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Central Asian Blair Wainwright - the Legacy

Posted: May 27th, 2023, 4:26 am
by Kaiko E. Mikkusu
This is a whole AU where I’m dating Susan Wainwright, and Blair is half Tajik because Boyd dates a Tajik instead, making her the half-sister of our Blair. I made this AU to fit my old idea of a central Asian Blair with me being Italian (despite having been in the fandom of Georgia 🇬🇪 at the time as I also found it Susannesque)

I just decided it was nice, I have no real ties to Tajikistan 🇹🇯 despite having once been in the fandom for Georgia 🇬🇪 but even that, there’s no real ties, it would be like saying I have ties to Manussa from Doctor Who or Cyllage City from Pokémon, but they still can appear in this AU. 😳🤔

Basically it all started at teenagers at Francescus Sephine High, the school colors were limeish green and violet, and we were in Prof. Eczema Waluigi’s class.

I was the new arrival, I had just moved to Xyronia from Palermo.

Prof. W: Alolissimo everynyan! Today I will show you the new classmate that has arrived from Palermo!
I entered the class in my brand new school uniform.

Gaia: Alolissimo I’m Gaia Nicolosi but people call me Kaiko Mikkusu. I just arrived from Palermo.
Susan: I am Susan Verson. You can sit next to me, we can be friends, I’ve always been a bit of an outcast.

And so I sat next to Susan. We became fast friends.

And through her, I met Susan’s friends, they were:

1) Boyd Wainwright who was also her boyfriend
2) Zyra Omaniva who had moved from Dushanbe the year prior
3) Jack Bunch who was the school military jock and gun nut as well as the school grill dad and jokester
4) Judy Olbrucht who was also Jacks girlfriend

And they became also my friends as they sat next to me at the table.

That’s when I learned that Zyra had a crush on Boyd, and Susan was jealous.

As we got out of school, we met Ellody Sephine. She is the daughter of the principal, Zahrukth Sephine. She is a bit of a snob and insulted us for being nerds! 😳

So Jack took his pistol out and shot Ellody! She fell to the ground!

So Ellody got hospitalized… And Boyd was traumatized and didn’t go to school for weeks! 🥺

His grades shot down, from five stars plus assorted points, to less than half a star. (This is one of my pointers to render Xyronia culturally neutral, in fact most of the character names will be non diegetic, and yes I will reference the Caucasus, but that’s more of a reference to georgias flag being kinda similiar to Susan Wainwrights shirt, with the biggest inspirations being of course Doctor who and Pokémon!)

And since nobody saw him… I started dating Susan!

And then, Boyd came back to school. He announced that he will be dating Zyra.

“What about Ellody any news of her?”

“She will be able to go to school soon. She has made friends with her roommates at the hospital. Their names are Robin Sutton and Sarah Soans. They are band geeks from a nearby small town named Kentar. Ellody, Sarah, and Robin are starting a band, called The Cosettes.”

Eventually Ellody got back to school. She asked Robin and Sarah to move in with her and be at the school too.

And they will be the band to play for prom! :heavybreathing: 😜🐱

Time passed, and at the prom, I danced with Susan, Jack danced with Judy, and Boyd danced with Zyra.

But then, something very strange happened…

An exasperated man hustedly walked in as if he was drunk, opening the doors with a great clamor and commotion.

“Pant! Pant! You have to see!”

As the dance ended, I brought Susan to the corridor, where I saw that were was a really noisy stuff happening outside the school!

“What’s happening?”

“I entered the school to repair myself from an alien attack!”

So I, Susan, Jack, Judy, Boyd, and Zyra grabbed the guns and went outside, but instead, the six of us fell down an hole and into the sewers, we explored, and eventually the sewers branched into three.

So we split. I and Susan went on one side, jack and Judy in the middle, and Boyd and Zyra on the other side.

Eventually, we resurfaced on Coral Island. It is there that we decided to make our life together.

Time passes, I and Susan have now married, we have a daughter, Espathra Danielle Mikkusu. Fioranagh has blessed us with her.

She seems to be growing up with each passing day. Today she asked us if we can go to Wesprit. “Why?” “I made a new Internet friend, her name is Blair Wainwright and she is half Tajik half Scottish, her parents want us to come!”

And so the three of us went to Wesprit, on the other side of Soligo (our country. Valere is Xyronias level 2 subvision, and Gybray is Xyronias level 3 subvision, hence it being Xyronia, Gybray, Valere, Soligo! Because Xyronia is in Gybray which is in Valere which in Soligo which is… propably on Earth. :fight: ) from Coral Island.

Is it there that we discovered that Blair was Boyd and Zyras daughter!