Pride 2019 - Positivity Thread

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Pride 2019 - Positivity Thread

Post by Heather »

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Use this thread to share a positive thought, feeling, or something that makes you happy!
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Re: Pride 2019 - Positivity Thread

Post by snazzle »

Cheesy perhaps, but Boolprop makes me happy. I love that it's so welcoming and that there's just such a wealth of creativity here.
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Re: Pride 2019 - Positivity Thread

Post by Livvielove »

I love getting to share experiences with others, it really helps me feel connected to the world. Even just saying hi to someone on here makes my day, and I hope everyone knows it!
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Re: Pride 2019 - Positivity Thread

Post by Nevermore »

Something that makes me happy is also Boolprop and the simming community. Doesn't matter who you are, as long as you love sims, the mood is; Welcome friend. ^^

Do what you love and the happiness follows.
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Re: Pride 2019 - Positivity Thread

Post by Cororon »

I released my little crab spider Crabby in the wild last month. It was sad to say goodbye, because she lived with me for four months and was so nice. It would have been selfish of me to have kept her now during the "spider season". She can take care of herself now, and I hope she will meet a male and have babies. :grin: When I found her this winter she was starving and dehydrated, so I took good care of her. I gave her plenty to eat and drink, so her butt grew back to normal size. :) Sometimes she walked up to the wall of her enclosure and sat and looked at me. She also liked to watch what was going on on the computer screen. I will never forget her sweet little face.
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Re: Pride 2019 - Positivity Thread

Post by itsjulie »

White Feathers.

Have you ever found a white feather on the floor with no explanation as to how it got there?

It is said that ....

"white feather could be a gift from the angels above. Whether they’re reminding you to take care of yourself or simply notifying you of their presence, white feathers appear when angels are near."

So I have a little true story to share with you.
As most of you know my 49 year old sister, was diagnosed with having Cancer in February, and passed away in April.
I had made arrangements to travel to see her on the 30th April, however she died on the 26th April, so I never got to see her one last time.
I travelled down anyway on the 30th, to help with the funeral arrangements etc.
The following day I was sat out in my daughters garden, on my own, smoking (cough) and I was staring up at the sky, drowning in my own thoughts.
Suddenly feeling so alone without her and angry that I have been robbed of my Sister, when we should have had many more years together a head of us.
Also trying to make sense of WHY her and not me!
I am the crock with a lot of health issues, living constantly with pain, who has recently been through three different cancer scares and given the all clear.
Dawn on the other hand has always been the fit and active healthy one, and at Christmas she was as fit as a fiddle, then bam she has gone!!
I even went as far as feeling guilty ... it should have been me not her!! I'm just existing from day to day because of my health issues, while she was living a very full and active life.
Anyway, I am staring up at the sky and suddenly a white feather floats down out of nowhere, right in front of my face, so I just opened my hand and it landed on my hand.

It kind of freaked me out .... because my Mom was always a very big believer of this "white feather" thing.
She and Dawn both said they could see ghosts, and Mom used to collect these white feathers, in an album,
and could tell you which "one of our dead relatives" sent it, when and why. :roll:
Me I used to think she was mad!!

Later that day we had a "family gathering" and we went out for a meal together.
I am sat at the table digging in my pockets looking for something and I pull out this white feather from earlier.
I held up the feather and said to my Dad, "do you remember Mom and her white feather thing ... well I had this fall in my lap this morning."
No word of a lie ... my Dad digs in his pocket and pulls out a white feather and says "so have I"
My Nephew Luke, then produces a white feather out of his pocket and says "Me three"
My Son John does the same and says "Me four"
So we are sat there holding these white feathers and just stare at each other wide eyed.
It has to be one of the most FREAKIEST moments I've ever had!!!

My Dad laughs and says to me "Well it looks like your Mother was right ... and Dawn has obviously been very busy this morning!!"
Then my Brother in Law Andy, pipes up "Well, why haven't I had one!!!" and it actually upset him.

My Dad's feather appeared in his living room, while he was sat on the settee getting upset because he was staring at "Mom's" chair that Dawn used to sit in after Mom died.
My Nephew Luke's feather appeared in his bedroom, when he was having a melt down on the floor. Bless him he is only 19 ... way too long to be losing his Mother!
My Son's feather appeared in the kitchen, when he was getting upset, while he was cooking breakfast.

So maybe I am spooked and am beginning to believe in this what feather thing!!

The day of the funeral, during the Wake, and I am outside with my hubby (again smoking :roll: ) and I'm having a melt down.
My brother in law comes out and he asked me for a fag. :fisty: I told him no, because both he and Dawn stopped smoking seven years ago and just because I AM STUPID ENOUGH to let life's stress get to me and start smoking again, I wasn't going to encourage him to do the same thing ... after 7 years!!!
I said to him ... "No, you know how Luke feels about you smoking and Dawn would batter you if she saw you smoking again!!
so he cracks up!! :| I automatically hug him and let him cry himself out.
My hubby suddenly says :censored: :censored: really loud as he pulls a WHITE FEATHER from the hair on my Brother in Laws head!!!!!!!

:O :O :O :O

I would say Yep!!!! Dawn agreed with me and that was Andy's warning NOT to start smoking again!!!

I have never really been a believer. I have never seen ghosts like my Mom and Sister claimed they could.
I would like to believe that there are such things as ghosts, an after life, angels ect , but am not convinced. Even being a big supernatural fan, to me it is all fiction and none of it is real!!

Well that is what I thought until recently, after our freaky time with these white feathers.

And the positive in this after my ramble .... those white feathers gave us hope, belief and in a way some comfort.
As stupid as it might sound, Being able to think that Dawn is actually still around and leaving these white feathers for us,
has made us feel a tiny bit better!!

Currently all on hiatus
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Re: Pride 2019 - Positivity Thread

Post by ciyrose »

That was a lovely story, even if a bit freaky I'm sure for you at the time, Julie. I just lost my mom in April, so I understand how hard it can be. Now, my mom wasn't overly young, and she had her health issues, but the suddenness left my brothers and I all reeling a lot. Now, we never had white feathers, but I know for myself, I have experienced a lot of just little things that make me believe even more than before, that she is still watching out for me in her own way. I have believed in many things throughout my life, and I don't think I could have gotten through all this time without the hope of seeing my mom again later. I am glad the white feathers have brought you some small hope, and it is crazy how many of them have arrived for all of your family! :heartbeat: :heartbeat: This community came to my attention right during the right now. I go through good days and bad of course, like everyone else, but the support, the place to come and just talk with people, and share my stories have been awesome. So thank you to all the boolprop members who have been so welcoming to me, and for creating such a great community that I can share in and be a part of. I am so glad to have this place!

And Julie, may you continue to heal and find peace in what has happened. I'm sure some days are harder for you than others as well, and I've been told by so many friends that this first year is hard. My mom's birthday would have been this month, and I know that will be in my mind. There is one thing someone at the funeral home, I think, said to us that is something I have kept in my mind during these last couple of months, and so I will share it here. I don't remember the exact words but basically: Missing them and being hurt they are gone is a good thing. It means they were loved by you and are worth missing. It means they were a person who mattered and meant something to the world. :heart: :grin:
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