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Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: January 9th, 2015, 6:08 pm
by Simsimity
Radiochocolate wrote: Or, more often: When you come up with challenge stories/themes/ideas and want to play/write them all while still in the middle of another challenge...
OMG this so much...I have challenge ADHD, and almost always have like 7 going on at a time...and ironically, have yet to finish one due to computer malfunctions or what have you.

Also, I have totally dreamed that I was a sim - in a LUCID dream....and yes, I kept checking the color of my plumbob. :lol:

When you have to stop yourself from calling someone by their well-known sim doppelganger I know a guy who looks just like Goopy in real life...but that's not his name! :pan:

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: January 17th, 2015, 12:10 am
by MichelleCYoung
Oh, my gosh! Challenge ADD!

I'm only going to actually POST my Badass Alphabetocalypse until I finish it, or my computer explodes. However, I now have a whopping 10 neighborhoods, all with different challenges! Some of them I won't finish, of course, but...

Right now, I'm playing "Murder is Sweet" with my founder, H.P. Lovecraft, who is gearing up to join the secret society, so he can swipe the bone phone and cow plant, and then kill all his dormies as soon as he graduates. Hahahahahaahaaaaaa! I'm so blood-thirsty. I even put clip-art of dripping blood on my presentation background for that one. FUN!

And have you ever been asked to describe someone you know to another person, and said, "Hmmmm, kind of face 1, but with Komei's nose, and Benjamin Long's hair."

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: January 17th, 2015, 12:14 am
by MichelleCYoung
Chase wrote:
Sam wrote:
When you recognize a song on the radio as one you've heard many times before, and then realize you've never heard it in English before.
When you actually prefer to listen to some songs in simlish

(like Katy Perry's Hot & Cold)
Oh, yeah! And "Don't Ya Wish Your Girlfriend Bo Cheep Bo Cheep!" or whatever it is in English.

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: January 17th, 2015, 12:16 am
by MichelleCYoung
Radiochocolate wrote:When you play sims for hours at end, then open up Internet and subconsciously try to move the camera around. "Why won't it zoom in- Oh, right."
When you read Sims legacy stories, and try to move the camera around, so you can get a better angle to see the person standing juuuuust behind the character getting the face time, because he's your favorite. "Why won't it... Oh, flergle!"

Also, when "flergle" becomes your swear-word of choice.

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: January 17th, 2015, 12:17 am
by MichelleCYoung
Keika wrote:When you sit down at the computer when you intend to sim, and decide which sims game to play by deciding if you want to "do something productive" or "play for fun."

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: January 28th, 2015, 2:52 pm
by Simsimity
You read a name and instead of the name think of the name of a favorite legacy/family. This just happened to me, I read Alana Massey and it got transformed in my head to Almassy...yeah.

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: March 12th, 2015, 6:09 pm
by Scribal_Goddess
When you occasionally have to squash snicker at introductions to new people, because you're thinking of a sim from someone's legacy.

When the only way to get through clothes shopping is to remind yourself that you'd like all these items for your sims...

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: March 12th, 2015, 6:29 pm
by Sam
Scribal_Goddess wrote:When you occasionally have to squash snicker at introductions to new people, because you're thinking of a sim from someone's legacy.
There's an estate agent in my town called "Gage" which is ordinary enough, but I will always associate it with Gage Uglacy!

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: March 13th, 2015, 8:05 am
by littlenettleheart
When you delete your downloads folder at least once a month and go on a download spree, taking up most of your week. xx

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: April 12th, 2015, 3:57 am
by Radiochocolate
When you say "nooboo" instead of baby.

When you've been up simming for almost 24 hours straight but can't tear yourself away from the computer...

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: April 14th, 2015, 1:46 pm
by MichelleCYoung
Waitwait! You mean "nooboo" is Simlish, and not something that people say in real life, that the game creators added to the game for increased verisimilitude? Because I could swear I hear people using it in real life, and have, for at least a decade.


Define real life, please?

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: May 13th, 2015, 12:26 pm
by Chase
You know you're addicted to Sims and Boolprop when: this is a real conversation that happens...

I was out with my friends at a trivia game night thing (lol) and we were talking about responsibilities...

And I was like "well English isn't even my biggest concern, I've been neglecting my internet obligations for months now-"
And all of my friends there, almost in perfect unison said, "YOU MEAN THE SIMS?"


Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: May 14th, 2015, 11:20 pm
by modelmgt
Don't know if any of this has been mentioned yet (and I don't recall posting this myself) but:

:check: When you spend all day at work just waiting for time to go home and be with your sims. :shifty:

:check: When you actually develop a fondness for names, especially odd ones, and realize it's because you're always needing/wanting names for your sims.
Bonus points if you actually get this seemingly golden "ah-ha" moment when you find that special one that you KNOW you'll use ASAP. :angel1: :whome:

:check: When you drag people at work into a game of who can come up with the worst names. And insist on playing even when everyone has grown tired of this "game" a.k.a. plot to find new names. :shhh:

:check: When you're constantly on the lookout for a fun new naming-theme for another gen. of legacy kids, even compiled several lists of various themes, and haven't gotten out of the first generation yet. :lol:

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: May 15th, 2015, 7:58 am
by Radiochocolate
When the homework just keeps piling up...

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: May 18th, 2015, 7:59 am
by Chickie
When you have sim nightmares.

I had a dream the other night that my sim was in a small room with only one exit and a fire happened. She couldn't get out and she died! I was devastated! :no:

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: May 18th, 2015, 1:11 pm
by Scribal_Goddess
You seriously consider building yourself a plumbbob so you can go to ACEN as a sim.

(You also procrastinate packing and stuff so you end up not having the time to make anything anyway...)

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: May 18th, 2015, 2:10 pm
by Radiochocolate
When you spend your lessons at school browsing CC ;_;

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: June 4th, 2015, 6:01 pm
by Avery
When you start playing in the morning after a little while you think "I'll take a break" and it's been 13 hours.

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: June 5th, 2015, 6:28 am
by Chickie
Avery wrote:When you start playing in the morning after a little while you think "I'll take a break" and it's been 13 hours.
OMG YES. :bounce:

Re: You know you're addicted when...?

Posted: June 12th, 2015, 12:20 pm
by Mauricette
You make sim versions of your friends, family and their pets.

When you intend to buy a xylophone, shape box and talking crank toy for your baby.