Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (19/September/18)

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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (03/07)

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Hahaha! This family puts the "fun" in dysfunctional! Thanks for the update!

I love Andrea's new outfit. Where did you get it?
Neo! Evil Overladies must start very early. But when the step-father ignores his own flesh and blood in favor of Neo, it's clear what her destiny is. Even he is under her thrall. Those poor baby minions. I foresee much drama. Yay!
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (03/07)

Post by Radiochocolate »

It sure does! You're welcome :)

It is the beginning of a Neo age... Haha, get it? Neo = New? :upsidedown: I wonder what it'd be like if she becomes heir... Thank you for being a devout reader! :cookie:
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (03/07)

Post by Ani-Mei »

Hey, I read too. I just don't always remember to comment...:shifty: Anyway, double cheats and neglected babies if this wasn't a TPC I would swear it was an ISBI with a renegade ACR running the scenes. How many more initials can I fit into one spoiler box? Let's see this was ZOMG with some LOL and bit of TMI...that'll do.
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (03/07)

Post by raebeth47 »

Nice update!
Warning: Andrea Hogan is nuts. But I guess you already knew that. She does produce good-looking kids, though. They somehow seem to work out even if they inherit her squinty eyes.
Enjoying the squalor of the many kids in the trailer while the parents keep busy going on dates.
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (03/07)

Post by Radiochocolate »

:pan: IMO, IDK much to do in this challenge besides having them cheat on each other. Thank you for the comment! :cookie:
I look forward to seeing her genes once the twins grow up... The children are actually pretty easy to take care of, as long as you remember to feed them. But that's what pop-ups are for :awesome: (I'm actually a bad player when it comes to motives). Thank you for checking in! :cookie:
I seem to be running low on cookies.
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (03/07)

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Get those children a toy stove, and they can feed themselves.

Thanks for the link to the dress! I love it!
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (03/07)

Post by SprinkleOfSugar »

Indeed, no one escapes a romance sim... >:3
She reminds me a lot of someone... Obey me minions
Haha, i forgot to comment along the way but i read it all i promise!! :D
Funny chapter as always, update soon!
Thanks for the Siggy Thai!
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (03/07)

Post by Radiochocolate »

Just any notification that people read my stuff is appreciated :cookie:
Eh, we'll see :duck: Okay fine, I'll try not to procrastinate too much
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (03/07)

Post by Rflong7 »

Hi :mrgreen:

Read it, enjoyed reading, looking forward to updates! :smore:
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (03/07)

Post by Radiochocolate »

Happy to please ya! :goodvibes: I have one in progress, but can't promise a specific date
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (11/04)

Post by Pony »

Oh wow the kidlets are certain making a fair mess aren't they? Having multiple toddlers in a tiny house is lots of fun. I love Ilo she's so shameless, and her maternity hair rocks. I need to use my custom hair bin more often. Keep up the good work Mia!
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (11/04)

Post by Radiochocolate »

Lots. Of. Fun. *eye twitch* Shameless she is :haha: Thank you, I will do my best ;)
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (12/05) HEIR POLL

Post by Radiochocolate »

The first official heir poll has closed. Unfortunately I'm a bit occupied with other matters, so here's a mini-chapter I wrote way back when Neo was still a toddler.
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (12/05) HEIR POLL

Post by Rflong7 »

Just a note to let you know others are reading OMGoodness- You're trailer park family is so entertaining to read- I'm up to chapter 6 and hope you will continue one day. :bounce:
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (16/06)

Post by Radiochocolate »

Thanks for the comment Becca :D

Generation 2 has started!

Edit: Bump for another update (I'm on a roll)

Edit 2: No comments? *sniff* They don't have to be long... *sniff* Maybe if I post another chapter they'll come...
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (30/06)

Post by MichelleCYoung »

OK, this time I opened the "Post Reply" into another window, so I can make comments as I go.

LOVED the interlude-ish. Also, thanks for the shout-outs!
I am seriously confused, now, as to which child is whose. The only thing I'm sure of is Ilo.

Neo is so cute! And a grilled cheese teen? Yaay! Of course, you can't command her to conjure grilled cheese, yet, but autonomous grilled cheese cooking will likely keep her gold, at least.

Ummm, did Barium swallow his namesake, or something? I didn't know toddlers could look like that. Also, I'm curious: Just how dangerous is barium, because a rock that glows for years seems to me like a very efficient night-light.

The ladybugs work better if placed in the middle of the garden patches, so they are no more than one space away from a patch. Also, Paladin has a fix for stuck harvestables. I hate that harvesting over and over thing, too.

Yay, Neo! She may not be nice, but she's a good big sister, and she protects the family. You get those gnomes back!

Neptunium is soooo cute! I want him! Can you package the kidlet, and let me merge him into a household? Or would that even work? Probably not. But he's soooo cuuuuute! Where did that personality come from, anyway? My favorite: "I just don't think you're worthy of hearing my first spoken word."

Is it cheating if you use a mod to prevent them from being promoted above a certain level? Because if it's not cheating, there's a mod for that. Too bad about the points. Bad Bruce!

Awww, elders. Congrats on beating your record.

Looks like Pras got her three scholarships, right? Tsang footwork, alien abduction and grades? Did she get creativity? I guess I'll have to keep reading.

Now, I was off-line for almost 2 months, and missed the heir poll, but I would have been really torn between Neo and Neppie. Neppie, however, may be eligible, but is not the child of the founder, so I'll go with Neo.

