Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Complete - 2/7/18

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 1- Update 17 - 27/10/

Post by Nevermore »

:o ALICIA IS DOING THE DISHES!! You are witness.

All by herself, she actually decided to do the dishes! Not just her own plate, but also nearly every plate on the counters! Taya is a really good influence on her Drinky Grandma.
And the sink broke. After fixing it, Chester wanted to upgrade something, so I chose the sink, and I figured self-cleaning was probably the best choice. :yes: Now if he just wished for more upgrades, the Snowes might actually live in a clean house.
Gator: "Look Jareth, me and Sarah are worried about you. Your parents aren't getting any younger, and since Felicity, you barely speak to people. Every time we talk, we end up arguing."
Jareth: "Gator, I'll figure stuff out on my own. Get off my back."

First proper glimpse of the redecorated nursery! Much warmer palet, less pink, and more suitable for both kiddies.
Alicia wanted to learn the piano skill. No idea where that came from, since the only musical instrument any of the Snowes have come into contact with have been guitars. I sent her to Fay Ray Arboretum with Chester. As soon as she got there, she brought out the keyboard, and started playing for tips. There wasn't anyone there, so she didn't get any tips.
And Chester wanted to do some fishing. I don't know what he caught, when he was finished, I sent him straight to the market to sell them, and didn't really take any notice how much money he got from it.

Good to see him picking up some old skills again!
Chester: "Can you say trowel? See-through Grandpa used to use this all the time, and he would hide behind a big fence, and zombies would come out."
Hoggle: *raises eyebrow*

I love seeing these little family moments! The Snowes are adorable. :heart:
Alicia: "Ah... nothing beats a drink to take the edge off."
Alicia: "I don't really have a problem, do I?"

Your grandkids call you Drinky Grandma.
It's Jareth's birthday! He's now an adult. There was a small party, but they didn't really do anything. Just stand around drinking the cocktails Alicia wipped up. One guest stood out most for Jareth; Wilhemina Wolff. Gator's sister.

:shiftyeyes: Another Wolff. What is wrong with these kids?! If it isn't bad enough we had a whole Twilight thing going on, Sarah went nuts over a werewolf. Now Jareth is rolling wishes to ask her out on a date, or to flirt with her. What the actual hell?!

I mean, come on! Is one sim that is not connected to a parody too much to ask for?! I mean, why couldn't he go loopy over Felicity, and she like not be a :censored: ?! Rant concluded.

Well, Taya did talk to her a little. So, a possible stepmother she could actually get on with. Also, I LOVE Wilhemina's outfit! Finally a townie that grew up with taste.
After the party, they went on a date to The Toadstool. My first thought was Red Velvet Lounge, but a change of go to venue is in order! He headed straight to the bar to mix up a couple of drinks.
Then they started flirting. Here I decided their song is "Love Is An Open Door" from Frozen, and neither one is going to pull a Hans. I chose this song, because they practically fell in love in one night.
A few hugs and flirts.

Jareth: "How about we dance?"
Wilhemina: "I can't... :blush: what if I make a fool of myself?"

She's shy! Okay, mildly warming up to her.

Creepy: *creepy laugh* "I'm just going to stand here and watch."
Jareth: "I don't care if you want to date me! I'm on a date with someone else. Someone who is actually worth dating!"

No idea who it was. I've never had that happen before, where a sim has phone for a date, during a date with someone else. The dating system in this game really does annoy me sometimes. :fisty:
The club closed, and they got a little hot and smoochy outside. Just because they can't go in, doesn't mean they suddenly have to end their date!
Jareth: "Wilhemina, I know we just met, but this has been one of the best dates of my life. Would you consider going steady with me?"
Wilhemina: "Yes!"
Their dream date ended up here.

And, it's about here I approved of them being together. I've never seen his romance wishes blow up so fast. How cute are they gazing at each other? Not even Felicity was that into him, and she ended up having his kid. No, Wilhemina is not pregnant! It was normal woohoo, and there were obviously no chimes. Mostly because he had kept away from the orb of answers, and had no wishes to have a baby with someone, and I'm not running the risk of "Jacquelyn" or a worse name happening again.
Alicia: "Bailey... no... please... who will I call a Bella-Sue now?"
Sarah: "No... not my sister..."
Jareth: "Who will I dance with at Taya's wedding!?"
Chester: "My dear Bailey... wait for me in the Netherworld. I will come to you."

And Gator just stood there completely stone face. No reaction at all.
Bailey shook death's hand, and went peacefully.

*sobs* Who am I going to crack jokes about now?! Come back, Bella-Sue! Despite of my dislike of her at first, I'm really going to miss Bailey. Okay, she didn't do that much, and got little snapshot time, but she was as good as a Snowe!
Bailey Swain
92 days old.
Beloved daughter, step-daughter, sister and auntie.
Jareth wasted no time. Bailey was barely in the ground two seconds, and he started rolling wishes to flirt with Wilhemina.
This always breaks my heart, that the kids are the first to mourn.

In case you're wondering why the tombstone is on the grave and not in front of it, that's because this was the original placement, but Taya kept doing that little complaining thing about not being to get to it, so I moved it.
Then life went back to normal. Still no glimpse of if ghosts have some form of bones! *fisty* That TV has broken quite a lot lately. Chester might just SuperMax Handiness before he passes again.
Something good did come from Bailey's passing. Gator and Sarah moved back into the main house, and took her old room and Hello Kitty decorated it. Taya got her own bedroom! With her easel inside, so she can paint during a full moon without zombies bugging her.
Alicia: *thinks* "Bella-Sue!"
Chester: "Oh Bailey, I failed you! You should have moved in with me!"
Alicia: "No she shouldn't!"

Good point. Alicia and Bailey might not have patched things up after his death, if she had moved in with them when Chester and Alicia wed the first time.
:jawdrop: There must be something in the water of the Snowe house! She's gorgeous! I see all Jareth, and practically nothing of Felicity. Taya gained the Party Animal trait, just like her Drinky Grandma.
Jareth: "Wilhemina, love was a mystery until I met you. I can't give you all the stars of the night sky, but let me start with this."

The reason for her new hairdo, is she is moved in now, and I thought that one suited her best.
Wilhemina: "Yes! Oh, Jareth! I do want to be with you, yes!"

Love is an open door...

I like Frozen. Sue me. :lol: :shifty:

It's funny, since practically everyone in the house wanted this. They both have wishes to get engaged, and Alicia, Chester, and Sarah have wishes to see Jareth get married, while Gator has the same wish about seeing Wilhemia get married. Taya has a wish for a party, so that will get fulfilled with the wedding.

I tried fighting fate, but look where that got me. Chester, Gator, Bailey friendship, and another Wolff. But, I love my rebellious Snowes.
Taya painting! No reason for this pic, I just thought it would be nice to see her trying out her now indoors easel.
Jareth: "I'm engaged to your sister."
Gator: "I don't know how I feel about this, I mean, going after my sister is pretty low man."
Jareth: "Ur, I was cool with you and my sister getting all soppy over each other, and cried at your wedding."
Gator: "Okay, okay, I approve. You have my blessing to marry my sister."

Do what you love and the happiness follows.
The reasons you want to stay can blind you to the realisation you don't love it anymore.

