The L'Amour Legacy- updated 19/02/23

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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 24/05/21

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KatLovesPotatoes wrote:I... LOVE... MUTU!!! :hissyfit: AHHHH! ADORABLE BABY!!!
:lol: Me too, Kat!! :heartbeat: :heart:
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 24/05/21

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Calamity Jade wrote:
You know, I guess it's a good thing that the classic birthing spot is on the sidewalk, it sure beats the bathroom in simverse. :cheeky:

Not Diddy... :ouch at least he lived a decent, long life.

I'm curious to see how the Story Progression mod is doing in your 'hood, since I don't have the urge to download it myself. Definitely seems like it creates some funny situations. xD

I never noticed that plumbbob animation in the cut scene(well because I never had an alien birth cutscene TBH, but still, cute!)

And yes, Savma is finally off to college! It's always interesting to see which parent drops off the kid at college.
Very good update! :slaphappy:
Hi, Jade! Thanks so much for your comments :D

Oh gosh yes, I know Eloise had one of the boys in the bathroom (if you could call it that).. *so* not ideal!

Yeah, I like that the story progression mod tells you about deaths relevant to the family, sad as it is. I haven't played around with the mod tooo much yet, but so far it's been interesting seeing who my sims decide to date and have babies with (and what they call the babies...). I do like playing rotationally but I thought I'd give it a go.

I get the plumbob in normal birth cutscenes too, annoyingly :( I thought it was because I had the 'prettier plumbobs' mod but I got rid of it and nothing changed- oh well! :bounce:

Yes, I enjoy seeing which parent drops them off too! I've had teen sims show up themselves before with neither parent, interestingly. Maybe their relationship score comes into it.

Thanks again for reading and your comments :heartbeat:
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 09/02/21

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nooboostar wrote:...
Hey Nooboo, I just caught up on your Colorful Curcubeus challenge and with the Didneys and saw that you've been having computer issues and needed to stop the stories. I'm so sorry to hear that, we all know how terribly frustrating computer issues / running this old game are. I had an overheating laptop for ages and it was all kinds of awful. I hope you can find a solution or at least enjoy some time away from it all. Although I'll of course miss the Didneys and the new heir Ebony, you should know that I will definitely enjoy any more stories that you write! I hope you're doing well aside from the computer stuff :heart:
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 24/05/21

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nooboostar wrote:Hey, Voo! Aside from the gaming and laptop issues I'm holding up pretty okay, thanks for asking. Yeah, it's a shame that my stories had to end so abruptly but it was fun while it lasted. At the moment I won't be able to play or build for a while since I'm waiting on my gaming pc to be ready (although I'm not sure when that'll be since the covid situation is still pretty bad here). As for blogging and other things, I'll be temporarily using an old laptop my dad had stored away until I save up for a shiny new uni/work laptop. And awww, thank you so much for your kind words! It really means a lot to know that you enjoyed my stories! Speaking of the virus, we're in the middle of another lockdown right now. We have four different vaccines available, though, and the whole fam got vaccinated around March this year so I have hope that things are going to settle down soon. I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble booking an appointment. Hopefully you get the vaccine soon! :hug:

Oh no! I absolutely love InTeen as well as the trips and quads mod, so it's sad to hear that the story progression mod will clash with them! Guess I'll just wait on it a bit more then. In the mean time, I should really practice my self-control because God knows how many mods I had installed (I think it was around 200). Having to redownload them and get them ready for my gaming pc is a good opportunity to sit down and think of which ones I actually need or really like lol. :P

You should be proud, it was very well-done! I struggled so much making the photocards for the Curcubeu heirpolls, so I applaud and respect your editing skills! I will admit it might be a bit weird if irl work was like the sims, but I think it could be fun too haha. I honestly don't see Suyuu settling down, for some reason. Like she strikes me as the gorgeous, fun, outgoing gal that isn't worried about finding anyone and just lives life in the moment but is also a super amazing aunty. She's like the cool and hip young aunt basically lol. Also, having little half piglets might be equal parts disturbing and interesting but I'd be curious to see how they turn out lol. Whatever you choose to do, though, I'll definitely enjoy reading about. :)

