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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 9 - 19/11/

Post by Cororon »

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 9 - 19/11/

Post by Nevermore »

Yay! Tox! :bounce: !!

The Snowes were so happy to have you in their apartment!

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 10 - 24/11

Post by Nevermore »

Apparently, Beau Merrick couldn't forget Alicia, so he came to visit. Maybe he realised they had a familial connection in another life. He buzzed a couple of times, so I let him in.
Tiffany: "I'm getting sick of cake..." :gasp:
Alicia: "Not that much left in the fridge."

I love seeing these two together. Alicia makes a good second mama to her.
Everyone stood around staring at Beau, all weird like, probably because he is a vampire. Alicia went over to him to talk to him. They chatted for a little bit, and ended up friends.
I know I was going to keep the doors separate, and not reference between them, but I have to. Seeing them side by side like this, I can totally see the resemblance. I mean, yes, she does take most after her mother, but I can see some resemblance between them. Around the eyes. Even though it's absolutely not possible, because she was a saved sim that I made a few cosmetic changes to in CAS, Jareth takes after Beau! :O I wondered where he got them looks from! It so wasn't Chester. End of reference to Door 1.

Also, at this point, I'll acknowledge, I was wrong. Tiff's first day at school was a thursday, not friday. The wedding is still on sunday though.
Alicia started her morning with some stalking of Hammy. He has aged to elder, but she didn't get to see him. Strangely enough, he and Alicia no longer know each other. Instead, she randomly started calling this woman, and Beau, and someone else I forgot about.
She walked around the main garden wall, entered his backyard, and mixed up some drinks as an offering for Hammy. Alicia and Mattie do love their Hammy, so best to keep him sweet. :heart:

Hammy didn't come out. He was there though, because his car was in the garage, and I saw him pass the windows a few times. :hmm:
Tiff got straight to work, doing her homework. She is a good girl. :heart:

:hmm: Now, why is there a new untouched cake in the background?
Alicia: "Make a wish, Sinead! Blow out the candles with Mama."
Sinead: :heavybreathing: *thinks* "I wish for dancing."
Tiff: "Woooo! Yay! Sinead!"

This is also the last you'll see of Tiff's white hair.
The first thing Sinead did was mop up a puddle in their bedroom! I knew I loved this girl! :hearts:
:jawdrop: She is so beautiful! There is nothing of Tom in her.

Her third trait is Party Animal, just like her mama. I also forgot to mention Tiff's child trait is Good Sense of Humor.
This is what I call the night of the synchronised dreams.

Sinead: "There will be good music..."
Tiff: "It should be live... maybe a band..."
Mattie: "I can't wait for the wedding."
Alicia: "The venue is good... I wonder if we should change it... no..."
A Mattie and Alicia kiss! :heart: :hmm: I wonder what their pairing name should be... Matlicia? Alitilda? :shifty: Their names don't mix together... :fisty:

:O The medium paintings are back! I didn't notice that before. But the bigger canvas has gone... :duh: :fisty:

And proper glimpse of Tiff's new plum purple hair! :bounce: Suits her much better than the pure white.
Time for a family outing!

Tiff: "Mama! I can't see the buttons!"
Sinead: "I wonder if there are ghosts in here..."
At least none of them are in their PJs! :lol:

Tiff: "I'm going to win!!"
Sinead: "No you're not!"

Tiff did win the race. :yes:
They reached the park. Mattie didn't make it. I didn't notice it was close to the time she had to leave for work, so she turned around and headed back into the subway and went to work.

Alicia didn't learn her lesson from the last vomit inducing taco from before. She actually seemed to enjoy this one. :hmm:
Tiff: "I don't see anyone... wait, creepy guy coming for our fort..."
Sinead: "Escape maneuver 1!"

:hearts: They had so much fun playing together. They seemed to like that little climbing frame, and didn't really play on any of the other play equipment.
Alicia: "I'm going to fly over that building!"
Tiff: "I'm going to fly over the ocean!"
Sinead: "I'm going to fly over the sky!"
Tiff: "Can not!"
Sinead: "Can too! I'm going to fly over the sky!"
:O Alicia take her daughters to a dive bar? How dare you suggest it! :nono:

Sinead: "This place stinks!"
Alicia: "Yes it does! Kids, don't drink anything unless I give it to you, don't talk to strangers, and come get me if you need the toilet."
Tiff: "Can we go home?"
Alicia: "No! Mama has to work, and your other mama is at the theatre. You're not going home by yourselves."
No reason for this. Seeing them hug each other was just adorable! :hearts:

I adore these two. They're just the cutest.
Sinead: "Mama, what are you doing?"
Tiff: "Why are you standing like that?"
Alicia: "Woo! I'm awesome! Peace out!"

