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Nightlife+: The Inventory Duplication Glitch

Posted: December 13th, 2018, 10:33 am
by Twilightoutside
Here's a glitch, that might have have existed since the Sims inventory was introduced with the nightlife expansion.

In short, if you put an object on a table, shelf or other surface, then put them together into your inventory, wait a bit, then pause the game, take out the surface with the object, remove the object placed on the surface, put the surface back into your inventory, switch while staying(!) in inventory overview to another entry like aspiration rewards and then return to the inventory itself

- you'll find the surface now has a duplicate of the object on it!

This way you can even duplicate rare objects en masse. It works with any surface you can place objects on.

Here's a short picture show how to do it:
1.)Here is Bandie Broke, who has just gotten a créme de la créme prize for the Gun Shop she and her husband Skip own
(don't ask - they are just a test family I made for testing stuff...)
2.)The prize is placed on this IKEA table.
3.)The IKEA table with the prize on it is placed in Brandie's inventory.
4.)Running the live mode half a second - I do this to let the game register the stuff in Brandie's inventory.
5.)Go back to inventory view, take out the IKEA Table with the prize, take the prize of the table. STAY in inventory view!
6.)Put the empty IKEA Table into inventory again.
7.)Switch to Aspiration rewards (you can switch to other menus, but DO NOT switch to live mode!
8.)Switch back to inventory. You'll notice, that the thumbnail for the IKEA Table has changed and that a second prize is placed on it.
9.)And there you have it - two prizes! you can actually repeat this now, taking the IKEA Table in and out till you have enough prizes.
Happy Simming! :drinks: