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Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 16th, 2018, 4:23 pm
by simfulicious
Hey, I'm thinking of stuff before I even start...

So under vampires...
The first task should be that the vampire has to have at least 3 rewards per tier level (unless they conflict...will have to check this). I'm also thinking that the second task should be: -Each vampire must complete a vampire aspiration, and all three vampire aspirations need to be done by end of challenge (choose one to do twice).

A general rule regarding vampires is that they must be turned in game (like the founder or spouse), however, if one of their offspring is born a vampire, then they can do the tasks. Does this make sense?

And then I realized we forgot a Super mini-Challenge:

Tricks of The Trade
Max all the skills in the game at least once, across all the sims in your household over the generations.

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 16th, 2018, 4:24 pm
by simfulicious
sorry for the double post...we were both here at the same

I feel that all of the EP bonuses should count the founder generation. So your founder or spouse would need to run around to all the food trucks. I do also see, however, that depending on the bonuses one takes, that the founder generation may be extremely difficult. Maybe we should say the subsequent generations, but give an extra 3 points if the founder generation can also complete the three tasks?

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 16th, 2018, 4:43 pm
by Teresa
Yeah, I think giving the 3 extra points for the founder would be good on some of them. With the subsequent generations, it doesn't have to be the heir that completes the tasks (spares can help right?), but with the founder, it all falls on them, especially in the case of choosing the Matriarch mini, since she can't move in a spouse to share the load. (I am feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment thinking of everything Xia has to do herself lol)

How does this look?
Vampires (9 points total)
-One sim per generation must be turned into a vampire (vampires must be turned in game or born to a previous heir, they cannot be made in CAS). The vampire has to have at least 3 rewards per tier level (unless they conflict). (3 Points)
-Each vampire must complete a vampire aspiration, and all three vampire aspirations need to be done by end of challenge (choose one to do twice). (3 Points)
-Vampire sim must turn 5 sims outside the family. (3 Points)

I will add the Super Mini challenge when I make the rest of the changes.

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 16th, 2018, 4:56 pm
by simfulicious
I forgot all about the matriarchy bonus...ouch! Yeah, I change my mind...make the bonuses start with the kids unless it states otherwise (like Jungle Adventure, for example) and then we will add a founder bonus.

The vampire section looks good how you fixed it. I'm making my founder right now, and she rolled Good guess we know one of the packs I am doing!

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 16th, 2018, 6:06 pm
by Teresa
LOL - that is one way to choose a bonus to test :)

I made some edits. Read through when you can and make sure I didn't confuse anything.

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 16th, 2018, 6:27 pm
by simfulicious
Sounds good...I do know that I have the name of the vacation location wrong...I'm in there right now spouse hunting, so I will let you know what the proper spelling is...


Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 16th, 2018, 6:37 pm
by Teresa
simfulicious wrote:Sounds good...I do know that I have the name of the vacation location wrong...I'm in there right now spouse hunting, so I will let you know what the proper spelling is...

And it's Selvadorado...just a little bit misspelled.
Haha, I didn't even notice that. I fixed the spelling. I am out for the night. We are watching Buffy - it is how I spend the evening with the hubby :drinks:

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 20th, 2018, 10:53 am
by Teresa
Clarification for the collections task - do they just need to complete it, or do they need to have it physically on the lot?

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 20th, 2018, 2:42 pm
by Mojo
I think having it on the lot makes things interesting

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 20th, 2018, 4:02 pm
by Teresa
That is how I am playing right now, but wanted to get a consensus.

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 20th, 2018, 9:16 pm
by simfulicious
I agree on the collections

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 21st, 2018, 10:43 am
by jcampbell
So happy this is being updated :thup:

I am going to start it and see how it goes but I have a few of questions.
  1. Can you play this on any lifespan you want?
  2. I have a mod that automatically assigns a trait upon aging up. Is that allowed?
  3. For each expansion, if you have it, are you meant to do each thing listed throughout the challenge or do you pick which ones you want to do?

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 21st, 2018, 11:15 am
by Teresa
I would say either normal or long lifespan would be okay. Short is definitely excluded. We need to discuss this.

Randomizing traits is the spirit of the challenge so that mod seems like it would be in the spirit, so I would say yes.

And you pick up to three of the expansions and then do all three tasks for each of the expansions you choose.

Simfulicious, does this sound right? I am on the beach, so if I seem off base, let me know. [emoji16]

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Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 21st, 2018, 11:29 am
by simfulicious
Sounds perfect! So jealous of your beach time! Have fun!

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 21st, 2018, 11:57 am
by jcampbell
Okay sounds good.

Thanks and have fun at the beach!

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 21st, 2018, 8:15 pm
by Mojo
@jcampbell what mod is that!? I need that because my current system is frustrating lol

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 21st, 2018, 8:42 pm
by jcampbell
Hey Mojo.

It's by Graycurse on Mod the Sims. It really is great! I haven't had any problems with it so far. :thup:

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 21st, 2018, 9:13 pm
by Teresa
I think I may try it also. I hate having to roll for them.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 21st, 2018, 9:17 pm
by jcampbell
@Teresa that is a big part of the reason I looked for one. That and the fact that I always pick the same ones over and over.

Now I feel like my sims are who they are meant to be instead of me basically picking their personality.

Re: The "Officially"Wacky Boolprop Challenge TS4

Posted: July 21st, 2018, 10:51 pm
by Mojo
That's awesome! I can't wait to use it!