Admin & Mod Introductions

Please introduce yourself so we can get to know you. Even if you have been a member of Boolprop before, please re-introduce yourself and include your previous user names, if they have changed.
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Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Rhea »


Hi everyone! :wave: I'm Rhea.

I'm a twenty-something from Canada (and since I'll probably forget to update this, we'll just leave the age at that) and am one of the original creators of Boolprop. I helped start the forums in 2005. Feels like such a long time ago now. I don't have a specific role around Boolprop, you can find me just about anywhere around here. Usually I'm coming up with crazy new ways to put the mods to work.

In my day to day life I build websites. My real passion though lays in travel and adventure activities. When not at my computer, I can usually be found on the side of a mountain, floating down a river, scuba diving, jumping off of a cliff into a lake or planning my next trip. I also love scenic photography and cooking, and lately I am completely addicted to green smoothies.

Playing the Sims took a bit of a back burner for awhile, as those things do when life gets hectic. I am planning on getting TS4 though, so I'm sure I'll get sucked back into it all.

If you need any help around the forums, or have any new ideas, feel free to PM me! I'm always happy to help and hear from the members. :)
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Drew »

Hello everyone!

I'm Drew, and I'm a 20-something-year-old from Illinois. I currently work as a teacher, and I couldn't love my job more!

Although I no longer play The Sims, Rhea and I have been online friends for many years -- so many that I feel old when I think about it! You will see me around the site now and then, usually fixing something that I broke.
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Sporks »

Hello all, I'm Chelsea! :wave:

Or Sporks, or you can choose to call me anything besides Chels. My name may be the all powerful admin orange color but I'm harmless, really. :shifty: I joined Boolprop way back in 2006 at the tender age of 13 after reading Candi's Uglacy and I recall my first introduction post, asking where the "dice" was to roll aspirations for sims. Somehow I wasn't embarrassed enough to run away forever, and I kinda sorta ended up sticking around. I made friends, and I cannot imagine my teenage years without Boolprop in my life. After a few years, I became a mod, I think 2009 or 2010, and my name remained pink for most of that time, thanks to the lovely Rhea. In 2011, however, Rhea came to me in a panic with the fact that we had to move good ole Boolprop, and thus, I became an admin on Boolprop 2.0.

You all know how the rest of the tale goes, so, I'm here now one of the four admins, and probably the one that would be nominated and win "Most Likely to Set Fire To Boolprop Because She Pressed The Wrong Button". As for my simming life, it's been tragically cut short due to life. I have many started and failed legacies. My biggest simming accomplishment and making Don Lothario have 20 children in Pleasantview... and it got deleted! Whatever, I dealt with too many pregnant sims to not be proud of that.

As for who I am, here we go. I'm 22, and a fresh faced college graduate with my Bachelor of Science from Central Michigan University. I was an English with a Concentration in Creative Writing major and double minored in Human Development & Youth Studies, and I managed to graduate Cum Laude with a 3.54! This upcoming year (Fall 2014) I'll be a graduate student at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minnesota getting my Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing! To put it lightly, I'm a little bit insane and lots of busy.

Writing and reading aside, I love to do many other things: Bake, cook, Netflix, craft, work-out, dance, etc, etc. I'd like to think I'm fairly good at baking and cooking, too. I have a passion for volunteering, and specifically, working with children. If I'm not here and not at school, work, or studying, there's a high chance I'm devoting some of my time to be a mentor to a child or to help an organization out in need.

I can talk about 1000 more things, but, I'll cut it here until I return and end my intro in a year or so.

I'm an open book, so if you have any questions, comments, or just want to chat, feel free to catch me online or pm me-- I'll be there!


Welcome to Boolprop!

~ Sporks - Chelsea - Not Chels - Shamelessly Frozen Obsessed ~
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Teresa »

Hi, I am Teresa :wave:

I have been playing Sims since August 2005, a member of Boolprop since October 2006, and a moderator since July 2007. I have been married since 1985, have two kids, a house full of cats, and a dog that things she is a cat. My sister (singinghymns) is the one that hooked me on Sims in the beginning. She had all of the original Sims games and one week while I was on vacation I took her games and started playing. That was the beginning of my obsession. I played Sims 1 for about a month and then decided to buy Sims 2. When Sims 3 was released I made the move and have never looked back.

