What's Going On In Your Game?

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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by Pony »

Opened up Silver Bend for the first time in awhile. Played Squirtle Pokemon and her cousin Kaylynn Guevara last bit of their college semester and part of Week 7 in Sugar household. Also did a tiny amount of redecorating in the neighborhood. I got to get them caught up writing wise before I play much more. I'm almost a rotation behind writing wise.

Edited an update for Veda. I have almost a whole rotation of updates just waiting to be edited. Should have the first one up tomorrow. Probably going to play them a little tonight. Only one house left in Week 3. Sapphire Azul just had her baby Marina with Phil Azul, former Jitmakusol.
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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by LaurenElizabethJayne »

So because I am an absolute moron, I accidently deleted all the lots and characters from Pleasantview in my game (I literally only play Pleasantview premades and had spent months on them) :pan:

I couldn't face starting from scratch and was enjoying Pleasantview soooo much. So I've started a new Pleasantview with a bit of a twist, I've rewound time about 15-20 years and spent the whole morning creating the premades as younger versions of themselves and creating a new Pleasantview with the original Sims 1 lots on it, it has literally take me hours!

So far I only have 6 families, we've got The Goths, Burbs, Pleasants, Oldies, Newbies and the Brokes.

I would like to add the Dreamers and eventually I'll have Don Lothario and the Caliente sisters move to Pleasantview, probably when they're teenagers.

If you want a sneak peak I've took some screenshots of the families I've created so far;
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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by simsterlyrock »

I added dreadpirate's Alt Pleasantview and have been slowly doing makeovers. I only have 7 more houses and then I can actually start playing, so I'm excited. Hoping to finish those this weekend!

I also played Strangetown today. Pascal and Nervous got engaged during Pascal's week and currently live together with Pascal's alien baby, Pluto. They finally got married at the end of the week (after I accidentally made them break up and then used the SimBlender to make sure they weren't furious with each other and were still engaged :lol:) so they're now the Specters (since Olive died and I wanted the Specter name to keep going) and Pluto kept his dad's last name. I think Nervous might be pregnant too, because he was super hungry and tired the last day of the round, but no bump yet to confirm my suspicions.
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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by Scribal_Goddess »

I spent a lot of time debugging my game, and it runs great now!

I'm doing taxes in New Edenia, and occasionally running the Booprop Family for my baby boom challenge... trying to get them all the money that they need.
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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by LaurenElizabethJayne »

Downloaded the clean ‘hoods and restarted Pleasantview for the billionth (and hopefully final) time!

Dina and Mortimer got married but then Bella made a surprise return by turning up at Alexander’s birthday (of course a good mama would fight the aliens to get back for her babies big birthday!) and Dina was not pleased, threw a drink around her and then Bella attacked her. Mortimer kicked Dina out and quickly remarried his one true love :couple:

Meanwhile Brandi Broke moved into a bigger trailer which is part of a trailer park so has a few communal areas for the kids to play in and even has a pool. Dustin went to college so Brandi really is on her own, and her twins have just aged up to toddlers so she has her hands full!

Cassandra and Don Lothario have moved into their own home which Cassie has well and truely ‘Gothified’ and she has just given birth to their first baby, little Lily Lothario who is super cute and I can’t wait to play because I’ve never had Cassie have a daughter before she always has sons! :heart:

Having so much fun this time around :))
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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by simsterlyrock »

I've started a new 'hood that has my favorite premades from different EA 'hoods. I've started with Cassandra Goth, Titania Summerdream, and Natasha Una. I played Natasha today and she went on a date with Ripp Grunt, got pregnant, and asked him to move in. They're engaged now and Natasha had a girl (named Brie) and is now alien pregnant. :lol: Natasha moves fast.
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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by LaurenElizabethJayne »

Sooo much has happened in Pleasantview in my game :O

After his wife Cassandra passed away, Don Lothario and his daughter Lily moved in with Nina Caliente and Don ROLLED THE WANT to get engaged to Nina, he proposed on his first night living with her. Lily aged up into a child and Nina is now pregnant. I’ve renovated their home but hoping they have a little girl because it’s still only one bedroom.

Dina Caliente was paid a small fortune by Mortimer Goth to keep their child away from the Goth family. Dina has bought a beautiful mansion by the sea and now lives alone with little Athina. She takes all the credit for raising little Athina, however the butler, nanny and maid are doing most of the work.

