Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge Apr 28, 19

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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Feb 23

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, Bouncer! I will be working on the Alphabetepic Apocalypse next. But Parker TPC is updated.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. Feb 23

Post by MichelleCYoung »

I fixed the links. Sorry about them being down like that. My website is kaput. These are now linked directly to AuthorStream.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 27

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Bump! I just posted three new chapters. I've been offline for about two months, so they've been a while in the making. Chapters 6, 7, and 8 are up.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 27

Post by Ellenyarai »

I really enjoy this! I imagine there is a LOT of note taking yes? Looks like tons of fun though!
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 27

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Notes, and reading and re-reading old chapters, to keep it all straight, yep. It is fun to play, though.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 27

Post by mysterymusic7 »

Ah so another mini challenge to mix things up eh? I hear you on that though. Some houses are just so dull aren't they? :faint:
Modified WYD sounds like fun though. Feel a little bad for poor Matthew, but hey at least you aren't murdering him. LOL
And I love how Clovis recommends another apocalypse. *giggles*
Glad to see you updated this. :)
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 27

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Oh, yeah, I finished the round, and started round 2, now, and things are starting to be shaken, not stirred. Also, I've added a new playable to the rotation, who will start this round, so we're up to 1 royal family, 2 noble families, 2 merchant families, 3 peasant families, and a serf. I felt like I had made things just too easy for my sims, and things are going to be a bit more difficult, now. Not incredibly difficult (I hope), but a bit more difficult. The serf, in particular, is going to suffer. But you know how it is. You read some challenge, and say, "I HAVE TO DO THAT!" And it seems like SUCH a good idea at 3 o'clock in the morning, and now I've saved, and I'm committed.

On the plus side, Clovis did sort of enjoy the show.

So, I have to finish playing the Royal House for week 2, and get that up. I suppose I OUGHT to switch to my other two projects, but I'm just so sucked into this neighborhood right now, I can't stop. That's a good thing, right?
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 30

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Bump! Simself - Week 2 is posted!

I don't know how much longer this playing roll will last, but right now, I'm just not able to stop, or switch to anything else. Yet, at the same time, I've been reading other BACC stories, and thinking that maybe, just maybe, I'd like to start all over with an official, following-all-the-rules type of BACC.

Maybe some day, I will.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 31

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Bump again! Boy, I'm just really on a roll!

Peaches Rock, my new serf, has her first week here.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 31

Post by mysterymusic7 »

Oh Peaches you are gonna be in trouble Missy.
Nice Royal Update...well you lost the Royal Court, but the ROA looks like it fits the bill just fine. But my dear that was a HUGE fire. :P
I'm sure Peaches is gonna pay for that.
A messalot challenge looks fun. But peasants can hire gardeners? I thought poor people could use services like the rich.
She sure she wants to finish so quickly? Something tells me you've got something worse planned as punishment for that fire.
Yep, I was right. So basically she can't ever build a proper house? Well I guess she can use the stuff she buys for a week and then you take it...which I figure she'd have to do if she wants to raise kids, but ouch that's rough.
Love her outfit!!!!
See Joshi you don't have things so bad now see. Teeheee. Just don't mess up anymore or my goodness I'd hate to think what she'd come up with. LOL!
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 31

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, mysterymusic7!
Yeah, another one of those 3 o'clock in the morning, can't sleep, pain pills brilliant ideas. I thought, "I love the Royal Court, but it's making things too easy! And I NEED DRAMA!" Sooooo...

Yeah, Peaches can build as much as she wants. It's the furnishings that will disappear every Monday. But only things from the Buy catalog, so I foresee a whole lot of crafted stuff in her house. It will annoy her, to pieces, though. :rotfl:

Of course, she got a golden robotery badge, which she will never be able to use. :rofl:

She is a merchant, and will be primarily in charge of building up The Hamlet (since she's not allowed to buy a business anywhere else), and the businesses she builds up will keep all their furnishings. It's just her home that will be hit. That will affect how she lives, no doubt. Until she dies. Her grandchildren will be able to live like normal medieval merchants, keeping everything they have. Depending on how greedy they are, and what their relationship is with Peaches, they might be VERY glad to see her go.