A fan wanted a picture of Alicia, so she started posing. In the exact moment both the kids came for the plate of hot wings she had ordered for them.
Tiff decided to eat hers on this table, in the candle light.

:hmm: That actually looks kinda nice. I've not used that lamp before. It is kinda relaxing and warm. I wonder if it would look the same in the apartment...
:rotfl: Sinead is so her mother's daughter! It seems like forever ago, when Alicia was sat at the other end of the bar, eating bar food, dissing Tiara.
Alicia mixed quite a lot of drinks. The mixologist kept telling her she was good at mixing, and would be better fitted at more "up market" bars. Shows what he knows, since no one other than Eugi's, and the sports bar will even give her a chance. She still made some good tips.
Sinead: "Wooo! I love this song!"
Sinead: "Tiff! Come dance with me!"

She was the first to hit the dance floor.
Tiff did join her! They danced together for quite a while. Not that I blame them. There isn't that many child friendly things to do around the place. :lol:
After work, Mattie met them at the bar. Funny enough, she didn't seem to care that her children were playing in a dive bar. She played the drums instead. :hmm: Interesting parenting style...
Since they can't dance any more, because for some reason there is no music, when Mattie is playing some... sim logic... they decide to pull faces at each other instead.

:lol: I adore these girls so much.
Sinead: "I'm sleepy..."
Tiff: *yawn* "I'm ready for bed!" :sleepy:
Matilda: "Kids, what did we learn today?"
Sinead: "Mama's work place stinks, and it's fun!"
Matilda: "No! It's a horrible place. Not for children. Now go get some sleep, the wedding is tomorrow."
Alicia: "Lighten up, Honey Lips, I practically grew up in a bar, and it didn't screw me up."

:shiftyeyes: I'll let you be the judge of Alicia's statement. :lol:

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 10 - 24/11

Post by Livvielove »

I'm caught up! :thup:
Awww a Tox update! How cute is that!

Oh I do love her with the purple-tinted hair! It looks so good on Tiff! I also love the kids bedroom! Super cute! All of the girls are! I can't wait to see them grow into teens! I bet they have gorgeous genetics!

I'm also super excited for this wedding!

Hehe, I loved Alicia's line at the end. :lol:
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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 10 - 24/11

Post by snazzle »

I too am itching to see those gorgeous girls as teens. I love Tiff's hair now.

And this will be a wedding for the ages.
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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 10 - 24/11

Post by Nevermore »

Livvielove wrote:I'm caught up! :thup:
Awww a Tox update! How cute is that!

Oh I do love her with the purple-tinted hair! It looks so good on Tiff! I also love the kids bedroom! Super cute! All of the girls are! I can't wait to see them grow into teens! I bet they have gorgeous genetics!

I'm also super excited for this wedding!

Hehe, I loved Alicia's line at the end. :lol:
:bounce: :applause: Yeah, I'm so grateful to Cor for letting me add him.

Again, credit goes to Cor for suggesting plum as her new hair. It so suits Tiff perfectly. Much better than any other colour I tried.

:D I am so crazy about that set. Most of the stuff is from the Hello Kitty nursery. Honestly, I'm glad I can actually show the nursery, because the rooms are bigger and easier to get shots of. I loved the old house, but I also love the apartment too for different reasons.

If Alicia's other children are anything to go by, Sinead will be stunning. I think Tiff will be quite beautiful as well, I can already see in her features she could be. I don't pre-check, I like to be surprised as they age up.
snazzle wrote:I too am itching to see those gorgeous girls as teens. I love Tiff's hair now.

And this will be a wedding for the ages.
Shouldn't be too long to see what they look like. :thup: I think Tiff has about 5 days before teen, and Sinead has 6. Tiff's hair now does make her look more younger and suits her more than the pure white. That to me just made her look like a tiny old granny.

:bounce: I'm so excited for the wedding, too. I pulled out all the stops for it, to make it the best wedding ever for both of them.

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 11 - 28/11

Post by Nevermore »

Sinead: "Mama, is the wedding going to start now?" :bounce:
Alicia: "As you wish, my little pixie..."
The wedding was at The Prosper Room, and for some reason most of the guests didn't even bother coming up to the club, they just stayed in the lobby. Well, their loss.

Tiff getting to know her Grandpa Beau in the background, who seems to have brought a date, because I didn't invite Lilly-Bo Chique.

Since every wedding has a song, this will be one that is important to me.

"There's such a sad love,
Deep in your eyes,
A kind of pale jewel."

Alicia: "Ready to marry me?"
Matilda: "More than ready."

Tiff: "We're going to be bridesmaids!" :bounce:
Sinead: "Yay!" :bounce:


"Open and closed,
Within your eyes,
I'll place the sky,
Within your eyes."

Alicia: "Mattie, I just want you to know, this is what I have is what I've always wanted."
Matilda: "Me too, Alicia."

"There's such a fooled heart,
Beatin' so fast,
In search of new dreams."

Matilda: "Until I met you, I thought that love was supposed to be man and woman, picket fences and never really connecting, only to have children. With you, I can have it all. Today I marry my best friend, my soulmate, the woman who showed me exactly who I want to be."

"A love that will last,
Within your heart."

Alicia: "Mattie, I've not always made the right decisions in life. Spend too much time questioning what I shouldn't, and jumped right into stuff I should think about. Even with all my regrets and wrong turns, all of them lead me to you."

"I'll place the moon,
Within your heart."

I now pronounce you Mrs and Mrs Snowe!

:hearts: THEY'RE MARRIED AT LAST!! :bounce:

"As the pain sweeps through,
Makes no sense for you,
Every thrill is gone.
Wasn't too much fun at all,
But I'll be there for you,
As the world falls down."

Sinead: "I got another Mama!" :bounce:
Tiff: "Yay! They look like princesses..." :hearts:
Beau: "I'm glad she found happiness with Matilda."

Those girls are so cute! So happy to see their mamas getting married.

Falling down,
Falling in love."

Tiff and Sinead were the first to hit the dance floor in their pretty little bridesmaid dresses. :heart:

They seem to love dancing. :hmm:

"I'll paint you mornings of gold,
I'll spin you Valentine evenings."

Alicia and Mattie got their first dance. Behind them is Beau trying to cut in, but failing. Lilly-Bo is just stood there being an eyesore.

Tiff: "I have two mamas..." :)

"Though we're strangers 'til now,
We're choosing the path,
Between the stars."

Once they had to clear the dance floor, the two girls play a game of rock paper scissors.

"I'll leave my love,
Between the stars."

Matilda plays the guitar for her new bride. The pianist doesn't seem too happy about it, but she is a swagger stealing skank anyway.

Mattie: "This song goes to my wife, and my daughters... I love you all."

"As the pain sweeps through,
Makes no sense for you..."

Alicia: "I'm so happy!"
Pianist: "I hate you..."

Well, we hate the pianist, since she has copied Alicia's ink, and her hair colour, and accessories. So :censored: you, Swagger Jagger.

"Every thrill is gone,
Wasn't too much fun at all..."

Sinead: "I can't remember what I was doing..."
Tiffany: "The prawn cocktail is good."

"But I'll be there for you-ou-ou,
As the world falls down."

Alicia: "Tiff, it's time to leave now."
Tiff: "Yes, Mama."

The wedding went on from opening time to closing time. Most of the guests didn't do much, and the wedding wasn't legendary for them, but it certainly was legendary for the Snowes. A perfect wedding.
They got home at 5 o'clock in the morning. The kids were tired, but Alicia had some cookies for their breakfast, before they had to rush off to school.
After the kids left, Alicia and Mattie got to enjoy their first breakfast and newlyweds. And had their stresses.

Matilda: "I can't believe the sink broke already!"
Alicia: "Don't worry, Honey Lips, I'll call someone to fix it."
Alicia: "Here's to married life!"

:lol: To be honest with you, I'm surprised she didn't spend her whole wedding drunk.
First passionate kiss as a married couple, which lead somewhere else...

