Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

Our 2021 Writing Prompt Challenges
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

Post by Seera »

January 20

Dialogue Prompt - "I've missed this."
"I've missed this," Eva said.

"Huh?" Miranda said, having zoned out for a minute as the pair had been quiet for some time.

"This. Us hanging out, even if nothing is said between us."

"Oh yes. I've also missed it. I'm glad that most of the family accepted your reason for disappearing like you did well. The ones that didn't will get over it. Deep down, they know why you had to do what you did."

"Yea, I had been most worried about Caiden. Turns out he was just fine with it and it was Sean that was angry with it."

"I could have told you that would have happened before things happened. Sean was always the one that was angry when he was kept out of the loop. Hated surprises. Caiden's just as perceptive as his father is. He was bound to have picked up the subtle clues over the years that maybe something was up and he had come to terms with him being out of the loop for it."
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 21

Dialogue Prompt - "I don't believe you."
"I don't believe you. I don't even think you ever truly loved me. You just wanted the life style I could bring you. Our goals in life don't even seem to line up." John stated.

"That's not true!" Juliette countered, "Our goals do line up."

John didn't miss that she didn't vocally counter the statement about her never having loved him. "So why did it seem like it took a miracle to get you to even agree to each kid that we've had together? You always seemed to have some 'perfect excuse' as to why you shouldn't get pregnant then. And it took me months of begging you to change your mind. And you only seem to do the bare minimum as it pertains to raising them. And even then it's because Jolinar keeps denying your babysitting request. Don't think she doesn't tell me about your daily requests for her to babysit."
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 22

Random Prompt - Broken Promises
Max was furious. Mindy had promised to be at Albus' recital.

Yet, they were at the part where everyone comes out and bows thanking people for coming and Mindy had not shown up. Not even a call or even a text saying she was going to have to miss it or that she would be late.

The thing that infuriated Max though, wasn't that she wasn't here. It was that this was normal for Mindy. Normal for her to promise her kids that she would definitely be there only for her to no show without even a word. Leaving Obi to come up with some excuse so that maybe that wouldn't hate their mother as much as if they knew the truth. At least not while they were still as young as they were. Max hoped Obi wouldn't leave them completely in the dark as to who Mindy truly is as they got older and able to understand things better.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 23

Dialogue Prompt - "How do you destroy a monster without becoming one."
"How do you destroy a monster without becoming one?" Kreia asked Wolfgang one afternoon.

Wolfgang blinked. He hadn't expected that question from his aunt. "What do you mean?"

"We're going after Darius. Who for all intents and purposes is a monster. How do we take him down without becoming a monster ourselves? You've seen my alter ego. How do I keep my alter ego from taking over my actual personality? From becoming who I really am. How do I not lose myself?"

"I think you're doing a good job with that with however you've been attempting it. I think having connections you care about who are connected only to Kreia and not to Revan helps. That will leave if you fall too deep into Revan to come out of it." Wolfgang gave his aunt a stare, "You're confidence in yourself is also a part of that. So don't question your ability to keep Kreia and Revan separate."
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 24

Dialogue Prompt - "I'm afraid to die"
Isaiah couldn't help but notice the fear radiating off of Terena when they arrived at their post in Moonlight Falls. They were expecting this to be the final major battle of the war. It was natural to be a little apprehensive, but Isaiah felt this was a little too intense. "What's the matter?" he asked calmly.

"Nothing," Terena stated.

"You do realize I can sense emotions, right?" Isaiah put his hands on his hips, "I can sense your fear. What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid to die."

Isaiah frowned. It was a fear he felt they all held to some degree so he couldn't just outright dismiss it, but he needed to calm Terena down if she was going to make it through. Or at least increase her chances of making it through. "Why the increase in this fear now versus in earlier assignments?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that I know you and James have an attachment to this town, though James' connection isn't as direct as yours. Maybe it's that the stakes for this battle are greater."

"We'll win and everyone one of us will be fine in the end." Isaiah said, confident in his team's ability to not get themselves killed.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 25

Dialogue Prompt - "Are we still best friends."
"Are we still best friends?!" Lucian Dracule repeated what Darius Myst had said. "Did you really just ask me that?"

Darius blinked. "Yes. Are we?"

Lucian took a deep breath. "You murdered those werewolves in cold blood. It was all I could do to keep the werewolves from declaring open war on all vampires. You've known for years that it is my dream to have a palce for all occults to live and not face discrimination or violence from others just because of their occult status. Yet, you knew your actions would put that into grave jeopardy. All for a quick buck. All to keep them away from your cash cow. A cash cow you are not supposed to mess with either. You're not supposed to rob banks or museum transports. Don't think I didn't find out the root cause of that little murder spree you went on. So to answer your question, no. We are no longer best friends. I'd even stoop to saying no longer even friends."
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

Post by Seera »

January 26

Dialogue prompt - "Don't ever forget me."
"Don't ever forget me."