Yeah, I look forward to tormenting Peaches.
Yes, peasants can hire NPC services. They can't get a live-in servant, since a live-in peasant servant must live with someone of higher rank. They could get an equal to move in as a roommate. But anyone who can afford to hire an NPC may hire one. And if they work hard, even peasants can become quite rich.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 31

Post by Lorinsv »

Haha, I love seeing more Messie Messlot Challenges!
Cramming the renovation into one week, yikes! The end for Peaches was yikes too, but I liked it! I look forward to seeing her again too :highfive:
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 31

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, Lorinsv!

I look forward to it, too.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 31

Post by Ani-Mei »

Hi yes, I live and still visit the Sims 2 forums. So...I missed five chapters in my three month stint in Sims 3. Bad Ani-Mei. You do know that for a WYD challenge the baby daddy husband can't move in until the A baby is a child right? Matthew is a brunette too by the way, he was the father of my Q baby Quilladin. And my Shawn, always looking to help out glitched Nobles in need, such a good boy. I wish I hadn't lost Hyperia, he could have had so much potential. :sigh: Anyway, the Bivouac is a nice place for a gym that's not a gym and my Shawn gets to run it, so proud he's done well for himself. Sandy will be a good baby mama for him. I need to check out Keika's updates since I didn't know she had already made some refugees for her RKC. Nice updates by the way.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 31

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, Ani-mei!
Well, it's not strictly following the rules, really. Just that she has to have 26 different pregnancies, with 26 different fathers. That's the only requirement for this mini-challenge.

Actually, Keika didn't make the refugees. I created them, with her permission. I'm just hoping it turned out well, and that she'll be pleased with the results.

I was really happy with The Bivouac. I saw a lot of sims getting all sorts of body skill points, creativity, logic. And fishing! Lots of fishing! The only thing that bothered me was watching my simself get on the treadmill, and stay there literally ALL DAY, thanks to snapdragons. And then get off and do Tai Chi. I'm fat! I'm supposed to stay that way! It's just so WEIRD seeing my personal avatar be thin, like that. Fortunately, I was able to fix it. I have to say, Shawn Trace seems to be just about the most well-adjusted guy in town. Maybe he learned some lessons from watching his father, and decided to be more mature. He's definitely the most "noble" of my nobles, which is a good thing, if he's going to be in any sort of leadership position. Walter, on the other hand... I just bite my lip when I see him show up on a community lot. The stars that guy has cost, because he just HAS to start a brawl with someone... Ugh. I was rather hoping his wife would make him miserable, but although she didn't want to talk about grilled cheese with him, they always had perfectly pleasant dinner conversations, when he served her grilled cheese, and they did become fast friends, as long as there was food involved. So, I decided, what they heck, and gave her the Grilled Cheese secondary trait, just because. I like that she keeps a firm hand on him, though. He doesn't seem to fight so much when she's around. She's really grown on me.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 31

Post by raebeth47 »

This is a lot of fun!
Some interesting punishments you've got going on! I like it. I do have to say, though, you punished Joshua and his wife pretty severely, but didn't both your Merchant households run businesses with ticket machines, too?

Looking forward to seeing how Youngdale evolves!
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 31

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, rabbet!

Wait. Darn, auto-correct, now I have to look up that word, because I don't know what a rabbet is. I know what a rabbit is. Hmmm...

rabbet |ˈrabət| N. Amer.
a step-shaped recess cut along the edge or in the face of a piece of wood, typically forming a match to the edge or tongue of another piece: [ as modifier ] : a rabbet joint.
verb (rabbets, rabbeting, rabbeted) [ with obj. ]
make a rabbet in (a piece of wood).
• [ with obj. ] join or fix (a piece of wood) to another with a rabbet.