One day in October 2006 I was at work and completely bored. I started searching on the web for sims information and started to see legacy stories and challenges. I lucked across Boolprop and after a day of lurking I joined and have never regretted it. In fact I was on Boolprop so much at work that our MIS department blocked the address :misspeak: oops. I can be found on various Sims forums as either Teresa or tjsmetana although Boolprop is where I spend most of my time.

Outside of Sims I also play Lord of the Rings Online on the Arkenstone server. I have a Minstrel so if you play, look me up - I am Loraiel. When not gaming I enjoy blogging (reading them mostly and writing some), reading science fiction, watching and collecting DVDs (I currently have almost 1,000), and spending time with family and friends.

In that game called "Real Life" my children are grown - the daughter lives in Austin and the son lives with us and two cats (currently, this can change at any time). In addition to family and work and play, I am also attending college part-time majoring in Accounting (currently) and will have my BBA in a few years. I already have my BA in Business Management and decided to go back to school under my employer's education assistance policy.

Welcome to Boolprop, and have a cookie. :cookie:
Completing challenges & legacies since 2007 | Completed Stories
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Rosanna »

Helllooo, I'm Rosanna! :wave:

I've been playing the Sims since around 2006, and I joined BoolProp two years later in 2008. I mostly use the Sims 2 for competitions (building, NTM, etc.) and TS3 for just normal gameplay. (Not sure about TS4 yet!) I've completed one legacy (and started countless others) as well as an OWBC. Although to be honest, I'm much more into taking screenshots and setting up scenes than I am with the actual writing part :shifty:

I'm from Massachusetts, and I go to college there as well (studying business). Sadly, it doesn't allow much time for simming :( (I try though!)

I have quite a few random hobbies: cooking/baking, sewing (clothes, not quilts), photography, traveling, and of course: simming! ( I especially love downloading CC, cluttering up sim houses, and earning medals on BoolProp). Like most people, I watch way too much Netflix. If you ever wanna talk about TV or something, feel free to PM me because I luurve talking about TV (list of shows I like here!)

I feel like this introduction is kind of pathetically short, but I'm currently out of things to say. But feel free to PM me with any questions! :chat:
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Ally »

Hello everyone, I'm Ally :wave:

I'm 28 and from the UK, and am continually confused by timezones... :P I was introduced to the world of the Sims by a friend at her house, and instantly knew that I needed to play that game. Due to being a Mac player, I had to wait for my copy of the original sims to come in the post for too long but then it arrived and I was hooked! I was super excited to see screenshots from TS2 before it was released, and then again, I had to wait for the Mac version to be released. It was definitely worth the wait! I began my first legacy which lasted around 3 generations, and then an Alphabetacy that lasted up to Generation D. I moved onto TS3 when it was released, and never went back to TS2. Although I am solely a TS3 player, I love looking at TS2 screenshots and stories :) I've attempted to write several legacies (make that too many...), and am currently writing Just Another Rainbow Legacy, which is on Generation 7, so the end is in sight!

I joined boolprop in 2008, after seeing it mentioned on the Sims 2 exchange, and it was a great decision :)

In real life, I have a BA (Hons) Upper Second degree in Photography, and I work at a rather large technology company that I'm sure most have you have heard of ;) As well as taking a lot of photos, I also write both short stories and novels, bake a lot of (what I hope are) yummy things, read a lot of books, play the ukulele (it is an awesome instrument!!) and try to enjoy the little moments :) I love illustrating and drawing, am a huge fan of Harry Potter and love to travel and visit new places.

I'm really excited to start my journey as a mod :heart: Please feel free to PM me or chat to me :D :hug: :cookie:
Check out my Rainbowcy Here
• Updated 12th August 2014 •
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Chase »

Hey hey! :wave: I'm Chase! :lightning:

I've been simming since age 6, and I've been reading and playing legacies since I found EphemeralToast's Apocalypso-A-Go-Go![/u] on the Sims 2 Exchange back in 2008. Her comment wall was always full of references to Boolprop, so I decided to check it out. Boolprop has been my internet home ever since!

I became a mod in 2014, when we moved to, and I'm happy to help with anything you may need! I'm simply a PM away.

