Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 6 15-18 (Aug 19 2023) 9758

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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-14 (Feb 21) - 2673

Post by MichelleCYoung »

I just read chapter 14
Hehehehe. And you said in your very first line that this wasn't about telling a story!

Wow, I did not see that one coming. I hope they do get back together, but he needs to get his act together first.

Those kids are so cute! I don't blame you for using that wish. That poor kid really does need the help.

Awww, I love Abigail!

That's a great idea for a business, too. Love the mini-golf!
Great update! It's gonna be a long time before the rotation comes around again. Golly, but the city is growing by leaps and bounds!
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-14 (Feb 21) - 2673

Post by Anne »

Loved the update!
Poor Nikki... Good for her telling Kerie Ng where she can stick it (at least, implicitly). For the kids' sake, I hope she and Zach work it out, but I do kinda think she just needs to dump his a**.
The golf course looks like fun! Such a cool idea for a business. :)
Looking forward to more, because Mesa Vista is still one of my favourite 'hoods!
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-14 (Feb 21) - 2673

Post by Lorinsv »

You're welcome, glad the mention and link helped raise awareness for that wonderful mod! I hadn't realized how much shadows enhanced the appearance around the Sims until I got them back. Such a difference!

I admit I still don't know whether or not Zach and Nikki will stay together, and that moving him out for his job was a bit of a stalling tactic while I try to make up my mind. It will most likely be determined by what the consensus of comments are, though now that Nikki is developing more of a backbone, the notion that they might not get back together isn't quite as daunting for me.

I would say Kerie's abrasiveness is pointed more toward Zach than Nikki (who got caught in the crossfire) and definitely stems from the fear of him usurping her role as alpha parent to Noah.
Haha, I partly blame you! Really :yes:

I'm glad you were surprised though, and that you like the kids and the mini golf!
"Poor Nikki" is what I kept thinking too, and I decided she needed to get a healthy streak of selfishness. After all, she is an accomplished person in her own right, so if she does take him back, it will be from more of a position of strength, and if she doesn't, she'll know she can make it without him. We'll see!

I had fun building and testing the golf course. Even after playing all these years I'm amazed at the depth and versatility in the game, including businesses!
Thank you all for the comments, I appreciate them!
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-14 (Feb 21) - 2673

Post by raebeth47 »

Great update!
Love seeing Zach and Nikki slowly come to terms with things, and excited to see how it turns out. Cute kids!
I haven't used the Peace of Mind wish in a long time, but definitely a good choice for a Family teen. They do tend to be hard to keep happy unless they can find themselves a soulmate.
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-15 (Mar 14) - 2673

Post by Lorinsv »

Thanks for the comment, Raebeth :)

New update is here:
Week 5-15: Ng
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-15 (Mar 14) - 2673

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Yay, update!
Well, now, considering all the weird things one finds inside that dummy, I can see a connection to a rowdy nightclub's electrical system.

Rosemarie Jitmakusol - the only tourist who never needs a 3-day invitation to come visit. She must be attending a local boarding school, or something. Anyway, it's cool that she follows him home, or he'd never get to visit with her.

Did he manage to sneak out without getting caught?


YAAAY, Genie!

YAAAY, Spa! Also, I love the name! And it's gorgeous. I want to go there.

Chortle! "swimming in my ... anywhere."
Whoop! My niece just arrived and I have to log off. I'll come back later to read the rest and comment some more.

OK, I'm back.
Ahhh, the evil witch. Fun.

"I see weird people." BWAHAHAHAA!

Wow, the evil witch scared them all away!

Poor Noah, all traumatized on his date.

Do or die? Do what? Oh, it seems like Kerie's heir is going to ship right out of the house. And we'll have a long wait before we find out.
Good chapter!
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-15 (Mar 14) - 2673

Post by Lorinsv »

Hey, Michelle!
Lol, true about the rowdy nightclub!

No, he got caught, but I don't normally let my teens sneak out - do the parents need to be asleep for them to be successful?

Glad you like the spa, I'd like to go there too :yes:

Nothing really dramatic up Noah's sleeve other than typical teen drama, and I didn't intend for it to be a cliffhanger either. He's just ready to fly the coop and go to Uni with his friend Neil Outside. They had talked about it at the end of Week 4, and this was my way to keep that plan going since they didn't see each other in Week 5.
Thanks for the fun comment!
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-15 (Mar 14) - 2673

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Yeah, I think the parents need to be asleep, or pre-occupied with something gripping, like poker.

