Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge Apr 28, 19

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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by Bouncer »

Ah the Queen has so much power.... Love the wedding though, and how they are trying to make funds out of thin air. Pretty productive week for the Queen, just wonder what they'll be up to in the future...

How did you get the wedding party to be set up?? Really cool idea but have no idea how you did it.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Nepotism? I thought it was "Me-ism." My simself is really selfish, you know. Not like me, AT ALL. Nope. Not even a little bit.

OK, maybe I'm a little bit selfish. Just a tad. Probably a good thing for certain people that I don't have simself powers, huh?

Basically, Youngdale is my opportunity to play and explore all the various areas in the game that I've never really delved into before. The Queen is the one who gets to cheat, and I'm learning all about cheating, in order to play her, and it's a load of fun, but believe me, no one else gets to do any of that stuff. The only cheat I'm not doing (yet) for the Queen is to give her more money. I gave her plenty to build with, and get set up, but then went and set her down to $100,000 and the rest, she and her household have to earn. However, with Monique's computers, they can earn money and skill/talent points by "working at home." I LOVE Monique's computer, and haven't really used it for anything except the banking before, but now I'm going hog-wild!

But now I have to wait for the Queen's rotation to come around again. LOL
Again? Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that! Yeah, I'd be upset, too. I hope it doesn't stop you from posting your stories, though. Short challenges for the unstable computer?


Anyway, after slide 89, I guess the only thing you missed, really, was them going back to the Royal Court, and putting up the Journalism and Adventure awards all over, along with some snapdragons, because those things are awesome, and it keeps people there a long time, so they can get customer stars and make friends and such. Meanwhile, the Queen and King are working on articles on Monique's computer to make money and off-set the price of hiring Vesuvius White as the tax-collector. He's so evil. He takes the Queen's money, and all he does is hang out and play games with the customers, or play on the Tiki Pinball machine. Then they went home and planned to have another baby next week. I think that's pretty much it.
Thanks! Yeah, doing the wedding was fun, after all the building was finished. How I did it? CHEATING GALORE!

First, got the teleportation urn from Paladin's Place, and teleported in my playable sims, and some select NPCs that I wanted my sims to meet. Then, I turned on testingcheatsenabled, and made EVERYONE selectable, in order to position them. I kept them that way until after the ceremony, and then I turned them unselectable again, and watched the fun. I had to leave the testing cheats on in able to force an error on that darned toasting set. MY GOSH! They toasted for hours and were still going strong. I had no idea it would queue-stomp like that.

Although no one else may, I must say that the Queen is having a good time with that "make selectable" option. Best way, ever, to learn local gestures and dances!
Thanks, all, for reading!

I'm afraid it's going to be a little while until my next update, because I have developed carpal tunnel syndrome, and have to cut back on my computer use, and typing, in particular. I had to take off my braces to write this reply, but I have to put them back on now, because it hurts. I'll slow down, but don't worry. I'm not stopping, entirely. Sims is too much fun!
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by Bouncer »

Ahh sorry to hear that Michelle! Take care of yourself! Hopefully you will find a way to work around it, or at least with it. Take care!
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by Rflong7 »

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope it doesn't flare up too much and you can keep up on your Simming Challenge fun. :(
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Well, my carpal tunnel syndrome is better, if I sleep with my braces on, and now my main problem is that December was consumed by Runescape, and then my Mac turned into a lamp. Yeah, it would get stuck on the boot-up screen, which is a nice, bright white, and every 20 minutes, or so, I'd turn it on again, and just enjoy the soft glow, which was nice for my coloring hobby (which is probably why I got carpal tunnel, in the first place), but I was without a lot of computer access for a long time, until my nephew could fix it. I've had to re-install EVERYTHING on my Mac, from scratch, and I'm still trying to track down copies of my writing projects.

Fortunately, this challenge is on my laptop, and my nephew promises to help me figure out how to back up my entire hard drive, on a regular basis, with the cloud, so that WHEN this happens again (or to my laptop for the first time), it will all be there, available for recovery.

I am so upset that I lost every bit of my writing notes for several projects, on my Mac, and the only copies I have are text versions (complete with wonky characters, instead of quotation marks), for four of my novels, and early drafts, at that. Yikes! So, I'm going to be a manic backer-upper on the cloud, once I get that enabled. He's researching my best option right now.

Anyway, I now have some leisure and physical ability to get back into simming on my laptop. I hate auto-correct. It keeps wanting to type swimming. Anyway, there should be an update here, shortly. I'm really hoping that the characters continue to be interesting, and that they provide me with some drama, so that I don't have to get all authorish and start creating villains, just to liven things up. Although, I just watched Animal House, and now I'm looking forward to the college years, and wondering which townie student will stand in for Niedermier. But that will be at least one generation down the road. I'd better get to playing!

