Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC

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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Eight - 12/18/14

Post by Keika »

Alright, new chapter's up! Sorry again for the delay, but at least it's out before Christmas!

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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Eight - 12/18/14

Post by IchigoMcCoy »


That being said, Nina is cute and I can't wait for a Perseus baby. Landon is sweet, if not too bright. I like him. He reminds me a little of Maxwell.

Can't wait for the next chapter, even with Kale gone. ... You lost Kale. I hope it doesn't become the curse of Bruges's descendants. ... *makes a note*
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Eight - 12/18/14

Post by WistfulRose »

Hehehe. Are you putting these sims up for download? lots of fun genetics. I don't remember the names and who they belong to, except Ivan and Nina. Don't even remember pirate ghost's kid's name...
Anyway, Loves! Especially getting electrocuted by the reindeer. You should have sung grandma got run over by a rain deer. And you let a sim die! :uhoh: Who are you and what have you done with my sister! I kid. :hug: lots and lots of sims. :yes:
And you and your playing ahead of posting, or rather, not posting chapters as soon as their done. I want to see certain future things that I can't mention because I can't give a spoiler. :mutter: Am I allowed to mention your awesome defaults? Oops, too late. You should update your avatar to show off your new defaults. :yes:
I loves Landon. And Nina. And Ivan. And Wynn. And son of pirate ghost that we don't get to see anymore.

Oh, and I found the fauxhawk for all ages on mod the sims. click here!
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Eight - 12/18/14

Post by Sam »

I'm loving how this challenge is one big genetic experiment, really. They're all so different from each other!

The only other Nina I know from a game is Nina from the Tekken series, and even then I only really played Tekken 2. I don't play a lot of games. D:

I also like that outfit Kale grew up in! And I like Max!

The nose! Also, there is an all-ages fauxhawk available on MTS. :) It's the maxis one converted and it's great in every way.

Ivan is definitely Thai's son. I mean genetics-wise, of course.

Kale died?! Dramatic much! I've not yet had a sim die of heatstroke. Something to add to the list I guess.

Good update, looking forward to more! :)
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Eight - 12/18/14

Post by Ani-Mei »

Percy is cute when he's shying away from the nice lady. :sly: But poor kid never had the chance to really flirt so be gentle with him. :hug: And you lost Kale? :faint: :thdown: As for my Reaper-Required kid, I have an idea of when he/she will be showing up for Whimsy. *MrBurnsfingers* :shhh: Hehe, nice chappie though.
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Eight - 12/18/14

Post by Keika »

*guilty* I literally thought through all my options for possibly getting Kale back, and realized I had nothing. The Kinseys just aren't an established enough family to have things like bone phones, and I could've saved him from death if I had noticed he was dying, gosh dangit. >.< Sorry, Jessie. I really am.

Hm... a curse on Bruges's descendants... :cheeky: Thanks for the comment, Jessie!
I probably will, although I don't expect them to get a whole lot of downloads. But first I'm going to have to finally get the last group from my legacy up for download. Holy cow, but there's a lot of them. :faint:

It's been so long since I've had an accidental death that I couldn't reverse! Wouldn't, maybe, but couldn't? Never! And this one didn't even involve pregnant sims and ghosts! :hissyfit: I'll probably leave my avatar how it is; I'm not likely to get that exact pose and coloring again. ;)

Ooh, fauxhawk for all ages? *snag*
It really sorta is. I'm really loving all the genetics!

Nope, not the one I'm thinking of. ;) My Nina credit comes from an older RPG game, which begun on the SNES. My very first ever game, actually. :)

Rosie just pointed it out to me, and I just snagged it. Levi will be pleased. Rhys will, too, to see his spawn wearing his hairstyle. :yes:

Oh, very much so. Ivan got very, very little from Wynn. :tongue:

Shyeah! Heatstroke! I've had accidental deaths before, but never one of heatstroke. Kale is the first. I knew I should've put those hobby benches inside...

