :awesome:
Dun dun duuuuun... the Yadrenis are planning on taking over the government and establishing peace, justice, and hamburgers for all. :cheeky: They do have a point, after all; if they want to take down the government, what with all the positions of leadership they've accumulated, it should be a piece of cake. Delicious cowplant cake.

Funny, up until his teen birthday, I thought Mars was a girl. :rotfl: It's the hair. And the fact that boys and girls look the same until they hit teenagedom.

Aw, sad day about Jarrah. Good thing his death was apparently fake. Not surprised, considering he's an intelligence leader. :yes:

Alyssa, ruthless general and murderer, is the grand high poobah of the "definitely-not-rebels" working for freedom from current Psveurtzkan rule. :rotfl:

Great set of chapters, Chase! You seem to be getting close now--I see summer and pretty, fancy houses! (AMAZING job on the house, by the way! I love it!) Looking forward to the next installment! (which at this rate, will probably be this afternoon ;))
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Re: Pokalypton: File 26. The Meeting / 11-29-14

Post by apocalypticautumn »

You have the most majestic update skillz Chase! Sometimes it takes me months to release one. :dunce:
Congrats on your challenge win!!! :drinks:

[spoiler]21: Your lots are beautiful! Yadreni Graveyard and Yadreni Manor look totally badass. :hearts:

22: I love your point of view work in the writing of this series. Zombie perspective was especially cool. :smirk:
Alsooo satellite crashes FTW!

23: You make Death's voice is so frackin cool! Plus his snarky attitude always cracks me up.
YAAAAY for Unitatos!!! :bounce:

:firecracker: Viva la Yadreni Revolution~~~ :firecracker:[/spoiler]
Autumn, Lv26 Magikarp✰
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Re: Pokalypton: COMPLETE 11/30/14

Post by Chase »

Keika: Right you are :P Thanks (with the house)! Thank you SO SO SO much for reading!!!
Autumn: Thanks! Haha thank you tons for reading!!

I just finished the last two chapters, meaning this challenge is officially over!! Thanks everyone who came along for this ~~wild ride~~, and enjoy the last couple of chapters!!!
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Re: Pokalypton: COMPLETE 11/30/14

Post by Keika »

Yup, what'd I tell ya. Taking over the government was a piece of cake for the Yadrenis. Piece of delicious cowplant cake. Except for 0001. She got eaten by flies.

I'd been wondering why the sudden influx of children in this generation. Now it makes sense. :yes:

Anyway, this was an incredible challenge, Chase! Great fun to read! CONGRATULATIONS again on the apocalypse win--no easy task!--and I can't wait to see this DITFT you're hinting at!
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Re: Pokalypton: COMPLETE 11/30/14

Post by Ani-Mei »

Medal hogging are we? Seems to me that a DITFT sounds perfect...for a Snake in the Garden of DITFT. See what I did there? I did that, punning FTW.:rofl: Too bad SimPE doesn't want to work for the UC, Alyssa would make a perfect addition to the Boolprop Hall of Villains. Another claim to fame hmm? Nice job BTW, if not for all my pesky plotz in my Apocalypse I'd be done now too.
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Re: Pokalypton: COMPLETE 11/30/14

Post by Lorinsv »

Holy update frenzy, Batman! :faint:
Just read 14-19, got Alyssa's kids out of Uni. They are all gorgeous and funny, of course. Hades' 7 Nice points is classic!

The Uni tower looks really nice. Neat how you managed to squeeze a double bed into a 4x3 room.

So many clever little touches like the camera angle from Mededith's POV and the cat (especially the hairball!) to make the story fun and interesting.

I've said it many times: the Seasons chance cards are brutal. Fortunately though, in some cases "fired" just means start over from the beginning rather than get booted out of the career altogether. I know Music has one like that too.

One thing mentioned was that skilling helped with the ghosts - did that mean the ghosts won't interrupt the skilling similar to the carpool?

Super AC all around, looking forward to finishing it!
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Re: Pokalypton: COMPLETE 11/30/14

Post by apocalypticautumn »

[spoiler]25: In my opinion, adult Flamingo is the prettiest sim ever to grace Pokalypton. :hearts: And that's saying something with all your attractive simmys!

26: Restriction lifting galore!

