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SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 25th, 2022, 5:01 pm
by Livvielove

Sign-ups will remain open all through July!

Hello all! Please be sure you read and understand SimNaNo 2022 Rules before proceeding! Here is where we'll be hosting SIGN-UPS for the event. All questions should be asked in the Coffeehouse! When it's time to start posting (on July 1st), you'll post your updates on the Update Thread. So, without further ado, here's how you sign up!
Please post in this thread with your:
:check: Story Name
:check: Link to the story's Boolprop link (if one is available)
:check: Your Personal Goal for SimNaNo (this is required for official sign ups!)
:check: A little bit about why you picked the goal you did (not required, but highly encouraged so we can support each other!)
:check: If you want a different name other than your FORUM name used on your progress banner, please indicate that!

Code: Select all

 :check:  [b]Story Name:[/b] 
 :check:  [b]Link:[b] 
 :check:  [b]Personal Goal:[/b] 
 :check:  (Optional) [b]Why did you choose your personal goal?:[/b] 
 :check:  [b]Name for your Banner:[/b] 
If you ever wish to change your goal, please put it in a separate post in this thread! If you wish to be doubly safe, feel free to PM me as well with it, but it must be in this post as a NEW reply so that I can see it. I won't be checking old posts on here to see if they've been edited (that'd be a lot of work for me to do) and I want to be sure I can accommodate everyone's goals as they change and grow over the month.

Remember if you're having trouble setting a personal goal, here's some examples provided from the rules:
Hi, I have my Ghibli Legacy, which averages about 1,500 words and 100 pictures per update. I feel I can easily do 5 updates in a month, so let me challenge myself and say 7 updates, which would total 10,500 words and 700 pictures.

I'd like to sign up with Where the Willow Walks, which I can usually do about 5000 words and 120 pictures per chapter. I've done 3-4 chapters in a month and I kind of push my limits, so I'm happy settling on between 3 and 4 for this! Let's do 17,000 words and 350 pictures!

Hello, I'm starting a new story and HERE is the link where it'll be. As I'm starting new, I'd like to challenge myself to write 10,000 words this month and 175 pictures. I have no trouble writing, but I want to challenge myself on my images specifically, so my goal will be emphasizing that!

I'm starting a new challenge for this, and HERE'S the link! I tend to not be very verbose in my challenges, so I'd like to just do a picture goal. Let's say 1,000 pictures! I can easily do 100 pictures an update, and I'd love to do 10 updates this month! Let's do this!

I've got a story I'd like to do this with, and HERE is that link for you! I don't really like taking pictures that much, as my game can be slow and sometimes it doesn't show what I want, but I want to challenge me to write more! I'm setting my goal to be 25,000 words! I'd love to do half a NaNoWriMo normally! I'm up for the challenge!

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 25th, 2022, 5:23 pm
by Boo
:check: Story Name: Fleet of Foot: A Super Speedy Legacy

:check: Link:

:check: Personal Goal: My legacy updates are usually about 500 words with around 25 pictures. I feel comfortable with doing weekly updates but to challenge myself, I'll bump it up to six updates which totals 3500 words and 150 pictures.

:check: Why I Chose My Personal Goal: I really want to get back into playing the Sims 4 and finally complete a legacy! Since this one is going by so quick, I want to make good progress with it.

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 25th, 2022, 10:50 pm
by peachy123uk
:check: 30,000 WORDS AND 2,000 PICTURES
:check: If you want a different name other than your FORUM name used on your progress banner, please indicate that!

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 26th, 2022, 3:56 am
by SirianaSims
:check: Story Name: The Duchelli Legacy
:check: Link:
:check: Personal Goal: Lately I have been posting about 1200-1300 words and 50-60 pictures per post, and I was posting at least once a week before I hit the wall during exams, so I want to push myself to make at least 6 posts in total, 7500 words and 350 pictures. :party:
:check: Why did you choose your personal goal?: I had been really productive and posting once a week or more, until I hit exams and some health issues. I want to get back in the groove and update regularly again - but I will also be on vacation :sun: from the 11th to the 17th so I won't get anything done then.

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 26th, 2022, 9:10 am
by WinterChild98
:check: Story Name: Frankenstein Monster Mash (main focus) & The Holt Legacy
:check: Link: Frankenstein Monster Mash, The Holt Legacy
:check: Personal Goal: 15 posts, 900 pictures, 18 000 words
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: I've been a little slow on updates lately, as a result I have a huge backlog of pictures, I'm hoping this will motivate me to make a dent in my backlog. My main story will be the Frankenstein Monster Mash, but I've included the Holt Legacy since I have 4 posts left in the current generation to write and I really want to finish it.
:check: Name for your Banner: WinterChild98

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 26th, 2022, 9:40 am
by creativecress36
Story Name: 101 Legends and Wackos OWBC

Link: 101 Legends and Wackos OWBC

Personal Goal: 15 posts and 10'000 words.