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 1- Update 18 - 28/10/

Post by Nevermore »

Again Jareth was rolling the wishes to mix elixirs, so I sent him out into Moonlight Falls to gather ingredients. After a lot of searching, I found a Red Valerian! Round the back of the school and stadium, and there is a good cache of Wolfsbane on La Shove. The elixirs he seems to want to brew all the time are either Potent Cure, Potent Invigorating Elixir and Potent Friendship. Not a whole lot of anything else.
Alicia helped her little goblin prince, and found one of these. :shifty: Death Flowers are a big extreme no, considering she is close to death. :hmm: but she did pick it of own accord, when I prompted her to pick something else. She can keep it until after the wedding. I don't want any weeping wedding guests. :nono:
All those elixirs paid off! No more skill bar! He's maxed it! :applause:
Wilhemina: "Hoggle, you're so sweet, and a precious boy. Can you say Auntie Wilhemina?"
Hoggle: "No!"
Wilhemina: "I'll tickle you!" *tickle-tickle*
Hoggle: "No! You Auntie Dots!"

True story. Wilhemina does have freckles. I find them so adorable! I wish sims could be born with them.

She's actually getting broody for children, but since the house is full and when there will be room, this door closes, so there won't be any chance of that happening.
Time for the wedding! And, at this moment, I learned that isn't Gator's brother Waylon. It's his dad, Dwayne.

Jareth: "Nice to meet you, sir."
Dwayne: "Another Snowe, huh? Alright, I approve. Just to get my kids out the house."
Jareth: "So, what's the time Mr. Wolff?"
Dwayne: :shiftyeyes: "Don't make me change my mind and eat you."

The wedding is at The Toadstool where they had their first date, made sure it's exclusive this time, and invited only family. Only guests are the remaining Wolffs, Erica, Dwayne and Waylon. Couldn't find Pappy. Plus he was once enemies with Chester, so it's probably best they don't meet again. Best part; No Angus.
Wilhemina: "With this ring, I give you my love, my loyalty, and my promise to be together forever."
Jareth: "For you, Wilhemina, I would reorder time, turn the word upside down, and forever try to live up to your expectations of me."
I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Snowe! :heart:

We'll just pretend Erica Wolff hasn't been glitched out this whole time. No idea what's up with her.
Jareth and Wilhemina went off to the side behind the bar to dance in private.

Jareth: "Time for a dance break."

Before you all chuck tomatoes at me for choosing a song from Frozen, my words to you are; :neener: Let it go! Let it go!. :lol: No, it's not Let It Go.

Okay, can I just, say something crazy?
I love crazy!
All my life has been a series of doors in my face.
And then suddenly I bump into you.

Chester and Alicia showing those young whippersnappers how it's done. :woot:

I was thinking the same thing! 'Cause like,
I've been searching my whole life to find my own place.
And maybe it's the party talking or the chocolate fondue.

Sarah and Gator showing some awesome moves. :hmm: I wonder if it's too late to change their song to Defying Gravity...

But with you...
But with you.
I found my place...
I see your face...

Hoggle's a child! He won't dance, and just stands there all awkward. He got the Coward trait, to no one's surprise.

Hoggle: "Can I go home?"

And it's nothing like I've ever known before!
Love is an open door!
Love is an open door!
Love is an open door!

The real Waylon. And he's a teen. And Taya seems to like him. :sigh: Oh, geez. And, we all know where this is going to go. Time to pack up folks. Nothing to see here. Just stubborn Snowes adamant to get as much Wolff blood into the family as possible.

With you!
With you!
With you!
With you!
Love is an open door.

Chester and Erica decided to dance, while Alicia and Dwayne busted some awkward moves.

I mean it's crazy...
We finish each other's-
That's what I was gonna say!

Yay! :bounce: She seems bored with him! Maybe she might choose someone not a werewolf, and free us from this insane parody.

I've never met someone-
Who thinks so much like me!
Jinx! Jinx again!
Our mental synchronisation,
Can have but one explanation.

Everyone on the dance floor! Jareth and Wilhemina still hiding off to the side. Must be her shy trait or something. I have tried to get them in the middle, but they return to behind the bar to dance.

And I-
Meant to be!

The cousins Snowe decide to hit the little arcade! Taya is by far the most colourful sim in this whole drab bar. I wish I'd have chosen Red Velvet Lounge again now.

Say goodbye...
Say goodbye...
To the pain of the past
We don't have to feel it anymore!

Jareth and Alicia decided to have a little jamming session. The Wolffs and the rest of the Snowes seem to really like it. Even though Taya kept booing her own father, despite his 6 points in guitar.

Love is an open door!
Love is an open door!
Life can be so much more!

Wilhemina does make a stunning bride. The slight blush pink really does offset the white nicely. All white would have washed her out.

With you!
With you!
With you!
With you!

Wilhemina: "I'm married to Jareth, my true love!" :heart:

This is still cute. She looks even more princessy, with her gown and the backdrop of Jareth's chambers.

Love is an open door...
Now onto the happy ever after.

That's it. Nothing left for Alicia to worry about now. Both her kids are happily married, granted second time lucky for Jareth. She has two adorable and quirky grandbabies, and found a soulmate in Chester. Lost Bailey, but at least they patched things up. All that's left for her now, is to enjoy her last days. It's also here that the death flower left her inventory, and was placed in Taya's. Until Chester earns enough skill points in gardening, the grandkids can alternate it each day.

Do what you love and the happiness follows.
The reasons you want to stay can blind you to the realisation you don't love it anymore.

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 1- Update 19 - 28/10/

Post by Nevermore »

Romantic wishes rolling like crazy. I always find them kissing or flirting. I think they know the end is close.
Alicia: "Maid services, against my better judgement, I'd like to hire you. My daughter-in-law wishes to hire you. Now I think about it, my grandson and I are terrified of our current cleaning service."

They got a maid! Now the house will actually be clean most of the time.

She's doing quite well on her loose ends list.
- Reach the top of her career. CHECK
- Find true love. CHECK CHECK.
- Had a best friend who remained so for the rest of her life. (Bailey) CHECK.
- Two beautiful kids. CHECK.
- Two gorgeous quirky grandbabies. CHECK.
- Battled a cocktail addiction. CHECK (hey, they can't all be good.)
- Saw that her family will be happy when she couldn't be there. CHECK.
- Left them enough simoleons to live comfortably. (about 50,000 simoleons) CHECK.
- Made sure they won't live in filth. CHECK.
- Left them a very comfortable house with all the necessities. CHECK.
Something is up. She turned to chess instead of alcohol.
Hoggle's first day at school!

Hoggle: "Something isn't right."
Taya: "Whatever it is, it'll be alright."
Hoggle: "Will it?"
Taya: "Yep. There is something you don't know, Hoggle. People in Moonlight Falls say our family is strange, not normal. We were poor for a very long time, even before I was born. Our family could barely get by. One thing we always were rich in and that is love. A love so unbreakable that not even Grim Reaper himself can break it. Whatever happens today, we will be alright. We will do what it takes to be happy right until the end."
Alicia wanted another ranked chess match, and her opponent was Taya's aunt Faith MacDuff. I don't think she was feeling it, because Alicia lost.
The Snowe's maid! No idea what his name is. I was a bit too preoccupied with something else.
Alicia: "I love you all, my children, my grandchildren, my dear Chester..."
Sarah: "Mama?"
Jareth: "You can't go, Mama..." *sob*
Wilhemina: "You were the best mother-in-law I could ever ask for!" *sob*
Alicia: "Please, spare me this once... please."
Jareth: "We have a death flower, Hoggle took it with him to school. Let us fetch it."
Grim: "Your time is up..."
Sarah: "Do something, Jareth... an elixir... something...."
Jareth: "Mama, I will do whatever it takes to make sure this isn't good bye."
Without a care for the broken hearts of her devastated family, Grim Reaper raised the scythe clutched tight in his skeletal hand, and swatted away her spirit through the veil to the netherworld.
Adding salt to the open wounds, Grim hovered towards the bar that she loved so dearly, mixed a drink and enjoyed the very beverage that should have been hers, before following after the beloved woman he had stolen away.
Chester followed shortly after. He loved his children enough to attempt life as an incomplete soul, but his heart was put in the ground that day. He let go of his grip tethering him to this realm, and slipped back into the grave.

Chester: "See you soon, my love."

Then night fell over the house, now heartbroken over their tragic loss.

Alicia Snowe
92 days old.
Wife, mother, grandmother, step-mother, mother-in-law.
Not rich in simoleons, but rich in the truest purest of love.

Alicia, Ink-Stained Tramp, Mama, Drinky Grandma, in her life she gained many names, but all of them were said with such love and care.

Do what you love and the happiness follows.
The reasons you want to stay can blind you to the realisation you don't love it anymore.

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2- Update 1 - 30/10/1

Post by Nevermore »

Alicia had a decision to make. In this particular door, she decided to pursue her dreams, and go to the glittery concrete jungle called Bridgeport, and live amongst the stars and the beautiful people in the pursuit of a bar of her own where she can serves drinks to them for a living.
Her humble abode stands in the shadow of Plumbob Pictures Backlot. That will be fun, seeing some of the set changes, and living so close to a movie studio!
If she's going to even try to make a living as a bar maid, she needs to get studying mixology, so Alicia heads to the Bridgeport Public Library to read some free books.
So, she cracks open a book and starts working on her mixology skill.

I'm getting deja vu all over again.

She doesn't even make it all the way to gaining 1 skill point, before she ditches the book in favour of a little fangirlism.
Not even a big name one either; Lil Bling.

Alicia: "I'm such a fan!"
Lil Bling: "I know girl, give me your digits and I'll call you."
Alicia: "I seem to have misplaced my phone..." :shifty:

She's wanting to impress a celebrity, but she can't do that with a teen celeb.
Alicia: "Oh my god! Tom Wordy! I am your biggest fan!"

It should be noted here, that Alicia's taste in music is and always has been hip-hop music. He's supposed to be a rapper, so eh close enough.
Alicia: "I'm studying mixology! I'm going to own the most successful bar in Bridgeport. Then I'm going to play your music all the time, because who else would I play? I've listened to everything you've ever released. You're so hot, how about we go on a date..."
Tom: "Girl, step off. You're nothing. I ain't gonna stand here, and let you babble, while I'm trying to read. Get some fame, before you dare try talking to me."
Alicia: "What a jerk!"

And her attempt to impress him didn't go well. I'm guessing she won't be wanting to ask for his autograph any time soon. :lol:
A quick hairstyle change in the bathroom, and back to the books. This time she does gain a skill point. It's still not enough to moonlight as a mixologist, but it is a start.
After all that studying, she hits the bars. Nowhere special, just Waylon's Haunt. At least there she doesn't have to have any fame to enjoy it. First thing she does is order a drink. Future grandbabies; your Drinky Grandma is on her way!

Looks like Matthew Hamming likes what he sees. He's very interested in her boobs.

Matthew: "Impressive.... ink."

Yeah, of course that is what he's interested in. :wink:
After a drink, or two or three, she ends up in the corner with a plate of onion rings, spending what little money she has. :hmm: Maybe coming to a bar wasn't the best idea. :lol:

Alicia: "I wonder if I could get a picture..."
Hammy stared at her rack, now she rushes to get a cellphone picture of his butt. He didn't even notice. Didn't even move.
Alicia: *thinks* "And, casually get a drink. He didn't notice."

No, he didn't. He started playing with the foosball table.
A game of darts, and she missed the board with practically every shot, but she was determined to play it though. She played until closing time.
Alicia headed home to her mostly empty house. About here she rolled a wish to live in a high rise building. She just barely had enough money to pay for her binge drinking, so that isn't going to happen soon, but I locked it in for later. When she earns more money, and her family grows maybe then. I'll be sad to see this house go, but in another life, she raised a family in it, and will be remembered for that.
She had about 60 simoleons left, and got a phone call opportunity to gain 1 mixology skill point for money. A trip to the book store was in order, so she doesn't have to head to the library instead. She bought the first mixology book, and nothing else.
Waylon's Haunt is just as good a place to study mixing drinks as any other. First thing she did was rush over to Tiara Angelista for an autograph, but Tiara wasn't exactly chatty, and wouldn't even talk to her. Celebs are such :censored: in Bridgeport.
Tiara is unimportant anyway. She has some studying to do! Alicia buys a cheap drink during happy hour to wet her tastebuds. Hopefully that is a skill drink!
Once she orders it, I move her to the end of the bar, then no one can complain she is hogging a seat.

Tiara: "Tiny boobed drunken tramp."
Alicia: "At least mine are natural."

Sheath your claws, Alicia! :lol:
Having practically no money left, she hits the books. She gains the skill point, gets paid for it, and can now moonlight as a mixologist!

Do what you love and the happiness follows.
The reasons you want to stay can blind you to the realisation you don't love it anymore.

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 2 - 2/11/1

Post by Nevermore »

Hotspots are the place to be, and Alicia really wants to go to one. First thing she does is check the newspaper, and apparently Eugi's is the place to be.

Alicia: "Oh my god! I knew Tiara had work done! She looks like a train wreck leaving the clinic."

:nono: Read only hotspots! Not rumours and gossip!
Turning up at a dive bar like Eugi's in a ballgown probably wasn't the best idea, but at least she turned some heads. Diana Jones certainly seemed jealous of it. Who turns up to a club in scrubs? And dances with Lenny Shutter aka not her husband?
Alicia quickly ousts Diana out the way, and introduces herself to Lenny.

Alicia: "Lenny Shutter, huh? I like that."
Lenny: "Are you single beautiful?"
Alicia: "I am, you?"
Lenny: "I am tonight."
They dance for a while. That is all they do really. Soon she leaves the club, and strangely changes out of her ballgown to her normal clothes.
Dumpster dive! :hearts:

She doesn't get that much. Just a piece of gold and a bug. Nothing of massive value, but she sells them and gets a little bit of money.
The following day she wants to meet a vampire, so I send her to the Drama on TV apartment, hoping to see William Fangmann. He's not there.
Without my control, she calls Lenny to chat.

Alicia: "Hi, Lenny, it's Alicia."
Lenny: "..."
Alicia: "The girl in Eugi's."
Lenny: "..."
Alicia: "The girl in the ballgown."
Lenny: "Oh, yeah... hey!"
Someone did come out. Not sure who she is, I think she might be Erika Talon, but I didn't get a good look at her. This woman returned to her apartment, and Alicia wanted to hang out with Lenny. At least Erika or whoever she is seemed to fulfil that wish to meet a vampire.
They met around the back of Waylon's Haunt.