Darren Dreamer has also gotten engaged to a townie called Christy. She’s moved in with him and they are starting to renovate the house to add a third floor as Darren wants to make room for Dirk to move back in after university.

Daniel Pleasant and Mary-Sue (now Oldie) have finally broken up after Mary-Sue caught him kissing Nina Caliente at a mutual friend’s party. Mary-Sue moved in with her dad Herb who is struggling to get over his wifes death and Daniel has wasted no time and moved Kaylynn Langerak in. She is finally giving him the life he always wanted and she is hoping he’ll maybe propose soon.
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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by simsterlyrock »

Just played both my 'hoods for a bit, so here's a quick update. Also, spoilers for my 'hoods if you read my story since I haven't edited the pictures yet since I just got done playing, haha.

In my BACC, Parker Teague went on a date with Christian Love and both rolled the want to get engaged. Since they're both romance sims, I was super surprised but also fulfilled it real quick, so Christian moved in. Parker's sort-of-boyfriend Bruce gave birth to alien babies Artemis and Apollo and didn't seem to mind Parker and Christian getting engaged. Parker gave birth to Christian's baby Hunter, Bruce and Christian had a short-lived affair, and Bruce moved out to his own place with his twins.

In Pleasantview, Don's twins with Kaylynn became teens, and then his daughter with Nina became a teen a few days later. Nina and Don's youngest became a child. Don kissed Sandy Bruty and fell in love with her, but other than that, he and Nina spent the round skilling for promotions because with 4 kids in the house, they desperately need money.
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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by Rex »

Just started playing again this week since I had some time off due to the holidays. Deleted my BaCC hood because I forgot where I was at with it in terms of the story. Started playing my Pleasantview file to try and figure out where I was in terms of the timeline. I forgot to make notes in the families of the recent graduates from Sim State for which cycle they were on, but was able to deduce that they were on cycle 18. The way I play, each game and EP gets a set of 7 cycles so that means I have 3 more sets to "complete" Nightlife and start building businesses in Pleasantview. I don't think I'll add Bluewater Village to this neighbourhood because there are already too many sims.

In terms of the actual events in game, the Goth family crashed in their main household. Beau Broke, who is married to Cassandra and Don's daughter, is about a day away from death now. He screwed things up with the headmaster the first time so his grandkids didn't get into private school. When I reloaded, his wife Esther managed to schmooze BJ Ryan about money and get Sabrina and Salem in within an hour. I also realized that I accidentally had Lucy Burb's daughter and Angela Pleasant's son make a baby together (out of wedlock) in the last cycle, so Jesse Burb is an incest baby. Also, I killed off the vampire daughter, Helena, of Tyler Broke (the unborn son of Brandi) and Rhiannon Sims (the daughter of Amin Sims and Nina Caliente). She burnt to death in front of her sister who dresses like a stripper so now her daughter with Leo Deppiesse, Maisie, is being raised by said sister (as well as an uncle who just graduated from Sim State).
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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by Lorinsv »

I'm playtesting a version of the Poverty Challenge by Pleasantsims here:
(She also has a Let's Play of it on her YouTube channel, which is informative and pretty hilarious to watch, although really time-consuming.)

Basically, you start with a CAS Sim on a bare 5x5 lot and §100 to start. There are a few community lots approved for use in the challenge on MTS, and you will need to place one so your Sim can survive the first few days. They can only work in Level 1 of any of the careers (no promotions allowed ever) to build up their lot and their lives. No businesses, inheritances, aspiration/career rewards, date/outing gifts, etc (although no rule against going on dates and outings). The only digging for treasure allowed is once in each hole dug up by a stray, then that hole must be refilled.

There's no mention of green energy rebates, so perhaps no solar panels or wind turbines either. No mention of aspiration perks, and I did use the Fortune bump-in-pay perk, although I won't when I play an official Poverty Challenge in Mesa Vista. Same goes with any aspiration perk related to money (but that's just me). No mention of pet jobs, but I would nix that too.