As for me in real life, I'm 23, I'm from the USA's Pacific Northwest, and I'm in university studying history and secondary education. :bounce: I love theatre, singing, gaming, and listening to pop, alt-pop, Latin pop/reguetón, showtunes, and classical music. I also happily sold my soul to Lady Gaga in 2009, just months after joining Boolprop. I also love to get out in nature, and I spend most of my time reading about history.

Again, feel free to PM me at any time, for anything! I love meeting new people and I love Boolprop! :woot:
hello! :heartbeat:
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Abby »

Hi all!

I'm Abby... (incase my username didnt give it away, lol). I'm 24 years old, and from England. I am a high school teacher, teaching Psychology and Sociology!
I first joined boolprop back in 2006 at the young age of 13, which honestly TERRIFIES me. How have I been a member of this forum for over TEN years? That's literally nearly half of my life. D; eeeek. I've been a big fan of all sims games - currently play TS4 since my laptop wont run TS3 anymore. Since entering the adult world *sigh* I dont get much time to play anymore, but when I do i'm constantly playing legacies. After ten years of playing I finally completed a legacy last year, which was my biggest simming achievement. :p

Anyways, I dont really have anything interesting to say about myself, because quite honestly, im boring! Haha. :wave:
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Heather »

I introduced myself about a year and a half ago when I migrated to the new forum, but now that I'm a new moderator I'll re-introduce myself for anyone who's not familiar with me.

My name is Heather, and I'm a 20 year old (soon to be 21) illustration student from Toronto. Currently, I'm in the middle of my fourth year, and enjoying the feeling of having hopes and dreams before they're inevitably crushed when I start my thesis year. ;)

I think I started playing TS2 seven or eight years ago, and I haven't stopped since. I only recently got the full collection after the free release in July 2014, and I'm really enjoying all the new possibilities it opened up. I think the only thing that would stop me from playing would be my laptop dying a horrible, fiery death, or Origin being shut down. :P

Most of my gameplay consists of me building houses/community lots that I share on my tumblr, and playing a WYDC. I'm also writing a legacy at the moment, and while it takes a lot of time and effort, I'm really enjoying it! I've been working with the same family since the sims 2 forums were still around, and after I discovered Boolprop, I migrated my story here to allow me to write about more mature subject matter. I love that Boolprop provides me with a place to post my stories, and that simmers here actually read, enjoy, and comment on them. It's the friendliest sim community I've ever been a part of, honestly.

Outside of the sims, and illustration, I'm interested in Flight Rising, Welcome to Night Vale, Animal Crossing (New Leaf), architecture, dysptopian literature, and cats.

I'm fairly shy, but happy to talk to any and all users! Feel free to PM me at any time, I generally check the site at least once a day. I'm really excited to be a mod, and I promise I will do my best not to break anything. :shifty:
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by singinghymns »

Edited 1/6/19

My name is Deanna and I have just been promoted from lurker to moderator. Yippee!! :celebration: I am 43 46 and have been playing Sims since just before Sims 2 came out. Sims 2 was when I was hooked. I have migrated through Sims 3 and now to Sims 4. I am enjoying Sims 4, though I am waiting for some more expansions to come out. I really enjoy the community here at Boolprop and am so glad I get to be a moderator.

I am disabled so have a lot of free time on my hands. I am substitute teaching and going to school for my HR Management certification. I hope to get a full time job in the near future! I enjoy playing pool, and play on the APA league on Wednesday nights (though I am taking a short break here at the beginning of 2019). Not too shabby of a player, though still not as good as I would like to be. I like to read, write, play Sims, and play with my cats. I am addicted to Sims and Dr. Pepper. My latest addiction happens to be Garlic Cheese Bread, :hmm: That's a fad, of which I go through many cycles throughout the year when it comes to food.

I am not a shy person but I am introverted so I tend to sit back and watch more than participate, so being a moderator will be my challenge to come out and play more often, rather than watch everyone else play. :uhoh:

I am failing epically at participation! Please forgive me! I prefer to watch and am loving all the new mods that have joined us and are really making things happen again!