Now to comment on the latest chapter! :bounce:
Lol I love how you added "baby" and "potential baby" to Sin and Tap's bellies in the family photo! Also, what a way to start the chapter! I hope Sinimak didn't traumatize poor Sav too much. Phil taking the kids to school in his PJs is too real haha! It reminded me of when my mom or dad would literally roll out of bed and take me to school when I was younger. That snow-covered outside toilet is just *chef's kiss*, by the way. Good luck to anyone that needs a bathroom break during winter. :haha:

Awww, the baby bump buddies pic was super cute! Speaking of babies, welcome little Havas (his genetic mix is really interesting)! Also, what is it with the kids bringing back school friends at a bad time? First Preeti, and now Savma. It's hilarious lol. OMG MUTU IS TO DIE FOR! I LOVE LOVE LOVE HIS SKIN COLOR SO MUCH! Man, I'm going to miss Sav though. Can't believe she's going off to college now. *sniff* Also, are those freckles I see on toddler Havas? How cute! They suit him really well too, in my opinion. :grin:
Amazing update as always, Voo! Can't wait to see what happens to the L'Amours next! :D
Hey! I'm glad you're doing okay, how is the computer situation now? Better, I hope!! It's cool that you're getting a gaming PC though. Yes, I definitely did enjoy your stories, and I'll be looking out for the next ones you do for sure! Is the covid situation any better there? We've got some restrictions in place but it's lots better, and I got my first dose of the vaccine yesterday, which I'm very happy about haha. I'm hoping to go home and visit family at some point in the summer, but that's looking too complicated at the moment. I'm glad to hear your family got vaccinated, that's great news!

Now onto sims chat aha... yess I feel the same about InTeen and trips and quads, and I miss the latter. I got some mods to enable teen pregnancy but I haven't tested it out yet. There aren't any teens in the legacy house anyway yet. I'm sure it won't be too long before the story prog mod can be used with mods :D ahh yes, organising mods is a great idea, especially when you have to reinstall the game and everything.

Haha thank you for the compliment about my title screen editing. I'm slowly learning how to use gimp, it's fairly fun! I love your view of Suyuu! <3 It makes me want to go and play their household more and let her live it up! She is definitely the cool hip young aunt :heartbeat: Lol @ the half-piglets. I'll definitely try my best to make that happen. Thank you!

You are forever the sweetest to comment on each chapter <3

Haha, I was excited to have two babies on the way! Lol, Sav really needed to go to college. Hahaha yes, I really related to Phillip in his PJs in the car, barely awake. These sims can be so relatable. :haha: yeah I love that the snow immediately covers your new purchases.

Yeah, do you like Havas' genetic mix? I was kind of hoping for Sin's blue skinton, but I was not expecting a ginger, and I like that with his mum's eyes. I so thought we'd only have brunettes this gen. Haha I know, those traumatised kids coming home to a birth show on the pavement XD Aww I love that you love Mutu! I've got a few other sims with this dark blue skintone and I like it too :) I've been having fun with Savma at college :) She's so cool. And yes, I've got some kind of freckle skin mod that gives all my redheads freckles <3

Thank you for your comments and again, I hope you've been keeping well! :heartbeat:
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 24/05/21

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Chapter 2.3 is heeeere, and it's pretty wholesome stuff this time; click if you want to ogle cute babiez. Do leave a comment if you feel like it, I love reading them! And I hope you're doing well and staying safe :)
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 17/06/21

Post by MommyIzz »

I love it! I wish my lunch was longer so I could read more! I motored through the intro & Chapter 1.1. Phillip had me smiling the whole time. Great handicaps & great start :)
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 17/06/21

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Chapter 2.4 is here after a loooong spell away from sims for me! I've had a pretty full-on summer, but I'm excited to get back to simming a bit more often hopefully!
As always, do leave a comment if you'd like and welcome back to the L'Amour house <3
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 01/10/21

Post by Calamity Jade »

Yay, so glad to see the L'Amours back!
That was very strange about Dudy. I know finicky pets won't eat unless it's from the expensive bowl, but she is right in the middle though. Maybe it was the Doofus part acting up xD. Least you were able to get her back.

Ugh,that SoWo message about overheating is annoying. Evidently Maxis thought letting kids bed jump is bad parenting :headache:

Oh no, not Eloise! But I think you did the right thing by letting her die, she wouldn't be happy walking around as a shell of her former self.