Thanks, all!

Oh, my goodness! :duh: :alert: :jawdrop:

I was getting ready to play, by re-reading all my stuff I had before, so I'd be clear on who's who and what's what. I went back and re-read my rules, that I made up myself for this challenge, and can you believe, I already broke them? I goofed up on the very first peasant family, in the rotation.

Well, looks like Queen Michelle Simself is going to have to start HER weekly rotation by issuing some punishment. :bullwhip: LOL. Well, I did want to add some drama, but I swear, this was completely unplanned! And I only just now noticed it. I've actually played through the Hunter and Meanderer rotations, and am partway through Rauta, but I'm not ready to post, yet, because of networking issues. So I'll probably post a bunch, at once, when it happens. But, yeah. Already goofed, and I'm debating what the punishment shall be.

Any suggestions? I'm open to having my peasants have to perform a short-term/one-lot challenge. Not a trailer-park challenge, because 1) I'm already doing one, and 2) he's already married. But something that will last no more than one generation, with an established couple, that is appropriate for peasant life? Sure! I'll even move them to a new lot, if necessary. So, please, give me suggestions, and I'll see what I'd like to do. My peasants actually broke the law, right at the beginning, and they got away with it all week! This cannot go unanswered (now that I remember the rule. LOL). Also, I'm willing to use CC, now, if necessary for such a challenge, as long as it doesn't affect any other lots.

I'm considering putting the family in a "time warp," where they are reduced to living medieval-style lives (that would require some CC downloads, for sure), or keeping it modern, but putting value limits on all their property (like the quality restrictions in an apocalypse). Or maybe making them quit their jobs. Joshua is in his LTW career, so that would hurt him. Or, since winter's starting, perhaps a mini-pocalypse, if you can think of a way to tweak it for a peasant family, and only for one generation.

Anyway, all suggestions are welcome, and I'll decide what I like when I play my Queen again.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by Radiochocolate »

Oh my, Mac problems does not sound fun. Good thing your hand is getting better now! And that you didn't lose your game!

I can't really think of that many 1-generation challenges with married couples that would fit, especially since I'm not sure of the punishment degree. Still, I'm going to suggest the Messie Messlot challenge, or just use the lot and have them unable to renovate until a certain goal is met (LTW, top career, pay x simoleons in fine to the queen)?
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Messy Messlot challenge sounds fun. Of course, he's already married, by now, and fairly well off, so that changes things, already. I could strip him of his money, of course, but dang, I want the taxes! LOL! And I won't strip him of his wife. I like her too much. She's just perfect for him.

However, if I find an appropriate messy lot (3x3), I could move the couple in, confiscate all his current money (except the starting $20,000), AS taxes! Oh, yeah! And then he has to earn his way up and pay more taxes at the end of the week. But with him being well on his way in his career, as well... Not really as challenging as it sounds, I'm afraid.

Still, roaches all over... Hehehehe. But then again, if he has a business, selling things he's made or dug up or caught, then he could infect all his customers with the flu! I don't like that idea. The flu should be contained to the one family being punished. Darn. I could ban him from opening a business until they're all better, I suppose.

But then again, pregnancy and flu combined are dangerous, and did I mention I really like his wife?

Of course, if she were to move out to another family, taking work as a live-in servant, she could carry on the family line there, if necessary, leaving Joshua to struggle with the roaches and mess alone. HEY! That's a fun option. He can't even visit her at her workplace, unless it's that family's round. But they could meet at his place or at a community lot.

Well, I'll certainly consider it. I have time before the Queen's round comes around again, after all. There's time to tweak. In fact, if I get more suggestions, I may take a little bit of this and a little bit of that, and come up with some personalized combo challenge for them.

It will make more sense once I get it posted. I'd better get to work on that right away!

Actually, last night I did think of another option for their punishment: Box living. I could make them tear down most of their home, and rebuild in the old apocalyptic tower-house style. They can keep their stuff and their garden, as long as it fits within the footprint I allot to them. And all the stuff on their yard that is outside that box will just have to go into someone's inventory until the punishment is over - probably when the heir takes over.

Maybe - A MESSLOT BOX! Heheheh. Start with a messified lot, rearrange it into a box, and make him and his wife move in, and keep within the confines of the box, until their heir takes over. They have the "fun" of cleaning up the mess and upgrading, but still the advantages of being married and advanced in their careers. And, of course, starting over with only the $20,000 starting funds. Yeah, that could work.