Lenny: "Oh, hey! It's..."
Alicia: "Alicia Snowe."
Lenny: "I know who you are! You're the girl from Plasma!"
Alicia: "Eugi's."
They head inside to get a few drinks.

Lenny: "I'll have your most expensive drink."
Alicia: "So, what do you do?"
Lenny: "Nothing. I take pictures of celebs and sell them. You're an actress?"
Alicia: "No. A barmaid."
The mixologist kept stepping away from the bar, and didn't serve them their drinks. So, Alicia stepped up and served up some drinks. Matilda Smart came over to try some.
Matilda: "I haven't seen you here before, are you a new mixologist?"
Alicia: "Yeah, I came to town not so long ago. I don't know that many people."
Matilda: "I live not far from here, give me a call if you want to hang out."
Alicia: "Are you doing anything now?"
Matilda: "Nothing at all."
Alicia, Matilda and Lenny played foosball, but couldn't get any food. The mixologist had stepped away from the bar again. But came back when anyone outside the group wanted drinks. :duh:
Alicia and Matilda started talking, and they quickly became friends.
Another opportunity to get paid to earn a skill point! At this rate, she should actually be able to pay the bills.
She headed to the movie theatre to get paid, then started talking to this guy. No idea who he is. Didn't really have much time for her to talk to him.
Because she had simoleons to make!

Working the bar at Eugi's. It's supposed to be a hot spot, so I figured she could earn some good tips. Apparently hot spot was a lie. Only person in the bar was this girl in white. Can't remember the barmaid's name, so we'll call her... Robin! Robin wouldn't leave the bar when Alicia got to work, and she kept serving up drinks before Alicia even started mixing them. :timebomb:
Robin: "This is how you give attitude! Make the customers want it."
Alicia: "Like this?"
Robin: "You got it! Act like the tips mean nothing."

She didn't earn that much anyway.
As it turned out, Lenny was in the club. He must have turned up while Alicia was failing to tend the bar. They started dancing together.
Then some flirting, lead to wishes to go on dates.

Alicia: "I'm tired of this bar, how about we get something to eat, and see where it takes us?"
Lenny: "Sure, Lacey!"
Alicia: "It's Alicia."
Lenny: "Sure, whatever you want. :sly: "
They headed to the diner to get something to eat, and Alicia got tireder and tireder.
Despite her tiredness, she soon started flirting with Lenny, which lead to a kiss. Then she wanted him to move in. Barely been in town about 3 or so days, and she wants him to move in? Okay, done.
He only brought in about 5000 simoleons, and I managed to decorate a little. I don't really like it that much, and I ran out of money before I could make it look perfect. Maybe I'll change it up a bit, or I'm just too content to see this house decorated another way. :shifty:

Gasp! Lenny's LTW is Master of Seduction. This won't be good.
Alicia got an opportunity to work at Brigeport Sports Zone to work for six hours, then report back to Matilda Smart. She only made about 5 hours before the bar closed, so she'll have to come back to finish it. Margherita Savoy actually stepped away from the bar, probably glad for the break, and ordered quite a few drinks.
Deadbeat Lenny got his lazy butt to the film studio to get a job. If he's going to seduce other women behind Alicia's back, he can at least do the right thing and make sure they both have a roof over their head and a stable income, or at least make sure she has enough money to fulfil her want to move into a high rise building.

Do what you love and the happiness follows.
The reasons you want to stay can blind you to the realisation you don't love it anymore.

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 3 - 7/11/1

Post by Nevermore »

Their bliss lasted about two days. If Lenny wasn't rolling wishes for a bar fight while they were alone in a bar, he was turning his head towards any other girl that walked by. At the gallery, he met this tramp. Not sure what her name is. She made the first move, then he wanted to go on a date with her. I left them unattended, and they ended up on a dream date, so they must have got pretty smoochy.
In the mean time, Alicia was working the last couple of hours required at Bridgeport Sports Zone, but first she had to wash her hands twice first. :lol:
Alicia: *sighs* I hate elevator music.

She left the bar having gotten less than 10 simoleons in tips. She's certainly not going to be rich in this life time.
Alicia: "Thanks for the recommendation at the sports bar, Matilda. It got my name out there a little. You're a good friend."
Matilda: "You're welcome! How about coming upstairs to hang out?"
Alicia: "Sure!"
Alicia didn't do much. Mainly talked with Alexy, one of Matilda's roommates. Nothing blossomed of it, and Matilda went to sleep.
On the way back, she found the food truck near the subway. She was pretty hungry, so she got a taco.
Alicia: "This is a terrible taco..." *gag* "I'm going to hurl..."

She didn't enjoy it. Not one bit. Well, what does she expect, getting cheap junk food out the back of a truck?! Food poisoning is like adding salt. :yes:

Technically she did make it. Passing out on the floor of the unfinished hallway counts, right? Right? For once she is sober. :o
When she woke up and hurled her guts up to rid it of that taco, Matilda called her to hang out. They headed to the diner to get some decent food.
Matilda: "Sure you want to go drinking so soon?"
Alicia: "Yeah, I'm fine. How's life at your place?"
Matilda: "Awkward. The guys are creeping me out. Either hitting on me, or making bets with each other who can get with me."
The Brightmore was closed, so they talked outside until it opened.

Alicia: "Look, Matilda, if you want to get away from your roommates for a while, you could move in with me. Lenny's always out anyway."
Matilda: "Sure! That would be fun."

Then they went into Brightmore to party. And Matilda started gossiping, and guess what the topic was. :yes:
After the nightclub partying...

Alicia: "Do you have something to tell me, Lenny?"
Lenny: "I'm sick of this Alicia, and it hurts that you don't trust me."
Alicia: "Everyone in the club was talking about you and some redhead at the art gallery!"
Lenny: "I got pretty big needs, and if you were home more..."
Alicia: "If you where bigger where it counts, I might have stuck around more. Get out of my life, you cheating :censored: "

:rotfl: I love that sims automatically play instruments from their inventory. I'm loving Matilda already!

After this, no more Lenny. He did have a wish to move to a high rise building, so he did. Just not with Matilda and Alicia. Technically he was kicked out, but he ended up there anyway, so that counts. He's not getting back any of the simoleons he put into the house, it's considered cheating dirtbag compensation.
Not that much happened. Alicia continued to moonlight at Bridgeport Sports Zone, and Matilda met one of the bouncers. His name is Rocky. He has such hot genetics. :hmm: I wonder what his babies look like. I wonder if they would mix well with either Matilda or Alicia...
Alicia and Matilda seemed to get in sync with each other. They slept at the same time, and their dreams seemed to match.

Matilda: "Mmm... I want to move house."
Alicia: "Me too, but we're not getting a pool."
Alicia cooked the food. That stove... SLOPPY SNOWES RETURN! :woot:

Why in the middle of the night? :?:
And Matilda cleaned up! I new I liked her. Much better housemate than Lenny.

And here, she got a wish to move to a high rise building. The do have enough money to move into an apartment I placed and cleared out upon file set up, so a move is on the cards! I'm sad to see the house go in this life, but it's not gone forever.