:drinks: Here's a toast to all the new mods, new admins, and all the members that we all love so much! Let's have an exciting, fun-filled 2016 2019 and get Boolprop the talk of the Sims world! :goodvibes:
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Bouncer »

You know I never thought I would be a Mod... its kind of taken my username literally... :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Finally staying still enough to write up and intro, sorry for the length! :geek: :heart:

Hello I'm Bouncer, or as my real life name is Amanda. I got the name Bouncer, blessed by my mother, when I worked at a Summer Camp in 2014 (since I can have a stone face that no one wants to mess with even though I maybe thinking of Unicorns and Glitter.... just in case you where curious).

I'm 21 years old and live in rural Minnesota (you know Green Giant, yeah he was founded in my hometown). I have studied Anthropology for a bit (I love cultures and sociology type stuff, however not my fellow major people). Right now I'm taking a break and trying out the real world for awhile. So Sims and Boolprop has been helping keep my sanity the past year.

Sims I fell hard for at a young age, however couldn't get around my mother until I bought the Double Deluxe behind my mother's back and her resistant approval in January of 2009. Since then Sims 2 has never been forgotten, where I found Boolprop on Pinstar's original site for his Legacy challenge where he had a link. Ever since I found challenges I never looked back. However, my BACC is the longest I've ever stuck to one challenge. I also play Sims 3 about as much as Sims 2, and just am starting to get into Sims 4 with my new gaming laptop. Names I had in the past when I was most active: gottasimmer, Gotta/MoonTide (if remembered correctly I was known for being on a bit then running off).

Main games I've played in the past years: Minecraft (on and off addiction that can be as severe as Sims), Rune Factory Frontier, Epic Mickey and many MMOs (seriously if are playing one and suggest it let me know I will more then love to join in).
Non-gaming hobbies: Writing (Won NaNoWriMo 3 different years now, and finally working on getting one of them published), reading/watching anything that has a capturing story (along with a bit of romance), knitting (on and off like Minecraft), and eating food (one of my favorites!). I also get into a bit New Age, (numerology, Law of Attraction, etc.)- have always been attracted to them and sometimes comes out in my tips of life.
I also like to travel and have made it a goal to go on a trip once a year (this last year it was going all the way to Denver on a volunteer trip).

Along with all the above, I love chatting (you will find me in the chatbox when I'm usually logged in), and trying out the Gaming threads I can keep up with. I love reading different challenges also to see how each person sees the game through their eyes.

Whelp see ya around the forums with my new pinkness!!
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Thaitanic »

Hello, all! :wave:

My name is Thai, and I've been playing Sims for about a decade now. :plumbob: I found Boolprop through a number of stories on The Sims 2 Exchange and have never looked back! Joining at eleven, through Boolprop I very quickly met a bunch of wonderful people, most of whom I'm still in contact with now. Honestly, my life wouldn't have been the same without Boolprop! I'm in my 20s and am always tired.

I've attempted legacies and challenges way too many times haven't completed one yet. Hopefully I'll finish at least one challenge. One day.
Update: I have in fact finished one challenge. :#1:

Outside of Boolprop, I'm a student teacher and can talk for days about my favourite books. I'm also an activist, poet, and astrologer. If you ever have questions about any of these things, let me know :D

Mostly I'm just someone who really loves Boolprop. If you ever need any help, shoot me a PM and I promise you I will always respond! I really hope you enjoy your stay :)
call me Thai!
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Cororon »

Hello, I'm Cororon, or Cor for short! :wave: I'm a 30-something swedish simmer! I started playing Sims 2 in 2006 and got hooked instantly! These days I only play Sims 3.

My nickname is borrowed from a pink dragon in a Bubble Bobble game. :whome:

When I'm not playing my game I chat with friends or go out for walks. I like to learn things, and love reading about history, animals and famous people (people who have done something meaningful and not stupid celebs :tongue: ). I like music (pop, rock, heavy metal and also some classical music). I love making simple comics and short Sim stories, and like making poses for my sims (Sorry, I don't take requests :smirk: ).