And if they move into a new lot, for the pre-arranged mess, then their old lot would be available for any future spare to buy, which is always nice to have a pre-arranged house, ready to go. Yeah, this is sounding more and more appealing to me, punishment-wise. I do love a challenge!

Speaking of challenges - have you ever tried the Orphanage Challenge? You start with a married couple, and make them adopt a whole bunch of children (6 teens, 6 children, 3 toddlers, 3 babies - but I think I would use Tombstone of Life and Death to spawn quick pregnancies for Joshua and his wife, so they birth the babies, instead of adopting them, because of genetics), and basically have to raise all 18 kids to adulthood (or send them to college, if able), in order to win the challenge. The original rules state that you start with a 2x3 lot, and $30,000, but my peasants all get 3x3, so I might get them started with whatever money is required to get the lot, and keep $27,100 left for the actual building (everything else becomes a fine - put toward the Youngdale College Fund). The rules also prevent them from having a home-run business, so that's out until all the kids are grown and the challenge ends.

Yeah, there are a lot of options for the punishment, for sure.

Hmmm, I wonder if there is a good 3x3 messy lot that would do for a tower-house orphanage? LOL!

Edited to add: I can't seem to find a 3x3 messy lot, but I suppose I could create my own, having a messy sim live on a 3x3 lot for a while, then upload that lot. Of course, if they just move out, then the old furniture goes away. And if they die, you have glitchy tombstones. But if I have a college student live there, trash it, and then graduate, they leave their used furniture and messes behind.

OH! ANIMAL HOUSE! I could play some horrible college fratsters who destroy the place, and then all get expelled. FUN! Actually, that could be a nice little "Interlude" to play and post, even if it is played in a whole different neighborhood. My simself gets around, after all.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Bump! Joshua Hunter's first week is posted here!

Oh, boy!
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by mysterymusic7 »

Joshua really? What ever will I do with you.
I love the idea of Joshua running a fishing business, it really fits. Felt like he was back in Chudda there for a while there. But it's against the rules Joshie you're a peasant. You can't go and create anarachy in another person't world.
I guess that's why he forgot though, it really does fit. Poor lad. Try not to be too angry with Joshua....Just think about happier
His wife is PERFECT! They're so cute together. And his LTW? I love when thing works out like that. :#1:
Loved his update...and look we're RK update buddies again. :highfive:
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Yaaay, RK update buddies! :highfive: :drinks: :party2:
I LOVE it when my sims just do the right thing to fit their characters.
And bumping, for Groop's first chapter: HERE
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by Keika »

So basically, here's my thought process going in here:
"Oh hey, Youngdale's got an update. Hmm, it's been long enough that I think I'll start from the beginning again and reread. It's a fun enough read, as I remember. Hey wait a minute, this doesn't look familiar! I didn't read anything after the bachelor challenge!? What have I been doing with my life!?"

So yeah, consider this my apology for being grievously late. Sorry.

Well, then. Groop has my heart. He's awesome. I think he would've made a great king consort, although I'm glad Clovis won. ^^ Although he's going to need to reevaluate his business plan if it takes more to produce his signature product than he can sell it for!

I love the pictures of your sims walking to the royal court, with the matching fences between lots. Makes the queendom feel like one solid, cohesive space, which tends to be lacking in TS2 neighborhoods because of how restrictive the lots are. But yeah, you got past that, and it looks awesome! ^^

Speaking of the royal court, I love how you've presented that. Queen Michelle is doing a fantastic job having her court serve as the center of the kingdom, while also effectively asserting herself as queen.

Also? I'm going to have to steal your flag idea. And thanks for making Vis so happy. ^^

Okay, that's it for now. Fantastic job, and I'm looking forward to the first merchant update! :D

By the way, might I beg a favor of the queen? Could you update the "updated" date on your thread name? Makes it easier for us lowly peasants to figure out when there's new reading material to be had. :)
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Nov. 2

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Whoops! Thanks, Keika! I forgot to update the date, and will do that right away!
No problem being late. Thanks for reading and commenting! I really appreciate that you like the architecture. I dowloaded a bunch of LACK recolors, and will probably focus all my decor on that, because I love it, and it all goes together so well.

I have a lot of fun with that Royal Court, and really, the Queen ought to have some place to do all that court-type of business. It doesn't make her money. She has to really work for money, making things and selling them, or writing articles on the computer. But for story purposes, it's great! And it's a fantastic place for sims just starting out to visit.