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 3 - 7/11/1

Post by Livvielove »

Ugh, Lenny! :thdown:

What a jerk! Alicia's doing ok though, she's got a friend at least! I also can't wait to see the new house! :yes:
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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 3 - 7/11/1

Post by Nevermore »

Lenny is a dirtbag! Though, his jerkiness did her a favour. She now has a best friend. :bounce:

Pics with new house coming soon. :thup: :D

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 4 - 7/11/1

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Alicia: "I think this is the door."

It's the only accessible apartment in the building. :eyebrow: :hmm: I wonder if this could be it... :roll:

Moving time! :bounce: They packed all their furniture, so they still have very basic necessities.
Matilda: "It's dark, it's dated, and it's ugly."
Alicia: "It will look really nice when we're done."
All their money went on decorating the main living space. I also removed the wall separating the kitchen from it, to give it more of an open plan feel, and less headache for me trying to get snaps in the kitchen. The tiny kitchen has routing issues, if left that way, anyway. Not the first time I've played this exact apartment.

Matilda set to work creating some artwork to go on the walls, since they are pretty bare. Also to give them a steady income, since she has a part time job which doesn't bring in much money.

This would be a perfect set up, if they both worked in a dive of a diner. :yes: Hey, they're still 2 Broke Girls.
Matilda: "What is that you say, Orb of Answers? Kardashians? What about them?"
Matilda: "Woo hoo! Keeping Up With The Kardashians has been cancelled!!"

:rotfl: No, seriously, she must have wished if she should have kids, because she now has a wish to have a baby with someone.
Matilda: "Oopsie... I'm all thumbs."
Alicia: "Next time leave the drinks to me, Honey Lips."

:fisty: That wall is too bare behind the bar!!

Now, why is Matilda mixing drinks, rather than leaving it to her barmaid roommate?
Her former roommate Harry Marks stopped by. He's attracted to her. She does have that wish to have a baby with someone, I'm thinking baby daddy, so both Matilda and Alicia's kids can be siblings. :hmm:

Matilda: "Harry, I don't know how to put this, there is something I need to ask you..."
Harry: "Matilda, you are one of my closest and dearest friends, what do you need?"

No idea what is going on with his feet. Early level uniforms for careers are always glitchy in Bridgeport.
Matilda: "You see, here's the thing. Alicia and I are sick of men, and the dating scene. I really want a baby, and some day Alicia might too. We were hoping, you would woohoo with us both, get us both pregnant, so our kids can be siblings. Me and Alicia are the parents, and you have no part in the kids life."
Matilda: "Harry, this is Alicia. She came to visit us once, but you were out. So?"
Harry: "No offence, Alicia, nice to meet you. You're hot, I'll admit that. Great ink, really cool. This is just all too weird for me."
Alicia: :shiftyeyes: "I came in the kitchen for a juice."

Harry did spend the night though. He's not attracted to Alicia at all, and vice versa. So, he's off the baby daddy list.
After the whole failed attempt at using Matilda's former roommates for breeding stock, they got a lot of skill related opportunities, with a money reward, so they could buy a few things. (Like that shelves above the sink.)

Alicia started washing dishes! :O Matilda is such a good influence!
They both wanted tattoos, so they got matching ones. Alicia's is on her ankle, she same place it was when she got a pentacle tattoo last time, and as you see Matilda's is on her shoulder.
Alicia wanted to gain an alchemy skill point, so I sent them to the elixir store, at least that way she can get recipes out of it, instead of just reading the skill book at the library.

So, Alicia will be the elixir brewing one this time. :hmm: Interesting...
And Matilda decided to play with the bees, and harvest honey... So that's why Alicia calls her Honey Lips! :yes: She did have honey in her inventory when she moved in though. And kept eating it instead of food.

I got to say it, I'm loving these two together. Matilda does have a wish to fall in love with someone, and I am intending to use it on their baby daddy, but I might just get these two together. Hopefully attraction enough to have a baby won't count.

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 5 - 8/11/1

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Alicia: "I'm getting sick of this sports bar, it's such a drag. They don't get me, the music sucks, and I know they water the drinks down. Why can't we go somewhere cheaper, so I can actually get drunk without us spending the rent money?"
Matilda: "Trust me, you'll like this club tonight."
Alicia: "Hello Rocky!" :heart:
Rocky: "Hey there, Sweet Thing."
Alicia: "Is there a Mrs Sexy Bouncer, or a girlfriend about to scratch my eyes out?"
Rocky: "I'm as single as a lonely bird, girl."
Alicia: "Why? You're so hot, I bet they're throwing themselves at you... like me..."
And, she went for it. Not that he was exactly putting up a fight.

It's confirmed, both of our broke roommates are totally into him. :bounce:
Alicia: "Oh yeah, hook, line, and sinker..."
Rocky: "Don't even think about it!"

:whome: I wasn't planning anything... :rotfl:
After throwing herself all over the bouncer beefcake, she heads home and looks pretty happy. Probably dreaming about him. :hmm: I know I would. :smooch:
Matilda finally finished the painting! It's ugly and worth 100 simoleons, so it got sold. Then she gets started on another smaller painting this time.
Alicia got another opportunity to teach mixology at the business building. I'd have preferred she stay home, but they get money from it. Mixology really isn't a career to get rich from, so she does it for the money.

Also, an alcoholic teaching people how to get other people drunk? :hmm: That will go well. :roll:
She goes to the elixir store to work on alchemy again, and meets Renee Littler. While Diana and her husband Johnny skulk around in the background. :hmm: I wonder if she'll go away, if I tell Johnny what she was getting up to with Lenny a while back?
Alicia: "Look Renee, let's get serious for a minute. I know you're a big superstar and all, but hey, come on, we should be pals."
Alicia: "I don't mean to brag here, but the way I mix a cocktail, I can get you wrecked for days. You'll have bad publicity for the rest of your life."

:lol: Apparently, a good cocktail didn't impress Renee, so she headed out to do a little celeb stalking.
Alicia: "Hello Hammy!"
Matthew Hamming: "No one is home." :shiftyeyes:

:lol: Aparently Hammy remembers meeting her before.
Alicia still wanted to impress Renee, so I sent her to her house, and as it turns out, the Littlers were having a party, and no one noticed Alicia crashing. Outside she managed to corner Emmy Starr, who she had no problems impressing. :hmm:

Alicia: "Oh yeah, I can mix you cocktails like you wouldn't believe. You'll have pictures of you sprawled out in the gutter, surrounded by your own puke, in every newspaper and magazine for weeks."
Emmy: "Oh, really? Let me give you my number..."

They talked for a bit, became friends, and Alicia is now a 2 star celebrity. :bounce: Hopefully the gifts will start pouring in!
Matilda: *gag* "When is Alicia getting home?"

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 6 - 10/11/

Post by Nevermore »

This painting is so cute! It stays until she can paint something prettier.

Matilda: "I like that so much."

Me too. :hmm: I love the style of both of the characters drawn.
Finally free of the sports bar! Back to Waylon's Haunt to tend to the bar. I'm loving the vibe of it, more than some of the more fancy bars. Can't remember this guy's name either, so we'll call him... Doug!

Alicia: "Name your poison."
Doug: "A skill drink, and your phone number..."
Alicia: "Just one skill drink coming up... :shifty: "
Alicia's really enjoying being this side of the bar, and honestly, I am too. If she makes enough money, and gets to buy it for her LTW, I think Waylon's Haunt will be the bar she buys.