Thanks, Sam! :)
It was difficult, what with vampire and night and all, but Perseus eventually came around. Don't worry, we were very gentle with him. :sly: I know, right? Totally out of nowhere, and super disappointing! I mean, his eyes! :hissyfit: Thanks for the comment, Ani-Mei!
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Eight - 12/18/14

Post by Emily Whalers »

Woo new chapter! Thanks for the nice reply last time too! :hug:
Hazel is gorgeous as an adult! I love the perfectly timed birthday too. Nina is a cutie, and I'm really glad she didn't corrupt your game! Also, I am a bad, bad person because I uh...laughed...when Kale died. It was so unexpected! And ludicrous! I felt bad about it, though. I've totally accidentally ignored Sims until they died, so I know how it feels. :/ I guess you could play some of the older kids through university to get a bone phone to bring him (and Jace, if you kill him for the reaper baby) back.

Oh, one last thing...yeah, the politician on Parks and Rec was totally riffing on politicians with Landon's IQ...basically this politician did nothing but repeat talking points to get people to vote for him, but he never did any actual political work. It's hard to explain without seeing the episode, so hopefully this makes sense!

Great chapter and I'm looking forward to the next one! :)
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Eight - 12/18/14

Post by Keika »

The perfectly timed birthday was awesome. I got the many-times-seen birth sequence and the many-more-times-seen birthday sequence knocked out at the same time! XD Also it was just hilarious timing. That too. :) Don't worry, I was going for a sort of laugh response when Kale died, although it did bum me out quite a bit. I literally didn't realize anything was going on until the bad memory doodads were hanging over everyone's heads. :tongue: It made me feel bad that I had ignored him to death, but hey. It happens. It's the sims. :haha: You know, I am actually planning on sending some kids through college--Wynn's LTW is for that--so that's a good idea. Maybe I'll bring Kale back at the end and let him finish growing up.

Yep. Politicians. Totally. :roll:

Thanks, Emily! :D
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Eight - 12/18/14

Post by platformperil »

I just totally marathoned the entire thing and I loved every moment of this! Makes me want to go read the Winter legacy because if this is your humor, it's solid gold to me!

So surprised to see Kale die but I just loved your reaction. I can't wait for the next chapter, it's gonna be great!
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Eight - 12/18/14

Post by Keika »

Thanks so much! I really appreciate that! :) If you do decide to read my legacy, I hope you like that, too! :D

I was shocked myself, let me tell you. I don't normally get accidental deaths, much less neglect deaths. :P Still, glad I made you laugh, and thanks again for your comment!
Also, happy holidays, everyone! To celebrate, I have put out a double update! Chapters 9 and 10 are available for your perusal! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :D
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapters Nine and Ten - 1/2/

Post by platformperil »

Could I saw Mommy Tombstone of Life And Death Santa Claus truly be the new hit song? Only time will tell.

I like that you didn't let Nina die to get the Grim Reaper tombstone baby. I feel like that's an accomplishment for a WYDC. Did not let two teen dies in the midst of this challenge. Thumbs up to you!

You're so close to the end! I'm getting super excited!
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapters Nine and Ten - 1/2/

Post by Anne »

Happy New Year, Keika! And I hope you had a great Christmas as well. :D
TWO updates?! What are you doing to me, I need to study! :shifty:
They're pretty darn great though! I love to see how you play this challenge, and all of the kids are so awesome. I can't remember the O kid, though, who was that again? (hehehe)
The picture of Philip hugging his teddy made me die of cuteness a little bit :hearts:
I think my favourite kid in these updates is Quinn! I do love beanies as well, and she's hilarious! Therese looks like she's going to be a stunner as well :)
Can't wait for more!
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapters Nine and Ten - 1/2/

Post by Keika »

It could be. It rolls off the tongue so well, after all. :cheeky:

