Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated June 12, 2018

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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 19, 2016

Post by mysterymusic7 »

Hooray round 1 is done. Oh wait you have to do this 25 more times. *snort*
Oh look they finally have a real pool.
And awww glitchiness is the worst.
At least you can extract them all and plop them in other hoods and such.
OMG a shout-out for my first ever legacy? You actually read the whole thing????? :rotfl:
Wow you really were ready for this round to end weren't you?
So glad you liked it though.
So I guess your punishment trial thing is up next eh?
That should be interesting.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated March 19, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, mysterymusic7!
Yeah, I was totally ready for this round to end. Although, I still love the apocalypse challenge, and am stoked about doing a new one.

Someday, with lifts in different orders, I may build a really nice pool.

Yes, I did read the whole thing. In fact, I binge-read it. I do like your story-telling.

As for my punishment, yeah, the Occult Court was set up to have a power to rival even that of a player-simself. In that neighborhood. Which is why there is only ONE Occult Court. As for what sort of punishment they'll impose - I promise only that there will be no more sets of oodles of children at once. Gads, never again.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated April 1, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

And it's up! Michelle Simself faces the consequences of her crimes. Interlude, Chapter 1
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated April 1, 2016

Post by Candi0207 »

First, I was behind on your apocalypse, because college is so messing up my sim writing and reading
Lobster Thermidore, the most pain in the butt dish there is. You're right, doesn't matter if their cooking points are maxed!
Alien disco party, lol!
Genie lamps, yeah, by the time you get them theres no point.
There's a lot of irony in Apocalypses.
Vistor Whose Name I Never Bothered to Check: Yeah, I got some of those pics too!
Now for the interlude today...
WOW, and I thought a regular apocalypse was terrible. You've added so many handicaps. Your poor simself.
Having a baby to Nervous. I wonder if he will have a little mohawk.
"Wait, Would that make Death my father-in-law?" Eee gads!
Can't wait to see where this goes. I almost did another apocalypse, but I'm so bad at breaking rules.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated April 1, 2016

Post by Ani-Mei »

You really like these Apocalypses don't you? I should call you Apocachelle. Yeah, that works. Insane good luck works out it seems despite the fact that they are trying to see you punished. Anyway, looking forward to seeing how this all goes down.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated April 1, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, Candi0207 and Ani-Mei!
Yeah, I wanted it to be more challenging, and it sure is. But then again, if I manage this one, then the next Ragnar apocalypse will feel so much easier, right?

Apocachelle? I love it! Each time I play, I find new tricks and stuff. I'm a bit nervous about the Unemployment Office handicap, because not being able to choose the career to lift next, being at the mercy of such complete randomness, is rather scary.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated April 1, 2016

Post by jckgwk »

don't worry about randomness I personally am doing a bacc and I'm using most of the Redmond flats changes which is random it will make the game fun
Btw love your style of storytelling
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated April 1, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, jckgwk! Yeah, I'm not so much worried about the randomness, as I am hoping that Medical isn't the very last lift.

Hey, I see that you're a new member. WELCOME! :drinks: I hope you love it here as much as I do!
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated April 1, 2016

Post by muleofthefoxxes »

This has been a fun read! It's also kinda inspiring me to try my hand at one.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated April 1, 2016

Post by MichelleCYoung »

muleofthefoxxes wrote:This has been a fun read! It's also kinda inspiring me to try my hand at one.
Oh, hey! A new reader! Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you do try your hand at one. They really are a lot of fun.

I'll be focusing on my Sims 3 for a month, or so, but then I'll switch back to Sims 2 for a while. I like variety.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated June 12, 2018

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Updated, at last! I found the stuff I had played two years ago, in Michelle's Interlude, and posted Chapter 2. Chapter 3 is now in the works, and the migration will hit somewhere in the middle, so look out for lack of CC. Maybe I'll get it all back someday, but for now, I have it WAY pared down.