Diana Jones again. She keeps turning up nearly everywhere Alicia goes. *cough* Stalker! *cough* Diana, bringing your husband along doesn't make you any less of a stalker!
After tending to the bar for a while, she headed home to get started on her garden! Only Wolfsbane and Red Valerian. Since she is working on Alchemy, you can never have too many of these two.
Alicia: "I think I need something new to get more tips..."
She gets that! A new second formal outfit. And she debuts it in Eugi's. Much better than walking around the dive bars and local watering holes she likes in a ballgown.

Alicia: " :flirt: Okay, boys, bar is open!"
This guy seemed to dig it. She made about 50 simoleons in tips off him. Creapo!
Alicia: "Hey, Rocky, baby, I just got home and I'm lonely. How about you come keep me company?"
Damn, Rocky, baby, you got old! :O
Trip to the library to study, ended up with some celebrity stalking meetings.

Alicia: "Hello Hammy!"
Matthew: "Oh, it's you..." :shifty:
Alicia: "Oh, come on Hammy, give me a chance, Emmy Starr swears by my cocktails..."

Eventually she won him over. I wonder why he's wearing an astronaut suit... :hmm: Must be making a space movie at the film studio. They became friends, and she gained another celebrity star.
Matilda: "Home sweet home..."

:hearts: Okay, this one is perfect for the apartment.
Alicia: "Hey Matilda, I'm thinking we should throw a party. What do you think?"
Matilda: "Sure! I met a guy at work, and I wouldn't mind getting to know him better."

Matilda now works in the Music career, and will make use of her LTW to max guitar and painting skills. If I didn't mention at sooner, I am now. :D
Alicia: "Oh, mystical and magical orb of answers, my guide in life...
OoA: "Prepare for trouble!
Make it double!
To protect the world from devastation!
To unite all peoples within our nation!
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!
Meowth! That's right!"
Alicia: "Looks like you're blasting off again."

A thousand cookies to whoever gets this reference without having to google it. :rotfl: Now both the girls are wanting babies! So, apparently her question is to have kids.
After work, she decided to do a little dumpster dive. Oh my god, she is so a Snowe! In everything but her name. Come on, wish... :fisty: they need to get hitched!

Continue on with phone call...
Alicia: "Make sure you don't have any plans. It's really important you come to the party, me and my roommate are really eager to see you. Okay, see you soon... Why am I whispering? No reason. Can't a girl plan a secret party without being accused of scheming something?!"
Alicia: "La-di-da... food to fill them up..."
Alicia: "Drinks to get them wrecked... la-di-da, and one for you, and you, and you..."

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 7 - 10/11/

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I'm coming up, so you better get this party started...

The party did get started! Alicia mixing the drinks of course. No, they're not gone off, she just decided to mix a load of foul quality ones. That glop on the table, Hammy brought it. The guests started flooding in, most of them were celebs. Some didn't come into the apartment for a while, no idea why.
Matilda: "Hi Tom..." :blush:
Tom: "Mattie, girl, you looking fine."
Alicia: "Everyone! Dance! Woo!"

Alicia got everyone dancing, to give Matilda privacy to put her moves on Tom.

We'll ignore the tired thought bubble. Sims are constantly tired in Bridgeport! Like the second they get out of bed, instant tired! Go somewhere, tired! :fisty:

One of those old men is Matilda's former roommates Alexy. Can't remember which one.
Alicia: "Go Hammy! Go Hammy! We're dancing like it's ya birthday!"

:rotfl: Oh, Hammy! You can resist Alicia all you want, but you know you love her fangirling!
He seemed to like her enough to eat the glop he bought with her, and ignore the buffet table. I have no idea why I bothered placing it. :roll:
Our Bridgeport Broke Girls just love their Hammy. He can't even leave in peace.

Matilda: "Hello Hammy!"
Matthew Hammy: "Oh, god, not another one!"
Matilda: "I want to be to music, what you are to acting... legendary!"
Some celeb stalking later, the girls headed to Tom's place, but he wasn't in.

Matilda: "Alicia, if you see Tom while you're at work, could you tell him to come see me?"
Alicia: "Sure, Mattie. Want me to get him drunk first?"
Matilda: "No! Sober, please."
As luck would have it... Tom was at Waylon's! :hmm: I wonder what I'll call Waylon's when I can buy it...

Alicia: "Tom, look, Mattie is totally into you, you should go see her. In fact, how about we head back to my place right now?"
Forcibly brought back to the girl's apartment, it didn't take long before Matilda and Tom got all flirty.
Tom: "Hey baby..."
Matilda: "Get in here!"
I hope that elevator doesn't have a camera. :shiftyeyes: :lol: That would give the maintenance guys an eye full!
Tom: "What the hell is all this?! Your spare bedroom is a nursery?! Are you trying to trap me?"
Matilda: "No!! I swear!"

She is too good for him anyway.
Tom: "Damn, girl, I'm glad I bumped into you last night..."
Alicia: "That was convenient, wasn't it?"
Alicia: "Like a fly on a web..."
Tom: "What was that?"
Alicia: "Nothing, baby, let me give you a massage."
Alicia: *yawn* "That was almost too easy."
Alicia: "Tom, I know you only left this morning, but I really want to see you..."
Tom: "I'll be right over... :smirk: "
:jawdrop: He got old! What is up with the sudden ageing?! The ageing up curse hits again!

Alicia: "Hey Tom, come inside..."
Alicia: "Look, I'm going to get straight to the point. You think you can treat my best friend like that? Well, I'm using you, and all you're going to be remembered for is some has-been who I dumped."
Tom: "You what?"
Tom: "Who the hell are you?"
Alicia: "I'm just a devoted fan who was new in town, and wanted your autograph. Now get out of here :censored: , and treat your fans better."
Alicia: "Because you, see you has-been, there is more growing in this place than my garden. Me and Mattie are both pregnant with your kid."
Tom Wordy was out of there sharpish.

Alicia: "Things are going to get a lot more fun around here."

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 7 - 10/11/

Post by Cororon »

Oh my, lots of flirting and now two pregnancies! :mrgreen:
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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 8 - 12/11/

Post by Nevermore »

They had their babies!

Alicia's daughter is Sinead. Her traits are brave and virtuoso. Matilda's daughter is Tiffany. Her traits are friendly and excitable.

Just after this, they both got tattoos. I only allowed it because I'd love to see their grandbabies before Alicia dies, and I got a new CC tattoo I'm dying to try out. Alicia's is on her forearm layering over that one, because I've always hated how that looked like an ink rash. Mattie's down her left arm, you'll see that soon enough. :thup:

Alicia: "Hush, little Baby, don't say a word, Mama's gonna buy you a Mockingbird."

Alicia loves caring for Sinead. :hearts: So cute!

After this, there was a rumour about Alicia having a child out of wedlock, but she sued for slander, and got about 2000+ simoleons, before legal fees, and got enough to buy a TV! So :neener: to who ever would cause hate against Alicia for such an adorable little bundle of joy!
That's the Alicia we know and love! She not long had a baby, now she's getting tattoos and getting drunk again.
Alicia: "Mattie, you know I slept with Tom to protect you, right?"
Matilda: "I know! He was horrible, and the only good thing to come from knowing him is Sinead and Tiffany."
Matilda: "But, that's not it... Alicia, I don't know what exactly I'm feeling. I never really fit in. Even with Alexy and Harry, it was just a place to sleep and not have to pay more than a third of the rent..."
Alicia: "Mattie, I know..."
Alicia: "Because I feel the same. Who needs men, when I have you..."
Alicia: "Whatever this dump of a city throws at us, we have each other. Whatever we are to each other... friends, or more..."