At least Preeti indeed turned out pretty.
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 17/06/21

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nooboostar wrote:Hi, Voo! I'm having trouble falling asleep right now so I thought I'd pop in to see if there are any new L'Amour updates, and imagine my happiness when I saw that you put up Chapter 2.3! :)
Hi Nooboo! Suuch a long time no speak, and that's totally on me, I'm sorry. How have you been these last several months? Really well I hope!

It made me smile to read about your improving computer situation, that sounds really sweet of your family members :') How is the covid situation now? It seems to have balanced out here now (touch wood) and masks are still mandatory on public transport and inside public places, which I think is a small price to pay. I did have some side effects from my first shot, but not from my second, weirdly! Lots of people reported the opposite, but I'm obviously not complaining. Have you managed to get your shots now? I reeeeally hope case numbers haven't/don't go up for you again :( I visited my family for a few weeks a couple of weeks ago and it was lovely thank you!!

Now onto sims talk haha :bounce: InTeen and trips and quads are truly amazing haha. Ahh I kept meaning to check what I did about teen pregnancy in the end, I will have to do that when I'm using my sims laptop- I have a feeling though that it was InTeen, and I managed to find it somewhere... I will check. And you've reminded me to check up on how the story progression mod is coming along! Maybe it'll be compatible with more mods now :slaphappy: Omg 200+ mods?! Hahaha oops indeed, but also, worth it, I think :D What are some of your other favourite mods?

Yes, gimp has worked well for the minor editing I've had to do! I've used it quite a bit for work as well haha. I'll have to check out Photopea though, as I never do anything fancy to my pics. I did like your vision of cool aunt Su hehe, I remember that very clearly (it feels like ages since I've been in sim/L'Amour land). I have a soft spot for Savma too- I think she's finished college in my playthrough now (about time though lol). Don't they grow up fast haha. I hope the diversity continues throughout the family tree- I'll do my best withouth sticking my oar in too much to see it continue!

I love the TS2 glitches, they don't make me mad at all :grin: Ah Nooboo, I can't get enough of the toddler-pet anims either, I have to snap a picture every single time it happens :') I've had to prevent Tap and Eloise from spraying the plants for aaages now because they would instantly turn into plantsims- when they've been spraying their whole lives, it's much easier to turn them into plantsims. I really love 'Sap' omg hahaha, that's a wonderful pun, definitely stealing that ;) I agree with you about Mutu and toddlers generally, it's pretty hard to tell who they look like most of the time. He must be a kid by now, but I can't remember what he looks like exactly :')

Oh man, the bunny head was always really innocent for me before, now I'll look at it differently!! I think you're right about the college thinking being a sign of corruption... at least it hasn't popped up too much before now. It tickled me so much that Tap sprayed the chemicals right by Havas hahaha. I love the sims.

We love Sininen! Thanks again for the custom paintings idea! There's at least one up around the house if I recall correctly. And yes, I really enjoy personalising the rooms a tiny bit as well. Isn't Dudy sweet? :') and the kids picking flowers is a mod! I was going to link it but I can't find it, helpfully -.- I think I found it on modthesims, though. It's super sweet! Awh, thanks for the compliment on the house! I think it's a mess haha, but I don't mind that ;)

It was really nice reading your message, Nooboo! I hope you're doing really well and I'll try not to leave it months before being active on here again :')
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 17/06/21

Post by Vooogerbits »

MommyIzz wrote:I love it! I wish my lunch was longer so I could read more! I motored through the intro & Chapter 1.1. Phillip had me smiling the whole time. Great handicaps & great start :)
Thanks so much for your comment, MommyIzz! It put a smile on my face :D
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 01/10/21

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Calamity Jade wrote:Yay, so glad to see the L'Amours back!
That was very strange about Dudy. I know finicky pets won't eat unless it's from the expensive bowl, but she is right in the middle though. Maybe it was the Doofus part acting up xD. Least you were able to get her back.

Ugh,that SoWo message about overheating is annoying. Evidently Maxis thought letting kids bed jump is bad parenting :headache:

Oh no, not Eloise! But I think you did the right thing by letting her die, she wouldn't be happy walking around as a shell of her former self.

At least Preeti indeed turned out pretty.
Awh, thank you Jade!

I didn't know that about the pet bowls, actually! I'll have to invest in the more expensive ones from now on when I have finicky or doofus pets XD

I hate the bed-jumping thing to be honest. The kids lose sooo much energy from it!