Anyway, here is Michelle's Interlude, Chapter 2.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated June 12, 2018

Post by MaxiBuckle »

I picked up some tips from your Alphabetepic Apocalypse founder that are really helping in my current game.
You noted that Neat Sims care more about being dirty. It hadn't occurred to me what a waste of time all that whining is.

My #3 Adult Start for all EPs founder drove me crazy because he had 4 Neat points. He would sponge bathe, but not before he complained 3 times about being dirty. He wasted so much time. I gave #4 guy 3 Neat points. I can direct him to skill even when has an orange hygiene bar. If he manages to move in a partner, I am banking the kid will be Neat (and probably Lazy) because it seems the game goes opposite the parents in predominant traits.

You also discussed the Hunger bar for Active Sims. I always have too much food for the founder, so I jumped in and made mine 7 points Active. I had always been worried about having to skill body, but it's going fine, so far.

Also, the trash chute is really a game changer. #3 guy got roaches, which prevented me from placing a driveway. So annoying. Not to mention all that time wasted taking out the trash (not to mention stomping roaches).
So, you are finished with this challenge? I can't imagine picking through old pics and coming up with a storyline. I look forward to reading more :)
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated June 12, 2018

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Yaay! I'm glad I was helpful to you. I know I sure learned a lot from yours, too, back in the day. Are you posting it? I look forward to reading it!

No, it's not finished, yet. It will take FOREVER! I did, however, finish the Adventure iteration, and am partly through the "Interlude," as well as already started on the Architecture iteration. It takes a long time, but when I'm in the mood for apocalypse, I have one, so YAY!

When I am finished, I will be able to definitively answer the age-old question of what is the best first lift, and the worst.
My money's on Law Enforcement for the worst first lift, although with a vampire founder, if he can hold onto that position, it might not actually be that bad. Alarms are good, right? As for the best, well, I know that Adventure is REALLY GOOD, but I'm not ready to declare it the best, yet. I'm actually thinking Law might actually be the best first lift, because that means your spouse can lift Slacker! The early generations are going to be hard, anyway, but you CAN survive with a later Medical and even Culinary lift. With an early Adventure, followed by Journalism, you can keep the moods up pretty well, actually.
My curiosity to answer that question is what possessed me to start it (that and a real doozy of a pain pill).

Of course, I have so many projects going, what with GageNation and Youngdale, as well as some other things, and Stardew Valley going Multi-player in just a few days! I'll have more time once school starts up again, and my playmates are busy. Now that there's someone reading this again, I'll be sure to get back to it!

Any suggestions? Or, in fact, requests? I'm just nutsy enough to take requests, as anyone who has read my apocalypses can attest. Although, I do draw the line at 8 children in a generation, from now on. But, yeah, I'm always up for a twist to please my readers, especially after I've taken my meds. :party2: I'm only sane and sensible for about two hours a day, but HEY! I'm entertaining! I'm looking on the bright side of my disability.
I've actually noticed that when it comes to neatness at the beginning of an apocalypse, either extreme will do. Complete slobs won't mind the mess, and Utter neatniks will actually be able to get reasonably clean by washing their hands. I've tried it both ways, and either works. But anything in between is just maddening to me. Like you said - So Much Whining. In my experience, the first generation of children work best with one top-neatness kid, and one utter slob. Whoever has the highest mood gets to do the homework for both, and that is usually the neater kid, because handwashing actually makes a difference at 9 or 10 points. The slob doesn't even bother washing up AT ALL, as a child. When they are teens, the slob doesn't mind the mess, and is able to fix the broken sinks, while the neatnik gains fun from mopping! And as a child, a slobby sim makes for a good friend-maker for the family. Get 'em started young. They all contribute, in a way. And unless I have a real reason to do potty training, I just change their diapers.

As long as I have an inaccessible place to store the leftovers, I am of the opinion that there is no such thing as too much food for the founder. Heck, if I have leftovers in generation 3, I'm happy! Better to have food poisoning than starve, I say. And, of course, there's also the option for a dramatic death for someone I hate.