Ahhh, college. So he'll come back after graduation, I suppose. Unless she has another child to pass on the house to that one.
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-15 (Mar 14) - 2673

Post by raebeth47 »

Huh. I've never actually had a teen get caught before sneaking out before.
Definitely some tension between Noah and Kerie! Typical teenage stuff, but it seems to have an edge to it.
I've had that weird brown eyes and messed up face glitch before - only at a community lot when they're wearing some kind of uniform. Definitely creepy.
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-16 (Mar 20) - 2924

Post by Lorinsv »

And I have never had a successful one, so we're even? :shifty:

Yeah, the edge is Noah's zero Nice points. I just felt it had to be overblown for that reason.

I've had that glitch before. I would have omitted it if it hadn't happened with Camryn. Weirdness seems to follow her wherever she goes, and I'm running with it! :party2:
Thanks as always for the comment!

New update is here:
Week 5, Part 16: Wing

That's two in less than a week, and I didn't fry my brain doing it! :bounce:
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-17 (Mar 26) - 3026

Post by Lorinsv »


The Mesa Vista Week 5 Update Marathon continues here!

Week 5, Part 17: Planter
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-17 (Mar 26) - 3026

Post by Anne »

Wow, loving all the updates!
The Wing family looks cute! I love their house - I actually think it's even cuter after your make over. Looking forward to seeing the twins as well (if they really will be twins, that is). I'm also curious to see how you'll make the car store profitable. I've never actually had a car store in my game, so I can't really help you with that.

"Vern found himself squarely planted in yet another hardship challenge" LOL puns.
Loving this challenge! I haven't heard of it before, but it seems really interesting. :)
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-17 (Mar 26) - 3026

Post by Lorinsv »

I like playing the Wings' house, it has a nice spacious floor plan that's still pretty easy to keep track of everyone.

Haha, I can't resist puns when they jump out at me :drinks:

Thanks for the comment, Anne!
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-17 (Mar 26) - 3026

Post by raebeth47 »

Great updates!
I love the idea of a farming neighborhood!
The Wing family looks like a lot of fun. Sometimes it's fun to try random mixes of aspiration and such.
The Harvest Moon challenge looks like a lot of fun! Actually makes me want to try the actual game.
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-17 (Mar 26) - 3026

Post by MichelleCYoung »

I just read Wing and Planter. WOW - this thing has been going on forever, and you're still adding new people, and new challenges!
The Wings are challenging, indeed, with those LTWs. Yikes! And the Planter challenge - it's going to be hard raising a family while living purely off the land on a derelict farm, but if anyone can do it, you can!
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-17 (Mar 26) - 3026

Post by Sam »

I fell behind with your updates, and couldn't remembered what I had and hadn't read, so I spent today reading the entirety of week five! I must admit, I absolutely adore Mesa Vista! It's gorgeous to look at, and full of such awesome sims! I don't know how you do it - so many sims already!!

Anyway, prepare for an enormous comment, because I made notes as I went:
Literally all of the houses are gorgeous, and I love how you're decorating them! A few favourites are the Korbens (I enjoyed seeing their progression) and the Ramaswamis (I love seeing people edit Maxis houses), but there are so, so many good ones!

Chloe Outsider is the cutest little thing <3

Nellie & Neil's night under the stars was wonderful, and I very much ship them together!

I really enjoy seeing what they've bought at other businesses over the previous week :D It's great that you show us that.

The servo thing is insane - 16 weeks of play?! How did you not lose your mind? :) I enjoyed seeing the neighbourhood in that update, too - I'm quite fascinated by how people lay out their 'hoods.

I'm pretty intrigued by the Wendlands, and how they fare with the uncontrollable children! Ringo is amazing, and I saw that Katri helped you fix the issue with the broken template, which is good.

I really enjoyed the Goodies storyline! And I'm very excited to see the orphanage, and how it all progresses. The Goodies are one of my favourite families in Mesa Vista.

Good idea using the Pleasantview shack for Mina's vacation home - I really like what you're doing with it! Too bad about the locals refusing to share the hang loose with you :roll: I had that problem with tai chi.

Jillian Adams is such a cutie pie!