Another first as a married couple. :shifty: They spent the whole afternoon together, woohooing.
Mattie: "Alicia will love these. Drinks for my bride..."

It is so cute how quickly they fell into a wedded bliss.
When the kids came home from school, they changed into their PJs, and settled down to watch TV.

The large painting still hasn't come back. :fisty: I wish I had something just as big but better to change it to.
Sinead: "Mama, why doesn't my daddy live with us?"
Alicia: "Do you want your father to live with us?"
Sinead: "No. How did you fall in love with other Mama?"
Alicia: "We both asked something very wise, what we should do with our lives... and we were both blessed. Our blessings lead to us falling in love."
Tiff: "Love you, Mama."
Mattie: "Love you too, Tiff."
Tiff: "And I love my new Mama."

:hmm: I wonder if I should worry that Matilda seems as interested in the bar as Alicia.
Alicia: "Girls, are you happy with the wedding?"
Sinead: "Yeah! I looked so pretty."
Tiff: "And I got to dance! Can we go back there again?"
Sinead: "I like it more than the stinky place."
Alicia: "We'll see." :)

Also, proper look at both Tiff and Sinead's new PJs. Sinead's nightgown is my fave of the two.

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 11 - 28/11

Post by Livvielove »

Squeeeeeee! The wedding! Pink! Pink! Pink!
Our two brides look so beautiful! Very nice use of the pink on the dress!
Nice to see Beau, given we know of his history with Alicia.

The girls were just so cute dancing!
Lol, swagger-stealing skank! (snorts) that's hilarious! Yea she should let the bride cut in! It is the BRIDE after all!
lol, poor kids, that was a rough night! At least the brides got some time together!
What a happy wedding! Congrats Alicia and Mattie!
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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 11 - 28/11

Post by Nevermore »

I'm hoping to see lots more of Beau. Since he will probably outlive the entire family, I'm hoping he sticks around. Since it's like Alicia has family of her own outside the house, even though he's not technically family. Well, the relationship panel doesn't acknowledge it, but we know they're father and daughter.

:bounce: I love the dresses. I wanted something cute but unconventional, because they are both very distinctive girls, and probably wouldn't want all that white.
I get so many snaps of when the girls start dancing. Given my way, there would be a whole update of them dancing. :lol:

The pianist is a swagger stealing skank! :fisty: :lol: The term Swagger Jagger comes from this song Swagger Jagger - Cher Lloyd. :D

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 12 - 1/12/

Post by Nevermore »

Finally! Both the women are getting a bit more productive towards their careers. Mattie is still a Roadie, had a wish to get a promotion for a while, and that didn't materialise on her own. I bought her a guitar, and she started playing, and bought her the LTR Multi-tasker. Hopefully that should help. They are on the brink of Adult, and are struggling to make the bills every 3 days. To be fair with Alicia, I think she mixes them for the taste more than her job.
Alicia wanted to brew 10 elixirs, so I sent her to the elixir store to harvest some honey and honeycombs. Maybe the elixirs can be of use to the girls, now they can start making friends.

It is about here I planted in some families with children into the world, so there is some young people around that aren't glitchy NPCs.
Sinead: "So if Malcolm Landgrabb makes 140 simoleons per hour, and works 5 hours, but Gunther Goth makes 1000 simoleons per hour and works 4 hours. How many days would Malcolm have to work to make near the same amount as Gunther?"
Tiff: " >.< I hate math..."

:bounce: Yay! I thought I'd never get a snap of them both doing homework together! They always seem to do it alone, and sat on the floor, or not at all and have to do it at school.
Alicia: "I'm here for that drink you are going to pay me to have."

:hmm: Paying an alcoholic to drink? Yep, that will work well. :lol:
Alicia: "Hmm... interesting hue. Fizzy but appears light..."

Swagger stealing skank's feet in the background. :fisty:
Alicia: *glug-glug*
Alicia: "...."
Alicia: "I'll have the recipe for this, and five more."
Tiff: "Damn, you look good!"