I LOVE that garbage chute! While I must admit that the apocalypse was easier under Bon Voyage rules, the garbage chute, properly utilized, really does make up for some of those extra restrictions. If you can actually KEEP that garbage can horizontal and empty, then the flu is a thing of the past. Not to mention the time wasted by unhappy teenagers kicking it over, picking it up, and kicking it over again. With the fridge turned around or in a locked room, they just don't have as many time-wasting aspiration failure things to do, so they tend to just get on with life. Speaking of time-saving, I have found that actually having the fridge in a locked room saves a lot of whining time. If it's available, but turned around, they'll give route-failure whines, but if it's locked away, they won't even think it exists, unless you direct them to it. Same thing with a restricted computer, if you can manage a build to allow a separate computer room.
I don't remember where the locks on doors came in, though. But I love being able to lock a door for everyone except a specific sim. Makes micro-managing SO much easier.

Another thing that is an absolute game-changer in Apartment Life is witchcraft, specifically the witch thrones. An adult-start founder won't get it, but a college founder can do an early Paranormal lift, and use a throne they created in college and brought with them, and by placing the throne into a room without a door, and using Magivestigium to teleport into the room, only the Paranormal lift is required for the founder to enjoy the throne, thus freeing up their share of the food, as well as making them sparkly clean. Even thought only the witch who created the throne can use it, which basically means only the founder, just keeping ONE sim maxed out green can make a world of difference for the family, you know?

Finally, I learned the benefits of having a vampire founder from Anna's Heroic Apocalypse. It's amazing how useful it is to have someone around forever, to really make a difference in the children's lives. An eternal retired yet un-senile person, who is always available for babysitting, is worth it! Not to mention the ability to maintain a good friendship count, without losing them whenever the friendship-holder dies. And if they can help with passing on skills, even better!
Oh, please note, if you want to read a complete apocalypse, I did finish the Badass Alphabetocalypse. It wasn't epic, but it was awesome! In my humble opinion. It was certainly a blast to play, I'll tell you that!
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated June 12, 2018

Post by MaxiBuckle »

Reading your post is like water in a desert. I will certainly check out your Badass Apocalypse. I already read the Prologue when I was poking around your posts.

You have been at this for quite a while, and have lots of experience playing with the various rulesets. I am an apocalypse purist and am most interested in games that don't use mods or hacks like ACR or even Pregnancy for All Genders unless the Affectional Preference is predetermined. When 100% of Adult Walkbys are potential Spouses, it throws the balance off.

That being said, there is a fix out there by CJ that corrects the Call to Meal bug. Also, Pescado's AL fixes package allows Teens to Work on the Restorable Car, but I noticed it breaks the part of the game that allows Dates to mail Love Letters.
I have a lot to say, so will use the spoiler box.

I was reading through the old Apocalypse Chat posts and was very interested in your experiences with Adult Starts and Extreme Starts. I am trying with AS #6 and have a formula house I build every time. The Teen Style Stuff and Ikea packs have affordable phones, chairs and bookcases, that allow me to shelter a 4 x 8 area on stilts right off the bat on a 5x5 lot.

With $2 carpet, I already have an 8x8 floor and ceiling with a start on the 2nd floor ceiling.

How did you ever deal with Comfort when your Sims were in a 2x3 with no chair for eating/studying? Just Relax?

Also, is there an Adult Start documented using the Borg rules? I was able to top Military, but failed to obtain a spouse.

I burned out for a bit and will likely play a College Start founder, just to learn more about the game mechanics.
And what about Networking? The Network Promotions seem OK because my Sim generally would earn that promotion the next day anyway.

As for suggestions, I am drawing a blank. I am so happy to be back playing TS2, and am reading stories, playing, posting.

It feels great. There is so much to catch up on.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated June 12, 2018

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Aww, shucks.

Seriously, though, I'm an apocalypse junkie. In fact, I just started a new one (for play behind the scenes, not to be posted until completion), yesterday, BECAUSE I COULD.