You can find me in the chatbox pretty often. :shifty:
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Gryffindork »

Hello, Boolprop! :D

You can call me Sam, or Gryff, or whatever gets my attention. I’m a 25-year-old Canadian-Australian simmer whose history with Boolprop is long and sporadic. I joined in 2006 with the sole purpose of being the most embarrassing 13-year-old ever; was active on and off for a while, and finally found my groove ten years later after the forum’s second move. Being a mod is a bit surreal to me, but I’m doing my best to contain my dorky excitement! :eek:

I played TS1 for maybe three hours before I broke one of my sister’s save files and she banned me. Years later, I fell deeply in love with TS2 until I ran off into the sunset with TS3, my forever soulmate. :heart: I’m in it mainly for the storytelling, and currently have three blogs: my ninth legacy attempt, a game show called Sim Salad, and an EPIC matriarchy. I also launched Boolprop's TS3 Round Robin legacy. My stories are 500 miles from serious, but sometimes I do dumb excessive stuff like build my own PC just to get nicer screenshots, because who needs priorities?

IRL I'm a barista at a cat cafe, making no use of my degree in English Literature and French Studies. Despite somehow graduating top of my class, I decided grad school wasn't for me, and have since worked odd jobs while coaching my alma mater's Muggle Quidditch team. Before quidditch, I was a competitive figure skater for most of my life. Like many Boolpropians, I have dreams of one day “making it as a writer,” but I’m still working on the “making it” part. ;)

Besides Sims, my other loves are cats, coffee, fantasy novels/universes, piano, clothing design, and Korean dramas. It may shock you to hear that I’m a diehard Potterhead… and to round out the “dork” part of my username, I’m a Waterbender, a Stark Loyalist, and an INFP on the Myers-Briggs spectrum. I always pick the fire starter, I have an elvish tattoo, and I once played a half-orc kazoo bard named Suagatha in a D&D campaign.

Feel free to PM me anytime if you have questions or want to nerd out about any of the above! :upsidedown:
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Livvielove »

Hey everyone!

I'm Olivia, or Livvie! I'm a 23 year old (almost 24 :shifty: ) 24 year old in the heart of Chicago! I joined Boolprop in (runs off to check her profile page because she can't remember) 2016! There it is - I mean... I already knew that of course. ;) I'm still in a bit of shock myself and trying to not squeal and gush all over the mod page about being a mod!

I've been playing the Sims as a franchise for 15 years. I started with the Sims 2 and graduated to the Sims 3 as soon as the Sims 3 came out. I've gone back and played the Sims 1 (albeit briefly) and sometimes indulge in the Sims 4, but for the most part I'm a Sims 3 player at heart. I have a daunting SIX EIGHT blogs, but one home base - On Pancakes and Madmen. All the other blogs are hinged off of that one - I have 4 stories currently I'm running (the Reapers Legacy, Where the Willow Walks, Song of the Nightingale, and Faction of the Lost Ones) that are all serious in nature, plus I have 2 challenge stories, a Sims 4 legacy and a Sims 3 Short Dynasty (which is far longer than the name implies). Seeing as I have 4 serious stories, I run a final blog that serves as a sort of Wikipedia for the lore of the world they all take place in. I run all of this on Blogger and am very familiar with it if anyone has questions regarding Blogger blog creation!

In the real world, I am a licensed cosmetologist who is going to school to become an elementary school teacher (I currently have 2 years left). While I am licensed and used to work in a Salon, I no longer. I've recently quit work to focus on school and enjoy my free time writing or spending time with my best friend and husband.

I have few other hobbies (yes I know, but having a life is overrated) including playing video games (NWN, DA, Elder Scrolls, etc), cuddling with my cat, and drowning under a crazy course-load of homework. Oh, I'm also an amateur artist, so I guess I got that going for me! :lol:

My inbox is always open if you have questions, thoughts, or just someone to talk to!
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Blamsart »

Hiya folks! :mrgreen:

I'm an avid lover of the sims franchise and also compulsive project starter so being promoted to mod hood is a fantastic outlet!

I'm currently 22 (though you know, I still have to double check as I forget my own age) and I've played the sims for as long as I can remember! I started with ts1 and never looked back! We had several computer troubles when I was younger, but I have very fond memories of rummaging through store sales to find sims 2. As well as frustrating memories of my family dangling the new Sims 3 game in front of me for the months before christmas rolled in.
I just loved the progression and the upgrading in sims 1! Sims 2 taught me the wonders of taking care of a family.
As for Sims 3, it let me combine my love for writing with simming. It's now a full-on obsession and creative outlet.
Annnd haha, Sims 4 taught me that a franchise's past doesn't need to define the game.