:lol: No purpose for this pic. I did a switch around to see what everyone was up to, and found Tiff checking herself out in the mirror.
Since Mattie is working on her career if she likes it or not, I let Sinead take a turn with the easel. She has had a wish to gain a skill point in painting since she aged up, and the Snowes are too broke to buy a new easel.
Sinead: "Are there monsters under my bed...."
Sinead: "Run for your lives! There is proof of Edward and Bella's Sparkle-Sue Baby under there!" :O

:lol: Couldn't resist. I miss the Twilight jokes. :fisty: Why can't a city of vampires have some parodys to crack jokes about?!
The poor little pixie was so tired, she went to sleep on the sofa until the monster under the bed moodlet went away. As soon as it faded, I set her back to her bed. She was practically on the verge of collapsing when she looked under her bed.

Also, the paintings are back! I knew I would find a way around it. Since they all have frames now, I can grab hold of them. I found that if I moved the painting into Mattie's inventory, and then put them back, the picture returned. Problem solved!
Tiff and Alicia had breakfast covered.

Alicia: "How are the muffins coming?"
Tiff: "Good. The bulb has just heated up enough. Pancakes?"
Alicia: "Blended the batter."
While the kids were at school, I sent Alicia to the library to get a boost learning mixiology, to fulfil that wish she has to reach 8 skill points in mixology. She was there for hours, and didn't seem to gain anything. So I sent her home, to work at their bar again, and surprise surprise, she starts gaining skill like crazy. >.<
And, I forget about someone's new milestone.

Tiff: "Woo! It's my birthday!"

At least she got birthday breakfast pancakes out of it.
She looks so pretty! She has very minimal make up, so those good looks are all her.

Giving it much thought, and struggling to decide on style, this is just punkish gothicy something or other. She's Tiff, and she finally gets to choose her own clothes instead of all that pink. :yes:

:hmm: I'm already starting to see that she takes after her mother, in some of her assets. :shifty:
Sinead finished her painting, and still hasn't gained a skill point yet. She worked so hard on it, so it stays and goes on the wall where we can all enjoy it.
A family breakfast! I don't know why Tiff didn't join them. I will get a shot of all four of them at that table, dammit! :fisty:
Mattie plays music for Alicia to mix to.

Alicia: "La-di-da, gonna mix them up. La-di-da, going to get messed up..."

I know that the pattern on Mattie's guitar matches Tiff's skirt, and there is a good reason for that! Once Mattie has mastered guitar, I'm going to give it to Tiff, then buy Mattie a drum kit again. I can't wait to see them jamming together.

:hmm: I wonder if Alicia will want to learn piano points in this life too. Then some how get Sinead to be interested in bass, then we can have a whole band going on.... :fisty: I want that so much!!
Sinead: "I love you, Tiff!"
Tiff: "Love you too!"

:hearts: I love these sister moments between them. I see BFF status coming for them, when they are teens. How close they are, that wish is inevitable.
And they sit next to each other on the bus!

Sinead: "Will you miss me not being in your class?"
Tiff: "Of course! School is boring without you."
While at school, she started wishing to meet someone new, and to flirt. So, I sent her to the apartment of the only teen I knew of for sure.

Tiff: "Hi, Lawrence Lum, my name is Tiffany Snowe. I'm single, you're single. Let's flirt awkwardly, and date until we find someone else."
Lawrence: "Hi, Tiffany..." :blush:
Tiff: "If you want to go on a date sometime, I know this amazing bar where we can go. My mother works there, so I know we won't get kicked out."

They ended up sharing a really intense and passionate...
Game of rock paper scissors. :eyebrow:

Well, at least they are talking. This should go well. When they met, I thought I got a snap of them doing that heart attraction thing, but apparently not.
Alicia: "Hey Beau, I've done nothing but skilling lately, and thought I'd call for a chat. What are you up to lately?"

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 13 - 2/12/

Post by Nevermore »

Tiff got to work on cooking, making Mac 'n' Cheese. She jumped straight to 2 skill points, from all that play time with the little oven. I think she will be quite the chef, when she grows up.
Alicia got about 7 elixirs into her wish to make 10 of them. 3 Potent Friendship Elixirs, 1 Invigorating Elixir, 1 Skill Booster, 2 Potent Bliss Elixirs.

She also reached 8 points in Alchemy, so one skill wish down! :D :thup:
I knew her doing that opportunity to drink the The Prosper Room would have repercussions! Now, she is mixing up a tray of them. :duh:
And they turned out foul. Well, that's what you get for trying to make a drink you tasted a couple of times in a bar!

