All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 15 Mar. 27th Finale

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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 11 Feb. 20th

Post by Little White Comet »

Wow I've missed quite a bit haven't I? Sorry about that Ani-Mei, I fell sick over christmas so I've been away for a little while. But I'm all caught up now :wave:
I'm still loving the way you put in the types and attacks into this, it flows lovely. You're plan for Malamar is brilliant, as someone who has watched the Anime I know this is Pokemon can be truly evil when it wants to be. I also love Pyroar and Pachirisu, glad you broke the green eye streak with them.
I'm not surprised it took you a while to find Silver though, he shows up only when he wants to but I'm glad you managed to get him. Sorry he brought back the green eyes though.
Roserade is adorable and I'm glad he got Silver's ears, if you want I can link you to wear I got them. They're actually a set of three that are placed in with my other faces allowing townies to spawn them.
Looking forward to what happens next. Keep up the good work Ani-Mei!
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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 11 Feb. 20th

Post by Ani-Mei »

That's alright, the thing about the internet is that it doesn't go anywhere so it's always there when you're ready for it. Glad you're better now though. :hug: Yes, Malamar he will get very friendly with the telescope. :diablo: He gets to be saved until I play the college runs many houses to catch up. :dizzy: I do love the P twins too, the magenta eyes are so striking against their pale skin it's haunting. 0_0. I gave Roserade the Pixie hair by Andie, odds are the mesh won't travel with him when I package and upload him for you. And I'd like the ears too, I went with another outfit for Silver though. Now Silver stalks the owned business lot so I never have issues with finding him now. ^_^ Although that outfit he has on doesn't have an Elder mesh so if he aged up wearing it the game will crash. Good thing he's an immortal Townie huh? (that is also why Adam got vamped in my Apocalypse). Thanks for stopping in.
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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 13 Mar. 19th

Post by Little White Comet »

Wow Roserade really took after his father didn't he? Love the fact you put him in the dreads as Silver. And don't worry, I'm fully aware of Silver's stalking habits. He stalked Camryn all through college and now he stalks all his siblings no matter where they are.
So baby U ended up being babies then, have you checked your value on the hack? I think you might have you quads setting way up. I usually have mine a bit like this:
Single: 40%
Twins: 30%
Triplets: 20%
Quads: 10%
This way I'm still going to get Quads and Triplets when I roll at random but then it's not so likely.
I have to ask where did you get Unfezant's hair? I would love to have that in my game. Its also nice to know what you're doing with the kids that move on. I must admit that with the ones in mine, I haven't published it yet, I have just grown them up and turned them into townies.
At least baby V ended up being only twins even if it did end up messing up your plans slightly.
Looking forward to the next update :highfive:
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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 13 Mar. 19th

Post by Ani-Mei »

I checked my odds for the hack: Single 70%, Twins 15%, Triplets 10%, Quads 5% I think that was what it said anyway. Did you mean the toddler hair Unfezant got? It's called Eclipse Moondew by Lunar Eliclipse on MTS2. It has a high poly count just so you know. Hair Meshes The dreads on Roserade just fit him I tried others but they didn't work with his face. Anyway, I was tempted to just Townie the kids but that meant they would have to stick around until adulthood and take up my spaces, seeing as I'm plagued with multiples it would have driven me nuts. So instead I dumped them at college. Can't wait to end this, it seems to take as long as a ten gen legacy.
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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 13 Mar. 19th

Post by mysterymusic7 »

Are you seriously going to play all the those kids through uni? YOU ARE INSANE>
I swear I fall on the floor laughing every time I read you had multiples. You have the worst luck with them.
Nearly there, but yeah you'll probably end up with a dozen more kids in those last 4 pregnancies with your luck. :sarcastic:
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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 13 Mar. 19th

Post by Ani-Mei »

Yes, I am. *Farnsworth insane laugh* But seriously though I have never done that many through Uni and some may not make it depending on whether or not I have ideas for them to found or participate in other challenges in the future. I am glad my pain with mulitples amuses you so. :P I only want ONE W baby since there's only one good name I like but as for XYZ, knowing me I'll get quads on Z. Good thing there's over twenty Z names in all the Pokemon generations to use. Y has four as well and only two X names that I will use.
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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 13 Mar. 19th