I don't use ACR, and I have to keep most of my mods to a minimum, because of glitchiness. In fact, last night's apocalypse had some weird glitches - home-written novels had the most bizarre names, like "Animals Are FriendsCraftmeister Pine Bed has gained a Body Skill Point%" And if I clicked directly on the book, say to read it or put it away, the entire computer froze. Repeatedly. It took six tries to figure that out. Now, I can use the bookshelf to put books away, and read from the bookshelf, but it still makes me nervous. Plus, three random Game-quits, for no explained reason. So, yeah, I try to keep mods to a minimum. Some, I just have to use, but those are fixes, not mods.

I love Cyjon and Pescado's fixes!
I have actually managed an extreme start! I posted it here, somewhere, just to prove it could be done. Since I was only doing it as proof, I did not complete the challenge (I wanted more character, not just functionality), but somewhere on the forums here, is my single-chapter, yes-it-can-be-done Xtreme start post. I"ll see if I can find it, and post a link here.

I love the affordable Teen stuff and Ikea! Yeah! Tiny home on stilts is necessary. Also, exercising keeps you warm, so you don't have to hang out inside all day long.

Comfort? Hahahaha! They can be comfortable after they top their career. Heck, I once started one where I didn't even give the founder furniture beyond a fridge, counter, grill and sink, until she had earned some money, because I wanted that extreme start on full columns, rather than just stilt foundation. Yep, she passed out, standing up. In fact, I found that if you have her in a small enough room, so that she's sleeping on her feet, she actgually got more comfort than on the floor. So weird.

Mainly, though, I get that bed as soon as possible, even if I have to burn it down, later. Bed is better than recliner, because you can DAYDREAM! For fun and social!

college start is AWESOME! I learned from Twilight that you can do amazing things at College. I one time spent so much time Downtown and on vacations that my founder literally earned max Freetime Happiness points as a young adult! BUt really, if you go downtown, you can accomplish SO MUCH!

Mind you, I do have skilling on comm lots, because if you do it, you should earn the skill points. But even without that, date and outing rewards can give you skill pionts, and you can garden at campgrounds for eggplant juice.

I have to go now, becaue my neephew is waiting for me (thus the hurried typing and typos), but I'll chat more with you later. SO excitied!
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated June 12, 2018

Post by MaxiBuckle »

Wow. I'm pretty much blown away! A successful Xtreme start. Impressive. But proof it can be done. This is really good to know.

What is with the Awnings? I try placing them 2 sections at a time and the best configuration I can come up with is a lattice work type thing. Is there a way to get a solid cover for the roof?
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated June 12, 2018

Post by MichelleCYoung »

OK, I looked and looked, and can't find the link to my Xtreme start. DANG! Sorry about that.

As for awnings, it does work. You just have to place the two section right next to two other sections. If they're not working for you, you may have something blocking them, or a glitch, because it does work.

Oh, and build your sectional stairs BEFORE you build the walls next to them, because sectional stairs just don't like to be placed next to walls, for some reason. It takes a lot of planning to build a good house, two pieces at a time, but it can be done.

As for the Xtreme start - a lot of it boils down to good luck, but yeah, it can be done. I do recommend a complete slob for an extreme start, though, because you won't be able to afford a sink for a few days.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated June 12, 2018

Post by MaxiBuckle »

I figured out the awnings, thanks.

Am not able to top a career on a 5x5 yet, so no Xtreme start in my future any time soon.

Number 7 was so close.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated June 12, 2018

Post by MichelleCYoung »

The best jobs for the Extreme adult start are Entertainment, Intelligence, and Science, with Science as #1, Intelligence as #2, and Entertainment as #3. Why? Two reasons: 1) You can actually start work your first day you moved in, and 2, the skills are not too hard to obtain. Science and Intelligence, require only a chess set, a bookcase, and a chair. Entertainment requires you to write novels for creative skill, as well, which earns money, but also risks massive fears of selling a bad novel. Also, the computer is expensive! Intelligence and Entertainment both require 12 friends to max, but Science only needs 8 friends! That's why it's the best career for an extreme start adult founder.

