All Boolprop Challenge stories go here. All games are can enter!
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All right, so I know it's a bit insane, because why would I add MORE challenges to the mix, but here we are. I'm going to see if I can get through enough playing to finish the boolprop 20th birthday challenge. I am starting with the Genetic Roulette challenge and then will try the others. We'll see how long this one takes me. This is likely taking over my blog and updates for a bit, so join me on the crazy. And please find me a challenge starter's anonymous meeting to attend, I must get help!
They are only short challenges and GO for it. I keep stopping myself from starting other challenges. I get these one done, and start the next one and go back to my uberhood. I have a three Boolprop challenges that i need to finish and hopefully i will be up to date. No more Boolprop Challenges this year.
three children already the speed doesn't matter.
1ST - 15TH
14 - 27TH
peachy123uk wrote: ↑January 13th, 2025, 11:25 pm
They are only short challenges and GO for it. I keep stopping myself from starting other challenges. I get these one done, and start the next one and go back to my uberhood. I have a three Boolprop challenges that i need to finish and hopefully i will be up to date. No more Boolprop Challenges this year.
three children already the speed doesn't matter.
Yeah, they are supposed to be short challenges, but raising 14 kids without being able to age them up early isn't exactly a "short" process, so I'm worried I'm going to get bogged down in it, but we'll see. lol I think the 16 kids will be faster since that is fully around skill levels, and maybe I should have started there, but whatever. It will be fine. I'm still trying to finish my EPIC, which is one of the first challenges I started in TS4. Congrats on only having 3 more to do to have done all of them though!
I thought I replied here but it got eaten by my bad wifi I think. I'm happy to see so many people doing the same challenges at the same time!
I am kind of in the same boat as you, where I'm afraid that I'll give up on a challenge if it seems like too much. That is why I am 100% going one-by-one on these birthday challenges, and play my Random Legacy inbetween so I don't get burned out on the other challenges. I honestly have no idea if I can finish all the birthday challenges in time haha! But we'll see
As for the naming theme,
I have no idea yet! It feels like it must be relevant to a movie or tv show... But idk which!
the infants are so cute. no don't know the naming theme yet
The infants are really cute, and so are toddlers. Good thing too. lol
Thanks for reading peachy!
InsaniTiny wrote: ↑January 18th, 2025, 7:26 am
I thought I replied here but it got eaten by my bad wifi I think. I'm happy to see so many people doing the same challenges at the same time!
I am kind of in the same boat as you, where I'm afraid that I'll give up on a challenge if it seems like too much. That is why I am 100% going one-by-one on these birthday challenges, and play my Random Legacy inbetween so I don't get burned out on the other challenges. I honestly have no idea if I can finish all the birthday challenges in time haha! But we'll see
As for the naming theme,
I have no idea yet! It feels like it must be relevant to a movie or tv show... But idk which!
Oof, I have so many challenges, and I mostly am concerned about it with just how much time I have to play, but so far I feel like I'm making good progress, so we'll see. Also getting them all blogged and played by Sept is going to be a challenge, but I'm hoping I'm up to it. I wish you well with yours!
the children seemed to grow up quickly lovely looking children. Naming theme Buffy the vampire?
It is kind of amazing how quickly I can speed through kids when I'm not trying to tell a bit more of a story about the family. You are very close. It isn't JUST Buffy, but a bit more the universe of Buffy.
Thanks for reading. I just finished writing up the next chapter, and it got kind of long. lol
Because of the insanity of my life occasionally right now dealing with a parent with dementia, I missed even showing there was a post that came out on Friday. If you are not subscribed to the blog you probably missed it, so you can find it at the link below: Chapter 5
Over half way done! Amazing job Finally another boy and soooo many girls. I really like Willow’s room!
It's crazy to be almost 1/2 way done. So many kids, and yes, I was eggstatic to get another boy, and NOT a twin. lol This family has lots and lots of girls. I also was a fan of Willow's room, I think it was super cute.
We are switching gears a bit and setting up our monster mash challenge. We will be able to the genetic roulette soon, but wanted to get this one started. You can view the latest chapter below: Chapter 1