I'm glad you agree with me about Eloise :'( and now I have more space in the house lol. Thank you for your comments! :D
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 01/10/21

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nooboostar wrote:Image
Hey Nooboo :) I'm happy to hear you've been doing well, and I hope that is still the case these last few weeks. I'm too bad thank you, just very busy!
It's veeery good you were able to install your games onto your new laptop, and I'm sure the wait for the gaming PC will be worth it! One day when I'm more settled in one place I'll have to sort out a more permanent PC setup hehe.
My time with my family was lovely thanks, now I have to work out what to do for Christmas/the December period. It was very difficult to organise going home last time and I'm not sure if I can face doing it again so soon. We'll see D:
That's great you got your booster shot, I hope you feel completely fine again now!
OOOOOhhh I'm literally going to read that right now, that's great news!! I'll leave my comments in your thread :D

Haha, why the love-hate relationship with the trips and quads mod? :'D Because it causes too many babies? Oh there is no judgement over the 200 plus mods from me haha, I could never go back to playing a vanilla game either! Gimp is okay, but I don't know how to use most of the functions on here haha.
I feel like Savma spent ages in college because I didn't play for so long! I agree, the genetics are a real strong suit for TS2. Ahh I think you've seen already from your challenge how if you don't do much else, the gardening/fishing badges will come flooding in! I think I do have Moodtilda's Hood Checker- it's probably time to run it again! I really did/do like the idea of the paintings around the house, I'm looking forward to doing that a lot :) I'm still in two minds about the house haha...

Do you mean that shot of Sininen and Tapmak? Maybe that was toooo nekkid idk XD I do see what you mean about their expressions, I find them more life like than in TS3 and 4. Bloody Dudy causing issues, hopefully she won't continuously be taken away.

Aw, you'll have to make a plantsim baby! I think Iccha's eyebrows are typical for a plantsim; we'll see how she grows into them... I haven't played a huge deal with zombies either tbh, but I felt it wasn't right to let her suffer. Ooh yes, I do recommend the extra wishes mod, it's great! But I understand not wanting more mods ahaha. I am very partial to the kids so far in this generation, they're pretty cute! I was surprised that teen Preeti grew into her face haha. And yesss, I often get people ringing for deceased. It's quite odd... the sims 2 newspapers need to improve their obituary service!

Thank you for your great comments, I loved reading them :D Sooo glad you're back simming as well :D :D :D
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 01/10/21

Post by Vooogerbits »

Hey everyone! Chapter 2.5 is here :) This one has some updates from the extended spare family in particular. Join me again soon for Chapter 2.6 which has a loooot of twists and turns.
I hope you're all very well!
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 01/10/21

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nooboostar wrote:Oh man, it's been a long time since I checked this thread. So sorry, Voo, but yay for a new chapter! I'm glad you enjoyed your time with the fam, and yes I'm feeling so much better thank you for asking. Hope you had a lovely new year, by the way. :hug:

Yes, exactly, too many babies! But I also love that added challenge/difficulty lol. It did feel like Savma was pretty much stuck in uni, but I guess that's because TS2 doesn't have story progression or something similar like later Sims releases. Oh speaking of, how's the new story progression mod going? Do you have any idea, because I haven't checked for updates in a while? And yeah, I'm surprised how easy it is to get the fishing/gardening badges. Mootilda's Hood Checker is definitely a life saver, and also I can't wait to see all the paintings you put up around the house. :D

Yup, I meant that nekkid Sinimak shot hahaha. Awww, Dudy is a cute troublemaker to be fair. Playing with PlantSims is one of the game features I haven't explored yet or hardly played with so I'm definitely going to do that at some point. Also, I'll have to check out that extra wishes mod. Thanks for letting me know. And yeah I find it hilarious when a Sim kicks the bucket and someone calls to speak to them literally not even a few minutes later. :haha:

Okay, now to comment on the chapter! :P
I will never get tired of Preeti's animated expressions, to be honest. She's such a cutie patootie! Also, I know updating the family tree each time is probably exhausting for you but I just want to say I really appreciate the refresher. Without it, I'd be forgetting every other Sim's name as well as who is or isn't currently in the main household. *sheepish grin*