They finally kissed!!! :bounce:
Matilda: "Have you been with a woman before?"
Alicia: "Once, but I wasn't serious about her."
Matilda: "What exactly do you do?"
Alicia: "How about one night after we put the little tykes to bed, I show you."
Alicia got invited to a party. Not that much happened. There was only one member of the household there, and she spent all the time outside in the hot tub.
She managed to impress and make friends with this woman, and is now almost a 4 star celebrity. No idea what her name is. Didn't look, didn't check to see if she's in the relationship panel. Her name shall be Jenny!

Alicia: "You will not believe the amount of stars who have gotten completely wasted because of my drinks."
Jenny: "You have to come to my next party! Or more..."
Alicia: "Back off will ya, I haven't got a girlfriend, but there is a girl I like, and I'm not jeopardising that.

And, she's a skank! She did try to hit on Alicia, but our beloved party girl refused her.
Matilda was home taking care of Sinead and Tiiffany. Look who is now a cute and adorable toddler!

Matilda: "Here you go, Chickadee, enjoy!"
Tiffany: "Goo!"
Matilda: "Cute little Tiffany Chickadee!"

This is just adorable! Also, perfect view of her full arm tattoo! Now they both match. Matilda's still not getting more tattoos after this.
You know how a party sucks, and you stop off at a hot night club on the way home and the pianist dies? Yeah.
Alicia: "Sinead, I love you for now, for tomorrow, until the end of time..."
Alicia: "Here you go Tiff, breakfast for a cutie pie."
Alicia: "Way to go Tiff! Now you jamming! One day, you will play in my bar!"
Tiffany: "Haha!"
Matilda: "What do you think, Sinead? Should I become your new second mama?"
Matilda: "Should I..."
Alicia: "How about we see where this takes us..."
A make out session...
Yay! They're so going to get together! At least they didn't do it in the elevator! :lol:
And they fell asleep in each other's arms.
Matilda: "Sinead is beautiful, isn't she?"
Alicia: "They are both beautiful."

Life went on as normal for the pair of them, but they didn't do anything more than that woohoo.
Alicia: "I love you my little angel."
Sinead: "Ya!"

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 9 - 15/11/

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Alicia: "Come to Mama, Sinead... walk to Mama."
Sinead: " :eyebrow: "
Matilda: "Can you say painting, Tiff?"
Tiffany: "Tiff!"
Matilda: "Yay! You can say your name." *claps* "Now, painting!"

A lot of caring for the little tykes. Sinead and Tiff are just the cutest little sweetie pies. :heart:
Matilda: "Alicia... I don't know what this is, or why I've never felt this way about any other women... I want to... I mean, do you want to..."
Alicia: "Mattie, just say it..."
Matilda: "Do you want to go steady?"
Sometimes words aren't needed. Alicia wants her too, more than she wanted any man in this concrete jungle. Those men, they were just distractions. As their lips touched, Matilda understood. Alicia was the person she was always waiting for.
Alicia: "Oh my god! I've got a girlfriend!"

Even Alicia can't believe it herself! To be fair, most of the men she's met aren't exactly the settling kind. Except Hammy. :hmm: If I could, I would have gotten them together on day one.
Mattie finally finished the painting. I love it. It can go on the walls. It is pretty bare behind the sofa. :hmm: It can be Mattie's gallery! :bounce:
No reason for this snap. Little Tiff is just as cute as a button!

Really expensive celeb gifts started coming in, so our Bridgeport Broke Girls aren't so broke any more. They can splash a bit more cash around the apartment.
This guy loved Alicia so much, he just had to have her autograph. She is a four star celeb, and so is Matilda.

Alicia: "Who should I make this out to?"
Uber-Fan: "I don't care, make it out to anyone you want, I love you so much!"

She had to go to the elixir store for mushrooms to start growing them so I don't have to bring her all this way for them any more.
Then mixed up a potent invigorating elixir, because there just aren't enough hours in the day to care for the little ones, and both girls are constantly tired. She probably won't be able to complete her Sinead related wishes in time if she doesn't use it.
Everyone headed out for a little day out. I didn't even make them choose who to carry, they did that on their own. I find it so sweet, that they didn't pick the daughter they gave birth to. This means they love both their girls, equally. :hearts:
Tiffany: "WAAAAAA!!" :cry:
Alicia: "I know, Tiff, I hate this music too."
:hmm: Taking two toddlers in their PJs down to the subway probably isn't the best idea. At least they didn't get mugged!
Into the park for a picnic! I had them change the girls into their normal clothes. Didn't feel right that they should sit on the grass in public in their PJs.

Sinead: "Waaa!! Bitey ants!"
Tiffany: :eyebrow:
Matilda: "We should do this again."
Alicia: "When the girls are a little older."
Matilda: "Then they can play together on those swings."
After their day out, Alicia settled down to watch the gardening show. I'm surprised she didn't mix up a drink.
Oh, wait... :lol:

She got an opportunity to get money for gaining a mixology skill point, so done!
Using the grill in the kitchen for the first time! :bounce: Finally, someone is using it!

(Also, preparing food for the Boolprop party, Happy Birthday Boolprop from the Snowes!)
Alicia: "Damn, that is one good hotdog! I should make these in my bar..."

The one you don't have yet, you mean? :lol:
Another cute Tiffany snap! I love how the Hello Kitty crib doesn't have those bars at the front. :heart: She looks so cute with her Fairy Scary Beary.

Tiffany: "Fae-Bear, I love you!"

Alicia: "Have a good day at work, Matts."
Matilda: "I wish I didn't have to go..."
Alicia: "You know how it goes, you bring in the cash, I stay here and miss you."
Matilda: "I'll miss you too."

No, Tiffany didn't disappear from her crib, hers is in the other corner.
After Matilda came home from work, and took over taking care of the little ones, Alicia headed to the Plumbob Studios, for a cameo in a movie opportunity. She made 5000 simoleons out of it, and gained some star points. Kerching!
Matilda: "Come on Tiff, you can do it!"
Tiffany: "Yay!"

Tiffany finally finished her toddler skills. She did learn how to walk in this attempt. I wonder what Sinead is up to, lurking off to the side like that... :hmm: :shifty:

Actually, she's playing with her imaginary friend scary beary. :lol:
Then Alicia headed to the cineplex to get paid for gaining that mixology skill point. Only 500 simoleons this time, but every little helps.
Then she went to another party. She was invited, I just forgot about it, until I got the alert, and allowed her to go.

Alicia: "Dad?"

Yep! That's right. In another life, Beau Merrick is Alicia's father. Not this one though. They have no connections to each other.
It was a full moon. Matilda was there to meet her when she came home.

Alicia: "Mattie, I wish you could have come to the party with me..."
Matilda: "Me too."
Alicia: "There is one party I want to take you to..."
Alicia: "Mattie, I'd love to invite you to our wedding..."
Matilda: "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! Alicia, I do love you!"
Alicia: "Oh, Mattie, I love you so much."
They embraced, now engaged.