Also, the fact that she apparently already won.

Barium - must trim facial hair.

Cal is making me thirsty.

AHAHAHAAA! The little dog in the snow just looks like a lump. So cute!

"50 Shades of Purple" ROFL!

Oh, thank boolprop you saved your game! Worrisome errors are worrisome.

Neat sims kicking over trash cans - gotta love it. Plus, free fertilizer! Actually, with all the bottles and diapers, you should have enough compost for the entire lot.

Sweet! Benjamin really brought in the cash, as well as good stuff for the yard sale. Also, he rocks the facial hair.

LOL! "Achievement unlocked." Who comes up with these achievements? The Marquis de Sade?

Sims are so stupid about toilets. They can't use the free one. They can't use the closest one. Nope, they have to walk ALL THE WAY across the lot, to yell about how someone else is using that toilet, and then pee themselves.

0 nice points and 5 BFFs? Wow.

The spray paint was stuck WHERE?! Pics, or it didn't happen.

Bad timing on the baby. See, stuff like that is why I don't even bother with points. Too much for my brain to track it all, even with a spreadsheet.

Oh, goody! College!

Pras doesn't really have the hang of being a Knowlege sim, does she? Still, it's nice to see her in love.

"Only slightly toxic." :rofl:

That frying pan made me snort-laugh.

LOL! He can't pronounce the vacation destinations. Also, now I'm hungry. Thanks a lot.

Uranium has definite issues and Ginger is a bad influence. Too bad the Social Worker only targets children, instead of teens.

Oh, the fountains are so pretty!

I am so impressed with all the gnome rescues in this family.

Potty training, ftw!

Ginger the Gnome-Grabber. LOL.

Yaaay! Treasure Chest!

Oh, NO! Oh, that's just sad. Poor... The saddest part is that I can't for the life of me remember the kid's name.

What a way to end a chapter.
Well, I'm caught up, and it was a blast to read. Thanks so much, and I hope not to be off for so long at a time again. Whew!
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (30/06)

Post by Radiochocolate »

:hug: I've been a bit lazy with commenting on other people's stories, but it really does make a difference.
Oh dear, your spoiler is so long that I might have to re-read my own chapters *switches from phone to computer*
Me too :haha: But Bruce treats them as his own (most of the time)

Let them eat cake grilled cheese

That's the Ottomas genes for ya! That would be pretty efficient, though according to my research one could be severely poisoned just from sniffing it.

Thank you! I get seriously fed up with how that one spot just won't work.

Neo is the big sis alright <3

How I have been waiting for someone to ask! Pop him into your SavedSims folder and you're good to go.

I don't think it would be considered cheating, but I like the challenge aspect, so probably won't be downloading it.

They're so old and grey now... but still going on like rabbits.

I think everyone in the household would be eligible for the tsang footwork one. SO. MUCH. SMUSTLING.

Neppie is a child of the spouse, so he could've made heir. I had already pictured Neo as a spare in my head, but what can you do about democracy?

I had a mini heart attack when the error popped up. It was actually the dialogue from TwoJeff's (or was it Monique's?) "bring back from work"-mod, and since my 'hood had already shown signs of corruption earlier I really freaked out. Guess that's just the universe's way of saying that Brady wasn't right for her.

Thanks to Benjamin I foresee a lucrative yard sale.

Yes, I totally know who Marquis de Sade is. *opens Google in a new tab*

No one seems to use the second bathroom unless I tell them to. #justsimlishthings

I swear I had pics! But I thought of them as too tasteless to include. Plus I've already deleted them.

I seriously value points more than my sims' welfare or even lives. That was a devastating event.

About 85 % of the time her wants were either about hooking up or something hobby-related -_-

Here, have some spam to ease your hunger :spam:

In my expert opinion the only good part about mean sims is that the gnome always returns. Well, 95 % of the time.

I know right! What's-his-face's death made me just hit save and move on to other stuff. Now whenever I open the lot I'm hit with a sad Ilo. Who's name I keep pronouncing as "ai-low" even though it's supposed to be "e-lo". Dang yankees!
Thank you! I was wondering where you'd ran off to. Don't disappear again :diablo:
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (30/06)

Post by Rflong7 »

Yay! I"m caught up. :party2:
I wish I would have read chapter 10 before I got my first junker. My Sim couldn't paint it either- took me 3 tries and then saved up for a driveway. XD
I like the Uni interlude. :)
Heehee- nice use of some cover ups for the nekked Sims. So funny. XD

Oh, no... he died. O.o
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (30/06)

Post by Radiochocolate »

I blame EAxis.
College is such a tedious task, really. At least ACR humored me a bit. The second part will be in the upcoming spares update :)
I remember removing the censor blur to take better pictures of toddlers during baths and potty training (how wrong would that sound in any other context), so now I just have to be creative whenever Casual Woohoo kicks in. Or sponge baths.

And I lost 10 points for it :cryingeyes: (though I remember being agitated at having two Knowledge sims...)
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Re: Iron Values: Trailer Park Challenge (30/06)

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Well, you have inspired me to go back to my Parker TPC. I'm actually mostly through Chapter 2, and hope to have it up this weekend.

Also, thanks for the packaged sim! HEEEYYYY! Could I use him as a bachelor? I'd LOVE an alien sim in my royal queendom bachelor challenge!
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