Oh dear, another bab on the way? I'm both excited and worried for Sinimak. I don't think it'll be too bad though since, if I remember correctly, you don't have the trips and quads mod right? LOL the picture of Preeti and Iccha playing while there's a fire in the background made me ugly laugh because it was so unexpected. Yay for Mutu's child birthday! Have I mentioned that I absolutely love his alien coloring? It's so out-of-this-world and ethereal! Awww, the college updates were super cute, but yikes at Savma growing up into her late mother's dress. That's not creepy and depressing at all! :roll:

I have to say the wedding picture was so cute, but it also made me realize how quick the L'Amour family is growing already. Also, I love that each age group has an assigned formal outfit. I think it's adorable. You know who else I think is adorable? Yauna and Dila! *glomps*
Looking forward to the next update as usual, Voo! Can't wait to read about all the dramatic twists and turns. :grin:
Hey Nooboo! Man, same! It's really nice to come back every now and again to see your messages :D

It's good to hear you're feeling better :) I hope you're having a good new year too?

I am still feeling the 'too many babies' thing- but as you say, I grumble but it's a fun challenge really ;) Keeping up with them all as adults gets difficult though. Hopefully story progression can take care of some of that for me. There hasn't been an update on the story progression mod for a while (unless I'm looking in the wrong place lol) but I still haven't played around a great deal with the latest update. My biggest issue was teens going to college before I wanted them too, that was all. I'm hoping it'll be worth using as it sure does cut down time spent on cycling through the legacy neighbourhood! And yes, I'm thinking of getting a slower badge mod or something. My sims have long lifespans which gives them badges super early. Ah yeah, the paintings! I just played through a chapter's worth of the legacy house and I meant to get someone started on Tap's portrait but it was too crazy busy :')

Ah yeah, sorry about that nekkid shot- I obvs try to avoid anything overly explicit but the lack of blurriness alone is quite startling XD I'm liking Dudy! Yeah plantsims can get a little boring tbh, but I have a child/teen plantsim mod that I'm keen to try out. Let me know if you play around with plantsims! And yes, I highly recommend the extra wishes mod. Omg the calling thing gets me every time 'So and so isn't here? I'll call back later' like please don't...

I love Preeti's face, she never disappoints XD Ah that's good to hear about the tree! It's getting really wide but it helps me to keep track as well. When reading sim stories I like to have it straight in my head who's who :')

I don't have the trips and quads mod at the moment, no! Thank goodness. Can you believe it, anothe risky woohoo baby! Thanks ACR :'D I'm glad you think Mutu and the babs are cute! :3 And omg yes it was a maaaaajor yikes when Savma grew up into that dress shortly after Eloise died D: D: D:

The family is growing so fast D: Phillip has a literal boatload of grandkids and I'm sure there'll be more. Haha I do like to organise the wedding photos with the outfits and everything. It's nice to have control over it :D

It was super super nice to read your message as always Nooboo! Stay happy and well <3
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 01/10/21

Post by Vooogerbits »

Hello hello! I hope you are having a very happy new year and are staying safe and well. Chapter 2.6 is up, and it is a *dramatic* one... at the end, I need your advice, so do leave a comment with your opinion. :D
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 15/02/22

Post by Calamity Jade »

The tree on fire is a graphics glitch, hence why nobody pays it any mind. It does make for some hilarious photo-ops!

Mutu's and Dila's custom tones are so pretty.

Savma's choice of transition outfit is just :O She already is the spitting image of Eloise, but yes the second outfit suits her much better.

The wedding photo shoot is great too, just shows how quickly the L'Amours are expanding!

I totally feel you with RL being too busy for simming/other hobbies. Alas, priorities come first and I always end up coming back to this game one way or another. ^^

Uh-oh...Dila...that is NOT good at all. I've had infants who looked like toddlers but were treated as babies, but I don't think I've ever seen the reverse.

RIP Havas, that More Dangerous Sickness mod does not kid around. And then Mutu :( thank goodness he was able to be saved. I'm surprised that the social worker hadn't come for them prior to collapsing.

And then...Mutu dies again?! This kid is incredibly unlucky. Of course having only one heir puts you on edge, then again any more new kids and you'll have a LOT on your plate. So I think the best option would be to try to keep Mutu alive(as much as Grim keeps wanting to take him to the netherworld :fisty: ) At least the extended family has significantly less tension and drama.