:hmm: Maybe that is why she can't get work in some of the better clubs, because most of her drinks come out foul...
Sinead: "Homework is hard!"
Alicia: "If you want to swing over the sky, you got to do it."
Alicia: Hold on, Honey Lips, I'm looking for imaginary customers..."

The kids left for school, and for some reason, Alicia decided to "manage the bar" in her own apartment. :eyebrow: Okay then...

Not much happened that day. It was pretty uneventful. Mostly skilling on Alicia and Mattie's part.
Sinead: "Is there any monsters..."

Sinead really seems to have a massive phobia of what is under her bed. She is always checking it. :hmm: Now she is checking other people's beds as well.

Sinead: *shudders* "How can they sleep in there?!"

:shifty: Um... well... they don't do much of that. :lol:
Tiff: "Woo! I get to hangout with my sister again! Woo!"
Sinead: "Yay! It's my birthday!"
Alicia: "Soon I'll get to go to nightclubs with my daughters, and party all night!"
:O She looks so pretty! And Sinead is not quite ready to ditch her child look yet. She totally pulls it off.

The girls have started to make their nursery their own, with posters on the wall. They're not quite ready to grow up yet, but are so mature! :roll:

:hmm: Now, why is Sinead wearing goggles?
She gained the Handy trait, and set to work fixing the eternally broken pluming. Good girl, Sinead! :D
Then continued her second childhood painting, to finally gain that first skill point in painting. :bounce:
:jawdrop: Alicia cleaning always surprises me.
Tiff: *yawn* "Why do I always have to do homework?!"
Sinead came over to not help Tiff at all, and pretty much distract her with conversation about music.
Then Alicia came over to not help Tiff. :hmm: It's genetic. She did get it finished though, eventually.
Sinead: "Where are we going again?"
Tiff: "To meet my future boyfriend Lawrence."
The girls are totally loving that they can head out in the city on their own now. Well, they could before, but I wouldn't allow it, because there are some serious creeps out there.

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 13 - 2/12/

Post by Nevermore »

This isn't an update, but hopefully it is just as good!

Ever wondered what happened to the Snowes of Moonlight Falls, after the sun set on Alicia's grave? Their story continues here, in Pursuit of Happiness, and in a flash forward in time and catch a glimpse in the future of Taya in Over The Rainbow.


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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 13 - 2/12/

Post by Mpart »

Just started one door 2! Wow, I can't believe all those celebrities were so rude to her. I love her new hair though!
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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 13 - 2/12/

Post by Mpart »

Woah! That Lenny is bad news! Alicia could use a friend. Gah. I'm not happy with Lenny. I miss Chester already.
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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 13 - 2/12/

Post by Mpart »

The kids are so cute! I love how Alicia's life is so different in this one compared to the first door. Not that the first door or any door was bad, just that it's interesting to see what paths Alicia takes.
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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 13 - 2/12/

Post by Livvielove »

Tiff/Sinead - 7 days (35 hours) for a total of $980 to Gunther's 4 hour $1000.
Math is my strong suite.

LOL haunting of the sparkle-sue babies! RUN EVERYONE!

Glad to hear the painting issue got resolved!
Tiff is gorgeous as a teen! I can't wait to see her all grown up!
Lol to Tiff and Lawrence - nothing says hot for you like a game of Rock Paper Scissors! XD

:rofl: poor Alicia and those foul drinks! It was an attempt - not necessarily a good one :roll:

Hahah, time to go meet the boyfriend! Enjoy your newfound freedom, girls!
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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 13 - 2/12/

Post by Nevermore »

I can't believe I missed this!
Mpart wrote:Just started one door 2! Wow, I can't believe all those celebrities were so rude to her. I love her new hair though!
Mpart wrote:Woah! That Lenny is bad news! Alicia could use a friend. Gah. I'm not happy with Lenny. I miss Chester already.
Mpart wrote:The kids are so cute! I love how Alicia's life is so different in this one compared to the first door. Not that the first door or any door was bad, just that it's interesting to see what paths Alicia takes.
Yeah, both doors are good and different in their own way. ^^
Livvielove wrote:
Tiff/Sinead - 7 days (35 hours) for a total of $980 to Gunther's 4 hour $1000.
Math is my strong suite.

LOL haunting of the sparkle-sue babies! RUN EVERYONE!

Glad to hear the painting issue got resolved!
Tiff is gorgeous as a teen! I can't wait to see her all grown up!
Lol to Tiff and Lawrence - nothing says hot for you like a game of Rock Paper Scissors! XD

:rofl: poor Alicia and those foul drinks! It was an attempt - not necessarily a good one :roll:

Hahah, time to go meet the boyfriend! Enjoy your newfound freedom, girls!
The girls are wonderful. And grow up beautiful too. :wink:

i'm glad someone solved that maths problem! :lol:

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 15 - 5/2/1

Post by Nevermore »

:O Is this a new update?
Technically, no... I thought I posted it, but turns out I put it in my Imgur, then totally forgot about it. :shifty:
And, no I haven't skipped an update, somewhere along the way, I got the update numbers mixed up. :duh:

Here it is! :bounce: First "new" update linked to my LiveJournal!

Update 15

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 15 - 5/2/1

Post by Mpart »

I'm all caught up! I had a few to catch up on so sorry for the lengthy response!

Door 2 - Update 10
I absolutely adore Tiff's hair! I love the purple and it is very fitting. Oh Alicia. She took her kids to a diving bar and bought them hobtwings. XD Well..I suppose there is worse things to do? It made me laugh to see Sinead take after her mama so much. Alicia practically grew up in a bar. LMAO. I love how much character she has.
Door 2 - Update 11
Alicia and Matilda's dresses are absolutely stunning! :))
Tiff and Sinead were absolutely adorable bridesmaids. I love, love how they had their wedding at the club. It felt fitting for both them and door 2.
Door 2 - Updated 12
Paying an alcoholic to have a drink? That sounds like a GREAT idea, game! Lmao not that it is, it just made me laugh.
Awwww. Poor Sinead. She saw a twilight child.
Tiff and Alicia making breakfast together was so cute! Tiff's pickup line made me laugh so hard. It was perfect.
Door 2 - Updated 13
Sinead is so pretty! I love how the girls are so close to each other.
I can't wait until Tiff ends up with Lawrence. She seems so set on being with him and I love it.
Door 2 - Updated 15
Lawrence why are you avoiding Tiffany?? She's a gorgeous sim! Alicia "give me a free drink." LMAO. Oh Alicia.
Well technically the girls DID go to the library...
Holy crap Mattie wow! Alicia would die if she saw that side of you!
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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Complete - 2/7/18

Post by Nevermore »

I can't believe I missed this for so long! So sorry! Thanks as always for reading, Mpart! . ^^


Here's the thing. I no longer have Supernatural installed, but technically I kinda finished it. I can't play the saves any more, and I don't have any pictures for what happened, but here is a summary of what happened. I know that isn't as great as proper updates, I'm really sorry for that.

Door 2;
I had to close the door prematurely. The fate of Tiff and Sinead is explored in Pursuit of Happiness. I would rather keep the canon in that intact. As that goes, Alicia, Mattie, Tiff and Sinead continued on as they did. Happy lives. While Tiff was working a shift in Waylon's Haunt for Alicia, she met Nigel, woohooed with him on their first date and gave birth to Shane. Alicia was addicted to jelly beans and died shortly after. Matilda also died not long after Alicia.

Along with these reasons, I was finding it hard to play that save. Depending on their wishes was getting in the way of how I wanted their lives to go, and felt like I was going through the motions with it. Had I continued to play, she probably would have died poor anyways.
Door 3;
On her first day landing in Sunset Valley, Alicia did very little. Going out to community lots, dumpster diving, going to the elixir store. She singled out the jelly bean bush, ate a couple. Wished for a jelly bean bush of her own. Then ate them a lot. Practically every wish she rolled was to eat them. She worked at the spa as a part time job. Only attended one day of work. Was extremely poor. Met Gobias Koffi, almost befriended him. After waking up, I set her to do her morning routine clicking on negative moodlets to have her care for herself. She headed over to the jelly bean bush, and unfortunately ate the deadly one and died barely a week into starting.

Do what you love and the happiness follows.
The reasons you want to stay can blind you to the realisation you don't love it anymore.

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