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BNTM Season 11 - Round 2 RESULTS

Posted: August 24th, 2016, 9:32 am
by Rosanna
Hey guys, so sorry for the delay! We have a judge who's been very busy, so we decided to post results using just the scores/comments from the other four judges. All judgments have now been posted + updated. :)

Since we are cutting it pretty close to the round 3 deadline, we are very open to giving extensions if needed! Just let us know.

Top four for round 2
I really liked your second and third photos, but would have liked to see a bit more going on in the first one
I love the second and third photos, but the first one kind of confused me. I adore this fella.
The second photo was excellent for showing the portability of the product but I felt like the composition in the first and last shots meant the bar got lost in the background.
I especially liked the second photo. One thing you could have done to 'sell' the product more was to have other people in the shots, people (dont tend) to drink alone. :p
except for the second image, the others just lacked a certain something. the bar got a bit lost. and the headshot was a bit far away.

Very creative, great job!
I love the third photo, very touching. Fun idea.
You stepped up your game for this one! I loved how it read like an advert and the composition was fantastic. From an advertising point of view I was unsure about death as a selling point, but your composition and varied shots were fab!
I absolutely loved everything about this entry, the concept, the staging and the whole feel of it was adorable and heart warming. You shot the photos very well!
the only thing I can say is that this was an amazing entry. the emotion was there. the expressions were great and the last shot just hit me in the feels.

I love his expressions in all of the photos. Great work!
Love the Toms knock-of and I loved seeing him looking at his shoes in the hot tub. Fantastic entry!
Loved the concept of being in different places with different shoes. Your composition was fun and Ceviche was so expressive! Maybe would have been cool to have the last hot tub scene a bit more Champs Le Sims-esque to continue the three destinations theme but that'sjust nitpicking: overall a really good set of pictures :)
Loved the advertising pitch, and each photo was amazing! I particularly liked the last photo. :) Although it worked well for an advert, the only small thing i can pick up on is that the first two photos are very similar (but they are amazingly shot though!)
bonus points for rocking the man-bun, but it felt more like an ad for a tour company than shoes. the scenery was gorgeous and OMG his face in that last shot, priceless.

I like how you varied her hair/outfit in each shot, but would have liked to see her using the products in different settings outside of the kitchen
The shots are all a little dark, but this model is adorable, and clothing, hair and accessories are adorable.
Savanna looked gorgeous and expressive in every shot, but she completely overshadowed the products which all kind of sank into the background, and I felt the concept was a bit lost of it being a product advertisement. Fantastic costuming and make up with your model however, overall a good job!
Really good background scenery, and the model looked beautiful in each shot. However, all the shots were really similar in the sense that she was essentially just drinking coffee at her kitchen counter. I appreciate that the product you chose did make it difficult to do anything different though
the lighting was a bit dark for me. I loved her expression in the first image, that "get me my coffee. stat" look that we all know we have in the morning. I do have to say that I would have liked the full body shot to have not ended at her knees.

A great, solid entry. I especially liked the last shot.
Lovely bright entry! I love the faces and backgrounds.
Good grasp of the concept and your model was well dressed and had good expressions in every shot. I was slightly unsure of the composition of the trampoline shot, as it felt like it was meant to be central but wasn't. Apart from that, a fantastic job. Loved the headshot.
A really great entry. All photos are shot very well, and the models expressions are very good.
I loved the absolute fun and abandon in the first two did, but I have to admit that the last shot, I was more concentrating on the weird angle of her neck than much else, which is where the half mark went, else it would have been a 9

All of the photos are all beautiful! My one piece of advice is that the last shot could have been angled a slight bit more towards your model to put the focus more on her a bit
Cute and vibrant entry. This is an adorable model with a great concept.
This set is really beautiful. I loved the lighting and composition of the first two shots but your model and the product was overshadowed by her friend in the background in shot 3. Still a good group of pictures though!
A really beautiful entry. The model looked stunning throughout, and the staging and shots were done perfectly. My only small qualm is that in the last photo, the dancer distracted away from the model and the product in my opinion
the images were gorgeous, the lighting was fantastic, but the other sim kind of stole the show in the first and last shots.

A very nice all-around entry, but the blurring of the sim in the first shot makes it a bit distracting. I understand you're trying to showcase your model, but I think since you only see the back of the sim, it's really not an issue.
This entry could use some extra lighting - and I love the idea of the final shot, but not sure about the finished product. A lovely model, though!
Entry was good, but the editing in the first shot distracted from the product and the model rather than focused on them. Your second shot was great because it advertised the product and your model very well :)
A really good entry, I especially liked the second photo. Although I love the concept of the last photo, I think it would have been even better if you angled it slightly differently so we could have seen more of her face.
it was a strong entry, except for the lighting. the first shot was a bit blurry and the second, way too dark. I would have liked to be able to actually see the model in the headshot image though.

I loved how creative your entry is, but found the photo editing to be rather distracting
Great creative approach!
A good adherence to concept but I felt the model and the composition suffered as a result. Still a solid entry, though! The humour was excellent and I think Flort! sounds like a very useful product :lol:
I loved the creativity and the humour to your entry, and I can tell you spent a lot of time on it. :)
wow. 9.5 for creativity, unfortunately you lost ground with the fact that the "hat" on the models head distracted from everything. the last image was funny as hell, but also a little creepy, or is that just me?

A nice entry, but to me the first shot didn't look like she was getting out of a tent. I thought she was sitting on a chair at first. Also watch out for the plumbob peeking out in the second pic. I also would have liked to see her doing something a bit more in the last photo, but overall nice work!
I love this model, but she's always wearing the same little smile. Great work with the camping stuff!
Strong concept and I definitely knew what the product was with every shot. But throw away Tia's grey jumper, please! :lol: It doesn't do her any favours in shots and she gets lost in the background. Overall still a solid entry with good scenery variance and solid concept.
A lovely concept, and I particularly liked the second photo. Although I believe staging of the photo could have been better in the first one, as It was hard to tell it was a tent at first!
the first shot I think should have shown more of the tent, you really couldn't tell what she was doing. the cooler was front and centre for the second image but her hat kept us from seeing her face. the last shot, being athletic wear, I feel she could have been doing more than just standing there.

Re: BNTM Season 11 - Round 2 RESULTS

Posted: August 24th, 2016, 6:04 pm
by Rosanna
Results have been updated with the 5th judge's comments! :)