What a fabulous accomplishment! Only one teen dies in a WYDC! :rotfl: But yes, I like Nina too much to let her stay dead. It really worried me at the time, though, that Wynn would lose against the Reaper, and then I would have to explain to you guys that I kind of sort of lost another teen. :haha:

Thanks, platformperil! I'm really excited, too! :D

You too, Anne! :)
It's the holiday season, and I'm LATE! So two updates, hooray! who needs to study, really? :D

O kid? Who...? Oh no, did I skip a letter!? :awesome:

Santa left a teddy bear, and little shy guy was right there... t was far too cute to ignore! :plumbob2: I didn't show nearly all the pictures I could have, but it's too bad Phillip ended up growing up into a teen and becoming a menace picking on his older brothers and sisters... :no:

I love Quinn, too--besides being an enjoyable character to write, and wearing a beanie I only rarely get to use, I'm a fan of how Landon's harsh face template meshed with this particular PT's harsh face template. :awesome: And Therese of course is gorgeous. I'm looking forward to playing with her character--I've got a few ideas. ;)

Thanks, Anne! :D
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapters Nine and Ten - 1/2/

Post by Ani-Mei »

U names!! U names!! Get yer U names here!!
Well there's Ursela for a girl and Ulysses for a boy or Usain, you know the Olympics winning fast dude? Or if you really are stuck for another girl name Ukelele if you want to be mean. :cheeky: :haha: Philip is cute, poor kid being tormented is not cute though. Bite em and bite em good me boy. :sly: And loved the subtle nod to the White Legacy Reaper's dealio for Nina though...plot is so hard to forget even when you want to. My Reaper spawn won't be till Baby S, just had Baby J born in my WYD and K conceived. I think you'll like who the J father is. :#1: Nice updates. :highfive:
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapters Nine and Ten - 1/2/

Post by MichelleCYoung »

Wow, I can't believe I've been off-line for so long. I missed three chapters!
OMG, the punch to the camera! I know you say this has no plot, but your little mini-plots are so much fun!

Poor Owen!

And yeah, you totally didn't cheat. You fixed glitches.
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapters Nine and Ten - 1/2/

Post by Emily Whalers »

Nice double update! :thup:
Ha, I don't blame you for moving Kale to a community lot cemetery. Ghosts can be awful, especially grumpy teen ghosts! I also don't blame you for keeping a closer eye on everyone.

Poor Landon. Maybe he's not as clueless as everyone thought? I'm glad that he and Wynn are patching things up, though.

All the kidlets are so adorable! Philip and his teddy nearly killed me with the cute, and Quinn is such a cute lil alien! Sofia is very unique too - I've never seen a Santa spawn before! Her mouth looks a bit odd now, but she'll probably be a stunner when she grows up!
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapters Nine and Ten - 1/2/

Post by Sam »

Honestly thought you were going to kill Nina and leave her dead! Also, she looks a lot like a reaper kid. :)

Quinn is so cute! What do the other aliens in your PT set look like? Any idea how to do default replacements for the Ideal Plantsim?

I'm sure everyone has said it, but Phillip and his bear was cute!

Also, I've never seen a Santa-spawn before. So that should be interesting. I've been thinking of getting someone to have Father Time's baby, though I heard he has the same face at the Therapist.

I did have lots to say about these chapters but now my mind has gone blank. I'm sorry, I'll be better next time! Great updates, though!
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Eleven - 9/22/15

Post by Keika »

Hey y'all! I'm back from hiatus, I FINALLY have the internet again, and I've got an update for you! You may rejoice! ...if you still care about this old challenge!
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Eleven - 9/22/15

Post by Sam »

Loved it! I had a bit of a struggling remembering who everyone was and who their parents are, but it's cool - it wouldn't be a WYDC without that struggle!

Good luck with the triplets!
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Re: Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC - Chapter Eleven - 9/22/15

Post by Keika »

Hi Sam! *waves* Yeah, unfortunately an eight month gap is not kind to a WYDC. :P I'm glad you didn't find it too much of a bother.

Thanks! It's good to see you around again!
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