So, do you have any ideas on how I should punish Joshua? I have a few, but I'm open to suggestions.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Jan 18

Post by mysterymusic7 »

Two updates sweet!
OMG Michelle you are too funny with this challenge.
Groop's off to a good start...and hey the fact that his arch rival is in for some good old fashioned punishment will please him. I'm sure he'll rub that in next rotation until he dies.
I think the whole he's a warrior and Joshua's a nature lover is probably what put them off each other...maybe? IDK.
Looks like his wife's suited for him...guess the Groop's are in for lots and lots of kidlets.
Of course if Josh ended up with a few that wouldn't surprise me either...*cough* pleasure sim wants and all (Plus if no birth control is part of his punishment could be a lot) But then he had a large family sooooo...
Course if he gets stuck in a tower...didn't I read that was a possibility? yeah that might drive him bananas.
I'd say being behind the times might work, pleasure sims with no electronics can be TOUGH.
Hmmm perhaps since he hates work you could take on the Aspiring to do it the hard way handicap and Do it Yourself handicaps for a generation? Course he already has skills, so um maybe take all the skills and make him earn them back the hard way?
And maybe banish him from the royal court/being able to go to community lots like restaurants, clubs etc for the generation.....ya know he must be PUBLICLY shamed for what he did. :P

Wait why am i helping you punish him? That's so EVIL. LOL
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Jan 18

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Oh, thanks, mysterymusic!
I had not even thought about the legacy handicaps! This is why I asked for suggestions!

Edited to add:

OK, I had a brainstorm, and I know what I want to do for Joshua's punishment. :pan:

I have his execution scene all planned out in my head, and can't wait to play it. LOL. I'm going the traditional Royal route. Is there an "off with his head" mod? :diablo:

I just need to do some prep work for it, now. Oh, and play the rotation to get there.

I guess that means I have to stop reading everyone's stories, and work on my own, huh?
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Jan 18

Post by Rflong7 »

Hi :oreo: :hellokitty:

Update! :unicorn:
I missed the punishment suggestions- Lol... wonder what will happen to him. XD
The palace is such a good idea for them to learn and meet Sims. :thup:
Nice wife for Hunter. The slob, I believe. XD

Groop is so cool! Cheese dip. :lol: :spin:

Lovin' the colors of the families.
Fun update. :haha:
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Jan 18

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, Rflong!
Yes, she's the slob, alright. That's why I was so stoked to see her fall from that well-wish. It's as if the game totally read my mind!

And if you've ever read a Groo comic, you know he loves his cheese dip.

As for the colors, I fell in love with Michelle's (at LACK recolors, and downloaded a whole slew of them (like, everything she ever posted there, LOL!), and decided that would be the decorative theme for my neighborhood. It's nice when a neighborhood has a theme, after all. And if the buildings share basic architectural styles (big and blocky and bright), then it just goes well together, and looks good.

Of course, Neptunium Rauta had to go and spoil all that, with HIS buildings. Meh. No accounting for tastes. I haven't finished his week, yet, but he's already spoiled the architectural theme, darnit!
So, I'm excited to do Joshua's punishment scene, and I might simply have to do an interlude, before the rotation gets around to it. But first, I must do some prep-work and play-testing, to be sure it will work out. I have a "Testerville" to try things out, but if it does work out, then yeah, I'll post an interlude. It might even be short. :eek:

Then again, if Testerville explodes, I'll have time to come back and ask for more suggestions for an alternate punishment. All hail Testerville!
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Jan 18

Post by Keika »

Hey Michelle! If your guillotine/off with his head plan doesn't work, you could always give this to Clovis and use these instead! It's a crate full of working throwing axes. ;) From Paladin's Place!

Er... I just realized the direct link doesn't work, so it's under Sims 2, then Objects, then Miscellaneous. :)
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Jan 18

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Already have them installed, thanks! I went on a CC frenzy the other day...

What I have planned for him is gonna be fun. I think I'll finish Neptunium's round, and then have an interlude, because I can't wait to get this going.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Feb 2,

Post by MichelleCYoung »

BUMP! Chapter 4 is posted!

Coming next, an interlude, because I just can't wait any more.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Feb 2,

Post by mysterymusic7 »

Loved it. Neppie is obsessive. LOL
FUn little merchant you have there. Very in class too. But he was having the worst luck finding a spouse that was legal. Hahahahaha typical though no?
Little confused so he couldn't wed an existing witch cause they are mystics...but he can turn a peasant into a mystic and it's cool? :indifferent:
Whatever. You already got one rule breaker to deal with. Hahahaha Surely everyone else is being good in Youngdale. Unless he's already started an epidemic of rule breaking. Nah.
Looking forward to the interlude. :#1:
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