With that in mind, I think you can actually save yourself a lot of time and heartache. Just check the paper as soon as it is delivered. If you do NOT get one of these three jobs, just start the whole thing over. Seriously. It makes that much difference.

Also, Science and Intelligence are surprisingly useful early lifts. Science means that well-prepared sims can start their career at a higher level, as well as having your pick of five careers! Intelligence means you can choose the most valuable spouse, by asking about skills and careers. You can invite visitors inside right away, rather than risking them freezing while you're befriending them, too, so that's really useful. And the ability to give gifts means that those annoying networking gifts are a thing of the past. Just give them away as soon as you get them! Entertainment is a possible career for an extreme start, but frankly, if I were to do it again, I'd restart as many times as necessary until I got Science or Intelligence as my founder's career.

Moreover, all three of these careers have "safe" options on all their career chance cards. Sure, you may face demotion or loss of skills, but if you make the right choice, at least you won't face being fired. There are "firing" options, but you just don't make those choices, and you'll survive. Criminal and Education, on the other hand, are downright nerve-wracking with their chance cards, where at some levels, the bad outcome of EITHER choice is being fired.

And get a real bed as soon as possible. Sure, you can sleep in the recliner, but trust me, it's better to get a bed, even if you have to burn it up later. With a bed, you'll get better sleep AND you can satisfy both fun and social by daydreaming. Daydreaming has saved my founders more times than I can count. Hygiene is going to be tanked out on the regular, anyway, so save the toilet purchase for later. Remember, you can pee at work! And if your hygiene is already red, it doesn't matter if you pee yourself. Have a high enough mood, otherwise, with energy, hunger, fund and social in the high green, and you'll manage to build skills.

Oh! And another trick to keep your founder from freezing - make out! Yes, this little interaction will not only boost your relationship, but will also warm your sims up! As long as you don't have multiple lovers on the lot at the same time, I say romance everyone of the appropriate gender who passes by. You make it more likely to be able to move someone in, even before the phone lines open after you've made your lift (just marry the first lover who walks by), and you also get to boost mood/aspiration/body heat.

Dang, now I want to try it again, just to prove it can be done, and POST IT here, this time. I can't believe I lost the old one.
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Re: Alphabetepic Apocalypse Updated June 12, 2018

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Hey, guess what! I found it!

Mind you, the same thing won't work in my game, now, because the Freetime and Apartment Life rules make some changes and restrictions that, well, change everything. But for Bon Voyage rules, it worked. I also had a couple of advantages. Now, for my challenge, I'm playing it straight.

I have lost count of how many times I started over, but dang it, I feel like I MUST prove that an extreme adult start can be done! 50 slides of starting over, and I'm restarting again now. Hahaha. :spin:

ETA: I DID IT! I lifted Science, in time to call over a lover and get married with one week to go before aging to an elder, and got pregnant! Now the spouse can take care of the founder and heir, after the founder goes senile. I just have to make sure the heir survives childhood without being taken by social services, and that the founder doesn't starve to death in an inconvenient place. But that's for next play session. I will post it, soon! But SO STOKED! I did an extreme adult start with ALL the Borg rules, right up to Apartment Life! :#1:

OK, Maxibuckle! It CAN be done! Now I know that you can do it, too! WHEEEEEE! Good luck, and I look forward to reading your thing.

ETA, again: Another thing about the extreme adult start - if you have a female founder, you can just go for survival, house building, and getting a lover to be a baby-daddy, and raise up an heir to lift hopelessness. If you plan for that, it takes a lot of the stress off the founder. In fact, I once played an apocalypse (before the computer glitches drove it to doom), where I had a single mother who did nothing but write novels for income. Not an extreme start, obviously, but just throwing it out there as an example of another option. Get enough going from a career to establish your basic needs, and then you could quit and write novels to be a stay-at-home-chase-the-men founder, raising an heir to lift hopelessness.
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