They're finally together! They're finally together! *squealing with delight*
Alicia: "You ready to do this, Mattie?"
Matilda: "Ready."

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The reasons you want to stay can blind you to the realisation you don't love it anymore.

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 8 - 12/11/

Post by Livvielove »

I have a lot to catch up on!
First of all how could I NOT get that Pokemon reference. I always loved Team Rocket.

Second of all - BABIES. I'm such a sucker for them recently, especially with all the booms going on!

Third of all I'm totally down for Matilda and Alicia! They make a great couple! I can't wait to see the wedding! :hearts:
Also to see those cute kiddos as they grow up!
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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 8 - 12/11/

Post by Nevermore »

Yay! A thousand cookies for Liv! :cookie:

I'm totally crazy about this family. They're so perfect in their little bubble of the mess of Brigeport. I know it had a rough start, but Mattie and Alicia's love story really turned things around. I'm so excited for the wedding! A wedding with two brides, means two wedding dresses! Plus, Hammy! :bounce: I'm so excited for all of it. Tiff and Sinead are just a joy to raise. Both of them are so cute, and I can't stop snapping pics of them. :hearts:

Do what you love and the happiness follows.
The reasons you want to stay can blind you to the realisation you don't love it anymore.

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 9 - 19/11/

Post by Nevermore »

Alicia: "I don't care if you're bored with Jessica, Rafael! I'm engaged, to a woman! Now get lost!"

That isn't the first time Rafael called for dates either. Maybe Jessica Talon isn't such a great girlfriend for him after all.
Alicia: "Play another song for me, Tiff?"

Tiffany mastered the xylophone! :bounce: Not far from ready, when her birthday rolls around in a couple of days.
Next she moved onto the pegbox, and seemed really interested in Mattie's easel.

Tiffany: "Picture sucks!"

Everyone's a critic! :lol:
Sinead came over to play finally! She really needs to work on her xylophone and pegbox skills. In fact, Alicia didn't really have that many wishes at the minute. Most of them revolved around cleaning the apartment, or caring for the kids, or the bar.
After I moved the high chairs, they finally got used!

Tiffany: "I'M HUNGRY! WAAAA!!"
Alicia: "Here you go, Tiff, and one for Sinead too. Eat up!"
This is just so cute!!! Too little cuties eating side by side. :heart: Tiff seems to enjoy her baby food more than Sinead.
Mattie finished her painting, and I totally love it. Quite pretty. Not one of the best, but it stays.
:O ALICIA IS MOPPING!!! I seriously have no idea how the puddle got that far across the room, when the potty is in the opposite corner, but hey... she mopped!
Then cooked some food for dinner. I have to admit, she is acting like a housewife, when she isn't even a wife yet. She has no wishes to go to a bar or anything, so it's on Mattie to earn the simoleons. Maybe when the tykes are in school, she might get some more wishes to do the whole bar crawl.
Finally something she had to leave the house for! She wanted to learn a recipe, so I had her buy cookies, so she can work on her baking again. I bet Tiff and Sinead would love some cookies.

Also, Tiff has mastered pegbox!

I'm missing Waylon's Haunt. I need some neon lights, and terrible decor.

She got an opportunity to make a new drink, so she did, the Tiff Tiff Hurray!
This is just the cutest thing! Both Tiff and Sinead playing with their bears. :hearts: :hug:
Mattie started on another painting. It is about here that I noticed the other two paintings on the wall had completely disappeared. This has never happened to me before. :hmm: I wonder if it is because I didn't put them in frames? I can't place anything else there, so they are apparently still there. :pan:
Alicia headed off to the business offices to get paid for creating that drink. She didn't make that many simoleons, but everyone that works there is now friends with her.
Added two more chairs to the table, for when the kids are children. Alicia was the first to try them out, eating alone. She doesn't share that many meal times with Mattie any more. Hopefully the wedding should get them flirty again. Luckily the tattoos hadn't reset their age bars too far, and it's their birthday soon, which lands just after their wedding. It's due to happen on one of Mattie's days off. Which also lands on a sunday, so the kids won't have school when they age up.
Alicia: "Blow out the candles Tiff!"
Tiffany: "Yay! Candles!"
I'm not sure who Tiff takes after. :hmm: She is pretty though. I think the white hair ages her. Might have to dye it, to bring out more of her pretty features.

Tiffany: "I don't want to be pretty!"

Okay Tiff! :lol: :roll: Still, not sure what suits her. :hmm: Maybe a mint green, or a pastel pink? She needs some colour in her hair.
Ageing up is so tiring for the little chickadee! Aww!! :hug: Tiff is certainly starting to become a favourite of mine.
When she woke up, she wanted a hug from her Mama!

Tiffany: "Love you, Mama."
Mattie: "Love you too, Chickadee!"
Tiffany: "But you look like this..."
Mattie: "But you look like this..." :neener:
Tiff seems to enjoy playing with the oven. :hmm: She made a plate of muffins, and didn't burn them.
Now she can finally socialise with her sister!

Tiffany: "Where's Sinead..."
Sinead: "....?"
Tiffany: "There she is!"
Sinead: "Yay! Haha..."

They played peekaboo for quite a while, and it was so damn cute I practically watched them like this :hearts: They were almost best friends, by the time they finished their game.
This made them best friends! :hug:

:hearts: I'm just going to sit here squealing because of how adorably cute this is!! I love these two.
Then Tiff headed to the TV to watch the cooking channel. Yep, her next trait is certainly decided. Tiff can be a chef when she grows up.
Tiff wanted a dolls house, so I bought one. I was actually surprised that I hadn't placed one sooner, considering there are two little girls in the house. Tiff and Sinead were quick to try it out. I found that so adorable, how Mattie stopped painting long enough to watch them play.

:heart: This family is just so cute!!
Alicia finally baked some cookies! :bounce:
Tiffany is more than happy to taste them! :lol: Cookies are yummy, so I'll let her have that one.
Before tucking in a very sleepy little Sinead into bed. Poor poppet had a busy day. :hug:
Tiff leaves to go to her first day of school, which also lands on a friday. She also takes a certain house guest with her, so she can say goodbye, and see him on his way.

Thanks Cor, for letting me add Tox to this update. It's been an honour! :hug:
Mattie finally finishes her painting! It's beautiful! How is this one not a masterpiece? It should be. It's by far the most beautiful painting Mattie has created.

When I put it on the wall, I made sure to put a frame on this one, maybe it won't disappear this time. :fisty:

Just in time to get ready for the wedding! No more distractions for Mattie and Alicia.

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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 9 - 19/11/

Post by snazzle »

They really are adorable. While I still miss Jareth and Sarah and Chelicia LOL... I've got to admit that Alicia's story in this door is pretty grand as well.
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Re: Alicia Snowe: Sliding Doors - Door 2 - Update 9 - 19/11/

Post by Nevermore »

I miss them too, but they're not gone. I did continue to play them, and take plenty of snaps.

I'm just crazy about this door though, Alicia's wild side came out more, which she never got to do with Chester around who brought the good out in her. I do love both doors though, each for their differences.

Thanks for reading, Snazzle.

Do what you love and the happiness follows.
The reasons you want to stay can blind you to the realisation you don't love it anymore.

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