Post by Taube »

Finally read through all of these. Very amusing challenge!
It's too bad about the overriding custom eyes, but Whimsy is adorable and her kids are too. This is quite the challenge and you are a trooper for attempting it! The multiples sure aren't helping either, are they? :haha: I can't believe how many you've gotten! I used to be really into Pokémon but haven't played for a long time, so it's fun to read the little tidbits you put into the chapter. :)
What a fun read! You're so close now! Good luck with these last few births, and I'll be back to read the chapters.
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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 13 Mar. 19th

Post by Ani-Mei »

Yeah, my one regret is those eyes on her occasionally they work but not on 30 some odd kids...anyway, it's nearly done and I said I wanted to finish before Easter which is in two weeks so I have plenty of time still. A lot of my age group still remember when it first came out and like Sims there are ways to keep the games interesting. Did you know some people actually play an Apocalypse with Pokemon? Or a challenge called Nuzlocke? The fans get creative since they've had 20 years to learn. Thanks for reading.
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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 13 Mar. 19th

Post by Taube »

I think we're probably around the same age because my first Pokémon was Blue, and I remember Yellow fondly as well. I did not know that people play challenges with it, but it figures since people find things to do with most games like that. I'll have to check those out! Anyway, good luck finishing before Easter! I'll be here to read the results. :)
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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 14 Mar. 23rd

Post by Taube »

Great chapter. :) You're so close to the end! I liked the comment about Vullaby not having a diaper. That one always kind of freaked me out, so I'm glad you didn't diaper your sim (past baby stage, of course!). I'll be looking forward to seeing what Whimsy gets up to in her last vacation, and the final babies.
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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 14 Mar. 23rd

Post by Ani-Mei »

Yeah, no child diapers for Vullaby that would just be weird. I didn't take many pictures for the last vacation though, I realized I missed a tour on Twikki I mean the Orange Islands and I have to go back to do that, as well as try again for Tai Chi in Takemizu Ecruteak City. Then figure out how to make that photo album for the trips and Whimsy will be my first one to get all 45 mementos. :celebration: I would love to finish it off this week but I have other challenges awaiting writing and playing like my RKC. Yeah I have no life... :party2:
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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 14 Mar. 23rd

Post by Taube »

Ha ha, I hear you on this "life" business, whatever that is. Sims! Sims all the time! Anyway, you can order a photo album from the computer back home if you've taken some pictures with the "take picture" self interaction. ;) Good luck getting those last mementos!
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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 15 Mar. 27th Finale

Post by mysterymusic7 »

You did it! Congratulations.
Okay so funny story (or not) but from the moment he toddlerified I kept reading Unown as Unkown...I was all like wow poor Lauren she's finally cracked. The poor gal's had so many kids in one challenge and dealt with so much chaos she can't even remember what she named one of them.....then I thought nah....she's finally had enough of all these unwanted babies trips and quads keeps throwing her. She has retaliated by refusing to even acknowledge one of the poor kids by a name.

Yeah it wasn't until midway through the FINAL chapter that I realized Unown was HIS name and that I was the one reading it wrong. I'm the one who was completely cracked reading this challenge. Bwhahahaha.

And yes after 44 kids and madness you are perfectly allowed to skip around. Especially if it means I can haz another RKC update in the same day. Now let me run on over there and read that.
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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 15 Mar. 27th Finale

Post by Ani-Mei »

Yep, still waiting for my medal since apparently the mods missed my report on the thread I may have to do it again. I had five choices for U names, I said four because apparently I can't count. Umbreon was another I could have used (and probably would have had they been quads). I never want to see a Family sim again after this...but then again...
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Re: All My Children: A WYD Challenge Ch. 15 Mar. 27th Finale

Post by Little White Comet »

Congratulations on finishing it Ani-Mei! Can't believe you're planning on playing them college though, I can barely get my Legacy sims through college let alone 4o something challenge babies. You have my well wishes for it. :drinks:
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