The golf course is a pretty great idea - it reminds me of the mini-golf things that came with Makin' Magic, although I don't think they've been converted for TS2. Still, you found a way to get it to work vanilla, so all good!

I can't remember which update this corresponds to, but I know what you mean about the activity table taking up so much space. I also turn it on a diagonal, and just cope with the clipping issues - my OWBC family has theirs in the living room, and sims often dance through it!

And I really enjoy the Planters, and look forward to seeing that house progress! I'm glad you found a way to make that family interesting for you :)
In short, I love Mesa Vista :heart:
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-17 (Mar 26) - 3026

Post by Lorinsv »

Thanks for the comments, raebeth and Michelle :) I'm glad people are liking the farming/rural hood! It takes some thought distinguishing St Hubert from the main hood since I see Mesa Vista as being rural to begin with.

And Sam, thank you for the mega comment, I'm so happy you like Mesa Vista! :happyheart:
Haha, for the Servos, I played them in between loads of laundry, so productive sessions all around!

The Korben and Ramaswami houses are my favorites too. Most of the houses I have downloaded already furnished with some minor tweaks from me, because it takes me waaayyy too long to build and/or (re)decorate, time I would much rather spend playing, so I can't take credit for many of them. I have customized the Shins' decor quite extensively to reflect Diane's love of Takemizu, but that's one of the few off the top of my head.

The Goodies are an odd couple, but one of my favorites, for sure :upsidedown: Ohh, and I like Ringo too!

Yay, glad you like seeing the Sims' purchases from Mesa Vista's businesses too.

Thanks again for the comment, I enjoyed revisiting these families in my head. :whome:
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-17 (Mar 26) - 3026

Post by Pony »

I just got all caught up!
I like how to post updates/play in a differrent order every week. I don't know why, but it makes Mesa Vista feel more organic and alive that makes any sense. You really bring the characters to life. They have their struggles and issues to overcome. (Neil campaigning is hiliraious)I may borrow some of you side challenges for Silver Bend. The Harvest Moon looks fun.
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-18 (Jan 3) - 3060

Post by Lorinsv »

Thanks, Pony! I play out of order because I play whichever household strikes my fancy at the time. There's plenty of RL stuff that can bog me down with my BaCC, which is why I don't let myself worry about things like order and perfect symmetry. It's basically a case of whatever works to keep me going.

I'm glad you liked Neil's political campaigning, that was fun to write :)

Side challenges are good, and they have the added bonus of making me appreciate my nonchallenge households. I definitely recommend the Harvest Moon Challenge, it's not one you see very often and it has a good balance of difficulty, fun and a sense of achievement.


New update is here:
Week 5, Part 18: Zarusoba
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Re: Mesa Vista - My BaCC for fun: Week 5-18 (Jan 3) - 3060

Post by Twilightoutside »

Hi, just read your update ...yeah, only now...
Spoiler: see, if I come home, I either binge-play my own game for hours or binge-watch all kinds of stuff where I do NOT have - and - want to comment, so I actually avoid stuff I want to comment... and then I forget to comment, so commenting is a game of chance with me... does that make sense...?... yeah, it's like a dance studio where everybody refuses to talk about dance or music and then dances to the music... why was there no pic of me refusing?? I can't even dance and still shiver in terror of my long-forgotten piano lessons...!

Oh, the whistling.... I really need to let my Sims dance and sing more at home...

I actually stopped the hobby hood to appear in Instant City - I get entry cards, but going there wouldn't be possible for me... another attempt to not risk the hood to blow up... now I regret that... :(

The slapfest around Nicole made my grin :mrgreen: - and I liked the ' we start empty playing and then slowly build up the lot' idea... I'm gonna try it in the future, might beat the ' first I build the lot before I start actually playing it and only add or rearrange stuff if needed' approach...

A more breakdancing place *grin* - Nicole, you want to go full avantgarde - go completely retro and teach the fire dance! (Just a thought...)

Baron was a delight! I actually tried this rotation to adopt strays, but... either they don't show up, or can't be adopted by an 8-person household... buying them? Nope, don't want to overclog my hood with pets... instead, sometimes I scold or encourage strays for certain behaviour in the hopes, that when I finally can adopt them, they come already welltrained...

Read some of the comments about the difficulty of venues... Snapdragons. 'nuff said...
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