I used to be a mod on DeviantArt for several major groups when my life was all about drawing. I was always disappointed as that community never seemed that WILLING to participate in events, so it makes me very excited to be a mod on boolprop. We have endless games, activites and motivated people here!

I've tried to branch out a lot in the sims community, dipping into writing stories, challenges, pose making, CC making, sims crashing, to list a few, so I've hit my fair share of snags if you ever find yourself in a pinch and need some help.

Don't be shy and feel free to PM me for anything really! I love chatting :)
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by itsjulie »

I hate these things because I never know what to say about myself!! :lol:

I am Julie, and live in Manchester England.
I'm currently 51 years old, a wife and mother of 4 now grown up children, who all think I am nuts for still playing the sims at my age!!!
I started with the very first Sims, back in 2000, so that is 19 years of being hooked on one game!! I have worked my way through all the sims 1, 2 and 3 EP's and stuff packs, but that is probably as far as it will go.
I am now stuck on sims 3 for life and can not ever see myself moving away from it, because I just love it and the sims too much to ever leave them. I also enjoy playing in CAW and creating my own worlds to play in.

I am now disabled, and pretty much housebound due to various heath issues, so I have too much free time, which I kill mostly by playing the sims and camping out on Boolprop.
I play with mouse drawn graphics and pixel paint, as you have probably noticed, :lol: and I also do a lot of writing, because of the sims, which is something I would never have imagined myself doing before, but now I am.
I don't sleep very well, so I tend to read a lot. I love cats and collect skulls and skeletons.

I think that is about all I can say for now.
Currently all on hiatus
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Ani-Mei »

Did not realize I hadn't done this. :fisty: Anyway, I'm Ani-Mei a 35 year old Canadian simmer from Ontario. I've been playing Sims since the first one came out, although back in the Sims 1 days I didn't really get that into it, having only ONE hood and limited space for new families in that one hood was sort of depressing. When Sims 2 was announced in 2004 I jumped on the chance to get it on release day and it floored me. I could not believe the vast difference and upgrade it had over Sims 1. I stayed with Sims 2 for a while even after Sims 3 was announced, I was stubborn that way but it was Sims 2 that led me to Boolprop in the first place. And I have been here since 2007, through all three incarnations of Boolprop and only been a mod for about a year and half. Eventually though, I did start playing Sims 3 but didn't get Pets until about four months ago...yeah I'm slow like that. I do have Sims 4 but it hasn't really hooked me as much as two and three does. I tend to ramble a lot so I'll just end this here.
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Tox »

/(@.x)\ Good Evening! I'm Tox the Spider and am one of the Mascots here. I fell into a vat of toxic material when I was little and got mutated, so now I can glow in the dark, if needed. I am one of the best actors and comedians in the World, but I also like to help around here with events and shine the light on things with my infinite wisdom. When I don't do those things I sleep in a dumpster somewhere. I don't do any moderator or admin work, so don't bother with PM:ing me about those things. My time is too valuable. :heart:
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Re: Admin & Mod Introductions

Post by Nevermore »

Name's Nevermore. Or Nev as everyone calls me. I was promoted to be Julie's forum servant. :whome:

I play TS3 almost exclusively, but rarely lean into TS1. I love using poses to make really artistic pics, that most of the time only I get the concept. :lol: I've been playing with a sims family called the Snowes for about 2 years now. I do like talking about them a little bit, and sharing pics of their antics. Okay, I talk about them a lot. I love my Snowes, dammit! :fisty: That being said, I'll happily listen to you talk endlessly about your fave family if you want to. ^^

Mostly I'm a chat box hermit, never short of a pun or a rant about that mob of 8 bratty irritating cats that rule my life. :lol: I love 'em really.

Speaking of jokes, here is one of many to get you started; "A book just fell on my head, I only have my shelf to blame."
Okay, one more: "Past, present and future walk into a bar. It was tense."

See you around. :wave:

Do what you love and the happiness follows.
The reasons you want to stay can blind you to the realisation you don't love it anymore.


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