27: W00tw00t, final restriction HAS BEEN LIFTED! :party:

28: "I have one nice point, I'm living with myself just fine." - iconic Alyssa quote
What a cool ending! Everything came together spectacularly~ :bounce:
ALSO, I caught that hint at future challengey goodness. :cheeky:[/spoiler][/size]
Autumn, Lv26 Magikarp✰
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Re: Pokalypton: COMPLETE 11/30/14

Post by Anne »

This is so cool! I started reading your Apocalypse a few days ago and just finished it!
I always love seeing how other people go about playing the Apocalypse, since quite a lot of thinking goes into it. And you added a plot as well! Such a clever way of documenting it. And the ending was really cool all around.
When I started reading I was wondering how you managed to finish it in so few chapters, but the baby boom at the end explains a lot, haha!
Anyway, loved reading this, awesome job! Congrats on finishing the most awesome challenge there is! :D
And a DITFT...? I'm intrigued! :D
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Re: Pokalypton: COMPLETE 11/30/14

Post by Chase »

Thanks for the responses everyone :D

Yup! Definitely easy for them (because that made it easy for me :shifty:)! Thanks for reading :hug:
Lol I don't know if completing 1 challenge every 6 years counts as medal hogging :P
lol Boolprop Hall of Villains, I like it xD She's nothing, though, compared to her/my idol, Uranium Apocalypso :P :P
GL with yours :thup:
Thanks for reading :D
lol, the Uni tower was kind of the tower I wish I had built in the beginning :P
Thanks :lol:
Yeah, those cards are scary :eek: I'm VERY lucky though, the only negative chance cards I ever got were demotions, and loss of skill points/money (and the weird enthusiasm ones). Although I remember one of the pets did get fired from their job - I can't remember which; I didn't really talk about the pets much after they finished restrictions, but with at least 2 of them they got new jobs when they finished the first (because they missed a day of work or something)
With the skilling- yeah, when Sims were skilling they usually weren't interrupted. Sometimes, though, they'd get interrupted immediately after starting... after that, I'd set them back at it, but they'd just get interrupted again and again, until I just gave up and sent them to a floor with no ghosts :P
Thanks for reading, glad you're liking it :mrgreen:
I agree, Flamingo is very pretty :D lol I think I selected very pretty (although very face 1) spouses throughout (most of) this challenge, she was the best result of that effort, I think :P
Haha, thanks so much for reading!! :D
Haha that baby boom was very stressful to play, but very rewarding, what with the swift end :P
Thanks, and thanks for reading :D
Thanks again EVERYONE for reading this! It was a ton of fun (most of the time)! :tongue:
By the way, Snake's DITFT (Pokalypton's sequel, pretty much), can be found here: After the Fire
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Re: Pokalypton: COMPLETE 11/30/14

Post by ceajaye »

Just posting to bookmark this thread while I read through...Love it so far!
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Re: Pokalypton: COMPLETE 11/30/14

Post by platformperil »

I sat here and marathoned the whole thing in two days. I was so worried at the beginning of it but you turned it completely around! I loved the whole plot thing that went down, especially the Alyssa part of it. She was entertaining. Likable but also I was glad to see her get her 'proper' ending.

What a great apocalypse (what a weird sentence to say though). I'm excited to read your next challenge! It's gonna make a big difference. Teehee.
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Re: Pokalypton: COMPLETE 11/30/14

Post by Chase »

Thanks so much for reading! I'm super glad you like it :D :mrgreen:
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Re: Pokalypton: COMPLETE 11/30/14

Post by nicholaplaysthesims »

I'm reading this for the first time b/c I'm looking to start an apocalypse myself and your challenge was the first one I could think of for inspiration. Anyway I'm hooked! My kindle battery is dying because I won't turn it off until I've finished xD
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Re: Pokalypton

Post by MichelleCYoung »

I knew I had seen this before, sort of vaguely, but I found it now, and binge-read it. Oh, my goodness. Hilarious, as all your stuff seems to be.
And Oh, My PlumBob! The ghosts! I have never seen so many vicious ghosts before.

Well, there was that one time, but I had literally killed half the neighborhood by means of massive parties and a murder house. But this was just an apocalypse, and soooooo many ghosts! And ghost murders!

Sir, I tip my soft knitted hat to you. It droops at the behest of my pinched fingers. Tadaa. :toast: :drinks: :#1: :thup:

I would like to say, though, that I'm glad I'm not the only one to ever over-fill the apocalypse house in a last-ditch effort to just FINISH THE DARNED THING!! Yep. Soul-sibling, here.
Badass Alphabetocalypse (Complete!)
All of my other projects should be moved to the graveyard. But I have a new computer, at last! WOOOOT!
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Re: Pokalypton

Post by Chase »

I can't believe I never thought to look for more comments in this thread :shifty: Thank you for your comments!! I'm glad I inspired you four years ago, Nichola, :lol:, and Michelle, that last part was so right!! I loved playing this, but there's only so much apocalypse binging one can handle. :lol: And omg, thinking of the ghosts still stresses me out. -_- :rotfl:
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