Why I Chose My Personal Goal: My updating has been a mess this year due to a variety of personal crap, I hope that this and the Summer Sim Challenge will help me nail down a decent updating schedule!

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 28th, 2022, 7:23 am
by ciyrose
:check: Story Name: Summer Bachelor
:check: Link: ... -bachelor/
:check: Personal Goal: 6 updates/6000 words/180 pics
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: I'm getting the intro for this written up to be my summer challenge and I would like to get it done quickly. It will, hopefully, go along with the other challenge that I am going to write up a summary for next

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 28th, 2022, 7:39 am
by ciyrose
:check: Story Name: Achievement Insanity Project
:check: Link:
:check: Personal Goal: 3 updates/6620 words/230 pics
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: This challenge has been a lot of fun to start but can take a while to get through updates, so I want to try and push myself to get 3 out this next month. They tend to be slightly large updates (around double my normal) but I haven't gotten a ton of playing in lately so I'm really hoping to use NaNo to get me a little more into the swing of things again

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 28th, 2022, 11:34 am
by Gryffindork
:check: Story Name: The Dysfunkshinul Legacy
:check: Link: Boolprop Thread
:check: Personal Goal: 800 pictures / 25,000 words (approx. 10 posts)
:check: Why did you choose your personal goal?: This story turns ten years old in July so I need a big ol' kick in the pants lol. My average post is about 80 pictures and 2,500 words, so I'll shoot for ten. I usually do a birthday special on July 12th, so I'll include that in my total if my regular posts are running short!
:check: Name for your Banner: Gryffindork

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 28th, 2022, 5:22 pm
by Blamsart
This is going to be fun! All sign ups up, up to here have been noted down - if you make any edits to your goals, please make a new post about it so it's seen!


Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 28th, 2022, 5:31 pm
by Blamsart
:check: Story Name: Idiot+Insane+Crazy=Idanezy
:check: Link: LINK
:check: Personal Goal: words = 8,000, pics= 400, updates = 4
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: Considering I haven't updated this challenge since december, I think expecting 4 updates in a month from myself is a big challenge this year and I will do my bestest. Who knows, if I'm on a roll, I'll raise the bar! but I doubt it
:check: Name for your Banner: Blams

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 29th, 2022, 1:26 pm
by katrisims
:check: Story Name: Bonita's Wants
:check: Link: viewtopic.php?t=7896
:check: Personal Goal: 1 update, 80 pictures, 2500 words
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: I'm going to be pretty busy in July, but I still wanted to sign up with a small goal to keep myself going. If I can manage at least one update, that keeps me on track for being able to finish my summer challenge on time. The previous update was a little longer than what I picked for my goals for pictures and words, so I think the ballpark should be right.
:check: Name for your Banner: katrisims

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 29th, 2022, 2:04 pm
by CeresIn
:check: Story Name: A Very Steel Legacy
:check: Link: Boolprop Blog
:check: Personal Goal: 10 updates, 15000 words, 300 images
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: Last year I met my goal of 8,000 words just in time and this year I want to push my self a little more.
:check: Name for your Banner: CeresIn

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 29th, 2022, 4:54 pm
by Mojo
:check: Story Name: Ms Robinson Makes Babies
:check: Link:
:check: Personal Goal: 3 Updates/100 photos/1500 words
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: I've been really slow with my updates lately for all my stories, but this one is the newest and the one with the least amount of updates. Also 500 words per post is a stretch for me, so I'm hoping to be a bit more long winded lol
:check: Name for your Banner: Mojo

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 30th, 2022, 5:43 pm
by wyldhawke
:check: Story Name: "OneSim"
:check: Link: viewtopic.php?p=201762
:check: Personal Goal: 7 Updates (total goal 6,000 words for this story)
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: I've been wanting to get back to this story for a very long time, this is a good time for it.
:check: Name for your Banner: IllusoryThrall/Wyldhawke

:check: Story Name: "Sliding Sideways"
:check: Link: viewtopic.php?t=7920
:check: Personal Goal: 7 Updates (total goal 6,000 words for this story)
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: This is a brand new story I'm trying to get off the ground. I figured SimNaNo is a good time to do it!
:check: Name for your Banner: IllusoryThrall/Wyldhawke