Okay. It's a thing. You probably know it, thanks to your own dealings with auto-correct.

Anyway, thanks, raebeth47!
Merchants are allowed to have any kind of businesses they want, as many of them, at home or community lots. Joshua Hunter was a peasant, though, and was limited to a home business, and only allowed to sell stuff they make, find, catch, grow, are given as date/networking rewards, and the like, or to have a home-based restaurant. Venues are SPECIFICALLY forbidden to peasants. Only merchants and above can have venues.

Of course, once I set up The Hamlet, I knew I needed an appropriate medieval merchant family. The modern merchants might set up a medieval venue, maybe, but the medieval merchants can't set up anything but medieval, and will be the main merchants in The Hamlet.

Currently, I do not have plans for putting a noble family in The Hamlet, but you never know what might happen. Rich people sometimes get the idea that "quaint" is so nice, they want to live there. Anyone who wants to, may move there, and embrace the "simple life." Fortunately, sims medieval is a lot less disease-and-war-riddled than the real thing.

I do, however, have plans for the next people who tick me off. I don't plan on it happening right away, of course. But eventually, someone will step on the Queen's toes. It's inevitable. And there's this mini-challenge I'd like to try...
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 31

Post by Keika »

I just read the first chapter that you posted in May! I don't have to time to get fully caught up just yet, and will leave another comment when I do, but YES, Columbine and Agata look great. They'd totally fit in with how Meslar's world went. :) Thanks for doing this kind-of-crossover, and thanks for taking in a few of Meslar's poor unfortunates! Poor Walter had a bit of a hard time this round too, didn't he? At least he and Columbine are coming to a little more of an understanding. Can't wait to read more about them!
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 31

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Thanks, Keika! Go glad you approve.
Columbine started out so harsh, and all, but she's really growing on me.
I've been taking a bit of a break from my established projects, to try a short challenge (House Points!) But I'll be back, soon. I'm actually hopping between projects, and have about five different chapters in the works. Whichever one is finished first gets posted first.

I do love Youngdale. Although, I must confess, I have succumbed to temptation, and also started, in the background, a "real" BACC, with a score sheet and all. It's called Strickland, because I'll be strict about the traditional rules. No cheating (and no queen). It's so much fun to play Youngdale, where I can completely cut loose. I like the challenges, too, though. Ani-Mei calls me "Apocachelle," and I love it. Challenges, and seeing how well I can do within the rules is great fun, too. It's all about whatever mood I'm in at the time, really. Youngdale, with my Queen, is the one place where absolutely anything can happen. Heck, now that I can extract sims, I might even get into inter-dimensional conquest. :diablo: Probably not this generation, though. Michelle Simself has her hands full with her current holdings.
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Re: Youngdale Build a Royal Queendom Challenge - Upd. May 31

Post by Keika »

Aww, poor Peaches! XD I was wondering why you seemed so okay with her burning down your court... should've realized you had something Eeeevil in store!
And speaking of Peaches, her hairstyle had me doing doubletakes for the first half of her appearances. Kept glancing at the pictures before reading the text and thinking I was seeing my simself! XD

Really, really great job so far on your kingdom! You can definitely tell reading your stuff that you know how to efficiently get the most potential out of all your sims! I blame the apocalypses. ;)

Ooh, a murderous WYDC? Sounds cool! Great way to get a population boost underway! :) Unless that skin is geneticized or Agata has a regular skintone as a recessive, it should show up in every single one of her kids, too. Either way, I'm interested in seeing if the neighborhood ends up 90% chromatic alien! I loved the way you set up the mini-challenge too, between Clovis's calls for carnage and the Lermas (Lermas?) couple's ploy to resist notice. So funny! XD

Ooh, I LOVE Rejected Princesses! Just had to put that in there. ^^

Okay, that's about it. Great set of chapters! :D
Strickland sounds fun! Though are you implying that BaRKC's aren't REAL BaCC's? ;) Naw, I'm just kidding.

Interdimensional conquest, you say? :diablo:
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