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A Legacy of Westeros Gen. 9 Heir Poll!

Posted: October 9th, 2014, 8:33 pm
by LostInReverie
I can't believe I'm so close to finishing the legacy! I need your help in choosing an heir to bring in the last generation. :D

Will it be....?

Asha Martin
Traits: Adventurous, Couch Potato, Good, Dramatic
Sign & Faves: Libra, Soul Music, PB&J, and Green
LTW: To be determined at YA.

Why You Should Vote for Asha
Asha is the only girl of the gen. 9 kids. The previous heir, her dad, was male, obviously, so it would be interesting to have a female heiress again. Asha has an interesting mix of traits. She'll likely become either a Singer or an Actress for her career and possibly LTW.

Future Spouse
Gendry Martin
Traits: Slob, Bookworm, Light Sleeper, No Sense of Humor
Sign & Faves: Aquarius, Hip Hop, Mac and Cheese, Purple
LTW: To be determined at YA.

Why You Should Vote for Gendry
He has purple eyes like his grandfather Estevan. If he becomes heir, he'll be either a Bot Builder or a Video Game Developer.

Future Spouse
Theon Martin
Traits: Good, Hates the Outdoors, Workaholic, Natural Born Performer
Sign & Faves: Pisces, Chinese Music, Cookies, Black
LTW: To be determined at YA.

Why You Should Vote for Theon
We haven't had a blonde heir since gen. 2 and the founder himself. Theon has the most unique genetics of this gen. He also has an interesting personality. If chosen as heir, he'll probably become a Magician or an Acrobat.

Future Spouse
Choose wisely! :D