:check: Story Name: (Various - I don't think it's useful to name all 10+ stories individually, since they'll only be getting 1-3 ish updates for each)
:check: Link: They'll all be on my website, with secondary posts on boolprop. I'll be sure to link each chapter when it's posted.
:check: Personal Goal: Total goal of 18,000 words for these
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: This is my "main" goal, honestly. I have a LOT of stories in my drafts folder that have pictures, but no words. And some of them have been sitting there for more than a year and a half. Which is why I want to brush up on my skills and dust off all these old stories, and get them all caught up - then get them started up again so I can continue to update them.
:check: Name for your Banner: IllusoryThrall/Wyldhawke

:check: Personal Total Goal: 30 updates, at least 1000 total pictures, and 30k words. Also: a minimum of 2-3 story-based sims streams a week, at about 4 hours each. (So, at least 32-40 hours of Sims gameplay streamed. The stories streamed will be my on-stream stories, not the blogged ones.)
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: 30 updates comes out to about one per day. I usually get around 20 pictures per post, so I'm challenging myself to get more than the 600 that that would add up to. My posts are usually 800+ words, I'd like to try to get them to around 1k each.. or, at least, post enough chapters to add up to the 30k total words.

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 30th, 2022, 7:17 pm
by Salem
Ok, I better sign up before I forget lol!

:check: Story Name: Fire of the Olympics + Probably I'll Sprinkle one or two updates for another challlenges, but this will be the main focus
:check: Link:
:check: Personal Goal: 6 Updates, 700 pictures, 15,000 words
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: This is my first year working full time during SimNaNo, so I'm a little worried about how much time to play/write I'm gonna have. Still, I've been doing good updating various challenges lately, so I mainly want to keep up that pace. I'll see as the challenge progresses if I need to get bigger goals :)
:check: Name for your Banner: Salem

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 30th, 2022, 8:43 pm
by Blamsart
All sign ups noted down up to here :D

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: June 30th, 2022, 9:01 pm
by Jenn
:check: Story Name: King Bee
:check: Link: King Bee
:check: Personal Goal: 10 updates/700 pictures/7000 words
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: I'm hoping it will help me get the Pride challenge done in time.
:check: Name for your Banner: Jenn

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: July 1st, 2022, 10:39 am
by DewDropDizzy
:check: Story Name: Riley's Epic Challenge
:check: Link: Boolprop Blog
:check: Personal Goal: 10 Updates / 150 Pictures / 1000 Words
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: Its should get me through the next two generations!
:check: Name for your Banner: DewDropDizzy

Re: SimNaNo 2022: Sign Up

Posted: July 1st, 2022, 6:29 pm
by Seera
:check: Story Name: ABC's of Etheirys
:check: Link:
:check: Personal Goal: 14 updates, 210 pictures, 4200 words
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: This is about what I think I've got played through. Updates are exact, picture and word count is estimated
:check: Name for your Banner: Seera

:check: Story Name: 100+ Idol Debuts
:check: Link:
:check: Personal Goal: 4 updates, 60 pictures, 2400 words
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: I restarted again using a different variant of the rules, and like with ABC's of Etheirys this is about what I've played.
:check: Name for your Banner: Seera

:check: Story Name: Random Branches
:check: Link:
:check: Personal Goal: 1 update, 15 pictures, 300 words
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: Getting this story caught up to where I've played like the above stories
:check: Name for your Banner: Seera

:check: Story Name: Random Paths
:check: Link:
:check: Personal Goal: 4 updates, 60 pictures, 1200 words
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: It's been too long since I last updated so doing a spurt of updates to maybe pull myself into the challenge again. Hopefully, Sims 3 cooperates!
:check: Name for your Banner: Seera

:check: Story Name: Wildwood Heights BACC
:check: Link:
:check: Personal Goal: 1 update, 15 pictures, 600 words
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: Changing how I'm blogging this again and I think this is where I'll be around for update length, don't anticipate playing another round past the one I have to finish.
:check: Name for your Banner: Seera

:check: Story Name: The Tortall Legacy
:check: Link:
:check: Personal Goal: 1 update, 15 pictures, 300 words
:check: (Optional) Why did you choose your personal goal?: Don't anticipate another round of the Tortalls will give a full second chapter and as they are in the BACC, I don't think I'll get through enough rotations this month to warrant more than 1 update
:check: Name for your Banner: Seera

:check: Overall
:check: Updates: 25
:check: Pictures: 375
:check: Words: 9000