The only Sim you can move in is a partner or spouse (townie or NPC) like in a Legacy, no roommates. Out of laziness, I played the Picasos from the family bin, which gave me advantages and disadvantages. It meant the ease of a pre-established relationship, but no extra money from a moved-in partner. (There's another Poverty Challenge version linked in the Sims 2 Challenge Master List that limits move-in funds from a future partner/spouse to §1500, which is HUGE at the beginning of this challenge.)

Anyhoo, the Picasos had to quit their jobs (both come with jobs higher than Level 1), and their skills didn't really matter, since they can't get promoted. They job-hopped for a while before settling in jobs with good pay and compatible hours for taking care of their baby without needing to hire a nanny. After almost 3 weeks, they have all of the basic objects for meeting their needs, a pond, plus an enclosed shell of their home large enough for a family with 2-3 kids, some interior walls and flooring, but no windows or wall coverings yet.

A few tips I've learned along the way (don't look if you want to come up with your own strategy):
- On the whole, Level 1 base game careers pay the most. Law Enforcement is good for one partner because the pay is high and its hours (8pm-2am) don't conflict with the daytime hours in most of the other careers. Entertainment also has off-hours (3pm-11pm) and could work with Medicine and Military and kids, although its pay is kinda in the middle. For day jobs, Politics, Medicine and Military have the best pay. Politics has long work hours, good in the beginning when they don't have anything on their home lot for meeting their needs. Medicine and Military have shorter hours, ideal when the kids start coming.

- Appreciate/Groom helps couples with hygiene before they get a tub/shower/sink.

- Energy is the only need that isn't met on the community lot they'll be visiting often at first, so if you have a hard time watching your Sims sleep on the ground like I do, a bed is a good first purchase. An expensive bed isn't an advantage over a cheap one because there's no extra time needed for the skilling and friend-making required for promotions, and sleeping longer helps with preserving needs.

- You have to use all the seasons, but in any order, so I would suggest choosing Winter last. I was able to completely enclose a decent-sized structure just before winter.
So far, I like this challenge. It's very difficult for the first few days, but it isn't as grindy as some hardship challenges, because if you can never get promoted, you don't have to work at career advancement. And there's nothing else you can do for money, so I'm expecting it will be quite enjoyable eventually, being able to focus more on a family or throwing parties or whatever floats your Sims' boats - work to live, not live to work. Choosing a good-paying entry-level job makes all the difference in the difficulty.

Wow :shifty: That turned out to be a lot more than expected. Hope you all are doing well, and Happy Simming! :plumbob2:
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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by peachy123uk »

I did the poverty challenge years before i started blogging, it was fun and hard.

I am still in love with my Early Pleasantview rotation and little secret project on the side :)




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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by Lorinsv »

I just started my first Legacy (for points, of course) using Pinstar's Advanced rules, within Mesa Vista to push that along as well.

I chose 5 handicaps, fairly easy ones for me, to hopefully get the "finish what you started" point:
- eXtreme (naturally ;)) - start on a 5x6 lot, can't move in a spouse until after the first week (already got that one :D)
- Patriarchy
- Strict Family Values - no woohoo, only try for baby, and only after marriage
- Do It Yourself
- Fearless - no ignoring chance cards

My founder is Austin Cruz (Family/Fortune, LTW Marry Off 6 Kids) and he just moved in his 2-bolt future wife, Ashley Jefferson (Knowledge/rolled Pleasure secondary) who brought in §4570, which I was pleased with considering she told Austin she didn't have much money. They now have a small piecemeal house with most of the basics.
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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by B. Scirocco »

I think I finally figured out how to make a completely blank neighborhood, so I've been adding the townies and downtownies that I created in Bodyshop a long time ago. I build the main neighborhood's community lots, so once the downtownies and downtown lots are finished, I can get started on a few challenges I had in mind.
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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by peachy123uk »

I made my own Uberhood, but took the business from each district and put them into a subtown, i am very behind in my blogging.




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Re: What's Going On In Your Game?

Post by ErynTerese »

I'm currently playing The Homemaker Challenge!

I found it on Mod the Sims before my semester break and decided to wait till I was finished with end-of-semester exams to start it. I started it yesterday and am playing with the Fields household.

My breadwinner is Levi Fields and his wife, Tara Fields is the homemaker. They have a cat named Qi and have just had their first child, Claire.

Hopefully, I will finish this one - I have a bad habit of starting new challenges and not finishing them.
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