And I can't wait to see how Iccha looks as a child. Was a missed opportunity by Maxis to provide different plantsim lifestages.
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 15/02/22

Post by Ani-Mei »

Just finished the first generation. It would help a lot if you put all the links on the first page so people like me who are blind and miss stuff, can find it. I have to start the second generation if I can find the start of the 2.1 chapters. But I have been reading, stalked your BC for Soymek too. Makes me miss Sims 2...but my chair hurts me to sit at my desk so I can't play it, it's only on my desktop and not in the mood to fight W10 to get it to work on my laptop. Anyway, off I go to find the first of the second chapters in the replies on the thread.
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 15/02/22

Post by Vooogerbits »

Calamity Jade wrote:
The tree on fire is a graphics glitch, hence why nobody pays it any mind. It does make for some hilarious photo-ops!

Mutu's and Dila's custom tones are so pretty.

Savma's choice of transition outfit is just :O She already is the spitting image of Eloise, but yes the second outfit suits her much better.

The wedding photo shoot is great too, just shows how quickly the L'Amours are expanding!

I totally feel you with RL being too busy for simming/other hobbies. Alas, priorities come first and I always end up coming back to this game one way or another. ^^

Uh-oh...Dila...that is NOT good at all. I've had infants who looked like toddlers but were treated as babies, but I don't think I've ever seen the reverse.

RIP Havas, that More Dangerous Sickness mod does not kid around. And then Mutu :( thank goodness he was able to be saved. I'm surprised that the social worker hadn't come for them prior to collapsing.

And then...Mutu dies again?! This kid is incredibly unlucky. Of course having only one heir puts you on edge, then again any more new kids and you'll have a LOT on your plate. So I think the best option would be to try to keep Mutu alive(as much as Grim keeps wanting to take him to the netherworld :fisty: ) At least the extended family has significantly less tension and drama.

And I can't wait to see how Iccha looks as a child. Was a missed opportunity by Maxis to provide different plantsim lifestages.
Hey Calamity Jade! :wave: Thanks for your reply!

I can't believe I haven't come across the tree fire glitch before XD That sort of thing doesn't bother me luckily, and as you say- funny photos come from it so :shrug:

I still love those blue alien skintones too <3 and yes, I wish I'd started writing stories as a teen when I had lots of time D: Sims 2 is so special though, I'll always come back :)

I realised I got rid of the kid plantsim mod to fix what was wrong with Dila lol... then got it back again to sort Iccha out.

That sickness mod does not kid around, you're right XD I've got some social worker mod in place where she doesn't come except for extreme cases, I think. Though I had a child burn to death the other day and there was no sign of her. That's pretty extreme, but I guess how would she know about it? :')

Thank you for your advice!! I am tempted by the challenge of more kids but it would be cool to know now who the heir is going to be.

Thanks for your message again; and I hope you're doing well :D
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 15/02/22

Post by Vooogerbits »

Ani-Mei wrote:
Just finished the first generation. It would help a lot if you put all the links on the first page so people like me who are blind and miss stuff, can find it. I have to start the second generation if I can find the start of the 2.1 chapters. But I have been reading, stalked your BC for Soymek too. Makes me miss Sims 2...but my chair hurts me to sit at my desk so I can't play it, it's only on my desktop and not in the mood to fight W10 to get it to work on my laptop. Anyway, off I go to find the first of the second chapters in the replies on the thread.
Hi Ani-Mei! That's a really good suggestion; I'll put all the links on that first page. You can navigate I think pretty clearly on my wordpress site but it is still a good suggestion, thanks :) Thank you for reading, and so much! I feel like I should know what BC stands for but I don't... and I don't think you mean 'before Christ' here aha. My sims are definitely not biblical.

Sorry to hear about your chair and lack of sims! If it helps, I recently changed to using a different laptop to play on which was also windows 10 and it worked straight away, like a dream. I also had to fight a lot previously so I was extremely pleasantly surprised. Maybe it's worth giving a go when you have the mental energy. I also recently downloaded the windows 11 update and it still works no problem.

Thanks again for your reply! :slaphappy:
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Re: The L'Amour Legacy- updated 15/02/22

Post by Ani-Mei »

Bachelor Challenge (BC). And yeah, I do miss Sims 2. I might if I can, I still think it will be giving me issues.
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