Those words would stick with Wolfgang for the rest of his life. They were the words that Zachariah Smith said before he died from injuries. Injuries sustained to save Wolfgang's life. Because Wolfgang was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

He supposed it painted Zachariah's actions in his later life with some clarity. He'd gotten a little bit more adamant about plans being attributed to him rather than co-opted by eager underlings trying to rise through the ranks. He was afraid of being forgotten in a world dominated by those much younger than himself. There weren't many elderly crime lords for a good reason - most were too old to get well after injuries and were quickly finished off by rivals.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 27

Random Prompt - The test results
Thomas read over the test results again. "Decreased fertility due to rare genetic vampire disorder." was what the test results summarized to. He had discussed the implications of that genetic vampire disorder and there was a higher chance of insanity cropping up with the disorder. It was a disorder that usually led to the deaths of the vampires before the fertility could be found out due to the insanity and the lack of fangs for actually feeding on live Sims. He guessed his father had the disorder given his insanity. Though there were no other members of the family that had it so he wasn't sure exactly where it had come from. Though, with just the increased chance of insanity, it's possible all the up through Zachary had it. Brice had been human at birth so he wouldn't have likely had the mutation.

But that was enough wondering over the family history of the disorder. The question was whether or not he was going to take a vampire cure or would they try a fertility treatment first.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 28

Word Prompt - Water
Mission played with the cup of water on the table. She was nervous. Dustil had tracked down his biological father and things looked like he was happily married. She wasn't sure what Dillon had told his wife so she didn't want to just show up at his house and possibly ruin a marriage over something that had happened when they were young. Especially since she had basically forced it. Why mention an old flame you got pregnant if said old flame was going to deny you access and not try for any kind of child support.

So she had done some digging and found his phone number. She sent a text asking to reconnect and that led to a phone call and they had quickly agreed that it was best to do this in person. They had agreed upon a restaurant and a day and time and now Mission was here waiting for him to show up, hoping he didn't get cold feet.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 29

Word Prompt - Voice
Elliott had been taught to be careful regarding what he did when a voice told him to do something. But grief can throw a lot of that out of the window. He previously didn't think that that was possible. But his grandfather Ian had dragged him to his house in Moonlight Falls because he had been called there after he had pushed his twin sister down for no good reason. And that scared Elliott. He didn't remember doing that. He was having a hard time remember a lot of what had happened over the last few months since Charlotte had passed.

"You need a better way to cope with your grief," Ian stated, bringing Elliott out of his reverie.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 30

Word Prompt - Bitterness
"I had expected some bitterness." Dillon Thomas said.

"Maybe back then when it was fresh," Mission started, "But not anymore. We were young. You weren't ready to be a father and I didn't want to deal with the drama. But Dustil's older now and has had made the discovery that my husband isn't his dad. He also reached out to Obi to help him find his biological father. He stopped short of meeting you when he was told that you were happily married."

"So he passed on my information to you?"

"No. He hadn't gotten that far. I had to have Obi look up that information for me."
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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January 31

Dialogue Prompt - "I screwed up"
"I screwed up. I know it now. I missed out on so much of my eldest child's life." Dillon lamented.

"Does your wife know about this screw up?" Mission asked.

"Yea. I came clean to her about it the moment I knew we were serious. I couldn't be sure if our child would attempt to find me. Or if something major happened like cancer or heaven forbid he died in an accident or something and you reached out to let me know. And that's not how I would want that information to come out. I remember what you had said about what happened with your parents after something like this had gotten out in the open what that had done to their marriage."

"Do you want to meet Dustil?"

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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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February 1

Word Prompt - Nose
Isaiah punched Elliott in the nose.

"What was that for?" Elliott yelled.

"Oh, I don't know. Being out late all hours leaving the care of your children to me and Caroline. When we're dealing with our set of responsibilities. You've done it every night since Christina's passing. It's not fair and it's going to stop."


"Don't make me drag your grandfather into this. I've heard word that you've been kicked out of a few bars and it wouldn't surprise me if you started getting banned shortly. This isn't healthy, Elliott."
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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February 2

Word Prompt - Phone
Max couldn't wait until the war was over. Every phone call that happened when Leia was home would cause a minor panic attack. Max kept having to remind Leia that they wouldn't call for that notification, but show up at their door.

Not that Max didn't get worried when the phone rang. Just because the military wouldn't break the news via phone, doesn't mean that the news wouldn't reach them first by phone due to word of mouth. Max had heard that one of Alistair's kids was in the same unit as James. If that kid talked to his father, a call wouldn't be out of the question from Alistair.

At least if the fellow soldiers weren't given orders to keep their mouths shut until they knew the next of kin had been informed by them.

But Leia didn't need to know that Max had the same worry she did. That would only make it more likely to turn a minor panic attack into major ones.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

Post by Seera »

February 3

Word Prompt - Workaholic
There were times that Wolfgang regretted his workaholic tendencies. They usually cropped around the holidays and birthdays.

Sometimes he was too busy with work to go.

Other times he wasn't invited out of an expectation of the former.

The latter was usually his kids' birthdays. Especially when they were younger. Kelsey didn't want to get their kids' hopes up only for him to not show up. When young kids quickly go from a parent not wanting to come to things like birthdays to the parent not loving them. So maybe if they never expected Wolfgang to show up, they wouldn't have to fight off that problem. That Wolfgang showing up would be a present in and of itself. Though Wolfgang always got a material gift of some fashion.
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Re: Seera's 2021 Writing Prompt Challenge

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February 4
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